javaScriptMain=""" //" var Selection; var Coords; var Arrows; var Red; var Img; var state, p1, p2; // fixing Array.push if (! Array.prototype.push) { Array.prototype.push = function(val) { this[this.length] = val; } } function Init() { Selection = -1; state = 0; Coords = new Array(); Red = new getObj("red"); Img = new getObj("overview"); installHandlers(); } function calcX(obj) { if (!obj) { obj = this.obj }; var curleft = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { while (obj.offsetParent) { curleft += obj.offsetLeft; obj = obj.offsetParent; }; } else if (obj.x) { curleft += obj.x; }; return curleft; } function calcY(obj) { if (!obj) { obj = this.obj }; var curtop = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { while (obj.offsetParent) { curtop += obj.offsetTop; obj = obj.offsetParent; }; } else if (obj.y) { curtop += obj.y; }; return curtop; } function getObj(name) { if (document.getElementById) { this.obj = document.getElementById(name); = document.getElementById(name).style; } else if (document.all) { this.obj = document.all[name]; = document.all[name].style; } else if (document.layers) { this.obj = document.layers[name]; = document.layers[name]; }; this.getX = calcX; this.getY = calcY; this.x = this.getX(); this.y = this.getY(); this.w = this.obj.offsetWidth; this.h = this.obj.offsetHeight; this.area = this.w * this.h; } function ShowRedFrame(spot, img, fx, fy, fw, fh) { with ( { left = img.x + fx * img.w; top = img.y + fy * img.h; width = fw * img.w; height = fh * img.h; visibility = 'visible'; }; } function ShowArrow(spot, img, fx, fy, fw, fh) { with ( { left = img.x + fx * img.w - 0.5 * width; top = img.y + fy * img.h - 0.5 * height; //width = fw * img.w; //height = fh * img.h; visibility = 'visible'; }; } function NoRedFrame(spot) { with ( { left = 0; top = 0; width = 0; height = 0; visibility = 'hidden'; }; } function Point(event) { var x, y; if (event) { // Netscape x = parseInt(event.pageX); y = parseInt(event.pageY); } else { // IE4 x = parseInt(window.event.clientX); y = parseInt(window.event.clientY); } this.pageX = x; this.pageY = y; this.x = this.pageX - parseInt(Img.x); this.y = this.pageY - parseInt(Img.y); return this; } function DrawFrame() { with ( { left = Math.min(p1.x, p2.x) + Img.x; top = Math.min(p1.y, p2.y) + Img.y; width = Math.abs(p1.x - p2.x); height = Math.abs(p1.y - p2.y); visibility = 'visible'; }; } function CoordsStr() { var imW = Img.w; var imH = Img.h; var cx = Math.min(p1.x, p2.x)/imW; var cy = Math.min(p1.y, p2.y)/imH; var cw = Math.abs(p1.x - p2.x)/imW; var ch = Math.abs(p1.y - p2.y)/imH; return ( cx.toFixed(4) + ',' + cy.toFixed(4) + ',' + cw.toFixed(4) + ',' + ch.toFixed(4) ); } function Move(event) { p2 = new Point(event); DrawFrame(); } function Click(event) { if (state == 0) { state = 1; p1 = new Point(event); p2 = p1; red_div.obj.addEventListener("mousemove", Move, true); Img.obj.addEventListener("mousemove", Move, true); } else { state = 0; p2 = new Point(event); red_div.obj.removeEventListener("mousemove", Move, true); Img.obj.removeEventListener("mousemove", Move, true); } DrawFrame(); document.form.coordstr.value = CoordsStr(); } function Coord(name, element, cx, cy, cw, ch) { // berechnet aus DIGLIB Koordinaten (0.0 - 1.0) Pixel-Koordinaten relativ zum tag "element" var OW = element.obj.offsetWidth; var OH = element.obj.offsetHeight; this.element = element; = new getObj(name); this.linkname = name; this.linkstyle =; = cx; = cy; = cw; = ch; this.x = cx * OW; this.y = cy * OH; this.w = cw * OW; this.h = ch * OH; this.area = this.h * this.w; return this; } function inCoords(coord, p) { // liegt Punkt "p" im Rechteckfeld "coord"? with (coord) { return ( (p.x >= x) && (p.y >= y) && (p.x <= x + w) && (p.y <= y + h)); }; } function Highlight(coords, nr, high) { // selektiert/delektiert Rechteckfeld und Link im Array "coords", Index "nr" if (nr == -1) { NoRedFrame(Red); return }; with (coords[nr]) { if (high) { ShowRedFrame(Red, element, cx, cy, cw, ch); linkstyle.backgroundColor = '#f08080'; } else { linkstyle.backgroundColor = ''; }; }; } function getCoords(event, element, coords) { // "mousemove" event handler; berechnet kleinstes Rechteckfeld unter dem Mauszeiger // setzt "Selection" als Index in das Array "coords" var p = new Point(event, element); var AR = element.area; var i = 0; Highlight(coords, Selection, false); // unselect last index Selection = -1; while (i < coords.length) { var coord = coords[i]; if (inCoords(coord, p)) { var ar = coord.area; if (ar < AR) { AR = ar; Selection = i }; } i += 1; }; Highlight(coords, Selection, true); // select new index } function Link() { // Datensatz des selektierten Rechteckfelds in den Browser laden if (Selection != -1) { window.location.href = Coords[Selection].linkname; }; } function onMouseMove(event) { getCoords(event, Img, Coords); } function getElement(name) { var e; if (document.getElementById) { e = document.getElementById(name); } else if (document.all) { e = document.all[name]; } else if (document.layers) { e = document.layers[name]; }; return e; } function highlightImg(name, highlight) { var e = getElement(name); //alert("highlight: "+e+" = "+highlight); if (highlight) { e.border = 2; } else { e.border = 0; } } function highlightPair(name, highlight) { var img = getElement("i."+name); var link = getElement(name); if (highlight) { img.border = 1; = '#f08080'; } else { img.border = 0; = ''; } } """ javaHandler=""" function installHandlers() { %s if (Img.obj.addEventListener) { // event handler fuer Img installieren Img.obj.addEventListener("mousemove", onMouseMove, true); Img.obj.addEventListener("mousedown", Link, true); // event handler fuer Red installieren Red.obj.addEventListener("mousemove", onMouseMove, true); Red.obj.addEventListener("mousedown", Link, true); } else { //Img.obj.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); Img.obj.onmousemove = onMouseMove; //Red.obj.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); Red.obj.onmousemove = onMouseMove; } }; """