Annotation of ECHO_content/js/baselib.js, revision 1.2

1.1       casties     1: /* Copyright (C) 2003,2004 IT-Group MPIWG, WTWG Uni Bern and others
                      3: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
                      4: modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
                      5: as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
                      6: of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
                      8: This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
                      9: but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
                     11: GNU General Public License for more details.
                     13: You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
                     14: along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
                     15: Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA
                     17: Authors: 
                     18:   Christian Luginbuehl, 01.05.2003 (first version)
                     19:   DW 24.03.2004 (Changed for digiLib in Zope)
1.2     ! casties    20:   Robert Casties, 11.9.2007
1.1       casties    21: 
                     22: */
                     24: function base_init() {
1.2     ! casties    25:     // init function
        !            26:     baseScriptVersion = "1.2.2";
        !            27:     dlParams = new Object();
        !            28:     browserType = getBrowserType();
1.1       casties    29: }
                     32: function getInt(n) {
                     33:     // returns always an integer
                     34:     n = parseInt(n);
                     35:     if (isNaN(n)) return 0;
                     36:     return n;
                     37: }
                     39: function defined(x) {
                     40:     // returns if x is defined
                     41:     return (typeof arguments[0] != "undefined");
                     42: }
                     44: function cropFloat(x) {
                     45:     // auxiliary function to crop senseless precision
                     46:     return parseInt(10000*x)/10000;
                     47: }
                     49: function getBrowserType() {
                     50:     // browser sniffer
                     51:     var bt = Object();
                     52:     bt.doDHTML = false;
                     53:     bt.versIE = 0;
                     55:     if ((! document.cssonly && document.layers) || document.all || document.getElementById) {
1.2     ! casties    56:         var vers = navigator.appVersion.split('MSIE ');
        !            57:         vers = vers[vers.length - 1];
        !            58:         bt.versIE = getInt(vers);
        !            59:         bt.isIE = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') >= 0;
        !            60:         bt.isMac = navigator.platform.indexOf('Mac') >= 0;
        !            61:         bt.isWin = navigator.platform.indexOf('Win') >= 0;
        !            62:         bt.isN4 = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mozilla/4.') >= 0) && ! bt.isIE;
        !            63:         bt.isIEWin = bt.versIE > 0 && bt.isWin;
        !            64:         if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE') < 0 || ! bt.isMac || bt.versIE >= 5) {
        !            65:             bt.doDHTML = true;
        !            66:             bt.isOpera = navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' Opera ') >= 0;
        !            67:             bt.isKonq = navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' Konqueror') >= 0;
        !            68:         }
1.1       casties    69:     }
                     70:     return bt;
                     71: }
                     73: // fixes for javascript < 1.2
                     74: if (! Array.prototype.push) {
                     75:     Array.prototype.push = function(val) {
1.2     ! casties    76:         this[this.length] = val;
        !            77:         return this.length;
1.1       casties    78:     }
                     79:     Array.prototype.pop = function() {
1.2     ! casties    80:         var val = this[this.length-1];
        !            81:         this.length -= 1;
        !            82:         return val;
1.1       casties    83:     }
                     84: }
                     87: /* **********************************************
                     88:  *     geometry classes
                     89:  * ******************************************** */
                     91: /*
                     92:  * Size class
                     93:  */
                     94: function Size(w, h) {
                     95:     this.width = parseFloat(w);
                     96:     this.height = parseFloat(h);
                     97:     return this;
                     98: }
                     99: Size.prototype.toString = function() {
                    100:     return this.width + "x" + this.height;
                    101: }
                    104: /*
                    105:  * Position class
                    106:  */
                    107: function Position(x, y) {
                    108:     this.x = parseFloat(x);
                    109:     this.y = parseFloat(y);
                    110:     return this;
                    111: }
                    112: Position.prototype.toString = function() {
                    113:     return this.x + "," + this.y;
                    114: }
                    116: /*
                    117:  * Rectangle class
                    118:  */
                    119: function Rectangle(x, y, w, h) {
                    120:     this.x = parseFloat(x);
                    121:     this.y = parseFloat(y);
                    122:     this.width = parseFloat(w);
                    123:     this.height = parseFloat(h);
                    124:     return this;
                    125: }
                    126: Rectangle.prototype.toString = function() {
                    127:     return this.width+"x"+this.height+"@"+this.x+","+this.y;
                    128: }
                    129: Rectangle.prototype.copy = function() {
                    130:     // returns a copy of this Rectangle
                    131:     return new Rectangle(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
                    132: }
                    133: Rectangle.prototype.getPosition = function() {
                    134:     // returns the position of this Rectangle
                    135:     return new Position(this.x, this.y);
                    136: }
                    137: Rectangle.prototype.getSize = function() {
                    138:     // returns the size of this Rectangle
                    139:     return new Size(this.width, this.height);
                    140: }
                    141: Rectangle.prototype.getArea = function() {
                    142:     // returns the area of this Rectangle
                    143:     return (this.width * this.height);
                    144: }
                    145: Rectangle.prototype.containsPosition = function(pos) {
                    146:     // returns if the given Position lies in this Rectangle
                    147:     return ((pos.x >= this.x)&&(pos.y >= this.y)&&(pos.x <= this.x+this.width)&&(pos.y <= this.y+this.width));
                    148: }
                    149: Rectangle.prototype.intersect = function(rect) {
                    150:     // returns the intersection of the given Rectangle and this one
                    151:     var sec = rect.copy();
                    152:     if (sec.x < this.x) {
1.2     ! casties   153:         sec.width = sec.width - (this.x - sec.x);
        !           154:         sec.x = this.x;
1.1       casties   155:     }
                    156:     if (sec.y < this.y) {
1.2     ! casties   157:         sec.height = sec.height - (this.y - sec.y);
        !           158:         sec.y = this.y;
1.1       casties   159:     }
                    160:     if (sec.x + sec.width > this.x + this.width) {
1.2     ! casties   161:         sec.width = (this.x + this.width) - sec.x;
1.1       casties   162:     }
                    163:     if (sec.y + sec.height > this.y + this.height) {
1.2     ! casties   164:         sec.height = (this.y + this.height) - sec.y;
1.1       casties   165:     }
                    166:     return sec;
                    167: }
                    168: = function(rect) {
                    169:     // returns a Rectangle that fits into this one (by moving first)
                    170:     var sec = rect.copy();
                    171:     sec.x = Math.max(sec.x, this.x);
                    172:     sec.x = Math.max(sec.x, this.x);
                    173:     if (sec.x + sec.width > this.x + this.width) {
1.2     ! casties   174:         sec.x = this.x + this.width - sec.width;
1.1       casties   175:     }
                    176:     if (sec.y + sec.height > this.y + this.height) {
1.2     ! casties   177:         sec.y = this.y + this.height - sec.height;
1.1       casties   178:     }
                    179:     return sec.intersect(this);
                    180: }
                    182: /*
                    183:  * Transform class
                    184:  *
                    185:  * defines a class of affine transformations
                    186:  */
                    187: function Transform() {
                    188:     this.m00 = 1.0;
                    189:     this.m01 = 0.0;
                    190:     this.m02 = 0.0;
                    191:     this.m10 = 0.0;
                    192:     this.m11 = 1.0;
                    193:     this.m12 = 0.0;
                    194:     this.m20 = 0.0;
                    195:     this.m21 = 0.0;
                    196:     this.m22 = 1.0;
                    197:     return this;
                    198: }
                    199: Transform.prototype.concat = function(traf) {
                    200:     // add Transform traf to this Transform
                    201:     for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1.2     ! casties   202:         for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
        !           203:             var c = 0.0;
        !           204:             for (var k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
        !           205:                 c += traf["m"+i+k] * this["m"+k+j];
        !           206:             }
        !           207:             this["m"+i+j] = c;
        !           208:         }
1.1       casties   209:     }
                    210:     return this;
                    211: }
                    212: Transform.prototype.transform = function(rect) {
                    213:     // returns transformed Rectangle or Position with this Transform applied
                    214:     var x = this.m00 * rect.x + this.m01 * rect.y + this.m02;
                    215:     var y = this.m10 * rect.x + this.m11 * rect.y + this.m12;
                    216:     if (rect.width) {
1.2     ! casties   217:         var width = this.m00 * rect.width + this.m01 * rect.height;
        !           218:         var height = this.m10 * rect.width + this.m11 * rect.height;
        !           219:         return new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
1.1       casties   220:     }
                    221:     return new Position(x, y);
                    222: }
                    223: Transform.prototype.invtransform = function(pos) {
                    224:     // returns transformed Position pos with the inverse of this Transform applied
                    225:     var det = this.m00 * this.m11 - this.m01 * this.m10;
                    226:     var x = (this.m11 * pos.x - this.m01 * pos.y - this.m11 * this.m02 + this.m01 * this.m12) / det;
                    227:     var y = (- this.m10 * pos.x + this.m00 * pos.y + this.m10 * this.m02 - this.m00 * this.m12) / det;
                    228:     return new Position(x, y);
                    229: }
                    230: function getRotation(angle, pos) {
                    231:     // returns a Transform that is a rotation by angle degrees around [pos.x, pos.y]
                    232:     var traf = new Transform();
                    233:     if (angle != 0) {
1.2     ! casties   234:         var t = 2.0 * Math.PI * parseFloat(angle) / 360.0;
        !           235:         traf.m00 = Math.cos(t);
        !           236:         traf.m01 = - Math.sin(t);
        !           237:         traf.m10 = Math.sin(t);
        !           238:         traf.m11 = Math.cos(t);
        !           239:         traf.m02 = pos.x - pos.x * Math.cos(t) + pos.y * Math.sin(t);
        !           240:         traf.m12 = pos.y - pos.x * Math.sin(t) - pos.y * Math.cos(t);
1.1       casties   241:     }
                    242:     return traf;
                    243: }
                    244: function getTranslation(pos) {
                    245:     // returns a Transform that is a translation by [pos.x, pos,y]
                    246:     var traf = new Transform();
                    247:     traf.m02 = pos.x;
                    248:     traf.m12 = pos.y;
                    249:     return traf;
                    250: }
                    251: function getScale(size) {
                    252:     // returns a Transform that is a scale by [size.width, size.height]
                    253:     var traf = new Transform();
                    254:     traf.m00 = size.width;
                    255:     traf.m11 = size.height;
                    256:     return traf;
                    257: }
                    260: /* **********************************************
                    261:  *     parameter routines
                    262:  * ******************************************** */
                    264: function newParameter(name, defaultValue, detail) {
                    265:     // create a new parameter with a name and a default value
                    266:     if (defined(dlParams[name])) {
1.2     ! casties   267:         alert("Fatal: An object with name '" + name + "' already exists - cannot recreate!");
        !           268:         return false;
1.1       casties   269:     } else {
1.2     ! casties   270:         dlParams[name] = new Object();
        !           271:         dlParams[name].defaultValue = defaultValue;
        !           272:         dlParams[name].hasValue = false;
        !           273:         dlParams[name].value = defaultValue;
        !           274:         dlParams[name].detail = detail;
        !           275:         return dlParams[name];
1.1       casties   276:     }
                    277: }
                    279: function getParameter(name) {
                    280:     // returns the named parameter value or its default value
                    281:     if (defined(dlParams[name])) {
1.2     ! casties   282:         if (dlParams[name].hasValue) {
        !           283:             return dlParams[name].value;
        !           284:         } else {
        !           285:             return dlParams[name].defaultValue;
        !           286:         }
1.1       casties   287:     } else {
1.2     ! casties   288:         return null;
1.1       casties   289:     }
                    290: }
1.2     ! casties   292: function setParameter(name, value, relative) {
        !           293:     // sets parameter value (relative values with +/- unless literal)
1.1       casties   294:     if (defined(dlParams[name])) {
1.2     ! casties   295:        if ((relative)&&(value.slice)) {
        !           296:            var sign = value.slice(0,1);
        !           297:            if (sign == '+') {
        !           298:                dlParams[name].value = parseFloat(dlParams[name].value) + parseFloat(value.slice(1));
        !           299:            } else if (sign == '-') {
        !           300:                dlParams[name].value = parseFloat(dlParams[name].value) - parseFloat(value.slice(1));
        !           301:            } else {
        !           302:                dlParams[name].value = value;
        !           303:            }
        !           304:        } else {
        !           305:            dlParams[name].value = value;
        !           306:        }
        !           307:         dlParams[name].hasValue = true;
        !           308:         return true;
1.1       casties   309:     }
                    310:     return false;
                    311: }
                    313: function hasParameter(name) {
                    314:     // returns if the parameter's value has been set
                    315:     if (defined(dlParams[name])) {
1.2     ! casties   316:         return dlParams[name].hasValue;
1.1       casties   317:     }
                    318:     return false;
                    319: }
                    321: function getAllParameters(detail) {
                    322:     // returns a string of all parameters in query format
                    323:     if (! detail) {
1.2     ! casties   324:         detail = 255;
1.1       casties   325:     }
                    326:     var params = new Array();
1.2     ! casties   327:     for (param in dlParams) {
        !           328:         if (((dlParams[param].detail & detail) > 0)&&(dlParams[param].hasValue)) {
        !           329:             var val = getParameter(param);
        !           330:             if (val != "") {
        !           331:                 params.push(param + "=" + val);
        !           332:             }
        !           333:         }
1.1       casties   334:     }
                    335:     return params.join("&");
                    336: }
                    338: function parseParameters(query) {
                    339:     // gets parameter values from query format string
                    340:     var params = query.split("&");
                    341:     for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
1.2     ! casties   342:         var keyval = params[i].split("=");
        !           343:         if (keyval.length == 2) {
        !           344:             setParameter(keyval[0], keyval[1]);
        !           345:         }
1.1       casties   346:     }
                    347: }
                    350: /* **********************************************
                    351:  *     HTML/DOM routines
                    352:  * ******************************************** */
                    354: function getElement(tagid, quiet) {
                    355:     // returns the element object with the id tagid
                    356:     var e;
                    357:     if (document.getElementById) {
1.2     ! casties   358:         e = document.getElementById(tagid);
1.1       casties   359:     } else if (document.all) {
1.2     ! casties   360:         alert("document.all!");
        !           361:         e = document.all[tagid];
1.1       casties   362:     } else if (document.layers) {
                    363:         e = document.layers[tagid];
                    364:     } 
                    365:     if (e) {
1.2     ! casties   366:         return e;
1.1       casties   367:     } else {
1.2     ! casties   368:         if (! quiet) {
        !           369:             alert("unable to find element: "+tagid);
        !           370:         }
        !           371:         return null;
1.1       casties   372:     }
                    373: }
                    375: function getElementPosition(elem) {
                    376:     // returns a Position with the position of the element
                    377:     var x = 0;
                    378:     var y = 0;
1.2     ! casties   379:     if (elem.offsetParent) {
        !           380:         // use .offsetLeft for most browsers
        !           381:         var e = elem;
        !           382:         while (e) {
        !           383:             if (browserType.isIE) {
        !           384:                 if (browserType.isMac) {
        !           385:                     // IE for Mac extraspecial
        !           386:                     if (e.offsetParent.tagName == "BODY") {
        !           387:                         x += e.clientLeft;
        !           388:                         y += e.clientTop;
        !           389:                         break;
        !           390:                     }
        !           391:                 } else {
        !           392:                     // special for IE
        !           393:                     if ((e.tagName != "TABLE") && (e.tagName != "BODY")) {
        !           394:                         x += e.clientLeft;
        !           395:                         y += e.clientTop;
        !           396:                     }
        !           397:                 }
        !           398:             }
        !           399:             x += e.offsetLeft;
        !           400:             y += e.offsetTop;
        !           401:             e = e.offsetParent;
        !           402:         }
        !           403:     } else if (defined(elem.x)) {
        !           404:         // use .x for other (which?)
        !           405:         x = elem.x;
        !           406:         y = elem.y;
1.1       casties   407:     } else if (defined(elem.pageX)) {
1.2     ! casties   408:         // use pageX for N4
        !           409:         x = elem.pageX;
        !           410:         y = elem.pageY;
1.1       casties   411:     } else {
1.2     ! casties   412:         alert("unable to get position of "+elem+" (id:"")");
1.1       casties   413:     }
                    414:     return new Position(getInt(x), getInt(y));
                    415: }
                    417: function getElementSize(elem) {
                    418:     // returns a Rectangle with the size of the element
                    419:     var width = 0;
                    420:     var height = 0;
                    421:     if (defined(elem.offsetWidth)) {
1.2     ! casties   422:         width = elem.offsetWidth;
        !           423:         height = elem.offsetHeight;
1.1       casties   424:     } else if (defined(elem.width)) {
1.2     ! casties   425:         width = elem.width;
        !           426:         height = elem.height;
1.1       casties   427:     } else if (defined(elem.clip.width)) {
1.2     ! casties   428:         width = elem.clip.width;
        !           429:         height = elem.clip.height;
1.1       casties   430:     } else {
1.2     ! casties   431:         alert("unable to get size of "+elem+" (id:"")");
1.1       casties   432:     }
                    433:     return new Size(getInt(width), getInt(height));
                    434: }
                    436: function getElementRect(elem) {
                    437:     // returns a Rectangle with the size and position of the element
                    438:     var pos = getElementPosition(elem);
                    439:     var size = getElementSize(elem);
                    440:     return new Rectangle(pos.x, pos.y, size.width, size.height);
                    441: }
                    443: function moveElement(elem, rect) {
                    444:     // moves and sizes the element
                    445:     if ( {
1.2     ! casties   446:         if (defined(rect.x)) {
        !           447:    = Math.round(rect.x) + "px";
        !           448:    = Math.round(rect.y) + "px";
        !           449:         }
        !           450:         if (defined(rect.width)) {
        !           451:    = Math.round(rect.width) + "px";
        !           452:    = Math.round(rect.height) + "px";
        !           453:         }
1.1       casties   454:     } else if (document.layers) {
1.2     ! casties   455:         if (defined(rect.x)) {
        !           456:             elem.pageX = getInt(rect.x);
        !           457:             elem.pageY = getInt(rect.y);
        !           458:         }
        !           459:         if (defined(rect.width)) {
        !           460:             elem.clip.width = getInt(rect.width);
        !           461:             elem.clip.height = getInt(rect.height);
        !           462:         }
1.1       casties   463:     } else {
1.2     ! casties   464:         alert("moveelement: no style nor layer property!");
        !           465:         return false;
1.1       casties   466:     }
                    467:     return true;
                    468: }
                    470: function showElement(elem, show) {
                    471:     // shows or hides the element
                    472:     if ( {
1.2     ! casties   473:         if (show) {
        !           474:    = "visible";
        !           475:         } else {
        !           476:    = "hidden";
        !           477:         }
1.1       casties   478:     } else if (defined(elem.visibility)) {
1.2     ! casties   479:         if (show) {
        !           480:             elem.visibility = "show";
        !           481:         } else {
        !           482:             elem.visibility = "hide";
        !           483:         }
1.1       casties   484:     } else {
1.2     ! casties   485:         alert("showelement: no style nor layer property!");
1.1       casties   486:     }
                    487:     return true;
                    488: }
1.2     ! casties   490: function isElementVisible(elem) {
        !           491:     // returns of the is shown or hidden
        !           492:     if ( {
        !           493:         return ( == "visible");
        !           494:     } else if (defined(elem.visibility)) {
        !           495:         return (elem.visibility == "show");
        !           496:     } else {
        !           497:         alert("iselementvisible: no style nor layer property!");
        !           498:     }
        !           499: }
        !           500: 
1.1       casties   501: function evtPosition(evt) {
                    502:     // returns the on-screen Position of the Event 
                    503:     var x;
                    504:     var y;
                    505:     evt = (evt) ? evt : window.event;
                    506:     if (!evt) {
1.2     ! casties   507:         alert("no event found! "+evt);
        !           508:         return;
1.1       casties   509:     }
                    510:     if (defined(evt.pageX)) {
1.2     ! casties   511:         x = parseInt(evt.pageX);
        !           512:         y = parseInt(evt.pageY);
1.1       casties   513:     } else if (defined(evt.clientX)) {
1.2     ! casties   514:         x = parseInt(document.body.scrollLeft+evt.clientX);
        !           515:         y = parseInt(document.body.scrollTop+evt.clientY);
1.1       casties   516:     } else {
1.2     ! casties   517:         alert("evtPosition: don't know how to deal with "+evt);
1.1       casties   518:     }
                    519:     return new Position(x, y);
                    520: }
                    522: function registerEvent(type, elem, handler) {
                    523:     // register the given event handler on the indicated element
                    524:     if (elem.addEventListener) {
1.2     ! casties   525:         elem.addEventListener(type, handler, false);
1.1       casties   526:     } else {
1.2     ! casties   527:         if (type == "mousedown") {
        !           528:             if (elem.captureEvents) {
        !           529:                 elem.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);
        !           530:             }
        !           531:             elem.onmousedown = handler;
        !           532:         } else if (type == "mouseup") {
        !           533:             if (elem.captureEvents) {
        !           534:                 elem.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEUP);
        !           535:             }
        !           536:             elem.onmouseup = handler;
        !           537:         } else if (type == "mousemove") {
        !           538:             if (elem.captureEvents) {
        !           539:                 elem.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);
        !           540:             }
        !           541:             elem.onmousemove = handler;
        !           542:         } else if (type == "keypress") {
        !           543:             if (elem.captureEvents) {
        !           544:                 elem.captureEvents(Event.KEYPRESS);
        !           545:             }
        !           546:             elem.onkeypress = handler;
        !           547:         } else {
        !           548:             alert("registerEvent: unknown event type "+type);
        !           549:             return false;
        !           550:         }
1.1       casties   551:     }
                    552:     return true;
                    553: }
                    555: function unregisterEvent(type, elem, handler) {
                    556:     // unregister the given event handler from the indicated element
                    557:     if (elem.removeEventListener) {
1.2     ! casties   558:         elem.removeEventListener(type, handler, false);
1.1       casties   559:     } else {
1.2     ! casties   560:         if (type == "mousedown") {
        !           561:             if (elem.releaseEvents) {
        !           562:                 elem.releaseEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);
        !           563:             }
        !           564:             elem.onmousedown = null;
        !           565:         } else if (type == "mouseup") {
        !           566:             if (elem.releaseEvents) {
        !           567:                 elem.releaseEvents(Event.MOUSEUP);
        !           568:             }
        !           569:             elem.onmouseup = null;
        !           570:         } else if (type == "mousemove") {
        !           571:             if (elem.releaseEvents) {
        !           572:                 elem.releaseEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);
        !           573:             }
        !           574:             elem.onmousemove = null;
        !           575:         } else if (type == "keypress") {
        !           576:             if (elem.releaseEvents) {
        !           577:                 elem.releaseEvents(Event.KEYPRESS);
        !           578:             }
        !           579:             elem.onkeypress = null;
        !           580:         } else {
        !           581:             alert("unregisterEvent: unknown event type "+type);
        !           582:             return false;
        !           583:         }
1.1       casties   584:     }
                    585:     return true;
                    586: }
                    589: // old registerXXYY API for compatibility
                    590: function registerMouseDown(elem, handler) {
                    591:     return registerEvent("mousedown", elem, handler);
                    592: }
                    593: function unregisterMouseDown(elem, handler) {
                    594:     return unregisterEvent("mousedown", elem, handler);
                    595: }
                    596: function registerMouseMove(elem, handler) {
                    597:     return registerEvent("mousemove", elem, handler);
                    598: }
                    599: function unregisterMouseMove(elem, handler) {
                    600:     return unregisterEvent("mousemove", elem, handler);
                    601: }
                    602: function registerKeyDown(handler) {
                    603:     return registerEvent("keypress", elem, handler);
                    604: }
                    607: function getWinSize() {
                    608:     // returns a Size with the current window size (mostly from
                    609:     var wsize = new Size(100, 100);
                    610:     if (defined(self.innerHeight))  {
1.2     ! casties   611:         // all except Explorer
        !           612:         if ((self.innerWidth == 0)||(self.innerHeight == 0)) {
        !           613:             // Safari 1.2 bug
        !           614:             if (parent) {
        !           615:                 parent.innerHeight;
        !           616:                 parent.innerWidth;
        !           617:             }
        !           618:         }
        !           619:         wsize.width = self.innerWidth;
        !           620:         wsize.height = self.innerHeight;
1.1       casties   621:     } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) {
1.2     ! casties   622:         // Explorer 6 Strict Mode
        !           623:         wsize.width = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
        !           624:         wsize.height = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
1.1       casties   625:     } else if (document.body) {
1.2     ! casties   626:         // other Explorers
        !           627:         wsize.width = document.body.clientWidth;
        !           628:         wsize.height = document.body.clientHeight;
1.1       casties   629:     }
                    630:     return wsize;
                    631: }
                    633: function openWin(url, name, params) {
                    634:     // open browser window
                    635:     var ow =, name, params);
                    636:     ow.focus();
                    637: }

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