/* Copyright (C) 2004 itgroup MPIWG This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA Authors: ROC 6.5.2004 */ var hlAreas = new Object(); var hlTrafos = new Object(); // Area class function Area(id, target_id, a_x, a_y, a_w, a_h, type) { this.id = id; this.target_id = target_id; this.rect = new Rectangle(a_x, a_y, a_w, a_h); this.type = type; this.pxarea = 0; return this; } function addArea(id, target_id, a_x, a_y, a_w, a_h, type) { hlAreas[id] = new Area(id, target_id, a_x, a_y, a_w, a_h, type); } function parseTrafo(target_id) { // returns Transform for given target picsize var picsize = getElementRect(getElement(target_id)); var trafo = new Transform(); // subtract area offset and size //trafo.concat(getTranslation(new Position(-dlArea.x, -dlArea.y))); //trafo.concat(getScale(new Size(1/dlArea.width, 1/dlArea.height))); // scale to screen size trafo.concat(getScale(picsize)); trafo.concat(getTranslation(picsize)); return trafo; } function placeAreas() { // positions all area-images var maxsize = 0; for (var a in hlAreas) { var area = hlAreas[a]; var trafo = hlTrafos[area.target_id]; if (trafo) { var rect = trafo.transform(area.rect); area.pxarea = rect.getArea(); maxsize = Math.max(maxsize, area.pxarea); var img = getElement("i."+area.id); if (area.type == "arrow") { var pos = rect.getPosition(); var isize = getElementSize(img); pos.x += rect.width * 0.5 - isize.width * 0.5; pos.y += rect.height * 0.5 - isize.height * 0.5; moveElement(img, pos); if (img.layers) { // N4 grow layer for border img.resizeBy(2,2); } } else { if (img.layers) { // N4 size transparent image for area var li = img.document.images[0]; li.width = rect.width; li.height = rect.height; } moveElement(img, rect); if (browserType.isIEWin) { highlightPair(area.id, false); } } } } // add z-index (largest value for smallest area) for (a in hlAreas) { area = hlAreas[a]; var elem = getElement("i."+area.id); if (elem.style) { elem.style.zIndex = getInt(maxsize - area.pxarea); } else if (elem.layers) { elem.zIndex = getInt(maxsize - area.pxarea); } } } function highlightPair(id, highlight) { // hightlights or unhighlights the link and image of id //alert("highlightpair: "+id+" "+highlight); var area = hlAreas[id]; var img = getElement("i."+id); var link = getElement("a."+id); if (highlight) { if (link.style) { link.style.backgroundColor = "#f08080"; } else if (link.layers) { link.bgColor = "#f08080"; } if (area.type == "arrow") { if (img.style) { img.style.borderStyle = "solid"; } else if (img.layers) { img.bgColor = "#0000ff"; } } else if (area.type == "area") { if (img.style) { img.style.background = "url(area_img)"; } else if (img.layers) { img.background.src = "area_img"; } } } else { if (link.style) { link.style.backgroundColor = ""; } else if (link.layers) { link.bgColor = null; } if (area.type == "arrow") { if (img.style) { img.style.borderStyle = "none"; } else if (img.layers) { img.bgColor = null; } } else if (area.type == "area") { if (img.style) { img.style.background = "url(trans_img)"; } else if (img.layers) { img.background.src = null; } } } } function init() { hlTrafos["overview"] = parseTrafo("overview"); placeAreas(); return null; } function showcoordsN4() { var s = ""; for (var l in document.layers) { if (l == "length") continue; e = document.layers[l]; if (e) { s += " [" + e.name + "]: pageX:" + e.pageX + " pageY:" + e.pageY + " width:" + e.clip.width + " height:" + e.clip.height + " visibility:" + e.visibility + " zindex:" + e.zIndex + "
\n"; } else { s += " {" + l + "}
\n"; } } return s; }