Annotation of ECHO_content/vlp/library_template.zpt, revision 1.7

1.1       dwinter     1: <html metal:use-macro="here/main_template/macros/page">
                      2:   <head>
                      3:     <title tal:content="here/title">lit25146 a0001</title>
                      4:     <tal:block metal:fill-slot="script">
1.7     ! casties     5:       <script type="text/javascript" tal:replace="structure here/zogilib/createHeadJS"></script>
1.1       dwinter     6:       <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
                      7:    <!--
                      8:        function formgo(box)
                      9:        {
                     10:        //[box.selectedIndex].value, "_top")
                     11:        if ((-1 < box.selectedIndex) && (box.options[box.selectedIndex].value != "nil"))
                     12:        {
                     13:        val = box.options[box.selectedIndex].value;
                     14:, "_top");
                     15:        }
                     16:        return true;
                     17:        }
                     18:        // -->
                     19:       </script>
                     20:     </tal:block>
                     21:    </head>
1.2       dwinter    23: <table metal:fill-slot="subnav" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="8" width="80">
1.1       dwinter    24:     <tr>
1.2       dwinter    25:       <td bgcolor="#d6d6cc" valign="top">
1.1       dwinter    26:    <!-- bibliographic data and link to transcription -->
                     27:    <p tal:content="structure here/title">Aeby, Chr. 1883. Schema des Faserverlaufes im menschlichen Gehirn und Rueckenmark. Bern: Verlag der J. Dalp'schen Buchhandlung (K. Schmid) </p>
                     29:    <!-- page navigation -->
                     30:    <p><br><br><br>
                     31:      <form>
1.7     ! casties    32:        <select size="1" onchange="formgo(this)" style="background-color:#d7d7cc">
1.1       dwinter    33:          <tal:block tal:omit-tag="" tal:repeat="page here/readIndexFile">
                     34:        <option tal:condition="python:here.REQUEST.get('pn')==page[0]" selected tal:attributes="value python:here.REQUEST['URL']+'?pn='+page[0]" tal:content="python:page[1]"/>
                     35:        <option tal:condition="not:python:here.REQUEST.get('pn')==page[0]" tal:attributes="value python:here.REQUEST['URL']+'?pn='+page[0]" tal:content="python:page[1]"/>
                     36:          </tal:block>
                     37:        </select>
                     38:     </form>
1.2       dwinter    39:      <table width="80" class="navigDigilib" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="8">
1.1       dwinter    40:        
                     41:        <tr class="small">
                     42:          <td tal:content="structure here/firstPage"/>
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                     48:        </table>
1.2       dwinter    49:    </td>
1.1       dwinter    50:        <!-- image -->
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                     52:       </table>
1.7     ! casties    54: <body onload="dl_init()" tal:define="dummy python:here.zogilib.storeQuery('fn=/permanent/vlp/'+here.resourceID+'/'+here.imagePath)" bgcolor="#e6e6e6" alink="#000000" vlink="#000000" link="#000000" text="#000000">
1.1       dwinter    55: <div id="navigation">
                     56:   <tal:block metal:fill-slot="body">
1.7     ! casties    57:   <form method="get" action="setParams">
1.3       casties    58:    <select onchange="setDLParam(event, this)" name="ws">
1.1       dwinter    59:      <option value="1" selected>Size</option>
1.3       casties    60:      <option tal:attributes="value python:here.zogilib.getBiggerWS()">bigger</option>
                     61:      <option tal:attributes="value python:here.zogilib.getSmallerWS()">smaller</option>
1.1       dwinter    62:      <option value="1">1 x</option>
                     63:      <option value="2">2 x</option>
                     64:      <option value="3">3 x</option>
                     65:    </select>
1.3       casties    66:    <a href="javascript:setMark()">set a mark</a>
                     67:    <a href="javascript:getRef(1)">get the reference</a>
1.7     ! casties    68:    <a tal:attributes="href python:'javascript:openWin(\''+here.REQUEST['URL1']+'/zogilib/optionwindow\',\'Options\',\'width=300,height=250\')'">options</a>
1.1       dwinter    69: </form>
1.7     ! casties    70: <div tal:define="dummy python:here.zogilib.storeQuery('fn=/permanent/vlp/'+here.resourceID+'/'+here.imagePath)" tal:omit-tag=""/>
        !            71: <div tal:replace="structure python:here.zogilib.createScalerImg(None, 20)"/>
1.6       casties    72: <div tal:replace="structure here/zogilib/createAuxDiv"/>
1.1       dwinter    73: 
                     74: </tal:block> <!-- end fill-slot body-->
                     75: </body>
                     76: </html>                                                      

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