Annotation of ECHO_content/vlp/library_transcriptionTemplate.zpt, revision 1.5

1.1       dwinter     1: <html metal:use-macro="here/main_template/macros/page">
                      2:   <head>
1.3       dwinter     3:    <title tal:content="here/title">VL Literature [lit25146 a0001]</title>
                      5:     <!-- SLOT: additional stylesheet -->
                      6:    <style metal:fill-slot="additionalStyles" type="text/css">
                      8:        /* background colors d7d7d7*/
                      9:        .vario { background-color: #B8C0CB; }
                     10:        .stage, .stageSpacer, .stageNav  {background-color:#e6e6e6;}
                     12:        /* navigation in vario area */
                     13:        .liseNav td,.menu p, .liseNav a, select {
                     14:            font-family: verdana;
                     15:            font-weight: normal;
                     16:            font-size: 10px;
                     17:        }
                     18:        .liseNav {color: #777;}
                     19:        .liseNav a {color: #333; text-decoration:underline;}
                     20:        .liseNav a:hover {color: white;}
                     22:        select.pageMenu {width:120px; background-color:#d7d7d7}
                     24:    </style>
                     26:     <!-- SLOT: additional scripts-->
                     27:     <tal:block metal:fill-slot="script">
                     28:       <tal:block tal:define="dummy python:here.zogilib.storeQuery('fn=/permanent/vlp/'+here.resourceID+'/'+here.imagePath)"/>
                     29:        <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
                     30:        <!--
                     31:        function formgo(box) {
                     32:            if ((-1 < box.selectedIndex) && (box.options[box.selectedIndex].value != "nil")) {
                     33:                val = box.options[box.selectedIndex].value;
                     34:      , "_top");
                     35:            }
                     36:            return true;
                     37:        }
                     38:        // -->
                     39:        </script>
                     40:    </tal:block>
1.2       dwinter    43:   
1.1       dwinter    44:    </head>
1.3       dwinter    46: <tal:block  metal:fill-slot="nav">
                     47:        <!-- new search -->
                     48:    <p><a style="text-decoration:underline;" href="../library/search"
                     49:            tal:attributes="href">New Search</a><br><br></p>
1.1       dwinter    51:    <!-- bibliographic data and link to transcription -->
1.3       dwinter    52:    <p tal:define="
                     53:        id python:here.getId();
                     54:        lit python:here.ZSQLSimpleSearch('
                     55:            SELECT fullreference 
                     56:            FROM vl_literature 
                     57:            WHERE reference = \'' + id + '\'')[0]" 
1.4       dwinter    58:        tal:content="python:lit.fullreference">Aeby, Chr. 1883. Schema des 
1.3       dwinter    59:        Faserverlaufes im menschlichen Gehirn und Rueckenmark. Bern: Verlag der 
                     60:        J. Dalp'schen Buchhandlung (K. Schmid)</p>
                     62:        <p>[<a tal:attributes="href python: '/library/download.php?litID=' + here.getId()">download as PDF file</a>]</p>
1.1       dwinter    63:         
                     64:    <!-- page navigation -->
1.3       dwinter    65:    <p><br><br>
1.1       dwinter    66:      <form>
                     67:        <select size="1" onchange="formgo(this)" style="background-color:#d7d7cc">
                     68:          <tal:block tal:omit-tag="" tal:repeat="page here/readIndexFile">
                     69:        <option tal:condition="python:here.REQUEST.get('pn')==page[0]" selected tal:attributes="value python:here.REQUEST['URL']+'?pn='+page[0]" tal:content="python:page[1]"/>
                     70:        <option tal:condition="not:python:here.REQUEST.get('pn')==page[0]" tal:attributes="value python:here.REQUEST['URL']+'?pn='+page[0]" tal:content="python:page[1]"/>
                     71:          </tal:block>
                     72:        </select>
                     73:     </form>
1.3       dwinter    74:      <table width="80" class="liseNav" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="8">
1.1       dwinter    75:        
1.3       dwinter    76:        <tr>
1.1       dwinter    77:          <td tal:content="structure here/firstPage"/>
                     78:          <td tal:content="structure here/prevPage"/>
                     79:          <td tal:content="structure here/nextPage"/>
                     80:          <td tal:content="structure here/lastPage"/>
                     81:       </tr>
1.2       dwinter    82:       <!--<tr colspan="4">
1.1       dwinter    83:         <td tal:content="structure python:here.fulltext.getPage(here.REQUEST.get('pn','1'))"/>
1.2       dwinter    84:       </tr>-->
1.1       dwinter    85:        </table>
1.3       dwinter    86:       </tal:block>
1.1       dwinter    87: 
1.2       dwinter    88: <body>
1.1       dwinter    89: <div id="navigation">
1.2       dwinter    90:   <tal:block metal:fill-slot="body">
1.4       dwinter    91:   
1.2       dwinter    92:         <b><a tal:attributes="href python:here.REQUEST['URL1']+'?'+here.REQUEST['QUERY_STRING']">facsimile</a></b>
                     93:         <b><a tal:attributes="href python:'../zogilib?fn=/permanent/vlp/'+here.getId()+'/pagesHi&pn='+here.REQUEST.get('pn','1')" target='_blank'>image</a></b>
1.5     ! dwinter    94:         <span tal:replace="structure python:here.fulltext.getPage(here.REQUEST.get('pn','1'))"/>
1.1       dwinter    95: </tal:block> <!-- end fill-slot body-->
                     96: </body>
                     97: </html>                                                      

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