Annotation of ExtFile/doc-1.1/README.txt, revision

1.1       dwinter     1: ExtFile/ExtImage Product, Version 1.1.x
                      2: Copyright (c) 2001 Gregor Heine ( All rights reserved.
                      3: ExtFile Home:
                      6: =============================
                      7: Contents
                      8: =============================
                     10: 1. Product Description
                     11: 2. Requirements
                     12: 3. Installation Instructions
                     13: 4. Usage
                     14:    4.1. Creation of an ExtFile/ExtImage object
                     15:    4.2. Public methods ('View' permission)
                     16:    4.3. Management methods
                     17:    4.4. The 'Download ExtFile/ExtImage' permission
                     18: 5. Additional settings
                     19:    5.1. Directory structure 
                     20:    5.2. Filename generation
                     21:    5.3. Undo handling
                     22: 6. Method appendix
                     23:    6.1. ExtFile/ExtImage public methods
                     24:    6.2. Additional public methods for ExtImage
                     25: 7. Supported image formats
                     28: =============================
                     29: 1. Product Description
                     30: =============================
                     32: The ExtFile Product stores large files in an external file-repository and is 
                     33: able to display icons for different MIME-Types. 
                     34: The ExtImage Product additionally creates preview-thumbnails from various 
                     35: images and displays them.
                     37: ExtFile and ExtImage basically work like the Zope File and Image products. The 
                     38: difference is, that the File/Image Products stores the (binary) file inside the 
                     39: ZODB, wheras ExtFile/ExtImage stores it externally in a repository directory 
                     40: (default: <zope-dir>/var/reposit). Only meta data (like title and description) 
                     41: are stored in the Database. This prevents the Database swelling up quickly, 
                     42: when many large files are uploaded and thus increasing database performance.
                     44: And what about LocalFS? Doesn't it do the same thing?
                     45: The difference between ExtFile/ExtImage and LocalFS is that you create one 
                     46: LocalFS object to access many files, whereas you create one ExtFile object per 
                     47: file. LocalFS works like a window through which you get access to files outside 
                     48: the Database. ExtFile/ExtImage on the other hand has a one-to-one relation 
                     49: between files and objects - you create one ExtFile/ExtImage object for each 
                     50: file.
                     52: ExtFile/ExtImage has full Zope Cut/Copy/Paste and Undo Support.
                     55: =============================
                     56: 2. Requirements
                     57: =============================
                     59: Any Zope 2.x will do. (Tested with 2.1.6, 2.2.2 and 2.3.0)
                     60: The ExtImage Product requires PIL (Python Imaging Library, 
                     61: to create preview-images.
                     64: =============================
                     65: 3. Installation Instructions
                     66: =============================
                     68: Unzip the tarball in your Products directory and restart zope.
                     69: If you like to  configure the handling and structuring of the external files in 
                     70: the repository see 5. Additional settings
                     73: =============================
                     74: 4. Usage
                     75: =============================
                     77: 4.1. Creation of an ExtFile/ExtImage object
                     78: Create an instance of ExtFile or ExtImage by adding an ExtFile-item (resp. 
                     79: ExtImage) in the Zope management screen.
                     80: Choose a file (required) and enter an id, a title and a description (optional).
                     81: If no id is entered, the filename is used as id.
                     82: For ExtImage you can choose, if you do not want any preview, if ExtImage shold 
                     83: generate a preview image from the given file or if you want to specify a second
                     84: file, which is used as the preview image. In that case you can either use this 
                     85: image as it is or you can let ExtImage resize it to a different size.
                     86: If you want the preview image to be generated, you must enter its (x,y)size and 
                     87: choose, if you want to keep the aspect ratio of the image for the preview-image 
                     88: or if you want it scaled to the exact size entered.
                     89: To set an extra permission check for the download of the file, enable 
                     90: "Use 'Download ExtFile/ExtImage' permission" (see 4.4.)
                     92: 4.2. Public methods ('View' permission)
                     93: The raw file is called through the 'index_html' method, the icon by the 
                     94: 'icon_gif' method and the preview image by the 'preview' method (only available
                     95: in ExtImage). To view the meta data of a file, call the 'view' method.
                     96: For a complete list of all public methods and attributes, see 4.6. and 4.7
                     98: 4.3. Management methods
                     99: To be able to fully access and use the management methods the permissions 
                    100: 'View management screens', 'Change ExtFile/ExtImage' and 'FTP access' must be
                    101: enabled.
                    102: In the upload-tab of the management screen you can upload a new version of the 
                    103: file (or the preview in ExtImages) via local upload or http upload.
                    105: 4.4. The 'Download ExtFile/ExtImage' permission
                    106: Usually, you want everybody with the 'View' permission to be able to download
                    107: the file (or view the image) stored in an ExtFile/ExtImage object.
                    108: In some cases (e.g. commercial websites) the administrator would want to let
                    109: people with 'View' permission only to see the preview image, or the 
                    110: meta-information of the file, or an icon for it and allow only users with a 
                    111: special permission to view/download the file itself.
                    112: In these cases, enable the "Use 'Download ExtFile/ExtImage' permission" while
                    113: creating a new ExtFile/ExtImage object and set that permission for the role,
                    114: you want to give access to the file. You enable/disable this permission check
                    115: later by setting 'use_download_permission_check' in the properties tab to 
                    116: either 1 (enabled) or 0 (disbaled).
                    118: =============================
                    119: 5. Additional settings
                    120: =============================
                    122: 5.1. Directory structure 
                    123: At the moment there are three ways to structure the files in the repository.
                    124: You can switch between those modes by setting the constant 'REPOSITORY' (in 
                    125: line 69 of to the respective value.
                    126: - FLAT (default): The 'classic mode'. All files are stored in one single 
                    127:   directory which is by default var/reposit/
                    128: - SYNC_ZODB: Starting from the base repository dir (default is var/reposit) the
                    129:   file is stored in a directory that corresponds to the url of its object.
                    130:   E.g. if you add an ExtFile object in the folder spamFolder/eggsFolder, the 
                    131:   file goes to var/reposit/spamFolder/eggsFolder.
                    132:   Please note, that this does not mean, that the directory structure of the 
                    133:   repository is kept in sync with the ZODB afterwards. Renaming a parent folder 
                    134:   or moving the ExtFile object to a different folder has no effect on the files
                    135:   in the repository. They stay where they are, troughout the lifetime of the
                    136:   object.
                    137: - SLICED: The first two characters of the filename (resp. the id) determine
                    138:   in which sub-directory (starting from the base repository directory) the file 
                    139:   is stored. E.g. the file spam.txt is stored in var/reposit/s/p/, 
                    140:   eggs.txt is stored as var/reposit/e/g/.
                    141:   This gives you up to approx. 70 subdirecories in the base repository, each
                    142:   containing up to approx. 70 subdirecories in wich the files are stored.
                    144: 5.2. Filename generation
                    145: You can customize the filename of the files in the repository. A unique 
                    146: filename is generated, each time an ExtFile/ExtImage object is added. 
                    147: The format of this filename is specified by a format string stored in the
                    148: constant FILE_FORMAT in line 73 of 
                    149: It may contain the following elements:
                    150: %u - The name of the user, that adds the object.
                    151: %p - The relative-url-path of the object, separated by underscores. E.g. if you 
                    152:      add an ExtFile object in the folder spamFolder/eggsFolder, %p is expanded 
                    153:      to 'spamFolder_eggsFolder'.
                    154: %n - The name of the added file (or the id of the object), without the 
                    155:      extension. E.g. if the id is spam.txt, %n is expanded to 'spam'.
                    156: %e - The extension of the added file including the dot, e.g. '.txt'.
                    157: %c - A counter starting at 0
                    158: %t - The current date and time as a 10 digit number (mmddHHMMSS)
                    159: The format string may contain any of the first four elements and must contain
                    160: one of the two last elements (counter or time). The last two elements are used
                    161: to generate a unique filename, simply by increasing the value as long as a file
                    162: with that name already exists.
                    163: Examples:
                    164: %n%c%e     -> spam.txt, eggs1.txt, multiple.dots23.txt, ... (default)
                    165: %t%n%e     -> 0101000001spam.txt, 1231235959eggs.txt, ... (classic)
                    166: %n(%u)%c%e -> spam(gregor).txt, eggs(a_user)100.txt, ...
                    167: %p_%n%c%e  -> folder1_folder2_spam.txt, folderA_folderB_eggs1.txt, ...
                    169: 5.3. Undo handling
                    170: To be able to support Zope's undo functionality, the external file is not 
                    171: deleted, when the object is deleted in the Zope management interface, but it is 
                    172: renamed to 'filename.undo'.
                    173: You can set a 'level of undo' which determines in wich cases the external file 
                    174: is overwritten/deleted or renamed to '.undo'.
                    175: The constant UNDO_POLICY in line 75 of can be set to one of the 
                    176: following values:
                    177: - NO_BACKUPS: ExtFile/ExtImage never makes '.undo' files. If you delete an 
                    178:   object, the file in the repository is deleted aswell, if you upload a new 
                    179:   version of the file, the old version is overwritten. In this case an undo
                    180:   of a deleted object causes a broken ExtFile object because the external file
                    181:   doen't exist any more. (This option has been removed, because it produced 
                    182:   broken objects after a cut/paste or rename operation.)
                    183: - BACKUP_ON_DELETE (default): When an object is deleted, the external file is
                    184:   renamed to '<filename>.undo'. This guarantees, that objects always have a 
                    185:   valid reference to a file in the repository even if they are deleted this
                    186:   transaction is undo'ed afterwards. But if you update the file with a new 
                    187:   version, the old version is overwritten and even if the update operation is
                    188:   undo'ed, the object still references the new version of the file.
                    189: - ALWAYS_BACKUP: On every transaction that alters the external file, a backup
                    190:   of the original file is left in the repository. So if you upload a new
                    191:   version and then undo this transaction the object references the old version
                    192:   of the file again. On the other hand, this can lead to unreferenced non-undo
                    193:   files in the repository.
                    194: You should occasionally (e.g. when packing the ZODB) delete the '.undo' files 
                    195: in the repository directory (default: var/reposit).
                    196: Thou it is possible to upload a new version of the file, this is only 
                    197: recommended, when you want to update the file with a new version. Don't use the 
                    198: upload function to replace the file with a completely different one, because 
                    199: the id of the objects remains the same. 
                    201: =============================
                    202: 6. Method appendix
                    203: =============================
                    205: 6.1. ExtFile/ExtImage public methods
                    207:   - index_html(): 
                    208:     Returns the (binary) file
                    210:   - icon_gif(), index_html(icon=1): 
                    211:     Returns the icon for the file's MIME-Type
                    213:   - link(text=self.title_or_id, **args): 
                    214:     Return a HTML link tag to the file: <a href="link/to/object">text</a>, 
                    215:     **args are all other parameters for the <a> tag.
                    217:   - icon_html(): 
                    218:     HTML '<img>' tag wrapper around icon_gif with a link to index_html:
                    219:     <a href="link/to/object"><img src="link/to/object/icon_gif"></a>
                    221:   - is_broken(): 
                    222:     Returns true if external file is 'broken', otherwise 1 
                    223:     (this can happen, when a file in the repository direcory was accidentially 
                    224:     deleted or a database undo was performed, after the .undo file was deleted)
                    226:   - getContentType: 
                    227:     Returns the MIME-Type of the file.
                    229:   - rawsize(), get_size(), getSize(): 
                    230:     returns the size of the file in bytes.
                    232:   - size():
                    233:     returns a 'stringified' filesize (e.g. '1.23 MB')
                    235: 6.2. Additional public methods for ExtImage
                    237:   - preview(), index_html(preview=1): 
                    238:     Returns the binary preview image.
                    240:   - tag(preview=0, height=None, width=None, alt=None, scale=0, xscale=0, 
                    241:     yscale=0, border="0", **args): 
                    242:     Generate an HTML IMG tag for this image, with customization. Arguments to 
                    243:     tag() can be any valid attributes of an IMG tag.'src' is always the 
                    244:     absolute pathname of the object. 'preview' is either 0 for the image or 1 
                    245:     for the preview. Defaults are applied intelligently for 'height', 'width', 
                    246:     and 'alt'. If specified, the 'scale', 'xscale', and 'yscale' keyword 
                    247:     arguments will be used to automatically adjust the output height and width 
                    248:     values of the image tag. **args are all other parameters for the <img> tag.
                    250:   - preview_html(): 
                    251:     Same as tag(preview=1)
                    253:   - width(), height(), prev_width(), prev_height():
                    254:     The dimensions (in pixel) of the image or the preview.
                    256:   - prev_rawsize(), prev_size():
                    257:     Same methods for the preview as for the image.
                    259:   - is_webviewable(): 
                    260:     Returns 1 if the image is viewable in a webbrowser (gif, jpeg or png), 
                    261:     otherwise 0
                    264: =============================
                    265: 7. Supported image formats
                    266: =============================
                    268: The ExtImage product can create a preview from the image you upload. To be able
                    269: to do this, it requires Python Imaging Library (PIL) installed and working.
                    270: Depending on your PIL configuration most common image file formats are 
                    271: supported. In short: every image file format that can be read by your PIL 
                    272: installation can be used by ExtImage to create preview images.
                    273: These are (to name the most common): BMP, GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PCX, PNG, PSD
                    274: The preview image is always created in the JPEG format.

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