/* * Convert.java -- Converter class - Filemaker to SQL Converter * Copyright (C) 2003 Robert Gordesch (rogo@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de) * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. Please read license.txt for the full details. A copy of * the GPL may be found at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html You should * have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this * program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Created on 15.09.2003 by * rogo */ import java.awt.Cursor; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.net.URL; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Types; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; import com.exploringxml.xml.Node; import com.exploringxml.xml.Xparse; class Convert { /**Helper class for index creation * @author rogo * */ public static class IndexList extends Vector { public String toString() { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(1000); int count = 0; for (Iterator iter = this.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String element = (String) iter.next(); if (count < elementCount - 1) { buff.append(element).append(", "); count++; } else buff.append(element); } return buff.toString(); } } static DBBean bean = new DBBean(); static DBBean beanDest = new DBBean(); static String user = "", passwd = "e1nste1n"; static String userDest = "postgres", passwdDest = "rogo"; static boolean batchRun = false; static Vector databases = new Vector(); final static int numHits = 5000; final static int numIntervalls = 2; static boolean debug = false; public static void main(String args[]) { /* try { //byte[] b = "ö".getBytes("UTF-8"); // System.out.println("QueryString " +b[0]+" "+b[1]+(new String(b).getBytes()[0])+" "+new String(b).getBytes()[1]); //System.out.println(new String(b,"UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }*/ FileOutputStream file = null; if (args.length != 1) { System.out.println("Usage: java Convert "); System.exit(-1); } try { file = new FileOutputStream("./log.txt"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } PrintStream stream = new PrintStream(file,false); if(!debug) { System.setOut(stream); System.setErr(stream); } readXMLFile(args[0]); if (!(new File(args[0]).exists())) System.exit(0); System.out.println("Finished!"); //convert("jdbc:fmpro:","jdbc:postgresql://erebos/test",null,null); } public static void convertBatch(DBBean source, DBBean destination, Vector names, Vector layouts, Vector selects, Vector creates, Vector ids, int mode, String delimiter) throws Exception { bean = source; beanDest = destination; convert(null, null, names, layouts, selects, creates, ids, mode, delimiter); if (true) return; StringBuffer command = null; try { bean.setConnection(source.url); if (names == null) names = bean.getTableNames(); //Collections.sort(names); int tbIndex = 1; for (tbIndex = 0; tbIndex < names.size(); ++tbIndex) { Vector[] result = null; try { String query = "select * from " + bean.getQC() + names.get(tbIndex).toString() + bean.getQC(); String layout = (layouts.isEmpty()) ? "" : layouts.get(tbIndex).toString(); query = (selects != null) ? selects.get(tbIndex).toString() : query; //if vectors[1].get(i) != null) if (!layout.equals("")) { System.out.println("before " + query + " table" + names.get(tbIndex)); layout = " layout " + bean.getQC() + layout + bean.getQC(); String name = names.get(tbIndex).toString(); StringBuffer queryLayout = new StringBuffer(query); queryLayout.insert(queryLayout.indexOf(name) + name.length() + 1, " " + layout); query = queryLayout.toString(); System.out.println("added layout " + query); } System.out.println(" performing query " + query); //result = bean.getQueryData(query, null, 0); bean.getConnection(); bean.makeQuery(query, 0); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); continue; } //beanDest.setConnection("jdbc:postgresql://erebos/test3"); beanDest.setConnection(destination.url); Statement stm = beanDest.getConnection().createStatement(); Vector tables = beanDest.getTableNames(); // Collections.sort(tables); System.out.println("converting table " + names.get(tbIndex) + " " + tables.indexOf(convertText((String) names.get(tbIndex)))); // "//beanDest.getTypeNames()); tables = beanDest.getTableNames(); // System.out.println(beanDest.getTableNames(beanDest.getCatalogs().get(2).toString())); stm = beanDest.getConnection().createStatement(); // System.exit(0); if (mode == Convert.DataBase.CONVERT_MODE) { if (tables.indexOf(names.get(tbIndex)) >= 0) { stm.executeUpdate("drop table " + beanDest.getQC() + names.get(tbIndex) + beanDest.getQC()); tables.remove((String) names.get(tbIndex)); System.out.println("dropped table " + names.get(tbIndex)); } else if (tables.indexOf(convertText(names.get(tbIndex).toString())) >= 0) { stm.executeUpdate("drop table " + beanDest.getQC() + convertText((String) names.get(tbIndex)) + beanDest.getQC()); tables.remove(convertText((String) names.get(tbIndex))); System.out.println("dropped table " + names.get(tbIndex)); } if (tables.indexOf(names.get(tbIndex)) < 0 && tables.indexOf(convertText(names.get(tbIndex).toString())) < 0) { if (creates.get(tbIndex).equals("") || creates.get(tbIndex).toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("create") < 0) { System.out.println("Warning empty or invalid create statement - creating one for you\n"); command = new StringBuffer(50); command.append("CREATE TABLE "); command.append(beanDest.getQC()); command.append(convertText((String) names.get(tbIndex))); command.append(beanDest.getQC()); command.append("("); String type = null; Vector columnNames = bean.getColumnNames(); for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.size() - 1; ++i) { type = bean.metaData.getColumnTypeName(i + 1); // System.out.println(i+" "+result[1].get(i)+" "+type); type = (type.equals("NUMBER")) ? "INT4" : type; type = (type.equals("CONTAINER")) ? "TEXT" : type; command.append(beanDest.getQC() + convertText((String) columnNames.get(i)) + beanDest.getQC() + " " + type + ", "); } type = bean.metaData.getColumnTypeName(columnNames.size()); type = (type.equals("NUMBER")) ? "INT4" : type; type = (type.equals("CONTAINER")) ? "TEXT" : type; command.append(beanDest.getQC() + convertText((String) columnNames.get(columnNames.size() - 1)) + beanDest.getQC() + " " + type); command.append(" )"); } else command = new StringBuffer().append(creates.get(tbIndex).toString()); System.out.println(command); // System.exit(0); //command.append(DBBean.getQC()); stm.executeUpdate(command.toString()); } } Vector row = null; command = new StringBuffer(); command.append("INSERT INTO "); command.append(beanDest.getQC()); command.append(convertText((String) names.get(tbIndex))); command.append(beanDest.getQC()); command.append(" values ( "); for (int i = 0; i < bean.getColumnNames().size() - 1; ++i) command.append("?,"); command.append("?)"); PreparedStatement pstm = beanDest.getConnection().prepareStatement(command.toString()); System.out.println(command); while ((row = bean.getNextRow()) != null) { //print rows Object obj = null; for (int k = 0; k < row.size(); ++k) { obj = row.get(k); if (obj instanceof ArrayList) obj = formatFileMakerArray((List) obj, "\n"); String str = (obj == null) ? "NULL" : obj.toString(); if (!str.equals("NULL")) pstm.setString(k + 1, str); else pstm.setNull(k + 1, Types.NULL); } pstm.execute(); } // to for loop } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error while connecting to database " + e); //dialog.setVisible(false); //dialog.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); //FM2SQL.fmInstance.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream b = new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream(); java.io.PrintStream stream = new java.io.PrintStream(b); stream.print(command + "\n\n"); e.printStackTrace(stream); System.err.println(b); //FM2SQL.showErrorDialog(b.toString(), "Error occured !"); } // dialog.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); //FM2SQL.fmInstance.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); // dialog.setVisible(false); } public static String formatFileMakerArray(List list, String delimiter) { StringBuffer formattedString = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { formattedString.append(list.get(i).toString()); if (i < list.size() - 1) formattedString.append(delimiter); } return formattedString.toString(); } /** * Method for SQL UPDATE * @param source * @param destination * @param names * @param layouts * @param selects * @param creates * @param ids * @param mode * @throws Exception */ public static void update(String source, String destination, Vector names, Vector layouts, Vector selects, Vector creates, Vector ids, int mode) throws Exception { FM2SQL.ProgressDialog dialog = null; if (FM2SQL.fmInstance != null) { dialog = new FM2SQL.ProgressDialog(FM2SQL.fmInstance, bean); dialog.setTitle("Conversion running ..."); dialog.title.setText("Getting table data ..."); dialog.setLocation(FM2SQL.fmInstance.getLocationOnScreen().x + (FM2SQL.fmInstance.getWidth() - 400) / 2, FM2SQL.fmInstance.getLocationOnScreen().y + (FM2SQL.fmInstance.getHeight() - 250) / 2); dialog.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); FM2SQL.fmInstance.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); dialog.thread = Thread.currentThread(); } // setting user and passwd bean.setUserAndPasswd(user, passwd); // setting user and passwd beanDest.setUserAndPasswd(userDest, passwdDest); if (dialog != null) dialog.setSize(400, 250); StringBuffer command = null; String query = null; try { //bean.setConnection("jdbc:fmpro:"); //bean.setConnection("jdbc:postgresql://erebos/test","postgres","rogo"); bean.setConnection(source); if (names == null) names = bean.getTableNames(); // Collections.sort(names); int tbIndex = 1; // System.out.println("Start at "+names.indexOf("archimedes_facsimiles")); for (tbIndex = 0; tbIndex < names.size(); ++tbIndex) { Vector[] result = null; String destTableName = ""; try { query = "select * from " + bean.getQC() + names.get(tbIndex).toString() + bean.getQC(); String layout = (layouts.isEmpty()) ? "" : layouts.get(tbIndex).toString(); query = (selects != null) ? selects.get(tbIndex).toString() : query; //if vectors[1].get(i) != null) if (layout != "") { layout = " layout " + bean.getQC() + layout + bean.getQC(); String name = names.get(tbIndex).toString(); StringBuffer queryLayout = new StringBuffer(query); queryLayout.insert(queryLayout.indexOf(name) + name.length() + 1, " " + layout); query = queryLayout.toString(); System.out.println("added layout " + query); } dialog.title.setText("Getting table data ..."); dialog.table.setText(names.get(tbIndex).toString()); dialog.status.setText("Table " + (tbIndex + 1) + " of " + names.size()); dialog.show(); bean.getConnection(); bean.makeQuery(query, 0); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } // determine destTableName from createStatement or from source table name if (!creates.get(tbIndex).equals("")) { String create = creates.get(tbIndex).toString().toLowerCase(); int fromIndex = create.indexOf("table") + 5; int toIndex = create.indexOf("("); destTableName = create.substring(fromIndex, toIndex).replaceAll(beanDest.getQC(), "").trim(); System.out.println("destTable " + destTableName); } else destTableName = convertText(names.get(tbIndex).toString()); //beanDest.setConnection("jdbc:postgresql://erebos/test3"); beanDest.setConnection(destination); Statement stm = beanDest.getConnection().createStatement(); Vector tables = beanDest.getTableNames(); // Collections.sort(tables); System.out.println(names.get(tbIndex) + " " + tables.indexOf(convertText((String) names.get(tbIndex)))); // "//beanDest.getTypeNames()); tables = beanDest.getTableNames(); // System.out.println(beanDest.getTableNames(beanDest.getCatalogs().get(2).toString())); stm = beanDest.getConnection().createStatement(); // System.exit(0); if (dialog != null) dialog.title.setText("Updating table data ..."); int j = -1; Vector row = null; command = new StringBuffer(); command.append("UPDATE "); command.append(beanDest.getQC()); command.append(destTableName); //command.append(convertText((String) names.get(tbIndex))); command.append(beanDest.getQC()); command.append(" SET "); int size = bean.getColumnNames().size(); for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; ++i) command.append(beanDest.getQC() + convertText((String) bean.getColumnNames().get(i)) + beanDest.getQC() + " = ? ,"); command.append(convertText((String) bean.getColumnNames().get(size - 1)) + " = ? "); command.append("WHERE " + convertText(ids.get(tbIndex).toString()) + " = ?"); PreparedStatement pstm = beanDest.getConnection().prepareStatement(command.toString()); System.out.println(command + " " + tbIndex); int rowCount = bean.getRowCount(query); int idIndex = bean.getColumnNames().indexOf(ids.get(tbIndex)); while ((row = bean.getNextRow()) != null) { j++; //print rows Object obj = null; /* for(int k=0;k= 0) { stm.executeUpdate("drop table " + beanDest.getQC() + destTableName + beanDest.getQC()); tables.remove(destTableName); System.out.println("dropped table" + destTableName); } /* if(destTableName.equals("")) if (tables.indexOf(names.get(tbIndex)) >= 0) { stm.executeUpdate("drop table " + beanDest.getQC() + names.get(tbIndex) + beanDest.getQC()); tables.remove((String) names.get(tbIndex)); System.out.println("dropped table" + names.get(tbIndex)); } else if (tables.indexOf(convertText(names.get(tbIndex).toString())) >= 0) { stm.executeUpdate("drop table " + beanDest.getQC() + convertText((String) names.get(tbIndex)) + beanDest.getQC()); tables.remove(convertText((String) names.get(tbIndex))); System.out.println("dropped table" + names.get(tbIndex)); } */ if ((tables.indexOf(destTableName) < 0)) //&& tables.indexOf(names.get(tbIndex)) < 0 && tables.indexOf(convertText(names.get(tbIndex).toString())) < 0 ) { if (creates.get(tbIndex).equals("") || creates.get(tbIndex).toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("create") < 0) { System.out.println("Warning empty or invalid create statement - creating one for you\n"); command = new StringBuffer(50); command.append("CREATE TABLE "); command.append(beanDest.getQC()); command.append(convertText((String) names.get(tbIndex))); command.append(beanDest.getQC()); command.append("("); String type = null; Vector columnNames = bean.getColumnNames(); for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.size() - 1; ++i) { type = bean.metaData.getColumnTypeName(i + 1); // System.out.println(i+" "+result[1].get(i)+" "+type); type = (type.equals("NUMBER")) ? "INT4" : type; type = (type.equals("CONTAINER")) ? "TEXT" : type; command.append(beanDest.getQC() + convertText((String) columnNames.get(i)) + beanDest.getQC() + " " + type + ", "); } type = bean.metaData.getColumnTypeName(columnNames.size()); type = (type.equals("NUMBER")) ? "INT4" : type; type = (type.equals("CONTAINER")) ? "TEXT" : type; command.append(beanDest.getQC() + convertText((String) columnNames.get(columnNames.size() - 1)) + beanDest.getQC() + " " + type); command.append(" )"); // System.out.println(command); // System.exit(0); //command.append(DBBean.getQC()); } else command = new StringBuffer().append(creates.get(tbIndex).toString().toLowerCase()); stm.executeUpdate(command.toString()); } } if (dialog != null) dialog.title.setText("Writing table data ..."); // prepare the insert statement int j = -1; Vector row = null; command = new StringBuffer(); command.append("INSERT INTO "); command.append(beanDest.getQC()); command.append(destTableName); //convertText((String) names.get(tbIndex))); command.append(beanDest.getQC()); command.append(" ("); for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) { command.append(fieldNames[i]); if (i < fieldNames.length - 1) command.append(","); } command.append(") "); command.append(" values ( "); // add a question marks for every field for (int i = 0; i < bean.getColumnNames().size() - 1; ++i) command.append("?,"); command.append("?)"); PreparedStatement pstm = beanDest.getConnection().prepareStatement(command.toString()); System.out.println(command); int rowCount = (idField != "") ? myIds.size() : bean.getRowCount(query); Vector vec = new Vector(myIds); int endIndex = -1; String tempQuery = query; String tempID = bean.getQC() + idField + bean.getQC(); // if id_field not do incremental conversion else do it all at once if (!idField.equals("")) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); int counter = -1; while (true) { ++counter; if (counter == 0 && dialog != null) dialog.title.setText("Check if data is available"); else if (dialog != null) dialog.title.setText("Check if more data is available"); myIds = bean.getIDVector(ids.get(tbIndex).toString(), (String) names.get(tbIndex), tempQuery, numHits); if (myIds.isEmpty()) break; vec = new Vector(myIds); rowCount = vec.size(); System.out.println("ID LIST SIZE " + Math.round((double) myIds.size() / (double) numIntervalls) + " " + myIds.size()); deltaID = (int) Math.round((double) myIds.size() / (double) numIntervalls); if (vec.size() <= numIntervalls) { endIndex = 0; deltaID = vec.size(); } for (int k = 0; k < vec.size() - deltaID; k = k + deltaID) { System.out.println(vec.get(k) + " " + vec.get(k + deltaID) + " " + vec.lastElement()); if (query.indexOf("where") > 0) tempQuery = query + " and " + tempID + ">='" + vec.get(k) + "' and " + tempID + "<='" + vec.get(k + deltaID) + "'"; else tempQuery = query + " where " + tempID + ">='" + vec.get(k) + "' and " + tempID + "<='" + vec.get(k + deltaID) + "'"; System.out.println(tempQuery); if (dialog != null) dialog.title.setText("Reading table data ..."); bean.makeQuery(tempQuery, deltaID); if (dialog != null) dialog.title.setText("Writing table data ..."); command = writeDatainDestTable(dialog, command, k, pstm, rowCount, delimiter); endIndex = k + deltaID; } System.out.println(endIndex); //all data written ? if not write last chunk of data if (endIndex == vec.size() - 1) System.out.println("fits"); else { System.out.println(" last intervall from " + vec.get(endIndex) + " " + vec.lastElement()); if (query.indexOf("where") > 0) tempQuery = query + " and " + tempID + ">='" + vec.get(endIndex) + "' and " + tempID + "<='" + vec.lastElement() + "'"; else tempQuery = query + " where " + tempID + ">='" + vec.get(endIndex) + "' and " + tempID + "<='" + vec.lastElement() + "'"; System.out.println(tempQuery); if (dialog != null) dialog.title.setText("Reading table data ..."); bean.makeQuery(tempQuery, 0); if (dialog != null) dialog.title.setText("Writing table data ..."); command = writeDatainDestTable(dialog, command, endIndex, pstm, rowCount, delimiter); } // prepare new query for next chunk if (query.indexOf("where") > 0) tempQuery = query + " and " + tempID + ">'" + vec.lastElement() + "'"; else tempQuery = query + " where " + tempID + ">'" + vec.lastElement() + "'"; } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Time for incremental convert elapsed " + (endTime - startTime)); } else { // read and write all in one big chunk long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); bean.makeQuery(query, 0); command = writeDatainDestTable(dialog, command, j, pstm, rowCount, delimiter); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Time for old convert elapsed " + (endTime - startTime)); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error while connecting to database " + e); if (dialog != null) { dialog.setVisible(false); dialog.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); FM2SQL.fmInstance.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream b = new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream(); java.io.PrintStream stream = new java.io.PrintStream(b); stream.print(command + "\n\n"); e.printStackTrace(stream); FM2SQL.showErrorDialog(b.toString(), "Error occured !"); } else { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (dialog != null) { dialog.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); FM2SQL.fmInstance.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); dialog.setVisible(false); } } /** * Writes data to the destination table * @param dialog progress dialog * @param command * @param j data index for progress bar * @param pstm prepared statement * @param rowCount number of datasets * @return command * @throws Exception * @throws SQLException */ private static StringBuffer writeDatainDestTable(FM2SQL.ProgressDialog dialog, StringBuffer command, int j, PreparedStatement pstm, int rowCount, String delimiter) throws Exception, SQLException { Vector row; while ((row = bean.getNextRow()) != null) { j++; // row = (Vector) result[0].get(j); /* command = new StringBuffer(); command.append("INSERT INTO "); command.append(beanDest.getQC()); command.append(convertText((String) names.get(tbIndex))); command.append(beanDest.getQC()); command.append(" values ( "); */ //print rows Object obj = null; /* for(int k=0;k= 0) { alterMe.delete(index, index + 4); length = length - 4; } while (j < length) { if (alterMe.charAt(j) == ' ') { alterMe.setCharAt(j, '_'); // if(j and < in an entity (> or <) * @param newName * @return */ public static String convertToEntities(String newName) { StringBuffer alterMe = new StringBuffer(newName.trim()); int length = alterMe.length(); int j = 0; while (j < length) { if (alterMe.charAt(j) == '>') { alterMe.setCharAt(j, '&'); alterMe.insert(j + 1, "gt;"); length = length + 2; if (j < length - 1) j = j + 1; } else if (alterMe.charAt(j) == '<') { alterMe.setCharAt(j, '&'); alterMe.insert(j + 1, "lt;"); length = length + 2; if (j < length - 1) j = j + 1; } ++j; } return alterMe.toString(); } /** * Masks the single quote character '-->\' * @param newName * @return */ public static String convertUml(String newName) { StringBuffer alterMe = new StringBuffer(newName.trim()); int length = alterMe.length(); int j = 0; while (j < length) { if (alterMe.charAt(j) == '\'') { alterMe.setCharAt(j, '\\'); alterMe.insert(j + 1, "'"); length = length + 1; if (j < length - 1) j = j + 1; } /* else if (alterMe.charAt(j) == '"') { alterMe.setCharAt(j, '\\'); alterMe.insert(j + 1, "\""); length = length + 1; if(j') { alterMe.setCharAt(j, '\\'); alterMe.insert(j + 1, ">"); length = length + 1; if(j= 0 || xmlFile.indexOf("http://") >= 0) { URL url = new URL(xmlFile); stream = url.openStream(); } else // read XML Metadata from a file stream = new FileInputStream(xmlFile); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(stream, "UTF-8"); BufferedReader buffr = new BufferedReader(isr); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int c = 0; while ((c = buffr.read()) != -1) { char ch = (char) c; sb.append(ch); // System.out.print((char)c); } parseXMLConfig(sb); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Helper class for Conversion etc * Holds the some data * @author rogo * */ public static class ConversionProperties { String destTableName; String[] fieldNames; public ConversionProperties() { } public ConversionProperties(String destTableName, String[] fieldNames) { this.destTableName = destTableName; this.fieldNames = fieldNames; } } /** * Helper class for XML-File parsing * Holds the parsed data * @author rogo * */ public static class DataBase { DBBean bean; Vector creates; Vector selects; Vector layouts; Vector tables; Vector ids; String delimiter = "//"; /** * maps table name to index fields */ Hashtable htIndex = new Hashtable(); boolean useNormanToUnicodeMapper = false; final static int CONVERT_MODE = 1; final static int APPEND_MODE = 2; final static int UPDATE_MODE = 3; final static int DELETE_MODE = 4; final static int SYNCHRONIZE_MODE = 5; int mode = -1; public DataBase(DBBean bean, Vector tables, Vector layouts, Vector selects, Vector creates, Vector ids, int mode) { this.bean = bean; this.tables = tables; this.layouts = layouts; this.selects = selects; this.creates = creates; this.ids = ids; this.mode = mode; this.bean.setIDVector(ids); } /** * @param indexListVec */ public void buildIndexTable(Vector indexListVec) { for (int i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) { fillIndexList((String) tables.get(i), (String) indexListVec.get(i)); } } /** * writes the data contained in this object to the buffered writer * * @param buffr * @throws Exception */ public void exportToXML(BufferedWriter buffr) throws Exception { // ids=bean.getIDVector(); buffr.write(" \n"); buffr.write(" " + bean.url + "\n"); buffr.write(" " + bean.user + "\n"); buffr.write(" " + bean.passwd + "\n"); buffr.write(" " + delimiter + "\n"); String modeString = ""; if (mode == CONVERT_MODE) modeString = "convert"; else if (mode == APPEND_MODE) modeString = "append"; else if (mode == UPDATE_MODE) modeString = "update"; else if (mode == DELETE_MODE) modeString = "delete"; buffr.write(" " + modeString + "\n"); buffr.write(" " + useNormanToUnicodeMapper + "\n"); int index = 0; while (index < tables.size()) { String table = (String) tables.get(index); String layout = (String) layouts.get(index); String select = (String) selects.get(index); String create = (String) creates.get(index); String id = (String) ids.get(index); IndexList indexList = (IndexList) htIndex.get(table); if (indexList == null) indexList = new IndexList(); buffr.write(" \n"); buffr.write(" \n"); if (!create.equals("")) buffr.write(" " + create + " \n"); buffr.write("
\n"); index++; } buffr.write("
\n"); } public void fillIndexList(String table, String list) { IndexList indexList = new IndexList(); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(list, ","); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { indexList.add(tokenizer.nextToken()); } System.out.println(indexList); htIndex.put(table, indexList); } public String toString() { return bean.url + " " + tables; } } public static String convertToUTF8(Object command) { String str = null; try { str = new String(command.toString().getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return str; } public static void writeConfig(String file, DataBase source, DataBase destination) throws Exception { if (!file.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml")) file += ".xml"; File f = new File(file); FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(f); OutputStreamWriter outsw = new OutputStreamWriter(fout, "UTF-8"); BufferedWriter buffw = new BufferedWriter(outsw); buffw.write(""); buffw.newLine(); buffw.write("\n"); buffw.write(" \n"); source.exportToXML(buffw); buffw.write(" \n"); buffw.write("\n \n"); destination.exportToXML(buffw); buffw.write(" \n"); buffw.write("\n"); buffw.close(); } public static void delete(String source, String destination, Vector names, Vector layouts, Vector selects, Vector creates, Vector ids, int mode) throws Exception { FM2SQL.ProgressDialog dialog = null; if (FM2SQL.fmInstance != null) { dialog = new FM2SQL.ProgressDialog(FM2SQL.fmInstance, bean); dialog.setTitle("Conversion running ..."); dialog.title.setText("Getting table data ..."); dialog.setLocation(FM2SQL.fmInstance.getLocationOnScreen().x + (FM2SQL.fmInstance.getWidth() - 400) / 2, FM2SQL.fmInstance.getLocationOnScreen().y + (FM2SQL.fmInstance.getHeight() - 250) / 2); dialog.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); FM2SQL.fmInstance.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); dialog.thread = Thread.currentThread(); } // setting user and passwd bean.setUserAndPasswd(user, passwd); // setting user and passwd beanDest.setUserAndPasswd(userDest, passwdDest); if (dialog != null) dialog.setSize(400, 250); StringBuffer command = null; String query = null; try { //bean.setConnection("jdbc:fmpro:"); //bean.setConnection("jdbc:postgresql://erebos/test","postgres","rogo"); bean.setConnection(source); if (names == null) names = bean.getTableNames(); // Collections.sort(names); int tbIndex = 1; // System.out.println("Start at "+names.indexOf("archimedes_facsimiles")); for (tbIndex = 0; tbIndex < names.size(); ++tbIndex) { Vector[] result = null; java.util.TreeSet myIds = new TreeSet(); java.util.TreeSet myIdsDest = new TreeSet(); int deltaID = 1; String idField = ""; String destTableName = ""; try { query = "select * from " + bean.getQC() + names.get(tbIndex).toString() + bean.getQC(); String layout = (layouts.isEmpty()) ? "" : layouts.get(tbIndex).toString(); query = (selects != null) ? selects.get(tbIndex).toString() : query; //if vectors[1].get(i) != null) if (layout != "") { layout = " layout " + bean.getQC() + layout + bean.getQC(); String name = names.get(tbIndex).toString(); StringBuffer queryLayout = new StringBuffer(query); queryLayout.insert(queryLayout.indexOf(name) + name.length() + 1, " " + layout); query = queryLayout.toString(); System.out.println("added layout " + query); } dialog.title.setText("Getting table data ..."); dialog.table.setText(names.get(tbIndex).toString()); dialog.status.setText("Table " + (tbIndex + 1) + " of " + names.size()); dialog.show(); bean.getConnection(); bean.makeQuery(query, 50); idField = ids.get(tbIndex).toString(); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } // determine destTableName from createStatement or from source table name if (!creates.get(tbIndex).equals("")) { String create = creates.get(tbIndex).toString().toLowerCase(); int fromIndex = create.indexOf("table") + 5; int toIndex = create.indexOf("("); destTableName = create.substring(fromIndex, toIndex).replaceAll(beanDest.getQC(), "").trim(); System.out.println("destTable " + destTableName); } else destTableName = convertText(names.get(tbIndex).toString()); // for id kram Vector vec = null; Vector vecDest = null; // tempo beanDest.setConnection(destination); int rowCount = (idField != "") ? myIds.size() : bean.getRowCount(query); String tempID = bean.getQC() + idField + bean.getQC(); String tempIDdest = beanDest.getQC() + convertText(idField) + beanDest.getQC(); int endIndex = -1; String tempQuery = query; String destQuery = query.replaceAll(names.get(tbIndex).toString(), destTableName); String tempQueryDest = destQuery; // remove extra query parts destQuery.substring(0,destQuery.lastIndexOf(destTableName)+destTableName.length()+1); System.out.println("new Query " + tempQueryDest); if (!idField.equals("")) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); int counter = -1; while (true) { ++counter; if (counter == 0 && dialog != null) dialog.title.setText("Check if data is available"); else if (dialog != null) dialog.title.setText("Check if more data is available"); myIds = bean.getIDVector(ids.get(tbIndex).toString(), (String) names.get(tbIndex), tempQuery, numHits); myIdsDest = beanDest.getIDVector(convertText(idField), destTableName, tempQueryDest, numHits); if (myIds.isEmpty()) break; vec = new Vector(myIds); vecDest = new Vector(myIdsDest); rowCount = vec.size(); // Deletion will work this way Vector deleted = new Vector(vec); Vector linesToDelete = new Vector(vecDest); // remove all lines that should not be deleted linesToDelete.removeAll(deleted); // System.out.println("ID LIST SIZE " + Math.round((double) myIds.size() / (double) numIntervalls) + " " + myIdsDest.size()); /// @TODO complete delete task remove query show lines to be deleted let user choose if he wants that System.out.println("number of lines to be deleted " + linesToDelete.size()); deltaID = (int) Math.round((double) myIds.size() / (double) numIntervalls); beanDest.setConnection(destination); Statement stm = beanDest.getConnection().createStatement(); Vector tables = beanDest.getTableNames(); // Collections.sort(tables); System.out.println(names.get(tbIndex) + " " + tables.indexOf(convertText((String) names.get(tbIndex)))); // "//beanDest.getTypeNames()); tables = beanDest.getTableNames(); // System.out.println(beanDest.getTableNames(beanDest.getCatalogs().get(2).toString())); stm = beanDest.getConnection().createStatement(); if (dialog != null) dialog.title.setText(" Deleting table data ..."); int j = -1; Vector row = null; command = new StringBuffer(); command.append("DELETE FROM"); command.append(beanDest.getQC()); command.append(destTableName); //command.append(convertText((String) names.get(tbIndex))); command.append(beanDest.getQC()); int size = bean.getColumnNames().size(); command.append("WHERE " + convertText(ids.get(tbIndex).toString()) + " = ?"); PreparedStatement pstm = beanDest.getConnection().prepareStatement(command.toString()); System.out.println(command + " " + tbIndex); //int rowCount = bean.getRowCount(query); // int idIndex = bean.getColumnNames().indexOf(ids.get(tbIndex)); while (true) { ++j; if (j == linesToDelete.size()) break; //print rows pstm.setString(1, linesToDelete.get(j).toString()); System.out.println(pstm.toString()); pstm.execute(); if (dialog != null) dialog.progress.setValue((int) (((double) (j + 1) / (double) rowCount) * 100.0)); command = null; } // prepare new query for next chunk if (query.indexOf("where") > 0) tempQuery = query + " and " + tempID + ">'" + vec.lastElement() + "'"; else tempQuery = query + " where " + tempID + ">'" + vec.lastElement() + "'"; } //to outer while } // to idfield if } // table loop } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error while connecting to database " + e); if (dialog != null) { dialog.setVisible(false); dialog.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); FM2SQL.fmInstance.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); } java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream b = new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream(); java.io.PrintStream stream = new java.io.PrintStream(b); stream.print(command + "\n\n"); e.printStackTrace(stream); FM2SQL.showErrorDialog(b.toString(), "Error occured !"); } if (dialog != null) { dialog.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); FM2SQL.fmInstance.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); dialog.setVisible(false); } } // to method /** * synchronize method based on delete method code * * @param source * @param destination * @param names * @param layouts * @param selects * @param creates * @param ids * @param mode * @throws Exception */ // TODO implement append,update and delete in one method // TODO using id based algorithm public static void synchronize(String source, String destination, Vector names, Vector layouts, Vector selects, Vector creates, Vector ids, int mode, String delimiter, Vector indexList) throws Exception { System.out.println(" bin in synchronize!!!"); FM2SQL.ProgressDialog dialog = null; if (FM2SQL.fmInstance != null) { dialog = new FM2SQL.ProgressDialog(FM2SQL.fmInstance, bean); dialog.setTitle("Synchronize running ..."); dialog.title.setText("Getting table data ..."); dialog.setLocation(FM2SQL.fmInstance.getLocationOnScreen().x + (FM2SQL.fmInstance.getWidth() - 400) / 2, FM2SQL.fmInstance.getLocationOnScreen().y + (FM2SQL.fmInstance.getHeight() - 250) / 2); dialog.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); FM2SQL.fmInstance.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); dialog.thread = Thread.currentThread(); } // setting user and passwd bean.setUserAndPasswd(user, passwd); // setting user and passwd beanDest.setUserAndPasswd(userDest, passwdDest); if (dialog != null) dialog.setSize(400, 250); StringBuffer command = null; String query = null; try { //bean.setConnection("jdbc:fmpro:"); //bean.setConnection("jdbc:postgresql://erebos/test","postgres","rogo"); bean.setConnection(source); if (names == null) names = bean.getTableNames(); // Collections.sort(names); int tbIndex = 1; // System.out.println("Start at "+names.indexOf("archimedes_facsimiles")); for (tbIndex = 0; tbIndex < names.size(); ++tbIndex) { Vector[] result = null; java.util.TreeSet myIds = new TreeSet(); java.util.TreeSet myIdsDest = new TreeSet(); int deltaID = 1; String idField = ""; String destTableName = ""; try { query = "select * from " + bean.getQC() + names.get(tbIndex).toString() + bean.getQC(); String layout = (layouts.isEmpty()) ? "" : layouts.get(tbIndex).toString(); query = (selects != null) ? selects.get(tbIndex).toString() : query; //if vectors[1].get(i) != null) if (!layout.equals("")) { layout = " layout " + bean.getQC() + layout + bean.getQC(); String name = names.get(tbIndex).toString(); StringBuffer queryLayout = new StringBuffer(query); queryLayout.insert(queryLayout.indexOf(name) + name.length() + 1, " " + layout); query = queryLayout.toString(); System.out.println("added layout " + query); } if (dialog != null) { dialog.title.setText("Getting table data ..."); dialog.table.setText(names.get(tbIndex).toString()); dialog.status.setText("Table " + (tbIndex + 1) + " of " + names.size()); dialog.show(); } bean.getConnection(); bean.makeQuery(query, 50); idField = ids.get(tbIndex).toString(); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } // determine destTableName from createStatement or from source table name if (!creates.get(tbIndex).equals("")) { String create = creates.get(tbIndex).toString().toLowerCase(); int fromIndex = create.indexOf("table") + 5; int toIndex = create.indexOf("("); destTableName = create.substring(fromIndex, toIndex).replaceAll(beanDest.getQC(), "").trim(); System.out.println("destTable " + destTableName); } else destTableName = convertText(names.get(tbIndex).toString()); // for id kram Vector vec = null; Vector vecDest = null; // tempo beanDest.setConnection(destination); int rowCount = (idField != "") ? myIds.size() : bean.getRowCount(query); String tempID = bean.getQC() + idField + bean.getQC(); String tempIDdest = beanDest.getQC() + convertText(idField) + beanDest.getQC(); int endIndex = -1; String tempQuery = query; String destQuery = query.replaceAll(names.get(tbIndex).toString(), destTableName); String tempQueryDest = destQuery; // remove extra query parts destQuery.substring(0,destQuery.lastIndexOf(destTableName)+destTableName.length()+1); System.out.println("new Query " + tempQueryDest); if (!idField.equals("")) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); int counter = -1; TreeSet linesToDelete = null; PreparedStatement delPSt = null; while (true) { ++counter; if (counter == 0 && dialog != null) dialog.title.setText("Check if data is available"); else if (dialog != null) dialog.title.setText("Check if more data is available"); myIds = bean.getIDVector(ids.get(tbIndex).toString(), (String) names.get(tbIndex), tempQuery, 0); myIdsDest = beanDest.getIDVector(convertText(idField), destTableName, tempQueryDest, 0); //System.out.println("status of remove "+myIds.remove("b015892")); if (myIds.isEmpty()) break; vec = new Vector(myIds); vecDest = new Vector(myIdsDest); rowCount = vec.size(); // Deletion will work this way Vector deleted = new Vector(vec); TreeSet linesToAppend = new TreeSet(vec); linesToAppend.addAll(vec); linesToDelete = new TreeSet(vecDest); // remove all lines that are already in dest database linesToAppend.removeAll(vecDest); // remove all lines that should not be deleted linesToDelete.removeAll(deleted); System.out.println("linesToAppend " + linesToAppend + " " + destTableName); System.out.println("linesToDelete " + linesToDelete + " " + destTableName); System.out.println("ID LIST SIZE " + Math.round((double) myIds.size() / (double) numIntervalls) + " " + myIds.size()); deltaID = (int) Math.round((double) myIds.size() / (double) numIntervalls); ConversionProperties prop = getFieldNamesAndDestTableName(creates.get(tbIndex).toString(), query, names.get(tbIndex).toString()); StringBuffer insCommand = createInsertCommand(prop.destTableName, prop.fieldNames); StringBuffer updCommand = createUpdateCommand(prop.destTableName, prop.fieldNames, tempIDdest); StringBuffer delCommand = createDeleteCommand(destTableName, tempIDdest); PreparedStatement insPst = beanDest.getConnection().prepareStatement(insCommand.toString()); PreparedStatement updPst = beanDest.getConnection().prepareStatement(updCommand.toString()); delPSt = beanDest.getConnection().prepareStatement(delCommand.toString()); // delPSt.setString(1,"b015892"); // delPSt.execute(); // if (true) // return; if (vec.size() <= numIntervalls) { endIndex = 0; deltaID = vec.size(); } for (int k = 0; k < vec.size() - deltaID; k = k + deltaID) { System.out.println(vec.get(k) + " " + vec.get(k + deltaID) + " " + vec.lastElement()); if (query.indexOf("where") > 0) tempQuery = query + " and " + tempID + ">='" + vec.get(k) + "' and " + tempID + "<='" + vec.get(k + deltaID) + "'"; else tempQuery = query + " where " + tempID + ">='" + vec.get(k) + "' and " + tempID + "<='" + vec.get(k + deltaID) + "'"; System.out.println(tempQuery); if (dialog != null) dialog.title.setText("Reading table data ..."); // bean.makeQuery(tempQuery, deltaID); if (dialog != null) dialog.title.setText("Writing table data ..."); performSynchronize(idField, vec, tempQuery, linesToDelete, linesToAppend, insPst, updPst, delPSt, deltaID, delimiter); // System.out.println("ID LIST SIZE " + Math.round((double) myIds.size() / (double) numIntervalls) + " " + myIdsDest.size()); endIndex = k + deltaID; } System.out.println(endIndex); //all data written ? if not write last chunk of data if (endIndex == vec.size() - 1) System.out.println("fits"); else { System.out.println(" last intervall from " + vec.get(endIndex) + " " + vec.lastElement()); if (query.indexOf("where") > 0) tempQuery = query + " and " + tempID + ">='" + vec.get(endIndex) + "' and " + tempID + "<='" + vec.lastElement() + "'"; else tempQuery = query + " where " + tempID + ">='" + vec.get(endIndex) + "' and " + tempID + "<='" + vec.lastElement() + "'"; System.out.println(tempQuery); if (dialog != null) dialog.title.setText("Reading table data ..."); // bean.makeQuery(tempQuery, 0); if (dialog != null) dialog.title.setText("Writing table data ..."); performSynchronize(idField, vec, tempQuery, linesToDelete, linesToAppend, insPst, updPst, delPSt, deltaID, delimiter); // System.out.println("ID LIST SIZE " + Math.round((double) myIds.size() / (double) numIntervalls) + " " + myIdsDest.size()); } // prepare new query for next chunk if (query.indexOf("where") > 0) tempQuery = query + " and " + tempID + ">'" + vec.lastElement() + "'"; else tempQuery = query + " where " + tempID + ">'" + vec.lastElement() + "'"; } String tableName = names.get(tbIndex).toString(); IndexList idList = (IndexList) indexList.get(0); System.out.println("found list " + idList); Statement stm = beanDest.getConnection().createStatement(); Vector destTables = beanDest.getTableNames(); beanDest.makeQuery(tempQueryDest,0); for (Iterator iter = idList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String indexField = (String) iter.next(); indexField = convertText(indexField); String indexName = destTableName + "_" + indexField; if (destTables.contains(indexName)) { stm.execute("DROP INDEX "+destTableName+"_"+indexField); // continue; } String type = beanDest.getColumnType(indexField).toLowerCase(); // System.out.println(indexField+" "+type+" "+(type.indexOf("text") >= 0 || type.indexOf("varchar") >= 0 || type.indexOf("char") >= 0)); if (type.indexOf("text") >= 0 || type.indexOf("varchar") >= 0 || type.indexOf("char") >= 0) stm.execute("CREATE INDEX " + indexName + " ON " + destTableName + "(LOWER(" + indexField + "))"); else stm.execute("CREATE INDEX " + destTableName + "_" + indexField + " ON " + destTableName + "(" + indexField + ")"); // stm.execute("DROP INDEX "+destTableName+"_"+indexField); } // CREATE UNIQUE INDEX title_idx ON films (title); for (Iterator iter = linesToDelete.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String id = (String) iter.next(); delPSt.setString(1, id); delPSt.execute(); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Time for incremental synchronize elapsed " + (endTime - startTime)); } // to idfield if } // table loop } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error while connecting to database " + e); e.printStackTrace(); if (dialog != null) { dialog.setVisible(false); dialog.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); FM2SQL.fmInstance.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); } java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream b = new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream(); java.io.PrintStream stream = new java.io.PrintStream(b); stream.print(command + "\n\n"); e.printStackTrace(stream); FM2SQL.showErrorDialog(b.toString(), "Error occured !"); } if (dialog != null) { dialog.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); FM2SQL.fmInstance.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); dialog.setVisible(false); } } private static void performSynchronize( String idField, Vector vec, String tempQuery, TreeSet linesToDelete, TreeSet linesToAppend, PreparedStatement insPst, PreparedStatement updPst, PreparedStatement delPSt, int deltaID, String delimiter) throws SQLException, ParseException { Vector[] vectors = bean.getQueryData(tempQuery, deltaID); int idIndex = vectors[1].indexOf(idField); // todo arraylist code has to be added for (Iterator iter = vectors[0].iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Vector line = (Vector) iter.next(); Object lineIDIndex = line.get(idIndex); if (linesToAppend.contains(lineIDIndex)) System.out.println("line " + linesToAppend.contains(line.get(idIndex)) + " " + lineIDIndex); if (linesToAppend.contains(lineIDIndex)) { for (int l = 0; l < line.size(); ++l) { Object obj = line.get(l); if (obj instanceof ArrayList) obj = formatFileMakerArray((List) obj, delimiter); if (obj != null) insPst.setString(l + 1, obj.toString()); else insPst.setNull(l + 1, Types.NULL); } insPst.execute(); } else // update { for (int l = 0; l < line.size(); ++l) { Object obj = line.get(l); if (obj instanceof ArrayList) obj = formatFileMakerArray((List) obj, delimiter); if (obj != null) updPst.setString(l + 1, obj.toString()); else updPst.setNull(l + 1, Types.NULL); } updPst.setString(line.size() + 1, line.get(idIndex).toString()); //updPst.addBatch(); updPst.execute(); } } //updPst.executeBatch(); } // to method /** * Converts input String in norman encoding to unicode * @param inp * @return converted String */ static public String normanToUnicode(String inp) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < inp.length(); i++) { char c = inp.charAt(i); // System.out.println("char "+c+" "+(int)c); switch (c) { case 1 : buf.append("\u00d0"); break; // Eth case 2 : buf.append("\u00f0"); break; // eth case 3 : buf.append("\u0141"); break; // Lslash case 4 : buf.append("\u0142"); break; // lslash case 5 : buf.append("\u0160"); break; // S caron case 6 : buf.append("\u0161"); break; // s caron case 7 : buf.append("\u00dd"); break; // Y acute case 8 : buf.append("\u00fd"); break; // y acute case 11 : buf.append("\u00de"); break; // Thorn case 12 : buf.append("\u00fe"); break; // thorn case 14 : buf.append("\u017d"); break; // Z caron case 15 : buf.append("\u017e"); break; // z caron case 17 : buf.append("\u0073"); break; // asciitilde case 18 : buf.append("j\u0305"); break; // j macron [does a single char exist?] case 19 : buf.append("^"); break; // circumflex case 20 : buf.append("\u0303"); break; // tilde case 21 : buf.append("\u00bd"); break; // onehalf case 22 : buf.append("\u00bc"); break; // onequarter case 23 : buf.append("\u00b9"); break; // onesuperior case 24 : buf.append("\u00be"); break; // threequarters case 25 : buf.append("\u00b3"); break; // threesuperior case 26 : buf.append("\u00b2"); break; // twosuperior case 27 : buf.append("\u00a6"); break; // brokenbar case 28 : buf.append("-"); break; // minus case 29 : buf.append("\u00d7"); break; // multiply case 39 : buf.append("'"); break; // quotesingle case 94 : buf.append("\u0302"); break; // circumflex case 96 : buf.append("\u0300"); break; // grave case 196 : buf.append("\u00c4"); break; // A dieresis case 197 : buf.append("\u00c5"); break; // A ring case 201 : buf.append("\u00c9"); break; // E acute case 209 : buf.append("\u00d1"); break; // N tilde case 214 : buf.append("\u00d6"); break; // O dieresis case 220 : buf.append("\u00dc"); break; // U dieresis case 225 : buf.append("\u00e1"); break; // a acute case 224 : buf.append("\u00e0"); break; // a grave case 226 : buf.append("\u00e2"); break; // a circumflex case 228 : buf.append("\u00e4"); break; // a dieresis case 227 : buf.append("\u00e3"); break; // a tilde case 229 : buf.append("\u0101"); break; // a macron case 231 : buf.append("\u00e7"); break; // c cedilla case 233 : buf.append("\u00e9"); break; // e acute case 232 : buf.append("\u00e8"); break; // e grave case 234 : buf.append("\u00ea"); break; // e circumflex case 235 : buf.append("\u00eb"); break; // e dieresis case 237 : buf.append("\u00ed"); break; // i acute case 236 : buf.append("\u00ec"); break; // i grave case 238 : buf.append("\u00ee"); break; // i circumflex case 239 : buf.append("\u00ef"); break; // i dieresis case 241 : buf.append("\u00f1"); break; // n tilde case 243 : buf.append("\u00f3"); break; // o acute case 242 : buf.append("\u00f2"); break; // o grave case 244 : buf.append("\u00f4"); break; // o circumflex case 246 : buf.append("\u00f6"); break; // o dieresis case 245 : buf.append("\u00f5"); break; // o tilde case 250 : buf.append("\u00fa"); break; // u acute case 249 : buf.append("\u00f9"); break; // u grave case 251 : buf.append("\u00fb"); break; // u circumflex case 252 : buf.append("\u00fc"); break; // u dieresis case 8224 : buf.append("\u1e6d"); break; // t underdot case 176 : buf.append("\u00b0"); break; // degree case 162 : buf.append("\u1ebd"); break; // e tilde case 163 : buf.append("\u00a3"); break; // sterling case 167 : buf.append("\u00a7"); break; // section case 182 : buf.append("\u00b6"); break; // paragraph case 223 : buf.append("\u015b"); break; // s acute case 174 : buf.append("\u1e5b"); break; // r underdot case 169 : buf.append("\u1e45"); break; // n overdot case 353 : buf.append("\u1e45"); break; // n overdot case 180 : buf.append("\u0301"); break; // acute case 168 : buf.append("\u0308"); break; // dieresis case 8800 : buf.append("\u1e6d"); break; // t underdot case 198 : buf.append("\u00c6"); break; // AE case 216 : buf.append("\u014d"); break; // o macron case 8734 : buf.append("\u0129"); break; // i tilde case 177 : buf.append("\u00b1"); break; // plusminus case 165 : buf.append("\u012b"); break; // i macron case 181 : buf.append("\u1e43"); break; // m underdot case 8706 : buf.append("\u1e0d"); break; // d underdot case 240 : buf.append("\u1e0d"); break; // d underdot case 8721 : buf.append("\u1e63"); break; // s underdot case 960 : buf.append("\u017a"); break; // z acute case 8747 : buf.append("\u1e45"); break; // n overdot case 937 : buf.append("\u0169"); break; // u tilde case 230 : buf.append("\u00e6"); break; // ae case 248 : buf.append("\u00f8"); break; // oslash case 191 : buf.append("\u0304\u0306"); break; // macron breve case 172 : buf.append("\u1e37"); break; // case 8730 : buf.append("j\u0305"); break; // j macron [does a single char exist?] case 402 : buf.append("\u0103"); break; // a breve case 8776 : buf.append("\u016d"); break; // u breve case 187 : buf.append("\u1e42"); break; // M underdot case 8230 : buf.append("\u2026"); break; // ellipsis case 192 : buf.append("\u00c0"); break; // A grave case 195 : buf.append("\u00c3"); break; // A tilde case 213 : buf.append("\u00d5"); break; // O tilde case 338 : buf.append("m\u0306"); break; // m breve case 339 : buf.append("\u0153"); break; // oe case 8211 : buf.append("\u2013"); break; // endash case 8212 : buf.append("\u2014"); break; // emdash case 8220 : buf.append("\u201c"); break; // quotedblleft case 8221 : buf.append("\u201d"); break; // quotedblright case 8216 : buf.append("\u2018"); break; // quoteleft case 8217 : buf.append("\u2019"); break; // quoteright case 247 : buf.append("\u1e37"); break; // l underring [actually underdot] case 9674 : buf.append("\u1e41"); break; // m overdot case 255 : buf.append("n\u0306"); break; // n breve case 376 : buf.append("\u00d7"); break; // multiply case 8364 : buf.append("\u1e5b"); break; // r underring [actually underdot] case 8249 : buf.append("\u1e44"); break; // N overdot case 8250 : buf.append("\u1e62"); break; // S underdot case 64257 : buf.append("\u1e24"); break; // H underdot case 64258 : buf.append("\u1e0c"); break; // D underdot case 8225 : buf.append("\u2021"); break; // daggerdbl case 8218 : buf.append("\u1e36"); break; // L underdot case 8222 : buf.append("\u0113"); break; // e macron case 194 : buf.append("\u1e5f"); break; // r underbar case 202 : buf.append("r\u0324"); break; // r underdieresis case 193 : buf.append("\u012a"); break; // I macron case 8486 : case 203 : buf.append("\u016b"); break; // u macron case 200 : buf.append("\u1e6c"); break; // T underdot case 205 : buf.append("\u1e64"); break; // S acute case 206 : buf.append("\u2020"); break; // dagger case 207 : buf.append("\u0115"); break; // e breve case 204 : buf.append("\u014f"); break; // o breve case 211 : buf.append("\u0100"); break; // A macron case 212 : buf.append("\u1e46"); break; // N underdot case 210 : buf.append("\u1e3b"); break; // l underbar case 218 : buf.append("\u016a"); break; // U macron case 219 : buf.append("\u0179"); break; // Z acute case 217 : buf.append("\u1e5a"); break; // R underdot case 305 : buf.append("\u0131"); break; // dotlessi case 710 : buf.append("\u1e47"); break; // n underdot case 732 : buf.append("\u1e49"); break; // n underbar case 175 : buf.append("\u0304"); break; // macron case 728 : buf.append("\u0306"); break; // breve case 729 : case 215 : buf.append("\u1e25"); break; // h underdot case 730 : buf.append("\u012d"); break; // i breve case 184 : buf.append("\u0327"); break; // cedilla case 733 : buf.append("\u030b"); break; // hungarumlaut case 731 : buf.append("\u0328"); break; // ogonek case 711 : buf.append("\u030c"); break; // caron case 199 : buf.append("\u012b\u0303"); break; // imacron tilde case 8226 : buf.append("\u1e5d"); break; // runderdot macron case 8482 : buf.append("\u016b\0306"); break; // umacron breve case 8804 : buf.append("\u0101\u0301"); break; // amacron acute case 8805 : buf.append("\u016b\u0301"); break; // umacron acute case 8719 : buf.append("\u0113\u0301"); break; // emacron acute case 170 : buf.append("\u0113\u0300"); break; // emacron breve case 186 : buf.append("\u014d\u0300"); break; // omacron breve case 161 : buf.append("\u0101\u0306"); break; // amacron breve case 8710 : buf.append("\u0101\u0303"); break; // amacron tilde case 171 : buf.append("\u012b\u0301"); break; // imacron acute case 8260 : buf.append("\u1e00"); break; // runderdotmacron acute case 183 : buf.append("\u1e5b\u0301"); break; // runderdot acute case 8240 : buf.append("\u012b\u0306"); break; // imacron breve case 63743 : buf.append("\u016b\u0303"); break; // umacron tilde default : buf.append(c); if ((int) c > 127) System.out.println("char " + c + " " + (int) c); break; } } return buf.toString(); } static public String normanToUnicodeOld(String inp) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < inp.length(); i++) { char c = inp.charAt(i); switch (c) { case 1 : buf.append("\u00d0"); break; // Eth case 2 : buf.append("\u00f0"); break; // eth case 3 : buf.append("\u0141"); break; // Lslash case 4 : buf.append("\u0142"); break; // lslash case 5 : buf.append("\u0160"); break; // S caron case 6 : buf.append("\u0161"); break; // s caron case 7 : buf.append("\u00dd"); break; // Y acute case 8 : buf.append("\u00fd"); break; // y acute case 11 : buf.append("\u00de"); break; // Thorn case 12 : buf.append("\u00fe"); break; // thorn case 14 : buf.append("\u017d"); break; // Z caron case 15 : buf.append("\u017e"); break; // z caron case 17 : buf.append("\u0073"); break; // asciitilde case 18 : buf.append("j\u0305"); break; // j macron [does a single char exist?] case 19 : buf.append("^"); break; // circumflex case 20 : buf.append("\u0303"); break; // tilde case 21 : buf.append("\u00bd"); break; // onehalf case 22 : buf.append("\u00bc"); break; // onequarter case 23 : buf.append("\u00b9"); break; // onesuperior case 24 : buf.append("\u00be"); break; // threequarters case 25 : buf.append("\u00b3"); break; // threesuperior case 26 : buf.append("\u00b2"); break; // twosuperior case 27 : buf.append("\u00a6"); break; // brokenbar case 28 : buf.append("-"); break; // minus case 29 : buf.append("\u00d7"); break; // multiply case 39 : buf.append("'"); break; // quotesingle case 94 : buf.append("\u0302"); break; // circumflex case 96 : buf.append("\u0300"); break; // grave case 128 : buf.append("\u00c4"); break; // A dieresis case 129 : buf.append("\u00c5"); break; // A ring case 131 : buf.append("\u00c9"); break; // E acute case 132 : buf.append("\u00d1"); break; // N tilde case 133 : buf.append("\u00d6"); break; // O dieresis case 134 : buf.append("\u00dc"); break; // U dieresis case 135 : buf.append("\u00e1"); break; // a acute case 136 : buf.append("\u00e0"); break; // a grave case 137 : buf.append("\u00e2"); break; // a circumflex case 138 : buf.append("\u00e4"); break; // a dieresis case 139 : buf.append("\u00e3"); break; // a tilde case 140 : buf.append("\u0101"); break; // a macron case 141 : buf.append("\u00e7"); break; // c cedilla case 142 : buf.append("\u00e9"); break; // e acute case 143 : buf.append("\u00e8"); break; // e grave case 144 : buf.append("\u00ea"); break; // e circumflex case 145 : buf.append("\u00eb"); break; // e dieresis case 146 : buf.append("\u00ed"); break; // i acute case 147 : buf.append("\u00ec"); break; // i grave case 148 : buf.append("\u00ee"); break; // i circumflex case 149 : buf.append("\u00ef"); break; // i dieresis case 150 : buf.append("\u00f1"); break; // n tilde case 151 : buf.append("\u00f3"); break; // o acute case 152 : buf.append("\u00f2"); break; // o grave case 153 : buf.append("\u00f4"); break; // o circumflex case 154 : buf.append("\u00f6"); break; // o dieresis case 155 : buf.append("\u00f5"); break; // o tilde case 156 : buf.append("\u00fa"); break; // u acute case 157 : buf.append("\u00f9"); break; // u grave case 158 : buf.append("\u00fb"); break; // u circumflex case 159 : buf.append("\u00fc"); break; // u dieresis case 160 : buf.append("\u1e6d"); break; // t underdot case 161 : buf.append("\u00b0"); break; // degree case 162 : buf.append("\u1ebd"); break; // e tilde case 163 : buf.append("\u00a3"); break; // sterling case 164 : buf.append("\u00a7"); break; // section case 166 : buf.append("\u00b6"); break; // paragraph case 167 : buf.append("\u015b"); break; // s acute case 168 : buf.append("\u1e5b"); break; // r underdot case 169 : buf.append("\u1e67"); break; // s caron case 171 : buf.append("\u0301"); break; // acute case 172 : buf.append("\u0308"); break; // dieresis case 173 : buf.append("\u1e6d"); break; // t underdot case 174 : buf.append("\u00c6"); break; // AE case 175 : buf.append("\u014d"); break; // o macron case 176 : buf.append("\u0129"); break; // i tilde case 177 : buf.append("\u00b1"); break; // plusminus case 180 : buf.append("\u012b"); break; // i macron case 181 : buf.append("\u1e43"); break; // m underdot case 182 : buf.append("\u1e0d"); break; // d underdot case 183 : buf.append("\u1e63"); break; // s underdot case 185 : buf.append("\u017a"); break; // z acute case 186 : buf.append("\u1e45"); break; // n overdot case 189 : buf.append("\u0169"); break; // u tilde case 190 : buf.append("\u00e6"); break; // ae case 191 : buf.append("\u00f8"); break; // oslash case 192 : buf.append("\u0304\u0306"); break; // macron breve case 194 : buf.append("\u1e37"); break; // case 195 : buf.append("j\u0305"); break; // j macron [does a single char exist?] case 196 : buf.append("\u0103"); break; // a breve case 197 : buf.append("\u016d"); break; // u breve case 200 : buf.append("\u1e42"); break; // M underdot case 201 : buf.append("\u2026"); break; // ellipsis case 203 : buf.append("\u00c0"); break; // A grave case 204 : buf.append("\u00c3"); break; // A tilde case 205 : buf.append("\u00d5"); break; // O tilde case 206 : buf.append("m\u0306"); break; // m breve case 207 : buf.append("\u0153"); break; // oe case 208 : buf.append("\u2013"); break; // endash case 209 : buf.append("\u2014"); break; // emdash case 210 : buf.append("\u201c"); break; // quotedblleft case 211 : buf.append("\u201d"); break; // quotedblright case 212 : buf.append("\u2018"); break; // quoteleft case 213 : buf.append("\u2019"); break; // quoteright case 214 : buf.append("\u1e37"); break; // l underring [actually underdot] case 215 : buf.append("\u1e41"); break; // m overdot case 216 : buf.append("n\u0306"); break; // n breve case 217 : buf.append("\u00d7"); break; // multiply case 219 : buf.append("\u1e5b"); break; // r underring [actually underdot] case 220 : buf.append("\u1e44"); break; // N overdot case 221 : buf.append("\u1e62"); break; // S underdot case 222 : buf.append("\u1e24"); break; // H underdot case 223 : buf.append("\u1e0c"); break; // D underdot case 224 : buf.append("\u2021"); break; // daggerdbl case 226 : buf.append("\u1e36"); break; // L underdot case 227 : buf.append("\u0113"); break; // e macron case 229 : buf.append("\u1e5f"); break; // r underbar case 230 : buf.append("r\u0324"); break; // r underdieresis case 231 : buf.append("\u012a"); break; // I macron case 232 : buf.append("\u016b"); break; // u macron case 233 : buf.append("\u01e6c"); break; // T underdot case 234 : buf.append("\u1e64"); break; // S acute case 235 : buf.append("\u2020"); break; // dagger case 236 : buf.append("\u0115"); break; // e breve case 237 : buf.append("\u014f"); break; // o breve case 238 : buf.append("\u0100"); break; // A macron case 239 : buf.append("\u1e46"); break; // N underdot case 241 : buf.append("\u1e3b"); break; // l underbar case 242 : buf.append("\u016a"); break; // U macron case 243 : buf.append("\u0179"); break; // Z acute case 244 : buf.append("\u1e5a"); break; // R underdot case 245 : buf.append("\u0131"); break; // dotlessi case 246 : buf.append("\u1e47"); break; // n underdot case 247 : buf.append("\u1e49"); break; // n underbar case 248 : buf.append("\u0304"); break; // macron case 249 : buf.append("\u0306"); break; // breve case 250 : buf.append("\u1e25"); break; // h underdot case 251 : buf.append("\u012d"); break; // i breve case 252 : buf.append("\u0327"); break; // cedilla case 253 : buf.append("\u030b"); break; // hungarumlaut case 254 : buf.append("\u0328"); break; // ogonek case 255 : buf.append("\u030c"); break; // caron case 130 : buf.append("\u012b\u0303"); break; // imacron tilde case 165 : buf.append("\u1e5d"); break; // runderdot macron case 170 : buf.append("\u016b\0306"); break; // umacron breve case 178 : buf.append("\u0101\u0301"); break; // amacron acute case 179 : buf.append("\u016b\u0301"); break; // umacron acute case 184 : buf.append("\u0113\u0301"); break; // emacron acute case 187 : buf.append("\u0113\u0300"); break; // emacron breve case 188 : buf.append("\u014d\u0300"); break; // omacron breve case 193 : buf.append("\u0101\u0306"); break; // amacron breve case 198 : buf.append("\u0101\u0303"); break; // amacron tilde case 199 : buf.append("\u012b\u0301"); break; // imacron acute case 218 : buf.append("\u1e00"); break; // runderdotmacron acute case 225 : buf.append("\u1e5b\u0301"); break; // runderdot acute case 228 : buf.append("\u012b\u0306"); break; // imacron breve case 240 : buf.append("\u016b\u0303"); break; // umacron tilde default : buf.append(c); break; } } return buf.toString(); } static public String normanToUnicodeNew(String inp) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < inp.length(); i++) { char c = inp.charAt(i); switch (c) { case 1 : buf.append("\u00d0"); break; // Eth case 2 : buf.append("\u00f0"); break; // eth case 3 : buf.append("\u0141"); break; // Lslash case 4 : buf.append("\u0142"); break; // lslash case 5 : buf.append("\u0160"); break; // S caron case 6 : buf.append("\u0161"); break; // s caron case 7 : buf.append("\u00dd"); break; // Y acute case 8 : buf.append("\u00fd"); break; // y acute case 11 : buf.append("\u00de"); break; // Thorn case 12 : buf.append("\u00fe"); break; // thorn case 14 : buf.append("\u017d"); break; // Z caron case 15 : buf.append("\u017e"); break; // z caron case 17 : buf.append("\u0073"); break; // asciitilde case 18 : buf.append("j\u0305"); break; // j macron [does a single char exist?] case 19 : buf.append("^"); break; // circumflex case 20 : buf.append("\u0303"); break; // tilde case 21 : buf.append("\u00bd"); break; // onehalf case 22 : buf.append("\u00bc"); break; // onequarter case 23 : buf.append("\u00b9"); break; // onesuperior case 24 : buf.append("\u00be"); break; // threequarters case 25 : buf.append("\u00b3"); break; // threesuperior case 26 : buf.append("\u00b2"); break; // twosuperior case 27 : buf.append("\u00a6"); break; // brokenbar case 28 : buf.append("-"); break; // minus case 29 : buf.append("\u00d7"); break; // multiply case 39 : buf.append("'"); break; // quotesingle case 94 : buf.append("\u0302"); break; // circumflex case 96 : buf.append("\u0300"); break; // grave case 196 : buf.append("\u00c4"); break; // A dieresis case 197 : buf.append("\u00c5"); break; // A ring case 201 : buf.append("\u00c9"); break; // E acute case 209 : buf.append("\u00d1"); break; // N tilde case 214 : buf.append("\u00d6"); break; // O dieresis case 220 : buf.append("\u00dc"); break; // U dieresis case 225 : buf.append("\u00e1"); break; // a acute case 224 : buf.append("\u00e0"); break; // a grave case 226 : buf.append("\u00e2"); break; // a circumflex case 228 : buf.append("\u00e4"); break; // a dieresis case 227 : buf.append("\u00e3"); break; // a tilde case 229 : buf.append("\u0101"); break; // a macron case 231 : buf.append("\u00e7"); break; // c cedilla case 233 : buf.append("\u00e9"); break; // e acute case 232 : buf.append("\u00e8"); break; // e grave case 234 : buf.append("\u00ea"); break; // e circumflex case 235 : buf.append("\u00eb"); break; // e dieresis case 237 : buf.append("\u00ed"); break; // i acute case 236 : buf.append("\u00ec"); break; // i grave case 238 : buf.append("\u00ee"); break; // i circumflex case 239 : buf.append("\u00ef"); break; // i dieresis case 241 : buf.append("\u00f1"); break; // n tilde case 243 : buf.append("\u00f3"); break; // o acute case 242 : buf.append("\u00f2"); break; // o grave case 244 : buf.append("\u00f4"); break; // o circumflex case 246 : buf.append("\u00f6"); break; // o dieresis case 245 : buf.append("\u00f5"); break; // o tilde case 250 : buf.append("\u00fa"); break; // u acute case 249 : buf.append("\u00f9"); break; // u grave case 251 : buf.append("\u00fb"); break; // u circumflex case 252 : buf.append("\u00fc"); break; // u dieresis case 8224 : buf.append("\u1e6d"); break; // t underdot case 176 : buf.append("\u00b0"); break; // degree case 162 : buf.append("\u1ebd"); break; // e tilde case 163 : buf.append("\u00a3"); break; // sterling case 167 : buf.append("\u00a7"); break; // section case 182 : buf.append("\u00b6"); break; // paragraph case 223 : buf.append("\u015b"); break; // s acute case 174 : buf.append("\u1e5b"); break; // r underdot case 169 : buf.append("\u1e45"); break; // n overdot case 180 : buf.append("\u0301"); break; // acute case 168 : buf.append("\u0308"); break; // dieresis case 8800 : buf.append("\u1e6d"); break; // t underdot case 198 : buf.append("\u00c6"); break; // AE case 216 : buf.append("\u014d"); break; // o macron case 8734 : buf.append("\u0129"); break; // i tilde case 177 : buf.append("\u00b1"); break; // plusminus case 165 : buf.append("\u012b"); break; // i macron case 181 : buf.append("\u1e43"); break; // m underdot case 8706 : buf.append("\u1e0d"); break; // d underdot case 8721 : buf.append("\u1e63"); break; // s underdot case 960 : buf.append("\u017a"); break; // z acute case 8747 : buf.append("\u1e45"); break; // n overdot case 937 : buf.append("\u0169"); break; // u tilde case 230 : buf.append("\u00e6"); break; // ae case 248 : buf.append("\u00f8"); break; // oslash case 191 : buf.append("\u0304\u0306"); break; // macron breve case 172 : buf.append("\u1e37"); break; // case 8730 : buf.append("j\u0305"); break; // j macron [does a single char exist?] case 402 : buf.append("\u0103"); break; // a breve case 8776 : buf.append("\u016d"); break; // u breve case 187 : buf.append("\u1e42"); break; // M underdot case 8230 : buf.append("\u2026"); break; // ellipsis case 192 : buf.append("\u00c0"); break; // A grave case 195 : buf.append("\u00c3"); break; // A tilde case 213 : buf.append("\u00d5"); break; // O tilde case 338 : buf.append("m\u0306"); break; // m breve case 339 : buf.append("\u0153"); break; // oe case 8211 : buf.append("\u2013"); break; // endash case 8212 : buf.append("\u2014"); break; // emdash case 8220 : buf.append("\u201c"); break; // quotedblleft case 8221 : buf.append("\u201d"); break; // quotedblright case 8216 : buf.append("\u2018"); break; // quoteleft case 8217 : buf.append("\u2019"); break; // quoteright case 247 : buf.append("\u1e37"); break; // l underring [actually underdot] case 9674 : buf.append("\u1e41"); break; // m overdot case 255 : buf.append("n\u0306"); break; // n breve case 376 : buf.append("\u00d7"); break; // multiply case 8364 : buf.append("\u1e5b"); break; // r underring [actually underdot] case 8249 : buf.append("\u1e44"); break; // N overdot case 8250 : buf.append("\u1e62"); break; // S underdot case 64257 : buf.append("\u1e24"); break; // H underdot case 64258 : buf.append("\u1e0c"); break; // D underdot case 8225 : buf.append("\u2021"); break; // daggerdbl case 8218 : buf.append("\u1e36"); break; // L underdot case 8222 : buf.append("\u0113"); break; // e macron case 194 : buf.append("\u1e5f"); break; // r underbar case 202 : buf.append("r\u0324"); break; // r underdieresis case 193 : buf.append("\u012a"); break; // I macron case 203 : buf.append("\u016b"); break; // u macron case 200 : buf.append("\u1e6c"); break; // T underdot case 205 : buf.append("\u1e64"); break; // S acute case 206 : buf.append("\u2020"); break; // dagger case 207 : buf.append("\u0115"); break; // e breve case 204 : buf.append("\u014f"); break; // o breve case 211 : buf.append("\u0100"); break; // A macron case 212 : buf.append("\u1e46"); break; // N underdot case 210 : buf.append("\u1e3b"); break; // l underbar case 218 : buf.append("\u016a"); break; // U macron case 219 : buf.append("\u0179"); break; // Z acute case 217 : buf.append("\u1e5a"); break; // R underdot case 305 : buf.append("\u0131"); break; // dotlessi case 710 : buf.append("\u1e47"); break; // n underdot case 732 : buf.append("\u1e49"); break; // n underbar case 175 : buf.append("\u0304"); break; // macron case 728 : buf.append("\u0306"); break; // breve case 729 : buf.append("\u1e25"); break; // h underdot case 730 : buf.append("\u012d"); break; // i breve case 184 : buf.append("\u0327"); break; // cedilla case 733 : buf.append("\u030b"); break; // hungarumlaut case 731 : buf.append("\u0328"); break; // ogonek case 711 : buf.append("\u030c"); break; // caron case 199 : buf.append("\u012b\u0303"); break; // imacron tilde case 8226 : buf.append("\u1e5d"); break; // runderdot macron case 8482 : buf.append("\u016b\0306"); break; // umacron breve case 8804 : buf.append("\u0101\u0301"); break; // amacron acute case 8805 : buf.append("\u016b\u0301"); break; // umacron acute case 8719 : buf.append("\u0113\u0301"); break; // emacron acute case 170 : buf.append("\u0113\u0300"); break; // emacron breve case 186 : buf.append("\u014d\u0300"); break; // omacron breve case 161 : buf.append("\u0101\u0306"); break; // amacron breve case 8710 : buf.append("\u0101\u0303"); break; // amacron tilde case 171 : buf.append("\u012b\u0301"); break; // imacron acute case 8260 : buf.append("\u1e00"); break; // runderdotmacron acute case 183 : buf.append("\u1e5b\u0301"); break; // runderdot acute case 8240 : buf.append("\u012b\u0306"); break; // imacron breve case 63743 : buf.append("\u016b\u0303"); break; // umacron tilde default : buf.append(c); break; } } return buf.toString(); } public static ConversionProperties getFieldNamesAndDestTableName(String create, String query, String tableName) { String[] fieldNames = null; String destTableName = null; // determine destTableName from createStatement or from source table name if (!create.equals("")) { int fromIndex = create.toLowerCase().indexOf("table") + 5; int toIndex = create.indexOf("("); int endIndex = create.indexOf(")", toIndex); destTableName = create.substring(fromIndex, toIndex).replaceAll(beanDest.getQC(), "").trim(); System.out.println("destTable " + destTableName); // retrieve field_names from select statement // TODO problem with different fieldNames in create statement will overwrite them if (query.indexOf("*") < 0) { int selectEndIndex = query.indexOf("from"); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(query.substring(6, selectEndIndex), ","); int numFields = tokenizer.countTokens(); fieldNames = new String[numFields]; int fieldIndex = 0; while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String fieldName = tokenizer.nextToken().trim(); fieldNames[fieldIndex] = convertText(fieldName); System.out.println(fieldNames[fieldIndex]); fieldIndex++; } } else { // use create statement for field names StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(create.substring(toIndex + 1, endIndex), ","); int numFields = tokenizer.countTokens(); fieldNames = new String[numFields]; int fieldIndex = 0; while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String fieldName = tokenizer.nextToken().trim(); int index = fieldName.lastIndexOf(" "); fieldNames[fieldIndex] = fieldName.substring(0, index); System.out.println(fieldNames[fieldIndex]); fieldIndex++; } } } else { destTableName = convertText(tableName); // retrieve field_names from select statement if (query.indexOf("*") < 0) { int selectEndIndex = query.indexOf("from"); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(query.substring(6, selectEndIndex), ","); int numFields = tokenizer.countTokens(); fieldNames = new String[numFields]; int fieldIndex = 0; while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String fieldName = tokenizer.nextToken().trim(); fieldNames[fieldIndex] =beanDest.getQC() + convertText(fieldName)+beanDest.getQC(); // System.out.println("field "+ fieldNames[fieldIndex]); fieldIndex++; } } else { Vector fieldNamesVec = bean.getColumnNames(); fieldNames = new String[fieldNamesVec.size()]; int fieldIndex = -1; for (Iterator iter = fieldNamesVec.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String element = (String) iter.next(); fieldNames[++fieldIndex] = beanDest.getQC() + convertText(element) + beanDest.getQC(); // System.out.println("field " + fieldNames[fieldIndex]); } } } return new ConversionProperties(destTableName, fieldNames); } /** * creates an insert into statement for the specified table and given * field names * @param destTableName * @param fieldNames * @return */ public static StringBuffer createInsertCommand(String destTableName, String[] fieldNames) { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command.append("INSERT INTO "); command.append(beanDest.getQC()); command.append(destTableName); //convertText((String) names.get(tbIndex))); command.append(beanDest.getQC()); command.append(" ("); for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) { command.append(fieldNames[i]); if (i < fieldNames.length - 1) command.append(","); } command.append(") "); command.append(" values ( "); // add a question marks for every field for (int i = 0; i < bean.getColumnNames().size() - 1; ++i) command.append("?,"); command.append("?)"); return command; } public static StringBuffer createUpdateCommand(String destTableName, String[] fieldNames, String id) { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command.append("UPDATE "); command.append(beanDest.getQC()); command.append(destTableName); //command.append(convertText((String) names.get(tbIndex))); command.append(beanDest.getQC()); command.append(" SET "); int size = bean.getColumnNames().size(); for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; ++i) command.append(fieldNames[i] + " = ? ,"); command.append(fieldNames[size - 1] + " = ? "); command.append("WHERE " + id + " = ?"); return command; } public static StringBuffer createDeleteCommand(String destTableName, String idField) { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command.append("DELETE FROM"); command.append(beanDest.getQC()); command.append(destTableName); //command.append(convertText((String) names.get(tbIndex))); command.append(beanDest.getQC()); command.append("WHERE " + idField + " = ?"); return command; } }