`Amal al-Asṭurlāb `Amal al-Asturlab 390 Arabic 0 0 0 It is a discussion of the mathematical principles of astrolabe construction directed toward serious scholars at an “intermediate” level, according to a statement in the introduction. This treatise also seems to have been somewhat influential, since a “supplement” (Tatmīm `Amal al-Asṭurlāb) was composed by Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad al-Azharī al-Khāniqī (fl. 1350). An anonymous summary (Tajrīd) is also extant. [BEA, DeYoung] 171 `Amal al-Rukhāmāt `Amal al-Rukhamat 390 Arabic 0 0 a discussion of the construction of hour lines on horizontal sundials [BEA, DeYoung] 170 `Umdat al-ḥāsib wa-ghunyat al-ṭālib `Umdat al-hasib wa-ghunyat al-talib 3760 ca. 1262 19 zīj Arabic 0 0 compiled in Marāgha (ca. 1262) after the Tāj and before the Adwār, is a mixture of different zījes and has nothing to do with Ibn Abī al-Shukr’s work [BEA, Comes] 166 Al-Ab`ād wa-'l-ajrām Ab`ad wa-'l-ajram (Habash) الأبعاد والأجرام 220 0 0 1 2200100000000 58 Al-Ab`ād wa-'l-ajrām Ab`ad wa-'l-ajram (Jaghmini) الأبعاد والأجرام 4030 0 0 0 2 40300200000000 101 Al-Ab`ād wa-'l-ajrām Ab`ad wa-'l-ajram (Saghani) الأبعاد والأجرام 1430 0 0 0 1 14300100000000 74 Adwār al-anwār madā al-duhūr wa-’l-akwār Adwar al-anwar mada al-duhur wa-’l-akwar 3760 1275 zīj Arabic 0 0 introduced the results of the astronomical observations he carried out in Marāgha [BEA, Comes] 161 Almagest (commentary) Almagest (Nayrizi commentary) 880 last half of ninth century Arabic 0 0 173 Commentary of Farghānī's jawāmi` of the Almagest Almagest, comm. on Farghani's jawami` (Juzjani) 1981 Arabic 0 0 175 Almagest, comm. on Farghānī's jawami` Almagest, comm. on Farghani's jawami` (Qabisi) 1320 0 0 Bīrūnī wrote an extensive discussion of this work entitled Tahdhīb Fuṣūl al-Farghānī, but it is no longer extant. [BEA, DeYoung] 176 Jawāmi` of the Almagest Almagest, Jawami` of (Farghani) 390 Arabic 0 0 Composed after Ma’mūn's death in 833 but before 857. It was also the subject of two commentaries, the first by Abū `Ubayd `Abd al-Waḥīd ibn Muḥammad al-Jūzjānī, and the other by Abū al-Ṣaqr `Abd al-`Azīz ibn `Uthmān al-Qabīṣī. Bīrūnī wrote an extensive discussion of this work entitled Tahdhīb Fuṣūl al-Farghānī. Latin translations: John of Seville (Spain) about 1135. Printed Latin versions based on this translation were published in Ferara (1493), Nürnburg (1537), and Paris (1546). The translation of Gerard of Cremona (made some time before 1175) was not printed until the twentieth century, but it circulated in manuscript form throughout Europe. A Hebrew translation (before 1385?) of the Arabic text was prepared by Jacob Anatoli. This Hebrew version, together with the Latin of John of Seville, was used by Jacob Christmann to prepare a new Latin translation, published in Frankfurt (1590). The Arabic text, together with a new Latin translation and notes (which cover only the first nine chapters) was published posthumously by Jacob Golius (Amsterdam, 1669).[BEA, DeYoung] 169 An appendix to Ibn al-Hayīam’s "Maqāla fī ḥarakat al-iltifāf" Appendix to Ibn al-Haytham’s "Maqala fi harakat al-iltifaf" 2660 0 0 0 1 26600100000000 86 Bayān al-arṣād al-kulliyya (Mukhtaṣar) Bayan al-arsad al-kulliyya (Mukhtasar) بيان الأرصاد الكلية (مختصر) 1980 0 Almagest summary 9 chapters 0 0 part of the Najāh; compiled by Jūzjānī; Jūzjānī calls it “Al-arṣād al-kulliyya wa-ma`rifat tarkīb al-aflāk ka-'l-mukhtaṣar min kitāb al-Majisṭī”; Ibn Sina says he wishes to “akhtaṣiru bayān al-arṣād al-kulliyya allatī `ulima minhā al-aḥkām al-kulliyya fī hay’at al-falak wa-taqdīr al-ḥarakāt” 3 19800300000000 79 Bayān al-Tadhkira wa-tibyān al-tabṣira Bayan al-Tadhkira wa-tibyan al-tabsira (`Ubaydi) بيان التذكرة وتبيان التبصرة 7030 24 Rabī` I, 728 ca. 7 February, 1328 1328 commentary intermediate hay'a Arabic 0 0 89 92 1 36800170300000 92 Commentary of Ulugh Beg's Zīj Commentary of Ulugh Beg's Zij (Birjandi) 4560 0 0 195 196 196 Correction of the Longitude of Jurjān Correction of Longitude of Jurjan في طول جرجان 1980 0 8 0 0 dedicated to Zarrayn Kīs, daughter of Amīr Qābūs (=Shams al-Ma`ālī); not extant but mentioned by Bīrūnī in the Taḥdīd al-amākin 28 19802800000000 134 De scientia motus orbis De scientia (Masha'allah) في علم حركة الفلك (؟) 80 0 0 0 1 800100000000 55 Equatorial circle Equatorial circle (Maridini) 4450 Arabic 0 0 190 Fatḥ al-Fatḥiyya Fath al-Fathiyya (Sinan Pasha) فتح الفتحية في الهيئة 4430 commentary Arabic 0 0 194 200 200 Fatḥiyya fī `Ilm al-Hay’a Fathiyya fi `Ilm al-Hay’a (Qushji) فتحية في علم الهيئة 4380 1473 1473 9 Arabic 0 0 Presented to Sultan Mehmed in 1473. The book which was taught as a middle-level textbook. This is an Arabic rewriting of his Risālah dar `ilm-i hay’a that he wrote in Samarqand in 1458 194 194 Fī al-ab`ād al-Ẓāhira li-ajrām al-samāwiyya Fi al-ab`ad al-Zahira li-ajram al-samawiyya 1980 0 0 0 MAM.232 (A10) 18 19801800000000 122 Fī anna laysa l-'l-arḍ ḥarakat intiqāl Fi anna laysa l-'l-ard harakat intiqal 1980 0 0 0 24 19802400000000 128 Fī taḥqīq ḥaqīqat al-zāwiya wa-daf` al-shubah al-wārida Fī taḥqīq ḥaqīqat al-zāwiya wa-daf` al-shubah al-wārida في تحقيق حقيقة الزاوية ودفع الشبه الواردة 4221 0 0 may be related to work of Ibn Sina and also Shirazi work on horned angles 198 Firdaws al-Ḥikma Firdaws al-Hikma فردوس الحكمة 250 0 0 0 1 2500100000000 59 Ḥall shukūk ḥarakat al-iltifāf Hall shukuk harakat al-iltifaf حل شكوك حركة الالتفاف 2040 0 0 0 3 20400300000000 84 Ḥāshiya `alā al-Mulakhkhaṣ Hashiya `ala al-Mulakhkhas (`Ubaydi) حاشية على الملخص 7030 commentary Arabic 0 0 `Ubaydī says in the preface that he wrote the commentary in 3 days on at the request of some professors and students (Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi Kütüphanesi, III. Ahmed nr. 3325, 1b-34a). [İ. Fazlıoğlu] 97 203 203 Ḥāshiya `alā dhikr aṣl al-rujū` wa-'l-istiqāma fī “al-Tadhkira” Hashiya `ala dhikr asl al-ruju` (Farisi) حاشية على ذكر اصل الرجوع 3890 commentary Arabic 0 0 1 155 Ḥāshiya `alā Sharḥ al-Mulakhkhaṣ fī al-hay’a Hashiya `ala Sharh al-Mulakhkhas (Baha' al-Din) حاشية على شرح الملخص في الهيئة 4800 supercommentary Arabic 0 0 97 98 151 2 40300243004800 151 Ḥāshiya `alā Sharḥ al-Mulakhkhaṣ fī al-hay’a Hashiya `ala Sharh al-Mulakhkhas (Birjandi) حاشية على شرح الملخص في الهيئة 4560 0 supercommentary elementary hay'a Arabic 0 0 notes to Qāḍīzāde al-Rūmī’s commentary to Jaghmīnī 97 98 99 1 40300143004560 99 Ḥāshiya `alā Sharḥ al-Mulakhkhaṣ Hashiya `ala Sharh al-Mulakhkhas (Fasih) حاشية على شرح الملخص 4511 supercommentary Arabic 0 0 This Ḥashiya is on Kamāl al-Dīn al-Turkmānī’s Sharḥ of Jaghmīnī’s Mulakhkhaṣ (I. Fazlıoğlu) 97 193 202 202 Ḥāshiya `alā Sharḥ al-Mulakhkhaṣ fī al-hay’a Hashiya `ala Sharh al-Mulakhkhas (Sinan Pasha) حاشية على شرح الملخص 4430 supercommentary Arabic 0 0 97 98 199 199 Ḥāshiyat al-Tuḥfa Hashiyat al-Tuhfa حاشية التحفة 7020 0 0 0 2 38700270200000 96 Ḥāshiyat Jawāhir al-mawāqif Hashiyat Jawahir al-mawaqif (Anon) حاشية جواهر المواقف 9000 0 0 0 1 90000100000000 105 Hashiyat Tabsira حاشية التبصرة 3970 0 commentary elementary hay'a Arabic 0 0 2 27600239700000 145 Hawī al-mukhtaṣarāt Hawi al-mukhtasarat (Maridini) 4450 0 0 Another discussion of the muqanṭarāt quadrant along with Al-Nujūm al-ẓāhirāt, and its extract Qaṭf al-ẓāhirāt 183 Hay’at l-`ālam Hay'at l-`alam هيئة العالم 2040 0 0 0 1 20400100000000 82 Hidāyat al-`āmil Hidayat al-`amil (Maridini) 4450 Arabic 0 0 another specialized quadrant 185 Hidāyat al-sā’il Hidayat al-sa’il (Maridini) 4450 Arabic 0 0 On the quadrant mentioned in his Hidāyat al-`āmil 186 Ḥujuj ṭabī`iyya mustakhraja min kutub Arisṭāṭalīs fī al-radd `alā man za`ama an al-falak ḥayy nāṭiq Hujuj tabi`iyya mustakhraja min kutub Aristatalis حجج طبيعية مستخرجة من كتب أرسطاطليس في الرد على من زعم أن الفلك حيَ ناطق 270 0 0 0 2 2700200000000 61 Ibtidā' al-maqāla al-muḍāfa ilā . . . al-majisṭī Ibtida' al-maqala al-mudafa ila . . . al-Majisti 1980 0 1 0 Appendix to the Almagest in the Shifa'; published in Cairo editon 23 19802300000000 127 Inḥār al-sirr al-mawḍū` Inhar al-sirr al-mawdu` (Maridini) 4450 Arabic 0 0 Use of a specialized quadrant 184 Ittifāq al-falāsifa wa-ikhtilāfuhum fī khuṭūṭ al-kawākib Ittifaq al-falasifa wa-ikhtilafuhum fi khutut al-kawakib (Umar b. Farrukhan) اتّفاق الفلاسفة واختلافهم في خطوط الكواكب 130 0 0 0 1 1300100000000 56 Khilāṣ tarkīb al-aflāk Khilas tarkib al-aflak خلاص تركيب الأفلاك 1981 0 0 0 2 19810200000000 81 Khulāṣat al-Majisṭī (Summary of the Almagest) Khulasat al-Majisti 3760 commentary Arabic 0 0 he wrote 3 commentaries on Ptolemy's Almagest 167 Kitāb al-arṣād al-kulliyya Kitab al-arsad al-kulliyya كتاب الأرصاد الكلية 1980 0 0 0 Sezgin 10 19801000000000 114 Kitāb al-jirmay al-nayyirayn wa bu`dayhimā Kitab al-jirmay al-nayyirayn wa bu`dayhima 7040 0 0 0 1 70400100000000 137 Kitāb al-radd `alā Baṭlamyūs fī hay’at al-falak wa-'l-arḍ Kitab al-radd `ala Batlamyus fi hay'at al-falak wal-'l-ard كتاب الرد على بطلميوس في هيئة الفلك والأرض 270 0 0 0 1 2700100000000 60 Kitāb fī al-hay’a Kitab fi al-hay'a (Qusta) كتاب في الهيئة 770 0 0 0 1 7700100000000 68 Kitāb fī al-hay`a Kitab fi al-hay'a (Thabit) كتاب في الهيئة 660 0 0 0 2 6600200000000 65 Kitāb fī ishkāl (ashkāl?) "al-Majisṭī" Kitab fi ishkal (ashkal?) "al-Majisti" كتاب في إشكال (أشكال؟) المجسطي 660 0 0 0 3 6600300000000 66 Kitāb fī tarkīb al-aflāk wa-ḥalaqātihā wa-`adadihā wa-`adad harakāt al-jihāt lahā wa-’l-kawākib fīhā wa-mablagh sayrihā wal-jihāt allatī tataḥarrak ilayhā Kitab fi tarkib al-aflak wa-halaqatiha (Thabit) كتاب في تركيب الأفلاك وحلقاتها وعددها وعدد حركات الجهات لها والكواكب فيها ومبلغ سيرها والجهات التي تتحرك إليها 660 0 0 0 1 6600100000000 64 Kitab hay'a (Ibn Bajja) كتاب الهيئة 2770 0 0 0 Berlin MS-now in Cracow?? Info from G. Endress 1 27700100000000 147 Kitāb al-Hay'a Kitab hay'a (Qasim b. Mutarrif) كتاب الهيئة 1171 10th century original text (matn) Arabic 30 numbered and 5 unnumbered chapters 0 0 10th c. Cordova. First extant Andalusī treatise on astronomy. The only known manuscript is preserved in the Süleymaniye Library in Istanbul (Carullah Efendi 1279, fols. 315r-321v). 30 numbered and 5 unnumbered chapters. The unnumbered chapters differ from the others and do not seem to belong to the work. The chapters are: 1-8: signs of the Zodiac and Lunar mansions; 9–11: planets and cosmographical subjects; 12: stars; 13–16: moon and sun; 17–27: subjects related to the calendar, i.e. years, months, days, hours (22 and 23 are devoted to clocks); 28–30: description of the cosmos, both the superlunary and sublunary world. The other 5 chapters deal with the sun, moon, and terrestrial latitudes. Some of the chapters that purport to explain the physical structure of the cosmos show a clear dependence on Aristotle, while others draw upon Ptolemy, in particular on his Planetary Hypothesis, which may have reached the author through the Kitāb al-A`lāq al-nafīsa of the eastern geographer Abū `Alī Aḥmad ibn `Umar ibn Rustah. An analysis of his work offers only two chronological details: a quotation from Maslama al-Majrīṭī (d. 1007) and the statement in the title of the star table: “we found its longitude in the ecliptic in the year 300 of the Hijra” (912-3 CE). The clocks described are a sundial, the description of which coincides with the one found in the Kitāb al-asrār fī natā’ij al-afkār (Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana, MS. Misc. Or. 152, folio 47r), explicitly attributed to Ibn al-Ṣaffār, one of Maslama’s disciples. 2 texts describe a similar instrument (the balāṭa described in Ibn Isḥāq al-Tūnisī's Zīj and one in the commentary to the Mišná by Maimonides). A "fire clock” is described which is a similar clock found in a work by a certain Yūnus al-Miṣrī. The star table contains 16 stars. It is the first star table documented in al-Andalus and is influenced by al-Battānī and Maslama [see BEA, Comes] 1 158 Kitāb hay’at al-`ālam Kitab hay'at al-`alam كتاب هيئة العالم 930 0 0 0 1 9300100000000 69 Kitāb kayfiyyat (tarkīb) al-aflāk Kitab kayfiyyat (tarkib) al-aflak كتاب كيفية (تركيب) الأفلاك 1981 0 0 0 1 19810100000000 80 Kitab Tabsira fi `ilm nujum كتاب التبصرة في علم النجوم 3940 0 original text (matn) 50 chapters 0 0 BEA: 50 chapters on astrology and astronomy, timekeeping and an almanac. Intro to medieval astronomy that includes basic zodiacal and planetary astrology. Subjects: zodiac, course of sun and moon, planets, fixed stars, eclipses, astrolabe, lunar mansions, calendar systems, determination of the qibla, timekeeping (including tables); mentions Dorotheus and Kushyār b. Labbān; Ch. 32 almanac of seasonal reackoning c. 1271 1 39400100000000 143 Kitāb Tarkīb al-aflāk Kitab Tarkib al-aflak (Sijzi) كتاب تركيب الأفلاك 1850 0 0 0 1 18500100000000 76 Ma`rifat tarkīb al-aflāk Ma`rifat tarkib al-aflak معرفة تركيب الأفلاك 1980 0 duplicate 0 0 GAS VI.280, no. 10; not a separate work but part of the title of Kullīyat al-arṣād as found in Jūzjānī's intro to the Riyāḍiyyāt supplement to the Najāt 2 19800200000000 78 Al-Madkhal ilā `ilm al-hay’a Madkhal ila `ilm al-hay’a (Hasan b. al-Khasib) المدخل إلى علم الهيئة 620 0 0 0 1 6200100000000 63 Al-Madkhal ilā `ilm al-hay’a Madkhal ila `ilm al-hay'a (Nihawandi) المدخل إلى علم الهيئة 180 0 0 0 1 1800100000000 57 al-Majisṭī (1) Majisti (1) المجسطي 1980 0 0 0 portion of Kitāb al-Shifā'; GAS VI. 278 (no. 2); published as part of the Cairo series, al-Shifā', al-riyāḍiyyāt, part 4 (`ilm al-hay'a) [Cairo, 1980] 5 19800500000000 109 al-Majisṭī (2) Majisti (2) المجسطي 1980 0 duplicate 0 0 abridgement of Almagest in the Kitāb al-Najāt; GAS VI.279 (no. 3); this is actually the Bayān al-arṣād al-kulliyya (Mukhtaṣar) 6 19800600000000 110 Maqāla fī al-Ālāt al-raṣadiyya Maqala fi al-Alat al-rasadiyya مقالة في الآلات الرصدية 1980 0 0 0 GAS V.275; MAMS 2.230 (A2), p. 231 [=(A2a) Teheran, Sana 2252/9?]; trans. by Wiedemann 8 19800800000000 112 Maqāla fī ḥarakat al-iltifāf Maqala fi harakat al-iltifaf مقالة في حركة الالتفاف 2040 0 0 0 2 20400200000000 83 Maqāla fī istikhrāj ta`dīl al-nahār wa sa`at al-mashriq wa-’l-dā’ir min al-falak bi-ṭarīq al-handasa Maqala fi istikhraj ta`dil al-nahar 3760 Arabic 0 0 description of the geometrical methods used to determine the meridian line, the rising amplitude, and the revolution of the sphere 164 Maqāla fī kayfiyyat al-raṣd wa-muṭābaqatihī ma` al-`ilm al-ṭabī`ī Maqala fi kayfiyyat al-rasd wa-mutabaqatihi ma` al-`ilm al-tabi`i مقالة في كيفية الرصد ومطابقته مع العلم الطبيعي 1980 0 unknown--nonextant 0 0 GAS VI.280; mentioned by IAU, 2:19 (=p. 458 of Beirut edition); no mss; slightly reminiscent of appendix to beginning of appendix to the Almagest section of the Shifa' where he calls for a conformity of what is in the Almagest and natural philosophy; but could be Kitāb al-arṣād al-kulliyya from the Najāt since these titles are not mentioned in the bibliographies of Qifṭī and IAU 1 19800100000000 77 Maqāla fī khawāṣṣ khaṭṭ al-istiwā' Maqala fi khawass khatt al-istiwa' مقالة في خواصّ خط الاستواء 1980 0 0 0 GAS VI.280 (9); in IAU; apparently not extant; but see Tadhkira 11 19801100000000 115 Maṭlab [On the sine quadrant] Matlab (Maridini) 4450 Arabic 0 0 187 Muin (or Minhaj) tulab fi amal bi-'l-asturlab 3940 0 0 0 BEA: preserved in 2 manuscripts in Cairo and Tehran; explanatory text on the construction of an astrolabe, diagrams of different parts, andtables for its construction; also deals with sundials, the water clock, and the magnetic compass 2 39400200000000 144 Mukhtaṣar al-Majisṭī Mukhtasar al-Majisti 1980 0 0 0 Zahiriyya ms; perhaps part of Bayān al-arṣād?? 26 19802600000000 130 Mukhtṣar al-Majisṭī Mukhtsar al-Majisti مختصر المجسطي 1980 0 duplicate Arabic 0 0 MAM.230 (A1): London (7768 or 7368?); Oxford (1012) [=`Urḍī, Marsh 621/3]; probably these are either miscatalogued or the Almagest of the Shifa'; Mahdawi, p. 263, says London 7368 is the Almagest 13 19801300000000 117 al-Mukhtṣar fī `ilm al-hay’a (al-falak wa al-manāzil) Mukhtsar fi `ilm al-hay’a (al-falak wa al-manazil) 1980 0 duplicate 0 0 MAM.232 (A8); the appendix to the Almagest of the Shifa' (one of mss is AIII, 3303, which is this) 16 19801600000000 120 Al-Mulakhkhaṣ fī al-hay'at al-basīṭa Mulakhkhas fi al-hay'at al-basita الملخص في الهيئة البسيطة 4030 0 original text (matn) 0 0 97 1 40300100000000 97 Muntahā al-idrāk fī mudrik al-aflāk Muntaha al-idrak fi mudrik al-aflak منتهى الأدراك في مدرك الأفلاك 9000 0 0 4 152 Muntahā al-idrāk fī taqāsīm al-aflāk Muntaha al-idrak fī taqasīm al-aflak (Kharaqi) منتهى الإدراك في تقاسيم الأفلاك 2760 0 0 0 1 27600100000000 87 Muqaddima to Sine Problems and Spherical Relations Muqaddima (Maridini) 4450 Arabic 0 0 179 Muqaddima [sundials] Muqaddima [sundials] (Maridini) 4450 Arabic 0 0 189 Muqaddimāt ḥisābiyya min al-khārij fī `ilm al-falak al-mustabīm (mustaqīm?) Muqaddimat hisabiyya min al-kharij fi `ilm al-falak al-mustabim (mustaqim?) مقدمات حسابية من الخارج في علم الفلك المستبيم (؟) 9000 0 0 0 3 90000300000000 106 Muqaddimāt tata`allaq bi-ḥarakāt al-Kawākib (Prolegomena on the motion of the stars) Muqaddimat tata`allaq bi-harakat al-Kawakib 3760 commentary Arabic 0 0 he wrote 3 commentaries on the Almagest; this one contains five geometric premises on the planetary motions in the Almagest [BEA, Comes] 168 Al-Nujūm al-ẓāhirāt [On the muqanṭarāt quadrant] Nujum al-zahirat (Maridini) 4450 Arabic 0 0 181 Qānūn li-faṣl al-shams wa-'l-qamar wa awqāt al-layl wa-'l-nahār Qanun li-fasl al-shams wa-'l-qamar wa awqat al-layl wa-'l-nahar 1980 0 unknown--extant 0 0 MAM.232 (A9); Listed as misattribution GAS V.290 (n.2) 17 19801700000000 121 Qaṭf al-ẓāhirāt Qatf al-zahirat (Maridini) 4450 Arabic 0 0 extract from his treatise, Al-Nujūm al-ẓāhirāt [On the muqanṭarāt quadrant] 182 Qiyām al-arḍ fī wasaṭ al-samā' Qiyam al-ard fi wasat al-sama' علة قيام الأرض في حيزها (في وسط السماء) 1980 0 10 chs. 0 0 GAS VI.279 (4) ; MAMS 2.231 (A6); Mahdawi, pp. 181-182; written for Abū al-Ḥasan Aḥmad b. Muḥammad al-Sahlī 7 19800700000000 111 Treatise on the quadrant, astrolabe and calendar Quadrant, astrolabe and calendar (Maridini) 4450 Arabic 0 0 191 Raqā’iq al-ḥaqā’iq [On Calculating with Degrees and Minutes] Raqa'iq al-haqa'iq (Maridini) 4450 Arabic 0 0 177 Risāla al-ajrām al-`ulwiyya (Risāla al-āṣār al-`ulwiyya) Risala al-ajram al-`ulwiyya (Risala al-asar al-`ulwiyya) 1980 0 0 0 MAM.231 (A4) 21 19802100000000 125 Risāla al-fawayd fī al-ra’y al-muḥaṣṣal min al-aqdamīn fī jawhar al-ajrām al-samāwiyya wa bayān al-maābihim?? Risala fawayd fi al-ra'y al-muhassal min al-aqdamin fi jawhar al-ajram al-samawiyya 1980 0 duplicate 0 0 MAM.231 (A5); same as al-ajram al-`ulwiyya (samāwiyya) 22 19802200000000 126 Risāla fī al-ab`ād wa-'l-ajrām Risala fi al-ab`ad wa-'l-ajram رسالة في الأبعاد والأجرام 1320 0 0 0 1 13200100000000 72 Risāla fī al-hay’a Risala fi al-hay'a (Ibn Sina) 1980 0 0 0 This is actually a compilation from the Rasā'il of the Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’, mainly from Risāla II on "Natural Bodies" (vol. 2, pp. 24-51); partially translatated into Italian by Giorgio Scrimieri, *Testimonianze medievali e pensiero moderno*, Bari: Edizioni Levante, 1970, pp. 171-189 based on DK, hay'a 10 90 19809000000000 132 Risāla fī al-hay’a Risala fi al-hay'a (Ikhwan) 1451 0 0 0 1 70100200000000 133 Risāla fī al-radd `alā al-munajjimīn Risala fi al-radd `ala al-munajjimin رسالة في الرد على المنجمين 1980 0 duplicate 0 0 see Risāla fī ibṭāl aḥkām al-nujūm 25 19802500000000 129 Risāla fī āthār al-`ulwiyya Risala fi athar al-`ulwiyya 1980 0 duplicate 0 0 same as al-ajrām al-`ulwiyya? 27 19802700000000 131 Risāla fī ibṭāl aḥkām al-nujūm Risala fi ibtal ahkam nujum رسالة في إبطال أحكام النجوم 1980 0 0 0 MAM.231 (A3) = Risāla fī raḍḍ `alā al-munajjimīn (Leiden 1020a) 14 19801400000000 118 Risāla fī ru'yat al-kawākib bi-'l-layl lā bi- (fī) 'l-nahār Risala fi ru'yat al-kawakib bi-'l-layl la bi- (fi) 'l-nahar 1980 0 0 0 MAM.231 A7; GAS VI.280 (n.2); Mahdavi, p. 277 (no. 171). Sezgin correctly notes that this is a misattribution; it is actually by Abū al-Barakāt al-Baghdādī (ca. 1077-ca. 1165) and dedicated to Ghiyāth al-Dīn Muḥammad b. Malik Shāh (ruled 1105-18). 15 19801500000000 119 Risāla fī tarkīb al-aflāk Risala fi tarkib al-aflak رسالة في تركيب الأفلاك 450 0 0 0 1 4500100000000 62 Risāla nawrūziyya Risala nawruziyya 1980 0 unknown--extant 0 0 MAM.232 (A12) 20 19802000000000 124 Risālah i adwār Risalah i adwar 1980 0 0 0 Storey p. 43 12 19801200000000 116 Risālat al-Khiṭay wa-’l-Īghūr Risalat al-Khitay wa-’l-Ighur 0 0 chronological work on the Chinese and Uighur calendars 165 Risālat fī al-`amal bi-l- rub` al-shimālī al-maqṭū` Risalat fi al-`amal bi-l- rub` al-shimali al-maqtu` (Maridini) 4450 Arabic 0 0 Variant title?: Risāla fī al-`Amal bi-’l-rub` al-mujayyab [On Using the Sine Quadrant] 1 156 Ṣaḥifat al-imkān fī al-aṣṭurlāb Sahifat al-imkan fi al-asturlab (Baha' al-Din) صحیفة الإمكان في الأصطرلاب 4800 astrolabe Arabic short work broken up with ishara's 0 0 197 Sharḥ al-Fatḥiyya Sharh al-Fathiyya (Anon.) شرح الفتيحة في الهيئة 9000 0 commentary Arabic 0 0 check against Mirim Chelebi's commentary 2 43800290000000 103 Sharḥ al-Fatḥiyya Sharh al-Fathiyya (Miram Chelebi) شرح الفتحية 4570 925 0 commentary Arabic 0 0 Mirim Chelebi's commentary on the Arabic translation of Qūshjī's R. dar hay'a 194 102 2 43800245700000 102 Sharḥ al-Mulakhkhaṣ fī al-hay’a Sharh al-Mulakhkhas (Humam al-Tabib) شرح الملخص في الهيئة 4252 commentary Arabic 0 0 97 201 201 Sharḥ al-Mulakhkhaṣ Sharh al-Mulakhkhas (Jurjani) شرح الملخٌص 4240 commentary hay'a Arabic 0 0 97 149 2 40300242400000 149 Sharḥ al-Mulakhkhaṣ fī al-hay’a Sharh al-Mulakhkhas (Qadizade) شرح الماخص في الهيئة 4300 814 [or 824 (?)] 1412 1412 commentary Arabic 0 0 97 98 1 40300143000000 98 Sharḥ al-Mulakhkhaṣ (Turkmānī) Sharh al-Mulakhkhas (Turkmani) شرح الملخص 4121 ca 1334 1334 commentary hay'a Arabic 0 0 Written in Gülistan/Saray, the capital city of Golden Horde State, September 1354 and offered to Canı Bek Han (1349-52). Published as a lithography in Tehran in 1311(H?). 10 copies are still in Turkey’s MS libraries (for the oldest copy, see Atıf Efendi Library nr. 1707/2, sheet 11b-223a) [I. Fazlıoğlu] 97 193 193 Sharḥ al-Mulakhkhaṣ fī al-hay’a Sharh al-Mulakhkhas (Ubaydi) شرح الملخص في الهيئة 7030 0 commentary Arabic 0 0 commentary on Tadhkira completed 1328 A.D. 97 100 1 40300170300000 100 Sharh al-Tabsira (Juzjani) شرح التبصرة 4010 0 commentary elementary hay'a Arabic 0 0 not extant?; listed by Kahhala, 1:309, MAMS, 2:447 [no.401] 88 146 2 27600240100000 146 Sharḥ al-Tadhkira Sharh al-Tadhkira (Birjandi) شرح التذكرة 4560 Rabī` I, 913 July-August 1507 1507 Arabic 0 0 89 172 172 Sharḥ al-Tadhkira fī al-hay’a Sharh al-Tadhkira (Jurjani) شرح التذكرة في الهيئة 4240 811 H. commentary Arabic 0 0 89 91 1 36800142400000 91 Sharḥ al-Mulakhkhaṣ li-'l-Jaghmīnī Sharh Mulakhkhas (Abd al-Wahid) 4250 0 commentary elementary hay'a Arabic 0 0 97 135 1 40300142500000 135 Sharḥ Tashrīḥ al-aflāk Sharh Tashrih al-aflak (Kashani) شرح تشريح الأفلاك 7060 commentary Arabic 0 0 1 48000170600000 150 Al-Shukūk `alā Baṭlamyūs Shukuk الشكوك على بطلميوس 2040 0 0 0 4 20400400000000 85 Shukūk "al-Majisṭī" Shukuk al-Majisti (Qabisi) شكوك المجسطي 1320 0 0 0 2 13200200000000 73 a work employing solid spheres possibly called "Sirr al-`ālamīn" solid spheres, possibly "Sirr al-`alamin" سرَ العالمين؟ 1240 0 0 0 1 12400100000000 71 Al-Tabṣira fī `ilm al-hay’a Tabsira fi `ilm al-hay'a (Kharaqi) التبصرة في علم الهيئة 2760 0 hay'a Arabic 0 0 About a dozen manuscripts survive (including several copied into Hebrew letters). Two commentaries were written, one by the Yemeni Jew Alu’el ben Yesha`, the other anonymous; and a Hebrew translation has been identified; He acknowledges the work of predecessors such as Ibn al-Haytham [BEA, Langermann] 2 27600200000000 88 Al-Tadhkira fī `ilm al-hay’a Tadhkira التذكرة في علم الهيئة 3680 Dhū al-qa`da 659* Sept./Oct. 1261* 1261 2 original text (matn) intermediate hay'a Arabic I (2); II (14); III (12); IV (7) 1 1 *Marāgha version; Baghdad version=672/1274 89 1 36800100000000 89 Tafsīr al-samā' wa-'l-`ālam Tafsir al-sama' wa-'l-`alam تفسير السماء والعالم 1980 0 0 0 commentary on Aristotle's De Caelo; Sezgin 9 19800900000000 113 Taḥrīr al-Majisṭī Tahrir al-Majisti تحرير المجسطي 1980 0 0 0 needs to be checked since only 1 MS in Paris (2484, 673 H); GAS VI.278 (no. 1); probably is the "Almagest" part of the Shifā' 4 19800400000000 107 Taḥrīr al-Uṣūl (Recension of Euclid’s Elements) Tahrir al-Usul (Recension of Euclid’s Elements) 3760 1260 19 Arabic 0 0 160 Tāj al-azyāj wa-ghunyat al-muḥtāj (al-muṣṣaḥ {?} bi-adwār al-anwār ma`a al-raṣad wa-’l-i`tibār) Taj al-Azyaj 3760 ca. 1258 18 zīj Arabic 0 0 159 Talkhīṣ al-Majisṭī (Compendium of the Almagest) Talkhis al-Majisti 3760 between 1264 and 1275 commentary Arabic 0 0 he wrote 3 commentaries on Ptolemy's Almagest; this one based on his observations carried out between years 1264 and 1275 [BEA, Comes] 162 Al-Ṭaraf al-saniyya [On sexagesimal calculations] Taraf al-saniyya (Maridini) 4450 Arabic 0 0 180 Tarkīb al-aflāk Tarkib al-aflak (Yaqub) تركيب الأفلاك 40 0 0 0 1 400100000000 54 Tarkīb al-aflāk Tarkib al-aflak (Utarid) تركيب الأفلاك 1500 0 0 0 1 15000100000000 75 Tashrīḥ al-aflāk Tashrih al-aflak (Baha' al-Din) تشريح الأفلاك 4800 0 Arabic 0 0 Longer title: Tashrīḥ al-aflāk min `ilm al-hay’a; Sharḥ Tashrīḥ al-aflāk (`Āmilī's own Commentary on Tashrīḥ al-aflāk), Tehran, Majlis Library, MSS. 3280 and 6345, folios 75-87 and 80-109. 1 48000100000000 136 Tasṭīḥ al-asṭurlāb Tastih al-asturlab 3760 Arabic 0 0 a description of the construction and use of the astrolabe 163 Tawḍīḥ al-Tadhkira fī al-hay’a Tawdih al-Tadhkira توضيح التذكرة 3950 711 0 commentary Arabic 0 0 89 90 1 36800139500000 90 Tuḥfa al-manṣūriyya [on quadrants] Tuhfa al-mansuriyya (Maridini) 4450 Arabic 0 0 188 Al-Tuḥfa al-Shāhiyya Tuhfa Shahiyya (Shirazi) التحفة الشاهية في الهيئة 3870 0 0 0 2 38700200000000 108 Al-Ṭūl wa al-`arḍ Tul wa al-`ard 1980 0 0 0 MAM.232 (A11); mathematical, about length and width; this is not astronomical but deals with 3 dimensions of the body 19 19801900000000 123 work on distances work on distances (Thabit) 660 0 0 0 4 6600400000000 67 Zīj Zij (Nayrizi) 880 0 0 He is credited with two zījes. The longer said by Ibn al-Qifṭī to have been based on the Sindhind; the shorter presumably based upon the Almagest. These works were cited by several astronomers from the `Abbāsid period, although they are no longer extant. [BEA, DeYoung] 174 Zīj-i Jāmi` Zij-i Jami` 0 0 Not clear if this treatise is by or dedicated to Maḥmūd Shāh Khaljī. The introduction says that the treatise originally comprised an introduction (muqaddima), two chapters (bāb), and a conclusion or appendix (khātima). The last chapter and appendix were already lost during the author’s lifetime. The introduction has thirty-six sections (faṣl). The first of these sections is the best-known because it was published, with facing Latin translation, by John Greaves in his Astronomica quaedam (London, 1652). This initial section contains basic geometrical definitions, an elementary introduction to Islamic hay’a (cosmography and cosmology), and some brief explications of concepts used in spherical astronomy. Sections 2 – 24 deal with topics from arithmetic and calculations useful for spherical astronomy. Sections 25 – 36 describe the astrolabe and its use. The work is usually cataloged as a commentary on the Zīj-i Ilkhānī of Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī. 192 Zīj-i Ulugh Beg Zij-i Ulugh Beg 4321 zij Persian 4 chapters 0 0 Title: Zīj-i Ulugh Beg, Zīj-i Jadīd-i Sulṭānī or Zīj-i Gurgānī. In the introduction, Ulugh Beg acknowledges the collaboration of Qāḍīzāde, al-Kāshī and al-Qūshjī. It consists of 4 chapters dealing with chronology, trigonometry and spherical astronomy, planetary positions, and astrology respectively. Ulugh Beg’s Zīj was highly influential and continued to be used in the Islamic world until the 19th c. [BEA, van Dalen] 195 195 Zubd al-raqā’iq Zubd al-raqa'iq (Maridini) 4450 Arabic 0 0 May be an extract from his Raqā’iq al-ḥaqā’iq [On Calculating with Degrees and Minutes] 178 Zubdat al-idrāk fī hay’at al-aflāk Zubdat al-idak fi hay'at al-aflak زبدة الإدراك في هيئة الأفلاك 3680 0 original text (matn) elementary hay'a Arabic 0 0 3 36800300000000 95