Annotation of MPIWGWeb/zpt/edit_MPIWGBasisNeu.zpt, revision ! dwinter     1: <html>
        !             2: <head>
        !             3: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
        !             4: <style type="text/css">
        !             5: <!--
        !             6: .add-nav {
        !             7: font-weight:bold;
        !             8: padding-left:8px;
        !             9: }
        !            10: -->
        !            11: </style>
        !            12: </head>
        !            13: <body>
        !            14: <h2>Edit: <i tal:content="python:here.getContent('WEB_title')"/></h2>
        !            15: <p><a class="add-nav" href="edit">Project Description</a> <a class="add-nav" href="">Publications</a><a class="add-nav" href="">Images at the margin</a><a class="add-nav" href="editMPIWGDisciplinesThemesEditor">Themes and disciplines</a><a class="add-nav"
        !            16: >Additional information</a></p>
        !            17: <hr>
        !            18: 
        !            19: <h3>Edit Basis information</h3>
        !            20: <form method="POST" action="editMPIWGProject">
        !            21: <input type="hidden" name="fromEdit" value="yes"/>
        !            22: <table>
        !            23: <tr>
        !            24: <td>Project Title</td>
        !            25: <td><input tal:attributes="name python:'WEB_title'; value python:here.getContent('WEB_title')" size=100/></td>
        !            26: </tr>
        !            27: <tal:block tal:repeat="field here/getDataFields">
        !            28: <tr>
        !            29: <td tal:content="python:here.fieldLabels[field]"/>
        !            30: <td> <input tal:attributes="name field; value python:here.getContent(field)" size=100/></td>
        !            31: </tr>
        !            32: <tr tal:condition="python:here.isCheckField(field)">
        !            33: <td colspan=2 height="20">
        !            34: <tal:block  tal:define="checkList python:here.giveCheckList(here,field)">
        !            35: <tal:block  repeat="item checkList/keys">
        !            36: <span tal:replace="item"/>:
        !            37: <tal:block tal:condition="python:len(checkList[item])>0">
        !            38: found
        !            39: </tal:block>
        !            40: <tal:block tal:condition="not:python:len(checkList[item])>0">
        !            41: <font color="#ff0000">not found</font>
        !            42: </tal:block>
        !            43: 
        !            44: 
        !            45: <!--<input tal:repeat="prop python:checkList[item]" 
        !            46:        type="radio" 
        !            47:        tal:attributes="name python:'val_%s'%field; value python:prop[0].getId()" 
        !            48:        tal:content="python:prop[1]"/>-->
        !            49: </tal:block>
        !            50: <br>
        !            51: </tal:block>
        !            52: </td>
        !            53: </tr>
        !            54: </tal:block>
        !            55: </table>
        !            56: 
        !            57:   
        !            58: <input type="submit" value="change">
        !            59: </form>
        !            60: </body>
        !            61: </html>

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