Annotation of MPIWGWeb/zpt/edit_MPIWGBasisNeu.zpt, revision   casties     1: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
                      2:           "">
                      3: <html metal:use-macro="here/edit_MPIWGProject_main/macros/page">   dwinter     4: <head>
                      5: </head>
                      6: <body>   casties     7: <tal:block metal:fill-slot="navsel" tal:define="global menusel string:basis" />
                      8: <tal:block metal:fill-slot="body">
                      9:   <form method="POST" action="editMPIWGProject">
                     10:   <input type="hidden" name="fromEdit" value="yes" />
                     11:   <table>
                     12:     <tr>
                     13:       <td><b>Project Title</b></td>
                     14:       <td>
                     15:         <input tal:attributes="name python:'WEB_title'; value python:here.getContent('WEB_title')" size="80"/>
                     16:       </td>
                     17:     </tr>
                     18:     <tal:block tal:repeat="field here/getDataFields">
                     19:       <tr>
                     20:         <td><b tal:content="python:here.fieldLabels[field]"/></td>
                     21:         <td><input tal:attributes="name field; value python:here.getContent(field)" size=80 /></td>
                     22:       </tr>
                     23:       <tr tal:condition="python:here.isCheckField(field)">
                     24:         <td/>
                     25:         <td><tal:block tal:define="checkList python:here.giveCheckList(here,field)">
                     26:           <tal:block repeat="item checkList/keys">
                     27:             <span tal:replace="item" />: 
                     28:             <tal:block tal:condition="python:len(checkList[item])>0">found</tal:block> 
                     29:             <tal:block tal:condition="not:python:len(checkList[item])>0"><font color="#ff0000">not found</font></tal:block>
                     30:           </tal:block>
                     31:           <br>
                     32:         </tal:block></td>
                     33:       </tr>
                     34:     </tal:block> ! dwinter    35:         <tr tal:define="hasChildren python:here.hasChildren()">   dwinter    36:        <td>Project is active</td>
                     37:         <tal:x tal:condition="python:hasChildren and here.isActiveProject()" >
                     38:          <td>active (status cannot be changed, because the project has active children.)
                     39:           <input tal:attributes="name python:'active'" value="true" type="hidden">
                     40:          </td>
                     41:         </tal:x>
                     42:         <tal:x tal:condition="python:(not hasChildren) or (hasChildren and not here.isActiveProject())">
                     43:          <td tal:condition="python:here.isActiveProject()" >
                     44:            <input tal:attributes="name python:'active'" value="true" checked type="checkbox">
                     45:          </td>
                     46:          <td tal:condition="not:python:here.isActiveProject()">
                     47:            <input tal:attributes="name python:'active'" value="true" type="checkbox">
                     48:            <tal:x tal:condition="python:hasChildren" >
                     49:                 WARNING: This project is not active, but has active children.
                     50:            </tal:x>
                     51:          </td>
                     52:        </tal:x>
                     53:     </tr>   casties    54:   </table>
                     55:   <p><input type="submit" value="change"/></p>
                     56:   </form>
                     57:   </tal:block>   dwinter    58: </body>
                     59: </html>

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