Annotation of MPIWGWeb/zpt/teaching_full.zpt~, revision 1.1

1.1     ! dwinter     1: <html metal:use-macro="here/main_template/macros/page">
        !             2: <head>
        !             3: <title tal:content="template/title">The title</title>
        !             4: </head>
        !             5: <body>
        !             6: 
        !             7: <tal:block metal:fill-slot="body" tal:define="found python:here.ZSQLFind()[0]">
        !             8: <table>
        !             9:      <td valign="top" width="610"> 
        !            10:         <div id="Photo" style="position:absolute; width:200px; height:265px; z-index:2; left:483px; top:61px; visibility:visible"> 
        !            11:        [FMP-if: image .neq.] 
        !            12:                <b><img src="[FMP-Image: image]"></b> 
        !            13:       [FMP-else]&nbsp;[/FMP-if] 
        !            14:        </div>
        !            15:       <div id="NameTitle" style="position:absolute; width:323px; height:37px; z-index:3; left: 161px; top: 63px; visibility: visible"> 
        !            16:           <h3><span tal:replace="found/title"/> <span tal:replace="found/vorname"/> <span tal:replace="found/name"/></h3>
        !            17:       </div>
        !            18:         <div id="Position" style="position:absolute; width:323px; height:30px; z-index:5; left: 161px; top: 115px; visibility: visible"> 
        !            19:           <h4><span tal:replace="found/position"/></h4>
        !            20:       </div>
        !            21:         <div id="StayAtMpiwg" style="position:absolute; width:323px; height:32px; z-index:6; left: 161px; top: 158px; visibility: visible"> 
        !            22:           <p>Residence:<br>
        !            23:           <span tal:replace="found/stay_at_mpiwg"/></p>
        !            24:       </div>
        !            25:         <div id="Adress" style="position:absolute; width:323px; height:90px; z-index:4; left: 161px; top: 210px"> 
        !            26:           <p>Max Planck Institute for the History of Science<br>
        !            27:           Wilhelmstra&szlig;e 44<br>
        !            28:           D - 10117 Berlin<br>
        !            29:           Germany</p>
        !            30:      <p class="p_indent"> <img src="bilder/RightArrowSmall.jpg" width="17" height="9" border="0"> 
        !            31:               <a tal:attributes="href python:'members/'+found.username"> 
        !            32:               main </a> </p>
        !            33:         </div>
        !            34:     
        !            35:           
        !            36:             
        !            37: <!-- middle right (PIM) -->
        !            38:         <div id="ContactsImg" style="position:absolute; width:355px; height:114px; z-index:1; left: 286px; top: 329px; visibility: visible;"> 
        !            39:         <table width="400" border="0">
        !            40:            <tal:block tal:define="founds4 python:here.ZSQLInlineSearch(storename='search4',_table='talks',,_sort='priority')">
        !            41:         
        !            42:      <div tal:condition="founds4" id="Publications" style="position:relative; width:581px; z-index:16;"> 
        !            43:             <img src="images/en/Fieldnames72_NBTalksPres.jpg" width="211" height="33"> 
        !            44:             <p> </p>
        !            45:        <tal:block tal:repeat="found4 founds4">
        !            46:             
        !            47:             <p tal:condition="not:python:here.ZSQLisEmpty(" class="p_indent"> <a tal:attributes="href found4/link"><img src="bilder/RightArrowSmall.jpg" width="17" height="9" border="0">&nbsp; 
        !            48:               <span tal:replace="found4/date"/> &#150; <span tal:replace="found4/place"/> &#150; <span tal:replace="found4/title"/>
        !            49:               </a></p>
        !            50: 
        !            51:             <p tal:condition="python:here.ZSQLisEmpty(" class="p_indent"><img src="bilder/RightArrowSmall.jpg" width="17" height="9" border="0">&nbsp; 
        !            52:          <span tal:replace="found4/date"/> &#150; <span tal:replace="found4/place"/> &#150; <span tal:replace="found4/title"/>
        !            53:             </p>
        !            54:             </tal:block>
        !            55:             
        !            56:             <p> 
        !            57:               <!-- Please do not delete -->
        !            58:               &nbsp;</p>
        !            59:             </div>
        !            60:     </tal:block>
        !            61:    
        !            62: </table>
        !            63: </tal:block>
        !            64:   </body>
        !            65: </html>
        !            66: <!-- to be done institutsbiliographie integrieren
        !            67: images
        !            68: weitere seiten fuer mehr als 5 treffer (publ./talks/teaching)
        !            69: bilbiography einfuegen
        !            70: published yes or no abfragen
        !            71: -->

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