Annotation of basket/zpt/BasketMain_manage_template_standard.zpt, revision 1.2

1.1       dwinter     1: <html metal:use-macro="here/main_template/macros/page">
                      2: <head>
                      3: <title>Default</title>
                      4: </head>
                      5: <body>
                      7: <!-- span = bodytext -->
                      8: <span metal:fill-slot="body" tal:omit-tag="">
                      9: <tal:block tal:define="authorized python:here.isAuthorized()">
                     11: <!-- user is logged in -->
                     12: <tal:block tal:condition="authorized">
                     14:    <!-- log in message -->
                     15:    <div class="logout" style="float:right"><a href="/users/login.html?logout">log out</a></div>
                     16:    <div class="userName">logged in as <span tal:content="here/getActualUserName"/></div>
                     18:    <!-- id selected: manage set -->
1.2     ! dwinter    19:    <tal:block tal:condition="python:here.checkPermission('edit')">
1.1       dwinter    20:    
                     21:    <h3>Manage your Set</h3>
                     22:    <br>
                     23:    <p tal:define="currentBasket here/getCurrentBasket"><a href="selectThisBasketAsCurrent">Select this basket.</a>
                     24:    <span tal:condition="currentBasket">The active basket at the moment is <b tal:content="currentBasket"/>.</span>
                     25:    <span tal:condition="not:currentBasket">Currently, there is no active basket.</span>
                     26:    </p>
1.2     ! dwinter    28:    <a href="manageUserRights_html">Change editor/admin rights for this set</a><br>
        !            29:    <a href="addBasketText">Add a new textelement</a><br>
        !            30:    <a href="addBasketExternalLink">Add a new externalLink</a>
1.1       dwinter    31:    <form action="changeBasket">
                     32:        <input type="hidden" name="target" value="manageBasket">
                     33:        Title:<br>
                     34:        <input type="text" name="title" tal:attributes="value here/title" size="50"><br>
                     35:        Short Description:<br>
                     36:        <textarea name="shortDescription" rows="2" cols="50" tal:content="here/shortDescription">Short description</textarea><br>
                     37:        Comment:<br>
                     38:        <textarea name="comment" rows="7" cols="50" tal:content="here/comment">A longer comment / introduction</textarea><br>
1.2     ! dwinter    39:        <tal:x repeat="item here/publicationStatusList">
        !            40:        <tal:x replace="python:here.checkPermission('publish')"/>
        !            41:        <tal:x condition="python:(item!='open') or (item=='open' and here.checkPermission('publish'))">
        !            42:        <input tal:condition="python:item==here.publicationStatus" type="radio" name="publicationStatus" tal:attributes="value item" checked>
        !            43:        <input tal:condition="not:python:item==here.publicationStatus" type="radio" name="publicationStatus" tal:attributes="value item">
        !            44:        <span tal:content="item"/>
        !            45:        </tal:x>
        !            46:        </tal:x>
        !            47:        
1.1       dwinter    48:        <input type="submit" value="save">
                     49:    </form>
                     51:    </tal:block>
                     53:    <h4>Contents:</h4>
                     54:    <form action="changeBasketComments">
1.2     ! dwinter    55:    <div class="item" tal:repeat="item here/getBasketObjects">
1.1       dwinter    56:    <hr>
                     57:     <div>
                     58:        <a tal:attributes="href python:'moveTop?id=%s'%item.getId()">top</a>
                     59:        <a tal:attributes="href python:'moveUp?id=%s'%item.getId()">up</a>
                     60:        <a tal:attributes="href python:'moveDown?id=%s'%item.getId()">down</a>
                     61:        <a tal:attributes="href python:'moveBottom?id=%s'%item.getId()">bottom</a>
                     62:        &nbsp;&nbsp;<a tal:attributes="href python:'deleteObject?id=%s'%item.getId()">delete</a>
                     63:     </div>
                     64:     <div tal:replace="structure item/content_html"/>
1.2     ! dwinter    65:     <div tal:condition="python:getattr(item,'link',None) is not None">
        !            66:        Link (url):<input type="text" size="100" tal:attributes="name python:item.getId()+'_link';
        !            67:                                                   value python:getattr(item,'link',None)"><br>
        !            68:        Linktext:<input type="text" size="100" tal:attributes="name python:item.getId()+'_linkText';
        !            69:                                                   value python:getattr(item,'linkText',None)"><br>
        !            70:                                                   
        !            71:     </div>
        !            72:     
1.1       dwinter    73:     <div><textarea cols="50" rows="5" tal:attributes="name python:item.getId()+'_comment'" tal:content="structure item/comment"></textarea>    
                     74:     </div>
                     75:    <input type="submit" value="change">
                     76:    </div>
                     78:    </tal:block>
                     81: <!-- user is not logged in -->
                     82: <tal:block tal:condition="not: authorized">
                     83:    <h3>No access</h3>
                     84:    <p>You sre not authorized to access this page, please <a href="/users/login.html">log in</a>.</p>
                     85: </tal:block>
                     86: </tal:block>
                     87: </span>
                     88: <!-- ende bodytext -->
                     89: </body>
                     90: </html>

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