Annotation of basket/zpt/BasketMain_manage_template_standard.zpt, revision 1.9

1.1       dwinter     1: <html metal:use-macro="here/main_template/macros/page">
                      2: <head>
                      3: <title>Default</title>
1.3       dwinter     4: <style metal:fill-slot="additionalStyles" type="text/css">
                      5: td.vario { background-color:#AC1D15 } 
                      6: </style>
1.1       dwinter     7: </head>
                      8: <body>
                     10: <!-- span = bodytext -->
                     11: <span metal:fill-slot="body" tal:omit-tag="">
                     12: <tal:block tal:define="authorized python:here.isAuthorized()">
                     14: <!-- user is logged in -->
1.6       dwinter    15: <tal:block tal:condition="authorized"
                     16:     tal:define="global currentBasket here/getCurrentBasket">
1.1       dwinter    17:    
1.4       dwinter    18:    <!--  -->
1.5       dwinter    19:    <tal:block tal:condition="python:here.checkPermission('edit') or here.checkPermission('admin')">
1.1       dwinter    20:    
1.9     ! dwinter    21:    <h2 class="setTitle"><span tal:replace="here/title" /> <a class="editLink" tal:attributes="href python: '../' +">| return to set</a></h2>
        !            22: 
1.4       dwinter    23:    <i tal:condition="python: 
1.6       dwinter    24:        currentBasket and (here.title == currentBasket.title)">- This is the active set -</i>
                     25:    <h4>Edit the set description:</h4>
                     26:    <br>
1.1       dwinter    27:    <form action="changeBasket">
                     28:        <input type="hidden" name="target" value="manageBasket">
                     29:        Title:<br>
1.4       dwinter    30:        <input class="setTitle" type="text" name="title" 
                     31:            tal:attributes="value here/title"><br>
1.1       dwinter    32:        Short Description:<br>
1.4       dwinter    33:        <textarea class="setDescription" name="shortDescription" rows="2" 
                     34:            tal:content="here/shortDescription">Short description</textarea><br>
1.1       dwinter    35:        Comment:<br>
1.4       dwinter    36:        <textarea class="setComment" name="comment" rows="7" 
                     37:            tal:content="here/comment">A longer comment / introduction</textarea><br><br>
                     39:        <input type="submit" value="save">
1.1       dwinter    40:    </form>
1.4       dwinter    41:    <hr>
1.6       dwinter    42:    
                     43:    <a href="manageUserRights_html">Manage the access rights for this set.</a><br>
                     44:    <hr>
                     46:    <h4>Add a new element to the end of this set</h4><br>
                     47:    <!-- Change active basket -->
1.4       dwinter    48:    <a href="addBasketText">Add a new textelement</a><br>
                     49:    <a href="addBasketExternalLink">Add a new hyperlink</a><br>
1.7       dwinter    50:    <a href="addBasketFile">Add a file</a><br>
1.6       dwinter    52:    <p><i>To add any objects from inside the Virtual Laboratory to the active set, 
1.8       dwinter    53:    please locate their datasheet and click the 'addToSet' button: <img src="images/addToSet.gif" width=16 height=16 align="middle">.</i></p>
1.6       dwinter    54:    <p><i><span tal:condition="not:currentBasket">Please note: there is no active set at this moment!</span><span tal:condition="python: currentBasket and here.title != currentBasket.title">Please note: This set is not the active set at this moment, objects will go to the set <b tal:content="currentBasket/title"/>!</span></i></p>
                     55:    <p tal:condition="not: python: 
                     56:        currentBasket and here.title == currentBasket.title">
                     57:    <a tal:condition="python: 
                     58:        currentBasket and here.title != currentBasket.title" 
                     59:        class="editLink"
                     60:        href="selectThisBasketAsCurrent">Select this set as the active set.</a>
                     62:    <a tal:condition="
                     63:        not: currentBasket"
                     64:        class="editLink"
                     65:        href="selectThisBasketAsCurrent">Make this set the active set.</a>
                     66:    </p>
1.4       dwinter    67: 
                     68:    <hr>
1.1       dwinter    69:    
                     70:    </tal:block>
1.6       dwinter    72:    <!-- Content -->
                     73:    <tal:block tal:define="items here/getBasketObjects"
                     74:        tal:condition="items">
                     75:    <h4>Edit Contents:</h4><br>
1.8       dwinter    77:    <form action="changeBasketComments" name="changeSetContents">
                     78:    <div class="seperator"> </div>
1.6       dwinter    79:    <div class="item" tal:repeat="item items">
1.8       dwinter    80:    <br><a tal:attributes="name item/id" />
                     81:    <div tal:condition="item/content_html" tal:content="structure item/content_html"
                     82:            class="setItem" />
                     83:    <table tal:condition="python:getattr(item, 'link', None) is not None"
                     84:        cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" border=0 style="margin-top:5px;">
                     85:    <tr>
                     86:        <td width="1%">URL:&nbsp;</td>
                     87:        <td><input type="text" style="width:100%"
                     88:            tal:attributes="
                     89:                name python:item.getId()+'_link';
                     90:                value python:getattr(item,'link',None)"></td>
                     91:    </tr>
                     92:    <tr>
                     93:        <td>Linktext:&nbsp;</td>
                     94:        <td><input type="text" style="width:100%"
                     95:            tal:attributes="
                     96:                name python:item.getId()+'_linkText';
                     97:                value python:getattr(item,'linkText',None)"></td>
                     98:    </tr>                                                  
                     99:    </table>
                    101:     <textarea class="setItemComment" rows="3" 
                    102:        tal:attributes="name python:item.getId()+'_comment'" 
                    103:        tal:content="structure item/comment"></textarea>    
1.9     ! dwinter   104:    <div> <!-- move / update file / save / delete -->
1.8       dwinter   105:        <div style="float:right">
1.9     ! dwinter   106:            <a class="editLink" 
        !           107:                tal:condition="python:item.meta_type=='BasketFile'" 
        !           108:                tal:attributes="href python:item.absolute_url()+'/upDateFile'">update file</a>
        !           109:            <span tal:condition="python:item.meta_type=='BasketFile'" tal:replace="python:' - '" />
1.8       dwinter   110:            <script type="text/javascript">
                    111:            <!--
1.9     ! dwinter   112:                document.write('<a class="editLink" style="cursor:pointer"' +
1.8       dwinter   113:                    'onClick="forms.changeSetContents.submit();">save<' + '/a> - ');
                    114:            // -->
                    115:            </script>
                    116:            <noscript>
                    117:                <input type="submit" value="change" align="right">
                    118:            </noscript>
                    119:            <a tal:attributes="class python:'editLink'; 
                    120:                href python:'deleteObject?id=%s'%item.getId()"
1.9     ! dwinter   121:                onclick="return window.confirm(
        !           122:                    'Do you really want to remove this item?\nThis is not undoable.')" >delete</a>
1.8       dwinter   123:        </div>
                    124:        move item: <a tal:attributes="class python:'editLink'; 
1.6       dwinter   125:            href python:'moveTop?id=%s'%item.getId()">top</a>
                    126:        <a tal:attributes="class python:'editLink'; 
                    127:            href python:'moveUp?id=%s'%item.getId()">up</a>
                    128:        <a tal:attributes="class python:'editLink'; 
                    129:            href python:'moveDown?id=%s'%item.getId()">down</a>
                    130:        <a tal:attributes="class python:'editLink'; 
                    131:            href python:'moveBottom?id=%s'%item.getId()">bottom</a>
1.8       dwinter   132: 
1.9     ! dwinter   133:    
        !           134:    </div><br>
1.8       dwinter   135:    <div class="seperator"> </div>
                    136: </div>
1.9     ! dwinter   137: </form>
        !           138: <br>
1.8       dwinter   139: <a tal:attributes="href python: '../' +">return to set</a>
1.9     ! dwinter   141: </tal:block>
        !           142: </tal:block>
1.1       dwinter   143: 
                    145: <!-- user is not logged in -->
                    146: <tal:block tal:condition="not: authorized">
                    147:    <h3>No access</h3>
1.3       dwinter   148:    <p>You are not authorized to access this page, please <a href="/users/login.html">log in</a>.</p>
1.1       dwinter   149: </tal:block>
                    150: </tal:block>
                    151: </span>
                    152: <!-- ende bodytext -->
                    153: </body>
                    154: </html>

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