Please check

No basket name!

There is no basket name in the file and you don't have selected an active basket, yet.

You can store the file into a new basket. If you want to use an existing name please select an existing baske and upload again.

Name of the new:

File will be uploaded into the basket:

Basket names in file and selected basket not equal!

Select which basket should be used.

(active basket).

(basket name stored in the file).

File will be uploaded into the basket:

There were Errors!

Some files will not be uploaded (see below)!

Comment (will be added to all uploaded files)

Upload only the changed and new files.

Upload all files.

Dont't do anything.


unlock the files.


Files locked by somebody else, these files cannot be uploaded!

Title Locked by:

Number Of Files

Basket contains files.

Upload file contains files.

Changed files

Files changed.

Title Changed lines (approx.)
