from OFS.Folder import Folder from Products.PageTemplates.ZopePageTemplate import ZopePageTemplate from Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplateFile import PageTemplateFile from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from AccessControl import getSecurityManager from Globals import package_home from Ft.Xml.Domlette import NonvalidatingReader from Ft.Xml.Domlette import PrettyPrint, Print from Ft.Xml import EMPTY_NAMESPACE, Parse import Ft.Xml.XPath import os.path import sys import cgi import urllib import logging import math import urlparse def logger(txt,method,txt2): """logging""" txt2) def getInt(number, default=0): """returns always an int (0 in case of problems)""" try: return int(number) except: return int(default) def getTextFromNode(nodename): """get the cdata content of a node""" if nodename is None: return "" nodelist=nodename.childNodes rc = "" for node in nodelist: if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: rc = rc + return rc def getParentDir(path): """returns pathname shortened by one""" return '/'.join(path.split('/')[0:-1]) import socket def urlopen(url,timeout=2): """urlopen mit timeout""" socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout) ret=urllib.urlopen(url) socket.setdefaulttimeout(5) return ret ## ## documentViewer class ## class documentViewer(Folder): """document viewer""" #textViewerUrl="" meta_type="Document viewer" security=ClassSecurityInfo() manage_options=Folder.manage_options+( {'label':'main config','action':'changeDocumentViewerForm'}, ) # templates and forms viewer_main = PageTemplateFile('zpt/viewer_main', globals()) thumbs_main = PageTemplateFile('zpt/thumbs_main', globals()) image_main = PageTemplateFile('zpt/image_main', globals()) head_main = PageTemplateFile('zpt/head_main', globals()) docuviewer_css = PageTemplateFile('css/docuviewer.css', globals()) info_xml = PageTemplateFile('zpt/info_xml', globals()) thumbs_main_rss = PageTemplateFile('zpt/thumbs_main_rss', globals()) security.declareProtected('View management screens','changeDocumentViewerForm') changeDocumentViewerForm = PageTemplateFile('zpt/changeDocumentViewer', globals()) def __init__(self,id,imageViewerUrl,textViewerUrl=None,title="",digilibBaseUrl=None,thumbcols=2,thumbrows=10,authgroups="mpiwg"): """init document viewer""" self.title=title self.imageViewerUrl=imageViewerUrl self.textViewerUrl=textViewerUrl if not digilibBaseUrl: self.digilibBaseUrl = self.findDigilibUrl() else: self.digilibBaseUrl = digilibBaseUrl self.thumbcols = thumbcols self.thumbrows = thumbrows # authgroups is list of authorized groups (delimited by ,) self.authgroups = [s.strip().lower() for s in authgroups.split(',')] # add template folder so we can always use template.something self.manage_addFolder('template') security.declareProtected('View','thumbs_rss') def thumbs_rss(self,mode,url,viewMode="auto",start=None,pn=1): ''' view it @param mode: defines how to access the document behind url @param url: url which contains display information @param viewMode: if images display images, if text display text, default is images (text,images or auto) '''"HHHHHHHHHHHHHH:load the rss") logger("documentViewer (index)", logging.INFO, "mode: %s url:%s start:%s pn:%s"%(mode,url,start,pn)) if not hasattr(self, 'template'): # create template folder if it doesn't exist self.manage_addFolder('template') if not self.digilibBaseUrl: self.digilibBaseUrl = self.findDigilibUrl() or "" docinfo = self.getDocinfo(mode=mode,url=url) pageinfo = self.getPageinfo(start=start,current=pn,docinfo=docinfo) pt = getattr(self.template, 'thumbs_main_rss') if viewMode=="auto": # automodus gewaehlt if docinfo.get("textURL",'') and self.textViewerUrl: #texturl gesetzt und textViewer konfiguriert viewMode="text" else: viewMode="images" return pt(docinfo=docinfo,pageinfo=pageinfo,viewMode=viewMode) security.declareProtected('View','index_html') def index_html(self,mode,url,viewMode="auto",start=None,pn=1): ''' view it @param mode: defines how to access the document behind url @param url: url which contains display information @param viewMode: if images display images, if text display text, default is images (text,images or auto) ''' logger("documentViewer (index)", logging.INFO, "mode: %s url:%s start:%s pn:%s"%(mode,url,start,pn)) if not hasattr(self, 'template'): # create template folder if it doesn't exist self.manage_addFolder('template') if not self.digilibBaseUrl: self.digilibBaseUrl = self.findDigilibUrl() or "" docinfo = self.getDocinfo(mode=mode,url=url) pageinfo = self.getPageinfo(start=start,current=pn,docinfo=docinfo) pt = getattr(self.template, 'viewer_main') if viewMode=="auto": # automodus gewaehlt if docinfo.get("textURL",'') and self.textViewerUrl: #texturl gesetzt und textViewer konfiguriert viewMode="text" else: viewMode="images" return pt(docinfo=docinfo,pageinfo=pageinfo,viewMode=viewMode) def getLink(self,param=None,val=None): """link to documentviewer with parameter param set to val""" params=self.REQUEST.form.copy() if param is not None: if val is None: if params.has_key(param): del params[param] else: params[param] = str(val) # quote values and assemble into query string ps = "&".join(["%s=%s"%(k,urllib.quote(v)) for (k, v) in params.items()]) url=self.REQUEST['URL1']+"?"+ps return url def getLinkAmp(self,param=None,val=None): """link to documentviewer with parameter param set to val""" params=self.REQUEST.form.copy() if param is not None: if val is None: if params.has_key(param): del params[param] else: params[param] = str(val) # quote values and assemble into query string"XYXXXXX: %s"%repr(params.items())) ps = "&".join(["%s=%s"%(k,urllib.quote(v)) for (k, v) in params.items()]) url=self.REQUEST['URL1']+"?"+ps return url def getInfo_xml(self,url,mode): """returns info about the document as XML""" if not self.digilibBaseUrl: self.digilibBaseUrl = self.findDigilibUrl() or "" docinfo = self.getDocinfo(mode=mode,url=url) pt = getattr(self.template, 'info_xml') return pt(docinfo=docinfo) def getStyle(self, idx, selected, style=""): """returns a string with the given style and append 'sel' if path == selected.""" #logger("documentViewer (getstyle)", logging.INFO, "idx: %s selected: %s style: %s"%(idx,selected,style)) if idx == selected: return style + 'sel' else: return style def isAccessible(self, docinfo): """returns if access to the resource is granted""" access = docinfo.get('accessType', None) logger("documentViewer (accessOK)", logging.INFO, "access type %s"%access) if access is not None and access == 'free': logger("documentViewer (accessOK)", logging.INFO, "access is free") return True elif access is None or access in self.authgroups: # only local access -- only logged in users user = getSecurityManager().getUser() if user is not None: #print "user: ", user return (user.getUserName() != "Anonymous User") else: return False logger("documentViewer (accessOK)", logging.INFO, "unknown access type %s"%access) return False def getDirinfoFromDigilib(self,path,docinfo=None,cut=0): """gibt param von dlInfo aus""" num_retries = 3 if docinfo is None: docinfo = {} for x in range(cut): path=getParentDir(path) infoUrl=self.digilibBaseUrl+"/dirInfo-xml.jsp?mo=dir&fn="+path logger("documentViewer (getparamfromdigilib)", logging.INFO, "dirInfo from %s"%(infoUrl)) for cnt in range(num_retries): try: # dom = NonvalidatingReader.parseUri(imageUrl) txt=urllib.urlopen(infoUrl).read() dom = Parse(txt) break except: logger("documentViewer (getdirinfofromdigilib)", logging.ERROR, "error reading %s (try %d)"%(infoUrl,cnt)) else: raise IOError("Unable to get dir-info from %s"%(infoUrl)) sizes=dom.xpath("//dir/size") logger("documentViewer (getparamfromdigilib)", logging.INFO, "dirInfo:size"%sizes) if sizes: docinfo['numPages'] = int(getTextFromNode(sizes[0])) else: docinfo['numPages'] = 0 return docinfo def getIndexMeta(self, url): """returns dom of index.meta document at url""" num_retries = 3 dom = None metaUrl = None if url.startswith("http://"): # real URL metaUrl = url else: # online path server=self.digilibBaseUrl+"/servlet/Texter?fn=" metaUrl=server+url.replace("/mpiwg/online","") if not metaUrl.endswith("index.meta"): metaUrl += "/index.meta" print metaUrl for cnt in range(num_retries): try: # patch dirk encoding fehler treten dann nicht mehr auf # dom = NonvalidatingReader.parseUri(metaUrl) txt=urllib.urlopen(metaUrl).read() dom = Parse(txt) break except: logger("ERROR documentViewer (getIndexMata)", logging.INFO,"%s (%s)"%sys.exc_info()[0:2]) if dom is None: raise IOError("Unable to read index meta from %s"%(url)) return dom def getPresentationInfoXML(self, url): """returns dom of info.xml document at url""" num_retries = 3 dom = None metaUrl = None if url.startswith("http://"): # real URL metaUrl = url else: # online path server=self.digilibBaseUrl+"/servlet/Texter?fn=" metaUrl=server+url.replace("/mpiwg/online","") for cnt in range(num_retries): try: # patch dirk encoding fehler treten dann nicht mehr auf # dom = NonvalidatingReader.parseUri(metaUrl) txt=urllib.urlopen(metaUrl).read() dom = Parse(txt) break except: logger("ERROR documentViewer (getPresentationInfoXML)", logging.INFO,"%s (%s)"%sys.exc_info()[0:2]) if dom is None: raise IOError("Unable to read infoXMLfrom %s"%(url)) return dom def getAuthinfoFromIndexMeta(self,path,docinfo=None,dom=None,cut=0): """gets authorization info from the index.meta file at path or given by dom""" logger("documentViewer (getauthinfofromindexmeta)", logging.INFO,"path: %s"%(path)) access = None if docinfo is None: docinfo = {} if dom is None: for x in range(cut+1): path=getParentDir(path) dom = self.getIndexMeta(path) acctype = dom.xpath("//access-conditions/access/@type") if acctype and (len(acctype)>0): access=acctype[0].value if access in ['group', 'institution']: access = getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//access-conditions/access/name")[0]).lower() docinfo['accessType'] = access return docinfo def getBibinfoFromIndexMeta(self,path,docinfo=None,dom=None,cut=0): """gets bibliographical info from the index.meta file at path or given by dom""" logging.debug("documentViewer (getbibinfofromindexmeta) path: %s"%(path)) if docinfo is None: docinfo = {} if dom is None: for x in range(cut+1): path=getParentDir(path) dom = self.getIndexMeta(path) # put in all raw bib fields as dict "bib" bib = dom.xpath("//bib/*") if bib and len(bib)>0: bibinfo = {} for e in bib: bibinfo[e.localName] = getTextFromNode(e) docinfo['bib'] = bibinfo # extract some fields (author, title, year) according to their mapping metaData=self.metadata.main.meta.bib bibtype=dom.xpath("//bib/@type") if bibtype and (len(bibtype)>0): bibtype=bibtype[0].value else: bibtype="generic" bibtype=bibtype.replace("-"," ") # wrong typesiin index meta "-" instead of " " (not wrong! ROC) docinfo['bib_type'] = bibtype bibmap=metaData.generateMappingForType(bibtype) # if there is no mapping bibmap is empty (mapping sometimes has empty fields) if len(bibmap) > 0 and len(bibmap['author'][0]) > 0: try: docinfo['author']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//bib/%s"%bibmap['author'][0])[0]) except: pass try: docinfo['title']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//bib/%s"%bibmap['title'][0])[0]) except: pass try: docinfo['year']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//bib/%s"%bibmap['year'][0])[0]) except: pass logging.debug("documentViewer (getbibinfofromindexmeta) using mapping for %s"%bibtype) try: docinfo['lang']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//bib/lang")[0]) except: docinfo['lang']='' return docinfo def getDocinfoFromTextTool(self,url,dom=None,docinfo=None): """parse texttool tag in index meta""" logger("documentViewer (getdocinfofromtexttool)", logging.INFO,"url: %s"%(url)) if docinfo is None: docinfo = {} if docinfo.get('lang',None) is None: docinfo['lang']='' # default keine Sprache gesetzt if dom is None: dom = self.getIndexMeta(url) archivePath = None archiveName = None archiveNames=dom.xpath("//resource/name") if archiveNames and (len(archiveNames)>0): archiveName=getTextFromNode(archiveNames[0]) else: logger("documentViewer (getdocinfofromtexttool)", logging.WARNING,"resource/name missing in: %s"%(url)) archivePaths=dom.xpath("//resource/archive-path") if archivePaths and (len(archivePaths)>0): archivePath=getTextFromNode(archivePaths[0]) # clean up archive path if archivePath[0] != '/': archivePath = '/' + archivePath if archiveName and (not archivePath.endswith(archiveName)): archivePath += "/" + archiveName else: # try to get archive-path from url logger("documentViewer (getdocinfofromtexttool)", logging.WARNING,"resource/archive-path missing in: %s"%(url)) if (not url.startswith('http')): archivePath = url.replace('index.meta', '') if archivePath is None: # we balk without archive-path raise IOError("Missing archive-path (for text-tool) in %s"%(url)) imageDirs=dom.xpath("//texttool/image") if imageDirs and (len(imageDirs)>0): imageDir=getTextFromNode(imageDirs[0]) else: # we balk with no image tag / not necessary anymore because textmode is now standard #raise IOError("No text-tool info in %s"%(url)) imageDir="" docinfo['numPages']=1 # im moment einfach auf eins setzen, navigation ueber die thumbs geht natuerlich nicht docinfo['imagePath'] = "" # keine Bilder docinfo['imageURL'] = "" if imageDir and archivePath: #print "image: ", imageDir, " archivepath: ", archivePath imageDir=os.path.join(archivePath,imageDir) imageDir=imageDir.replace("/mpiwg/online",'') docinfo=self.getDirinfoFromDigilib(imageDir,docinfo=docinfo) docinfo['imagePath'] = imageDir docinfo['imageURL'] = self.digilibBaseUrl+"/servlet/Scaler?fn="+imageDir viewerUrls=dom.xpath("//texttool/digiliburlprefix") if viewerUrls and (len(viewerUrls)>0): viewerUrl=getTextFromNode(viewerUrls[0]) docinfo['viewerURL'] = viewerUrl textUrls=dom.xpath("//texttool/text") if textUrls and (len(textUrls)>0): textUrl=getTextFromNode(textUrls[0]) if urlparse.urlparse(textUrl)[0]=="": #keine url textUrl=os.path.join(archivePath,textUrl) # fix URLs starting with /mpiwg/online if textUrl.startswith("/mpiwg/online"): textUrl = textUrl.replace("/mpiwg/online",'',1) docinfo['textURL'] = textUrl presentationUrls=dom.xpath("//texttool/presentation") docinfo = self.getBibinfoFromIndexMeta(url,docinfo=docinfo,dom=dom) # get info von bib tag if presentationUrls and (len(presentationUrls)>0): # ueberschreibe diese durch presentation informationen # presentation url ergiebt sich ersetzen von index.meta in der url der fuer die Metadaten # durch den relativen Pfad auf die presentation infos presentationUrl=url.replace('index.meta',getTextFromNode(presentationUrls[0])) docinfo = self.getBibinfoFromTextToolPresentation(presentationUrl,docinfo=docinfo,dom=dom) docinfo = self.getAuthinfoFromIndexMeta(url,docinfo=docinfo,dom=dom) # get access info return docinfo def getBibinfoFromTextToolPresentation(self,url,docinfo=None,dom=None): """gets the bibliographical information from the preseantion entry in texttools """ dom=self.getPresentationInfoXML(url) try: docinfo['author']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//author")[0]) except: pass try: docinfo['title']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//title")[0]) except: pass try: docinfo['year']=getTextFromNode(dom.xpath("//date")[0]) except: pass return docinfo def getDocinfoFromImagePath(self,path,docinfo=None,cut=0): """path ist the path to the images it assumes that the index.meta file is one level higher.""" logger("documentViewer (getdocinfofromimagepath)", logging.INFO,"path: %s"%(path)) if docinfo is None: docinfo = {} path=path.replace("/mpiwg/online","") docinfo['imagePath'] = path docinfo=self.getDirinfoFromDigilib(path,docinfo=docinfo,cut=cut) imageUrl=self.digilibBaseUrl+"/servlet/Scaler?fn="+path docinfo['imageURL'] = imageUrl docinfo = self.getBibinfoFromIndexMeta(path,docinfo=docinfo,cut=cut) docinfo = self.getAuthinfoFromIndexMeta(path,docinfo=docinfo,cut=cut) return docinfo def getDocinfo(self, mode, url): """returns docinfo depending on mode""" logger("documentViewer (getdocinfo)", logging.INFO,"mode: %s, url: %s"%(mode,url)) # look for cached docinfo in session if self.REQUEST.SESSION.has_key('docinfo'): docinfo = self.REQUEST.SESSION['docinfo'] # check if its still current if docinfo is not None and docinfo.get('mode') == mode and docinfo.get('url') == url: logger("documentViewer (getdocinfo)", logging.INFO,"docinfo in session: %s"%docinfo) return docinfo # new docinfo docinfo = {'mode': mode, 'url': url} if mode=="texttool": #index.meta with texttool information docinfo = self.getDocinfoFromTextTool(url, docinfo=docinfo) elif mode=="imagepath": docinfo = self.getDocinfoFromImagePath(url, docinfo=docinfo) elif mode=="filepath": docinfo = self.getDocinfoFromImagePath(url, docinfo=docinfo,cut=2) else: logger("documentViewer (getdocinfo)", logging.ERROR,"unknown mode!") raise ValueError("Unknown mode %s"%(mode)) logger("documentViewer (getdocinfo)", logging.INFO,"docinfo: %s"%docinfo) self.REQUEST.SESSION['docinfo'] = docinfo return docinfo def getPageinfo(self, current, start=None, rows=None, cols=None, docinfo=None): """returns pageinfo with the given parameters""" pageinfo = {} current = getInt(current) pageinfo['current'] = current rows = int(rows or self.thumbrows) pageinfo['rows'] = rows cols = int(cols or self.thumbcols) pageinfo['cols'] = cols grpsize = cols * rows pageinfo['groupsize'] = grpsize start = getInt(start, default=(math.ceil(float(current)/float(grpsize))*grpsize-(grpsize-1))) # int(current / grpsize) * grpsize +1)) pageinfo['start'] = start pageinfo['end'] = start + grpsize if docinfo is not None: np = int(docinfo['numPages']) pageinfo['end'] = min(pageinfo['end'], np) pageinfo['numgroups'] = int(np / grpsize) if np % grpsize > 0: pageinfo['numgroups'] += 1 return pageinfo def text(self,mode,url,pn): """give text""" if mode=="texttool": #index.meta with texttool information (viewerUrl,imagepath,textpath)=parseUrlTextTool(url) #print textpath try: dom = NonvalidatingReader.parseUri(textpath) except: return None list=[] nodes=dom.xpath("//pb") node=nodes[int(pn)-1] p=node while p.tagName!="p": p=p.parentNode endNode=nodes[int(pn)] e=endNode while e.tagName!="p": e=e.parentNode next=node.parentNode #sammle s while next and (next!=endNode.parentNode): list.append(next) next=next.nextSibling list.append(endNode.parentNode) if p==e:# beide im selben paragraphen pass # else: # next=p # while next!=e: # print next,e # list.append(next) # next=next.nextSibling # # for x in list: # PrettyPrint(x) # # return list # def findDigilibUrl(self): """try to get the digilib URL from zogilib""" url = self.imageViewerUrl[:-1] + "/getScalerUrl" #print urlparse.urlparse(url)[0] #print urlparse.urljoin(self.absolute_url(),url)"finddigiliburl: %s"%urlparse.urlparse(url)[0])"finddigiliburl: %s"%urlparse.urljoin(self.absolute_url(),url)) try: if urlparse.urlparse(url)[0]=='': #relative path url=urlparse.urljoin(self.absolute_url()+"/",url) scaler = urlopen(url).read() return scaler.replace("/servlet/Scaler?", "") except: return None def changeDocumentViewer(self,imageViewerUrl,textViewerUrl,title="",digilibBaseUrl=None,thumbrows=2,thumbcols=10,authgroups='mpiwg',RESPONSE=None): """init document viewer""" self.title=title self.imageViewerUrl=imageViewerUrl self.textViewerUrl=textViewerUrl self.digilibBaseUrl = digilibBaseUrl self.thumbrows = thumbrows self.thumbcols = thumbcols self.authgroups = [s.strip().lower() for s in authgroups.split(',')] if RESPONSE is not None: RESPONSE.redirect('manage_main') # security.declareProtected('View management screens','renameImageForm') def manage_AddDocumentViewerForm(self): """add the viewer form""" pt=PageTemplateFile('zpt/addDocumentViewer', globals()).__of__(self) return pt() def manage_AddDocumentViewer(self,id,imageViewerUrl="",textViewerUrl="",title="",RESPONSE=None): """add the viewer""" newObj=documentViewer(id,imageViewerUrl,title=title,textViewerUrl=textViewerUrl) self._setObject(id,newObj) if RESPONSE is not None: RESPONSE.redirect('manage_main') ## ## DocumentViewerTemplate class ## class DocumentViewerTemplate(ZopePageTemplate): """Template for document viewer""" meta_type="DocumentViewer Template" def manage_addDocumentViewerTemplateForm(self): """Form for adding""" pt=PageTemplateFile('zpt/addDocumentViewerTemplate', globals()).__of__(self) return pt() def manage_addDocumentViewerTemplate(self, id='viewer_main', title=None, text=None, REQUEST=None, submit=None): "Add a Page Template with optional file content." self._setObject(id, DocumentViewerTemplate(id)) ob = getattr(self, id) txt=file(os.path.join(package_home(globals()),'zpt/viewer_main.zpt'),'r').read()"txt %s:"%txt) ob.pt_edit(txt,"text/html") if title: ob.pt_setTitle(title) try: u = self.DestinationURL() except AttributeError: u = REQUEST['URL1'] u = "%s/%s" % (u, urllib.quote(id)) REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(u+'/manage_main') return ''