/***************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Kupu Contributors. All rights reserved. * * This software is distributed under the terms of the Kupu * License. See LICENSE.txt for license text. For a list of Kupu * Contributors see CREDITS.txt. * *****************************************************************************/ // $Id: kupucontentfilters.js,v 1.1 2005/09/15 13:06:00 dwinter Exp $ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ContentFilters // // These are (or currently 'this is') filters for HTML cleanup and // conversion. Kupu filters should be classes that should get registered to // the editor using the registerFilter method with 2 methods: 'initialize' // and 'filter'. The first will be called with the editor as its only // argument and the latter with a reference to the ownerdoc (always use // that to create new nodes and such) and the root node of the HTML DOM as // its arguments. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function NonXHTMLTagFilter() { /* filter out non-XHTML tags*/ // A mapping from element name to whether it should be left out of the // document entirely. If you want an element to reappear in the resulting // document *including* it's contents, add it to the mapping with a 1 value. // If you want an element not to appear but want to leave it's contents in // tact, add it to the mapping with a 0 value. If you want an element and // it's contents to be removed from the document, don't add it. if (arguments.length) { // allow an optional filterdata argument this.filterdata = arguments[0]; } else { // provide a default filterdata dict this.filterdata = {'html': 1, 'body': 1, 'head': 1, 'title': 1, 'a': 1, 'abbr': 1, 'acronym': 1, 'address': 1, 'b': 1, 'base': 1, 'blockquote': 1, 'br': 1, 'caption': 1, 'cite': 1, 'code': 1, 'col': 1, 'colgroup': 1, 'dd': 1, 'dfn': 1, 'div': 1, 'dl': 1, 'dt': 1, 'em': 1, 'h1': 1, 'h2': 1, 'h3': 1, 'h4': 1, 'h5': 1, 'h6': 1, 'h7': 1, 'i': 1, 'img': 1, 'kbd': 1, 'li': 1, 'link': 1, 'meta': 1, 'ol': 1, 'p': 1, 'pre': 1, 'q': 1, 'samp': 1, 'script': 1, 'span': 1, 'strong': 1, 'style': 1, 'sub': 1, 'sup': 1, 'table': 1, 'tbody': 1, 'td': 1, 'tfoot': 1, 'th': 1, 'thead': 1, 'tr': 1, 'ul': 1, 'u': 1, 'var': 1, // even though they're deprecated we should leave // font tags as they are, since Kupu sometimes // produces them itself. 'font': 1, 'center': 0 }; }; this.initialize = function(editor) { /* init */ this.editor = editor; }; this.filter = function(ownerdoc, htmlnode) { return this._filterHelper(ownerdoc, htmlnode); }; this._filterHelper = function(ownerdoc, node) { /* filter unwanted elements */ if (node.nodeType == 3) { return ownerdoc.createTextNode(node.nodeValue); } else if (node.nodeType == 4) { return ownerdoc.createCDATASection(node.nodeValue); }; // create a new node to place the result into // XXX this can be severely optimized by doing stuff inline rather // than on creating new elements all the time! var newnode = ownerdoc.createElement(node.nodeName); // copy the attributes for (var i=0; i < node.attributes.length; i++) { var attr = node.attributes[i]; newnode.setAttribute(attr.nodeName, attr.nodeValue); }; for (var i=0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { var child = node.childNodes[i]; var nodeType = child.nodeType; var nodeName = child.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (nodeType == 3 || nodeType == 4) { newnode.appendChild(this._filterHelper(ownerdoc, child)); }; if (nodeName in this.filterdata && this.filterdata[nodeName]) { newnode.appendChild(this._filterHelper(ownerdoc, child)); } else if (nodeName in this.filterdata) { for (var j=0; j < child.childNodes.length; j++) { newnode.appendChild(this._filterHelper(ownerdoc, child.childNodes[j])); }; }; }; return newnode; }; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // XHTML validation support // // This class is the XHTML 1.0 transitional DTD expressed as Javascript // data structures. // function XhtmlValidation(editor) { // Support functions this.Set = function(ary) { if (typeof(ary)==typeof('')) ary = [ary]; if (ary instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) { this[ary[i]] = 1; } } else { for (var v in ary) { // already a set? this[v] = 1; } } } this._exclude = function(array, exceptions) { var ex; if (exceptions.split) { ex = exceptions.split("|"); } else { ex = exceptions; } var exclude = new this.Set(ex); var res = []; for (var k=0; k < array.length;k++) { if (!exclude[array[k]]) res.push(array[k]); } return res; } this.setAttrFilter = function(attributes, filter) { for (var j = 0; j < attributes.length; j++) { var attr = attributes[j]; this.attrFilters[attr] = filter || this._defaultCopyAttribute; } } this.setTagAttributes = function(tags, attributes) { for (var j = 0; j < tags.length; j++) { this.tagAttributes[tags[j]] = attributes; } } // define some new attributes for existing tags this.includeTagAttributes = function(tags, attributes) { for (var j = 0; j < tags.length; j++) { var tag = tags[j]; this.tagAttributes[tag] = this.tagAttributes[tag].concat(attributes); } } this.excludeTagAttributes = function(tags, attributes) { var bad = new this.Set(attributes); var tagset = new this.Set(tags); for (var tag in tagset) { var val = this.tagAttributes[tag]; for (var i = val.length; i >= 0; i--) { if (bad[val[i]]) { val = val.concat(); // Copy val.splice(i,1); } } this.tagAttributes[tag] = val; } } this.excludeTags = function(badtags) { if (typeof(badtags)==typeof('')) badtags = [badtags]; for (var i = 0; i < badtags.length; i++) { delete this.tagAttributes[badtags[i]]; } } this.excludeAttributes = function(badattrs) { this.excludeTagAttributes(this.tagAttributes, badattrs); for (var i = 0; i < badattrs.length; i++) { delete this.attrFilters[badattrs[i]]; } } if (editor.getBrowserName()=="IE") { this._getTagName = function(htmlnode) { var nodename = htmlnode.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (htmlnode.scopeName && htmlnode.scopeName != "HTML") { nodename = htmlnode.scopeName+':'+nodename; } return nodename; } } else { this._getTagName = function(htmlnode) { return htmlnode.nodeName.toLowerCase(); } }; // Supporting declarations this.elements = new function(validation) { // A list of all attributes this.attributes = [ 'abbr','accept','accept-charset','accesskey','action','align','alink', 'alt','archive','axis','background','bgcolor','border','cellpadding', 'cellspacing','char','charoff','charset','checked','cite','class', 'classid','clear','code','codebase','codetype','color','cols','colspan', 'compact','content','coords','data','datetime','declare','defer','dir', 'disabled','enctype','face','for','frame','frameborder','headers', 'height','href','hreflang','hspace','http-equiv','id','ismap','label', 'lang','language','link','longdesc','marginheight','marginwidth', 'maxlength','media','method','multiple','name','nohref','noshade','nowrap', 'object','onblur','onchange','onclick','ondblclick','onfocus','onkeydown', 'onkeypress','onkeyup','onload','onmousedown','onmousemove','onmouseout', 'onmouseover','onmouseup','onreset','onselect','onsubmit','onunload', 'profile','prompt','readonly','rel','rev','rows','rowspan','rules', 'scheme','scope','scrolling','selected','shape','size','span','src', 'standby','start','style','summary','tabindex','target','text','title', 'type','usemap','valign','value','valuetype','vlink','vspace','width', 'xml:lang','xml:space','xmlns']; // Core attributes this.coreattrs = ['id', 'title', 'style', 'class']; this.i18n = ['lang', 'dir', 'xml:lang']; // All event attributes are here but commented out so we don't // have to remove them later. this.events = []; // 'onclick|ondblclick|onmousedown|onmouseup|onmouseover|onmousemove|onmouseout|onkeypress|onkeydown|onkeyup'.split('|'); this.focusevents = []; // ['onfocus','onblur'] this.loadevents = []; // ['onload', 'onunload'] this.formevents = []; // ['onsubmit','onreset'] this.inputevents = [] ; // ['onselect', 'onchange'] this.focus = ['accesskey', 'tabindex'].concat(this.focusevents); this.attrs = [].concat(this.coreattrs, this.i18n, this.events); // entities this.special_extra = ['object','applet','img','map','iframe']; this.special_basic=['br','span','bdo']; this.special = [].concat(this.special_basic, this.special_extra); this.fontstyle_extra = ['big','small','font','basefont']; this.fontstyle_basic = ['tt','i','b','u','s','strike']; this.fontstyle = [].concat(this.fontstyle_basic, this.fontstyle_extra); this.phrase_extra = ['sub','sup']; this.phrase_basic=[ 'em','strong','dfn','code','q', 'samp','kbd','var', 'cite','abbr','acronym']; this.inline_forms = ['input','select','textarea','label','button']; this.misc_inline = ['ins','del']; this.misc = ['noscript'].concat(this.misc_inline); this.inline = ['a'].concat(this.special, this.fontstyle, this.phrase, this.inline_forms); this.Inline = ['#PCDATA'].concat(this.inline, this.misc_inline); this.heading = ['h1','h2','h3','h4','h5','h6']; this.lists = ['ul','ol','dl','menu','dir']; this.blocktext = ['pre','hr','blockquote','address','center','noframes']; this.block = ['p','div','isindex','fieldset','table'].concat( this.heading, this.lists, this.blocktext); this.Flow = ['#PCDATA','form'].concat(this.block, this.inline); }(this); this._commonsetting = function(self, names, value) { for (var n = 0; n < names.length; n++) { self[names[n]] = value; } } // The tagAttributes class returns all valid attributes for a tag, // e.g. a = this.tagAttributes.head // a.head -> [ 'lang', 'xml:lang', 'dir', 'id', 'profile' ] this.tagAttributes = new function(el, validation) { this.title = el.i18n.concat('id'); this.html = this.title.concat('xmlns'); this.head = this.title.concat('profile'); this.base = ['id', 'href', 'target']; this.meta = this.title.concat('http-equiv','name','content', 'scheme'); this.link = el.attrs.concat('charset','href','hreflang','type', 'rel','rev','media','target'); this.style = this.title.concat('type','media','title', 'xml:space'); this.script = ['id','charset','type','language','src','defer', 'xml:space']; this.iframe = [ 'longdesc','name','src','frameborder','marginwidth', 'marginheight','scrolling','align','height','width'].concat(el.coreattrs); this.body = ['background','bgcolor','text','link','vlink','alink'].concat(el.attrs, el.loadevents); validation._commonsetting(this, ['p','div'].concat(el.heading), ['align'].concat(el.attrs)); this.dl = this.dir = this.menu = el.attrs.concat('compact'); this.ul = this.menu.concat('type'); this.ol = this.ul.concat('start'); this.li = el.attrs.concat('type','value'); this.hr = el.attrs.concat('align','noshade','size','width'); this.pre = el.attrs.concat('width','xml:space'); this.blockquote = this.q = el.attrs.concat('cite'); this.ins = this.del = this.blockquote.concat('datetime'); this.a = el.attrs.concat(el.focus,'charset','type','name','href','hreflang','rel','rev','shape','coords','target'); this.bdo = el.coreattrs.concat(el.events, 'lang','xml:lang','dir'); this.br = el.coreattrs.concat('clear'); validation._commonsetting(this, ['noscript','noframes','dt', 'dd', 'address','center','span','em', 'strong', 'dfn','code', 'samp','kbd','var','cite','abbr','acronym','sub','sup','tt', 'i','b','big','small','u','s','strike', 'fieldset'], el.attrs); this.basefont = ['id','size','color','face']; this.font = el.coreattrs.concat(el.i18n, 'size','color','face'); this.object = el.attrs.concat('declare','classid','codebase','data','type','codetype','archive','standby','height','width','usemap','name','tabindex','align','border','hspace','vspace'); this.param = ['id','name','value','valuetype','type']; this.applet = el.coreattrs.concat('codebase','archive','code','object','alt','name','width','height','align','hspace','vspace'); this.img = el.attrs.concat('src','alt','name','longdesc','height','width','usemap','ismap','align','border','hspace','vspace'); this.map = this.title.concat('title','name', 'style', 'class', el.events); this.area = el.attrs.concat('shape','coords','href','nohref','alt','target', el.focus); this.form = el.attrs.concat('action','method','name','enctype',el.formevents,'accept','accept-charset','target'); this.label = el.attrs.concat('for','accesskey', el.focusevents); this.input = el.attrs.concat('type','name','value','checked','disabled','readonly','size','maxlength','src','alt','usemap',el.input,'accept','align', el.focus); this.select = el.attrs.concat('name','size','multiple','disabled','tabindex', el.focusevents,el.input); this.optgroup = el.attrs.concat('disabled','label'); this.option = el.attrs.concat('selected','disabled','label','value'); this.textarea = el.attrs.concat('name','rows','cols','disabled','readonly', el.inputevents, el.focus); this.legend = el.attrs.concat('accesskey','align'); this.button = el.attrs.concat('name','value','type','disabled',el.focus); this.isindex = el.coreattrs.concat('prompt', el.i18n); this.table = el.attrs.concat('summary','width','border','frame','rules','cellspacing','cellpadding','align','bgcolor'); this.caption = el.attrs.concat('align'); this.col = this.colgroup = el.attrs.concat('span','width','align','char','charoff','valign'); this.thead = el.attrs.concat('align','char','charoff','valign'); this.tfoot = this.tbody = this.thead; this.tr = this.thead.concat('bgcolor'); this.td = this.th = this.tr.concat('abbr','axis','headers','scope','rowspan','colspan','nowrap','width','height'); }(this.elements, this); // State array. For each tag identifies what it can contain. // I'm not attempting to check the order or number of contained // tags (yet). this.States = new function(el, validation) { var here = this; function setStates(tags, value) { var valset = new validation.Set(value); for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { here[tags[i]] = valset; } } setStates(['html'], ['head','body']); setStates(['head'], ['title','base','script','style', 'meta','link','object','isindex']); setStates([ 'base', 'meta', 'link', 'hr', 'param', 'img', 'area', 'input', 'br', 'basefont', 'isindex', 'col', ], []); setStates(['title','style','script','option','textarea'], ['#PCDATA']); setStates([ 'noscript', 'iframe', 'noframes', 'body', 'div', 'li', 'dd', 'blockquote', 'center', 'ins', 'del', 'td', 'th', ], el.Flow); setStates(el.heading, el.Inline); setStates([ 'p', 'dt', 'address', 'span', 'bdo', 'caption', 'em', 'strong', 'dfn','code','samp','kbd','var', 'cite','abbr','acronym','q','sub','sup','tt','i', 'b','big','small','u','s','strike','font','label', 'legend'], el.Inline); setStates(['ul', 'ol', 'menu', 'dir', 'ul', ], ['li']); setStates(['dl'], ['dt','dd']); setStates(['pre'], validation._exclude(el.Inline, "img|object|applet|big|small|sub|sup|font|basefont")); setStates(['a'], validation._exclude(el.Inline, "a")); setStates(['applet', 'object'], ['#PCDATA', 'param','form'].concat(el.block, el.inline, el.misc)); setStates(['map'], ['form', 'area'].concat(el.block, el.misc)); setStates(['form'], validation._exclude(el.Flow, ['form'])); setStates(['select'], ['optgroup','option']); setStates(['optgroup'], ['option']); setStates(['fieldset'], ['#PCDATA','legend','form'].concat(el.block,el.inline,el.misc)); setStates(['button'], validation._exclude(el.Flow, ['a','form','iframe'].concat(el.inline_forms))); setStates(['table'], ['caption','col','colgroup','thead','tfoot','tbody','tr']); setStates(['thead', 'tfoot', 'tbody'], ['tr']); setStates(['colgroup'], ['col']); setStates(['tr'], ['th','td']); }(this.elements, this); // Permitted elements for style. this.styleWhitelist = new this.Set(['text-align', 'list-style-type', 'float']); this.classBlacklist = new this.Set(['MsoNormal', 'MsoTitle', 'MsoHeader', 'MsoFootnoteText', 'Bullet1', 'Bullet2']); this.classFilter = function(value) { var classes = value.split(' '); var filtered = []; for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { var c = classes[i]; if (c && !this.classBlacklist[c]) { filtered.push(c); } } return filtered.join(' '); } this._defaultCopyAttribute = function(name, htmlnode, xhtmlnode) { var val = htmlnode.getAttribute(name); if (val) xhtmlnode.setAttribute(name, val); } // Set up filters for attributes. this.attrFilters = new function(validation, editor) { var attrs = validation.elements.attributes; for (var i=0; i < attrs.length; i++) { this[attrs[i]] = validation._defaultCopyAttribute; } this['class'] = function(name, htmlnode, xhtmlnode) { var val = htmlnode.getAttribute('class'); if (val) val = validation.classFilter(val); if (val) xhtmlnode.setAttribute('class', val); } // allow a * wildcard to make all attributes valid in the filter // note that this is pretty slow on IE this['*'] = function(name, htmlnode, xhtmlnode) { for (var i=0; i < htmlnode.attributes.length; i++) { var attr = htmlnode.attributes[i]; if (attr.value !== null && attr.value !== undefined) { xhtmlnode.setAttribute(attr.name, attr.value); }; }; }; if (editor.getBrowserName()=="IE") { this['class'] = function(name, htmlnode, xhtmlnode) { var val = htmlnode.className; if (val) val = validation.classFilter(val); if (val) xhtmlnode.setAttribute('class', val); } this['http-equiv'] = function(name, htmlnode, xhtmlnode) { var val = htmlnode.httpEquiv; if (val) xhtmlnode.setAttribute('http-equiv', val); } this['xml:lang'] = this['xml:space'] = function(name, htmlnode, xhtmlnode) { try { var val = htmlnode.getAttribute(name); if (val) xhtmlnode.setAttribute(name, val); } catch(e) { } } } this.rowspan = this.colspan = function(name, htmlnode, xhtmlnode) { var val = htmlnode.getAttribute(name); if (val && val != '1') xhtmlnode.setAttribute(name, val); } this.style = function(name, htmlnode, xhtmlnode) { var val = htmlnode.style.cssText; if (val) { var styles = val.split(/; */); for (var i = styles.length; i >= 0; i--) if (styles[i]) { var parts = /^([^:]+): *(.*)$/.exec(styles[i]); var name = parts[1].toLowerCase(); if (validation.styleWhitelist[name]) { styles[i] = name+': '+parts[2]; } else { styles.splice(i,1); // delete } } if (styles[styles.length-1]) styles.push(''); val = styles.join('; ').strip(); } if (val) xhtmlnode.setAttribute('style', val); } }(this, editor); // Exclude unwanted tags. this.excludeTags(['center']); if (editor.config && editor.config.htmlfilter) { this.filterStructure = editor.config.htmlfilter.filterstructure; var exclude = editor.config.htmlfilter; if (exclude.a) this.excludeAttributes(exclude.a); if (exclude.t) this.excludeTags(exclude.t); if (exclude.c) { var c = exclude.c; if (!c.length) c = [c]; for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { this.excludeTagAttributes(c[i].t, c[i].a); } } if (exclude.style) { var s = exclude.style; for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { this.styleWhitelist[s[i]] = 1; } } if (exclude['class']) { var c = exclude['class']; for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { this.classBlacklist[c[i]] = 1; } } }; // Copy all valid attributes from htmlnode to xhtmlnode. this._copyAttributes = function(htmlnode, xhtmlnode, valid) { if (valid.contains('*')) { // allow all attributes on this tag this.attrFilters['*'](name, htmlnode, xhtmlnode); return; }; for (var i = 0; i < valid.length; i++) { var name = valid[i]; var filter = this.attrFilters[name]; if (filter) filter(name, htmlnode, xhtmlnode); } } this._convertToSarissaNode = function(ownerdoc, htmlnode, xhtmlparent) { return this._convertNodes(ownerdoc, htmlnode, xhtmlparent, new this.Set(['html'])); }; this._convertNodes = function(ownerdoc, htmlnode, xhtmlparent, permitted) { var name, parentnode = xhtmlparent; var nodename = this._getTagName(htmlnode); var nostructure = !this.filterstructure; // TODO: This permits valid tags anywhere. it should use the state // table in xhtmlvalid to only permit tags where the XHTML DTD // says they are valid. var validattrs = this.tagAttributes[nodename]; if (validattrs && (nostructure || permitted[nodename])) { try { var xhtmlnode = ownerdoc.createElement(nodename); parentnode = xhtmlnode; } catch (e) { }; if (validattrs && xhtmlnode) this._copyAttributes(htmlnode, xhtmlnode, validattrs); } var kids = htmlnode.childNodes; var permittedChildren = this.States[parentnode.tagName] || permitted; if (kids.length == 0) { if (htmlnode.text && htmlnode.text != "" && (nostructure || permittedChildren['#PCDATA'])) { var text = htmlnode.text; var tnode = ownerdoc.createTextNode(text); parentnode.appendChild(tnode); } } else { for (var i = 0; i < kids.length; i++) { var kid = kids[i]; if (kid.parentNode !== htmlnode) { if (kid.tagName == 'BODY') { if (nodename != 'html') continue; } else if (kid.parentNode.tagName === htmlnode.tagName) { continue; // IE bug: nodes appear multiple places } } if (kid.nodeType == 1) { var newkid = this._convertNodes(ownerdoc, kid, parentnode, permittedChildren); if (newkid != null) { parentnode.appendChild(newkid); }; } else if (kid.nodeType == 3) { if (nostructure || permittedChildren['#PCDATA']) parentnode.appendChild(ownerdoc.createTextNode(kid.nodeValue)); } else if (kid.nodeType == 4) { if (nostructure || permittedChildren['#PCDATA']) parentnode.appendChild(ownerdoc.createCDATASection(kid.nodeValue)); } } } return xhtmlnode; }; }