Annotation of kupu/doc/INSTALL.txt, revision

1.1       dwinter     1: ===============
                      2: Installing Kupu
                      3: ===============
                      5: Abstract
                      6: --------
                      8: This document describes the installation of Kupu into a web
                      9: application.  Since Kupu itself makes little assumptions about the
                     10: environment, this document too is very general.
                     12: If you need specific instructions on how to install Kupu in
                     14:   o Zope 2.x, please refer to ZOPE2.txt_
                     16:   o Plone 2.x, please refer to PLONE2.txt_
                     18: .. _ZOPE2.txt: ZOPE2.html
                     19: .. _PLONE2.txt: PLONE2.html
                     22: Requirements
                     23: ------------
                     25: o An XSLT processor with XInclude support, such as xsltproc from
                     26:   Gnome's libxml/libxslt.
                     28:   Windows users: You can get libxml/libxslt binaries at
                     29: As a minimum you need to
                     30:   download the zipfiles for libxslt, libxml2, iconv and zlib.
                     31:   Extracting all of the .dll and .exe files into c:\libxslt is
                     32:   sufficient for make.bat to work (ignore subdirectories in the
                     33:   zipfiles).
                     35: o A webserver that can handle some form of server-side processing, and
                     36:   preferrably also HTTP PUT requests (POST is also supported, see 'PUT
                     37:   or POST' below).
                     40: Quick installation
                     41: ------------------
                     43: Basic install on a 'plain' webserver (Apache, IIS, etc.):
                     45: Unpack the kupu tarball. XXX xsl transformation, copy default dir XXX
                     48: Configuration and customization
                     49: -------------------------------
                     51: The default kupu.html is quite sober: it serves as an example or base
                     52: document rather then as an out-of-the-box webpage. To configure Kupu
                     53: you can set some attribute values on the iframe, change the CSS or
                     54: override initKupu() (the initialization function). The latter is only
                     55: necessary for larger customizations, simpler ones (like removing a
                     56: tool from the UI or changing a button image) will usually only mean
                     57: overriding the CSS. For more information about customization and
                     58: configuration see CUSTOMIZING.txt.
                     61: Adding dynamics
                     62: ---------------
                     64: To use the kupu.html file for editing multiple files, you will
                     65: probably want to make the 'src' and 'dst' attributes get filled from
                     66: script (SSI, PHP, ASP, etc.). Kupu will load it's content from the URL
                     67: in the 'src' attribute (actually it lets the browser do that, it's the
                     68: default behaviour of an iframe) and will send the results to the URL
                     69: in the 'dst' attribute (this obviously is done by Kupu rather than by
                     70: the browser).  Although this sort of thing isn't hard to accomplish,
                     71: writing dynamic web applications is beyond the scope of this document,
                     72: partially because there are many different platforms on which Kupu
                     73: will run (and as many different server-side scripting languages and
                     74: technologies). There is, however, plenty of documentation about this
                     75: subject available on-line.
                     78: PUT or POST
                     79: -----------
                     81: Kupu will by default send its data to the server the HTTP PUT request
                     82: method. Using PUT rather than POST has some advantages: Kupu can make
                     83: asynchronous PUT requests (currently async POST is not implemented) so
                     84: when a user saves the page doesn't have to be reloaded, and since PUT
                     85: is invented for storing full documents and Kupu edits full documents,
                     86: it is the most logical and elegant request method to use.
                     88: If for some reason PUT is not available on your platform, Kupu can
                     89: also be used inside an HTML form to participate in a POST
                     90: situation. This way Kupu behaves like it is a field in a form, when
                     91: the form gets submitted Kupu will add a hidden form field to the form
                     92: and place it's contents in the field, so it is part of the request
                     93: body when the form is submitted. To accomplish this, a method called
                     94: 'prepareForm' should be called just before the form is submitted. For
                     95: an example of how to use this method, see kupuform.html (which can
                     96: also be used as the basis for your Kupu editor page, like kupu.html).
                     98: Setting up a webserver is or explaining the details about writing a
                     99: script that handles POST or PUT requests is out of scope for this
                    100: document but there should be plenty documentation available on the
                    101: internet.
                    103: If problems occur...
                    104: --------------------
                    106: If you have installation problems, see for a
                    107: list of possible places to ask questions (mailinglist, IRC channel) or
                    108: send an email to

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