Annotation of kupu/plone/, revision 1.1

1.1     ! dwinter     1: <metal:page define-macro="master"
        !             2:   ><metal:master use-macro="here/main_template/macros/master"
        !             3:     >
        !             4: 
        !             5: <metal:block metal:fill-slot="top_slot" define-slot="top_slot"
        !             6:              tal:define="dummy python:request.set('disable_border',1)" />
        !             7: 
        !             8: <metal:fillbase fill-slot="base">
        !             9:   <metal:baseslot define-slot="base">
        !            10:     <base href="" tal:attributes="href template/absolute_url" />
        !            11:   </metal:baseslot>
        !            12: </metal:fillbase>
        !            13: 
        !            14:     <metal:cssslot fill-slot="css_slot">
        !            15:       <!-- A slot where you can insert CSS in the header from a template -->
        !            16:       <metal:cssslot define-slot="css_slot" />
        !            17:     </metal:cssslot>
        !            18: 
        !            19:     <metal:override fill-slot="portlets_one_slot">
        !            20:       <metal:prefs use-macro="here/portlet_prefs/macros/portlet" />
        !            21:     </metal:override>
        !            22: 
        !            23:     <metal:override fill-slot="column_two_slot" />
        !            24: 
        !            25: <body>
        !            26: <div metal:fill-slot="main" metal:define-slot="prefs_configlet_main"
        !            27:     tal:define="errors python:request.get('errors', {});">
        !            28: 
        !            29: <div class="configlet">
        !            30: 
        !            31: <div class="documentEditable">
        !            32: 
        !            33:     <!-- simulating views -->
        !            34:     <ul class="contentViews"
        !            35:        tal:define="tabs python:('Config','kupu_config'),('Libraries','zmi_libraries'),('Resource Types','zmi_resource_types'),
        !            36:         ('Documentation', 'zmi_docs'),;
        !            37:                    tabs python:[ {'label':label, 'name':name} for (label,name) in tabs ];"
        !            38:     >
        !            39:         <li tal:repeat="tab tabs"
        !            40:                 class="selected" tal:attributes="class python:template.pt_source_file()==tab['name'] and 'selected' or ''">
        !            41:         <a href=""
        !            42:         tal:attributes="href string:${here/absolute_url}/${tab/name}"
        !            43:         i18n:translate="" tal:content="tab/label">Config</a>
        !            44:         </li>
        !            45:     </ul>
        !            46: 
        !            47:     <div class="contentActions">
        !            48:     &nbsp;
        !            49:     </div>        
        !            50:     <!-- End of tabs -->
        !            51:     <div class="documentContent" metal:define-slot="kupu_content">
        !            52: <h3>Kupu Configuration</h3>
        !            53: <form action=""
        !            54:     name="configure_kupu"
        !            55:     method="post"
        !            56:     tal:attributes="action here/absolute_url">
        !            57: 
        !            58: <fieldset>
        !            59: <legend>Link options</legend>
        !            60: <div class="field">
        !            61: <input type="hidden" name="linkbyuid:int:default" value="0" />
        !            62: <input type="checkbox"
        !            63:     class="noborder"
        !            64:     name="linkbyuid:int"
        !            65:     id = "kupu_linkbyuid"
        !            66:     value="1"
        !            67:     tal:attributes="checked here/getLinkbyuid" />
        !            68: <label for="kupu_linkbyuid">Link using UIDs</label>
        !            69: 
        !            70: <div class="formHelp">Links to objects on this site created by Kupu can use unique
        !            71: object ids so that the links remain valid even if the target object is
        !            72: renamed or moved elsewhere on the site.</div>
        !            73: </div>
        !            74: 
        !            75: </fieldset>
        !            76: <fieldset>
        !            77: <legend>Warn before losing changes</legend>
        !            78: <div class="field">
        !            79: <input type="hidden" name="installBeforeUnload:int:default" value="0" />
        !            80: <input type="checkbox"
        !            81:     class="noborder"
        !            82:     name="installBeforeUnload:int"
        !            83:     id = "kupu_installBeforeUnload"
        !            84:     value="1"
        !            85:     tal:attributes="checked here/installBeforeUnload|python:1" />
        !            86: <label for="kupu_installBeforeUnload">Install Kupu code to detect form changes</label>
        !            87: 
        !            88: <div class="formHelp">Kupu can install a handler to warn before navigating
        !            89: away from a page where a form (even the non-Kupu fields) has been edited.
        !            90: Turn this off to prevent Kupu loading its own handler.
        !            91: </div>
        !            92: </div>
        !            93: 
        !            94: </fieldset>
        !            95: <fieldset>
        !            96: <legend>Styles</legend>
        !            97: <div class="field">
        !            98: <label for="table_classnames">Tables</label>
        !            99: <div class="formHelp">Enter a list of class names to be made available in the table drawer</div>
        !           100: <input type="hidden" name="table_classnames:list:default" value=" " />
        !           101: 
        !           102: <textarea name="table_classnames:lines" id="table_classnames"
        !           103:          rows="5" cols="30"
        !           104:          tal:content="python:'\n'.join(here.getTableClassnames())">
        !           105: </textarea>
        !           106: </div>
        !           107: 
        !           108: <div class="field">
        !           109: <label for="parastyles">Paragraph Styles</label>
        !           110: <div class="formHelp">Enter a list of paragraph styles to appear in the style pulldown. Format is title|tag or title|tag|className, one per line.</div>
        !           111: <input type="hidden" name="parastyles:list:default" value=" " />
        !           112: <textarea name="parastyles:lines" id="parastyles"
        !           113:          rows="5" cols="30"
        !           114:          tal:content="python:'\n'.join(here.getParagraphStyles())">
        !           115: </textarea>
        !           116: </div>
        !           117: </fieldset>
        !           118: 
        !           119: <fieldset>
        !           120: <legend>HTML Filter</legend>
        !           121: 
        !           122: <table>
        !           123:   <tr>
        !           124:     <td></td>
        !           125:     <th>Tags</th>
        !           126:     <th>Attributes</th>
        !           127:   </tr>
        !           128: 
        !           129:   <tr>
        !           130:     <td></td>
        !           131:     <td colspan="2">
        !           132:       <div class="formHelp">Enter HTML tags and attributes to be removed when saving documents. (Uncheck to remove entries)</div>
        !           133:     </td>
        !           134:   </tr>
        !           135:   
        !           136:   <tr tal:repeat="exclusion_tuple here/getHtmlExclusions">
        !           137:     <tal:with define="tags python:exclusion_tuple[0];
        !           138:                       attributes python:exclusion_tuple[1]">
        !           139:     <td valign="top">
        !           140:       <input type="hidden" name="html_exclusions.recordmark:records" value="1" />
        !           141:       <input type="checkbox" name="html_exclusions.keep:records" checked="1"
        !           142:              tal:attributes="value python:1;" />
        !           143:       <input type="hidden" name="html_exclusions.tags:records:list"
        !           144:              tal:repeat="tag tags"
        !           145:              tal:attributes="value tag" />
        !           146:       <input type="hidden" name="html_exclusions.attributes:records:list"
        !           147:              tal:repeat="attr attributes"
        !           148:              tal:attributes="value attr" />
        !           149:     </td>
        !           150: 
        !           151:     <td valign="top"><div tal:replace="python:', '.join(tags)"></div>
        !           152:         <em tal:condition="not:tags">Any tag</em>
        !           153:     </td>
        !           154:     <td valign="top"><div tal:replace="python:', '.join(attributes)"></div>
        !           155:         <em tal:condition="not:attributes">Whole tag removed</em>
        !           156:     </td>
        !           157: 
        !           158:     </tal:with>
        !           159:   </tr>
        !           160:   <tr>
        !           161:     <td valign="top">
        !           162:       <input type="checkbox" name="html_exclusions.keep:records" checked="1" disabled="1"
        !           163:              tal:attributes="value python:1;" />
        !           164:     </td>
        !           165:     <td valign="top">
        !           166:       <textarea name="html_exclusions.tags:records"
        !           167:                 rows="5" cols="30"></textarea>
        !           168:     </td>
        !           169: 
        !           170:     <td valign="top">
        !           171:       <textarea name="html_exclusions.attributes:records"
        !           172:                 rows="5" cols="30"></textarea>
        !           173:     </td>
        !           174:   </tr>
        !           175: 
        !           176: <tr>
        !           177:     <td></td>
        !           178:     <th colspan="2">Style Whitelist</th></tr>
        !           179: <tr>
        !           180:     <td></td>
        !           181:     <td colspan="2">
        !           182:       <div class="formHelp">Enter a list of style elements to be permitted (one per line)</div>
        !           183: 
        !           184:       <textarea name="style_whitelist:lines"
        !           185:                rows="5" cols="60"
        !           186:                tal:content="python:'\n'.join(here.getStyleWhitelist())">
        !           187:       </textarea>
        !           188:     </td>
        !           189: </tr>
        !           190: 
        !           191: <tr>
        !           192:     <td></td>
        !           193:     <th colspan="2">Class Blacklist</th>
        !           194: </tr>
        !           195: <tr>
        !           196:     <td></td>
        !           197:     <td colspan="2">
        !           198:       <div class="formHelp">Enter a list of classnames to be excluded (one per line)</div>
        !           199: 
        !           200:       <textarea name="class_blacklist:lines"
        !           201:                rows="5" cols="60"
        !           202:                tal:content="python:'\n'.join(here.getClassBlacklist())">
        !           203:       </textarea>
        !           204:     </td>
        !           205: </tr>
        !           206: </table>
        !           207: </fieldset>
        !           208: 
        !           209: <input class="context"
        !           210:         tabindex=""
        !           211:         type="submit"
        !           212:         name="configure_kupu:method"
        !           213:         value="Save"
        !           214:         i18n:attributes="value"
        !           215:         tal:attributes="tabindex tabindex|nothing;"
        !           216:         />
        !           217: </form>
        !           218:     </div>
        !           219: 
        !           220: </div>
        !           221: 
        !           222: </div>
        !           223: 
        !           224: </div>
        !           225: 
        !           226: </body>
        !           227:   </metal:master>
        !           228: </metal:page>
        !           229: 

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