Annotation of kupu/tests/test_xhtml.js, revision 1.1

1.1     ! dwinter     1: /*****************************************************************************
        !             2:  *
        !             3:  * Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Kupu Contributors. All rights reserved.
        !             4:  *
        !             5:  * This software is distributed under the terms of the Kupu
        !             6:  * License. See LICENSE.txt for license text. For a list of Kupu
        !             7:  * Contributors see CREDITS.txt.
        !             8:  *
        !             9:  *****************************************************************************/
        !            10: 
        !            11: // $Id: test_xhtml.js 9982 2005-03-21 09:53:57Z yuppie $
        !            12: 
        !            13: // Various tests for html -> xhtml processing.
        !            14: 
        !            15: function KupuXhtmlTestCase() {
        !            16: = 'KupuXhtmlTestCase';
        !            17: 
        !            18:     this.incontext = function(s) {
        !            19:         return '<html><head><title>test</title></head><body>'+s+'</body></html>';
        !            20:     }
        !            21:     this.verifyResult = function(newdoc, exp) {
        !            22:         var expected = this.incontext(exp);
        !            23:         var actual = newdoc.xml;
        !            24:         actual = actual.replace('\xa0', '&nbsp;');
        !            25:         if (actual == expected)
        !            26:             return;
        !            27: 
        !            28:         var context = /<html><head><title>test<\/title><\/head><body>(.*)<\/body><\/html>/;
        !            29:         if (context.test(actual) && context.test(expected)) {
        !            30:             var a = context.exec(actual)[1];
        !            31:             var e = context.exec(expected)[1];
        !            32:             throw('Assertion failed: ' + a + ' != ' + e);
        !            33:         }
        !            34:         throw('Assertion failed: ' + actual + ' != ' + expected);
        !            35:     }
        !            36: 
        !            37:     this.conversionTest = function(data, expected) {
        !            38:         var doc = this.doc.documentElement;
        !            39:         var editor = this.editor;
        !            40:         this.body.innerHTML = data;
        !            41:         var xhtmldoc = Sarissa.getDomDocument();
        !            42:         var newdoc = editor._convertToSarissaNode(xhtmldoc, this.doc.documentElement);
        !            43:         this.verifyResult(newdoc, expected);
        !            44:     }
        !            45: 
        !            46:     this.setUp = function() {
        !            47:         var iframe = document.getElementById('iframe');
        !            48:         this.doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
        !            49:         this.body = this.doc.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
        !            50:         this.doc.getElementsByTagName('title')[0].text = 'test';
        !            51:         this.editor = new KupuEditor(null, {}, null);
        !            52:     };
        !            53: 
        !            54:     this.arrayContains = function(ary, test) {
        !            55:         for (var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
        !            56:             if (ary[i]==test) {
        !            57:                 return true;
        !            58:             }
        !            59:         }
        !            60:         return false;
        !            61:     }
        !            62:     this.testExclude = function() {
        !            63:         // Check that the exclude functions work as expected.
        !            64:         var validator = new XhtmlValidation(this.editor);
        !            65:         var events = ['onclick', 'ondblclick', 'onmousedown',
        !            66:         'onmouseup', 'onmouseover', 'onmousemove',
        !            67:         'onmouseout', 'onkeypress', 'onkeydown',
        !            68:         'onkeyup'];
        !            69:         var expected = ['onclick', 'ondblclick', 'onmousedown', 'onmouseup', 'onmouseout', 'onkeypress', 'onkeyup'];
        !            70: 
        !            71:         var actual = validator._exclude(events, 'onmouseover|onmousemove|onkeydown');
        !            72:         this.assertEquals(actual.toString(), expected.toString());
        !            73: 
        !            74:         // check is also works with arrays.
        !            75:         actual = validator._exclude(events, ['onmouseover','onmousemove','onkeydown']);
        !            76:         this.assertEquals(actual.toString(), expected.toString());
        !            77: 
        !            78:         // Check we have a bgcolor attribute
        !            79:         this.assertTrue(this.arrayContains(validator.tagAttributes.thead, 'charoff'));
        !            80:         this.assertTrue(validator.attrFilters['charoff'] != null);
        !            81:         validator.excludeAttributes(['charoff']);
        !            82:         this.assertTrue(validator.attrFilters['charoff']==null);
        !            83:         this.assertTrue(!this.arrayContains(validator.tagAttributes.thead, 'charoff'));
        !            84:         this.assertTrue(this.arrayContains(, 'height'));
        !            85:         this.assertTrue(this.arrayContains(, 'height'));
        !            86:         validator.excludeTagAttributes(['table','th'], ['width','height']);
        !            87:         this.assertTrue(this.arrayContains(, 'height'));
        !            88:         this.assertFalse(this.arrayContains(, 'height'));
        !            89:     }
        !            90: 
        !            91:     this.testSet = function() {
        !            92:         var validator = new XhtmlValidation(this.editor);
        !            93: 
        !            94:         var set1 = new validator.Set(['a','b','c']);
        !            95:         this.assertTrue(set1.a && set1.b && set1.c);
        !            96:         var set2 = new validator.Set(set1);
        !            97:         this.assertTrue(set2.a && set2.b && set2.c);
        !            98:     }
        !            99:     this.testValidator = function() {
        !           100:         var validator = new XhtmlValidation(this.editor);
        !           101:         var table = validator.States['table'];
        !           102:         var tags = [];
        !           103:         for (var tag in table) {
        !           104:             this.assertEquals(table[tag], 1);
        !           105:             tags.push(tag);
        !           106:         }
        !           107:         this.assertEquals(tags.toString(),
        !           108:                           ['caption','col','colgroup',
        !           109:                           'thead','tfoot','tbody','tr'].toString());
        !           110:     };
        !           111: 
        !           112:     this.testConvertToSarissa = function() {
        !           113:         var data = '<p class="blue">This is a test</p>';
        !           114:         this.conversionTest(data, data);
        !           115:     }
        !           116:     this.testXmlAttrs = function() {
        !           117:         var data = '<pre xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="fr">This is a test</pre>';
        !           118:         var expected1 = '<pre xml:lang="fr" xml:space="preserve">This is a test</pre>';
        !           119:         this.conversionTest(data, expected1);
        !           120:         var expected2 = '<pre>This is a test</pre>';
        !           121:         this.editor.xhtmlvalid.excludeAttributes(['xml:lang','xml:space']);
        !           122:         this.conversionTest(data, expected2);
        !           123:     }
        !           124:     this.testConvertToSarissa2 = function() {
        !           125:         var data = '<div id="div1">This is a test</div>';
        !           126:         this.conversionTest(data, data);
        !           127:     }
        !           128:     this.testbadTags = function() {
        !           129:         var data =  '<div><center>centered</center><p>Test</p><o:p>zzz</o:p></div>';
        !           130:         var expected = '<div>centered<p>Test</p>zzz</div>';
        !           131:         this.conversionTest(data, expected);
        !           132:     }
        !           133:     this.testnbsp = function() {
        !           134:         var data = '<p>Text with&nbsp;<b>non-break</b> space</p>';
        !           135:         this.conversionTest(data, data);
        !           136:     };
        !           137:     this.teststyle = function() {
        !           138:         var data = '<p style="text-align:right; mso-silly: green">Text aligned right</p>';
        !           139:         var expected = '<p style="text-align: left;">Text aligned right</p>';
        !           140:         var doc = this.doc.documentElement;
        !           141:         var editor = this.editor;
        !           142:         this.body.innerHTML = data;
        !           143: = 'left';
        !           144: = 'block';
        !           145:         //alert(;
        !           146:         var xhtmldoc = Sarissa.getDomDocument();
        !           147:         var newdoc = editor._convertToSarissaNode(xhtmldoc, this.doc.documentElement);
        !           148:         this.verifyResult(newdoc, expected);
        !           149:     };
        !           150:     this.testclass = function() {
        !           151:         var data = '<div class="MsoNormal fred">This is a test</div>';
        !           152:         var expected = '<div class="fred">This is a test</div>';
        !           153:         this.conversionTest(data, expected);
        !           154:     }
        !           155:     this.testclass2 = function() {
        !           156:         var data = '<div class="MsoNormal">This is a test</div>';
        !           157:         var expected = '<div>This is a test</div>';
        !           158:         this.conversionTest(data, expected);
        !           159:     }
        !           160:     this.testTable = function() {
        !           161:         // N.B. This table contains text and a <P> tag where they
        !           162:         // aren't legal. Mozilla strips out the <P> tag but lets the
        !           163:         // text through, IE lets both through.
        !           164:         
        !           165:         var data = '<TABLE class="listing">BADTEXT!<THEAD><TR><TH>Col 01</TH><TH class=align-center>Col 11</TH>'+
        !           166:             '<TH class=align-right>Col 21</TH></TR></THEAD>'+
        !           167:             '<TBODY><TR>'+
        !           168:             '<TD>text</TD>'+
        !           169:             '<TD class=align-center>a</TD>'+
        !           170:             '<TD class=align-right>r</TD></TR>'+
        !           171:             '<TR>'+
        !           172:             '<TD>more text</TD>'+
        !           173:             '<TD class=align-center>aaa</TD>'+
        !           174:             '<TD class=align-right>rr</TD></TR>'+
        !           175:             '<TR>'+
        !           176:             '<TD>yet more text</TD>'+
        !           177:             '<TD class=align-center>aaaaa</TD>'+
        !           178:             '<TD class=align-right>rrr</TD></TR></TBODY><P></TABLE>';
        !           179:         var expected = '<table class="listing"><thead><tr><th>Col 01</th><th class="align-center">Col 11</th>'+
        !           180:             '<th class="align-right">Col 21</th></tr></thead>'+
        !           181:             '<tbody><tr>'+
        !           182:             '<td>text</td>'+
        !           183:             '<td class="align-center">a</td>'+
        !           184:             '<td class="align-right">r</td></tr>'+
        !           185:             '<tr>'+
        !           186:             '<td>more text</td>'+
        !           187:             '<td class="align-center">aaa</td>'+
        !           188:             '<td class="align-right">rr</td></tr>'+
        !           189:             '<tr>'+
        !           190:             '<td>yet more text</td>'+
        !           191:             '<td class="align-center">aaaaa</td>'+
        !           192:             '<td class="align-right">rrr</td></tr></tbody></table>';
        !           193: 
        !           194:         this.editor.xhtmlvalid.filterstructure = true;
        !           195:         this.conversionTest(data, expected);
        !           196:     }
        !           197:     this.testCustomAttribute = function() {
        !           198:         var validator = this.editor.xhtmlvalid;
        !           199:         var data = '<div special="magic">This is a test</div>';
        !           200:         this.assertTrue(;
        !           201:         this.editor.xhtmlvalid.includeTagAttributes(['div','td'],['special']);
        !           202:         // Check that shared arrays are no longer shared...
        !           203:         this.assertFalse(;
        !           204:         this.assertTrue(this.arrayContains(, 'special'));
        !           205:         this.assertFalse(this.arrayContains(, 'special'));
        !           206:         this.editor.xhtmlvalid.setAttrFilter(['special']);
        !           207:         this.conversionTest(data, data);
        !           208:     }
        !           209: 
        !           210:     this.tearDown = function() {
        !           211:         this.body.innerHTML = '';
        !           212:     };
        !           213: }
        !           214: 
        !           215: KupuXhtmlTestCase.prototype = new TestCase;

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