import os, sys if __name__ == '__main__': execfile(os.path.join(sys.path[0], '')) from unittest import TestCase, TestSuite, main, makeSuite from Products.CMFPlone.tests import PloneTestCase from os.path import join, abspath, dirname #try: # import Zope # Sigh, make product initialization happen # HAS_ZOPE = 1 # Zope.startup() #except ImportError: # HAS_ZOPE = 0 #except AttributeError: # Zope > 2.6 # pass from Products.PortalTransforms.tests.test_transforms import * from Products.PortalTransforms.tests.utils import normalize_html PREFIX = abspath(dirname(__file__)) def input_file_path(file): return join(PREFIX, 'input', file) def output_file_path(file): return join(PREFIX, 'output', file) tests =( ('Products.kupu.plone.html2captioned', "", "minimal.out", normalize_html, 0), ('Products.kupu.plone.html2captioned', "", "simple.out", normalize_html, 0), ('Products.kupu.plone.html2captioned', "", "baduid.out", normalize_html, 0), ('Products.kupu.plone.html2captioned', "", "notquoted.out", normalize_html, 0), ('Products.kupu.plone.html2captioned', "", "notcaptioned.out", normalize_html, 0), ('Products.kupu.plone.html2captioned', "", "linked.out", normalize_html, 0), ) class MockImage: def __init__(self, uid, description): self.uid, self.description = uid, description def Description(self): return self.description def absolute_url(self): return '[url for %s]' % self.uid class MockCatalogTool: def lookupObject(self, uid): dummydata = { '104ede98d4c7c8eaeaa3b984f7395979': 'Test image caption' } if uid not in dummydata: return None return MockImage(uid, dummydata[uid]) class MockArchetypeTool: reference_catalog = MockCatalogTool() class MockPortal: # Mock portal class: just enough to let me think I can lookup a # Description for an image from its UID. archetype_tool = MockArchetypeTool() class TransformTest(TestCase): portal = MockPortal() def do_convert(self, filename=None): if filename is None and exists(self.output + '.nofilename'): output = self.output + '.nofilename' else: output = self.output input = open(self.input) orig = input.close() data = datastream( res_data = self.transform.convert(orig, data, filename=filename, context=self.portal) self.assert_(idatastream.isImplementedBy(res_data)) got = res_data.getData() try: output = open(output) except IOError: import sys print >>sys.stderr, 'No output file found.' print >>sys.stderr, 'File %s created, check it !' % self.output output = open(output, 'w') output.write(got) output.close() self.assert_(0) expected = if self.normalize is not None: expected = self.normalize(expected) got = self.normalize(got) output.close() self.assertEquals(got, expected, '[%s]\n\n!=\n\n[%s]\n\nIN %s(%s)' % ( got, expected,, self.input)) self.assertEquals(self.subobjects, len(res_data.getSubObjects()), '%s\n\n!=\n\n%s\n\nIN %s(%s)' % ( self.subobjects, len(res_data.getSubObjects()),, self.input)) def testSame(self): self.do_convert(filename=self.input) def testSameNoFilename(self): self.do_convert() def __repr__(self): return TR_NAMES = None def make_tests(test_descr): """generate tests classes from test info return the list of generated test classes """ tests = [] for _transform, tr_input, tr_output, _normalize, _subobjects in test_descr: # load transform if necessary if type(_transform) is type(''): try: _transform = load(_transform).register() except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() continue # if TR_NAMES is not None and not in TR_NAMES: print 'skip test for', continue class TransformTestSubclass(TransformTest): input = input_file_path(tr_input) output = output_file_path(tr_output) transform = _transform normalize = lambda x, y: _normalize(y) subobjects = _subobjects tests.append(TransformTestSubclass) return tests def test_suite(): t = [ (_transform, input_file_path(tr_input), output_file_path(tr_output), _normalize, _subobjects) for _transform, tr_input, tr_output, _normalize, _subobjects in tests ] return TestSuite([makeSuite(test) for test in make_tests(t)]) if __name__=='__main__': main(defaultTest='test_suite')