// document lookup for links objLookupWindow = null; objTextArea = null; objReferenceFormat = null; objAppendValue = false; function openObjectLookupWindow(url_to_open, folder_context) { // open the lookup window, will be called by getObjectReference url_to_open = url_to_open + '?folder_context=' + folder_context; width = 760; height = 500; leftPos = (screen.width - width) / 2; topPos = (screen.height - height) / 2; aspects = 'toolbar=yes,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',left=' + leftPos + ',top=' + topPos; objLookupWindow = window.open(url_to_open, 'ObjectLookupWindow', aspects); objLookupWindow.focus(); } function getObjectReference(url, format, folder_context) { // should be called by pagetemplate referenceFormat = format; openObjectLookupWindow(url, folder_context); } function insertObjectReference(id, reference, wndw) { // Is called by the window if the user selected an object var text = referenceFormat.replace('_id_', id).replace('_reference_', reference); var linktool = kupu.getTool('linktool'); linktool.createLink(text); wndw.close(); } // Image asset lookup lookupWindow = null; textArea = null; referenceFormat = null; appendValue = false; // Called from getAssetReference function openAssetLookupWindow(url_to_open, folder_context) { // Do the opening url_to_open = url_to_open + '&folder_context=' + folder_context; width = 760; height = 500; leftPos = (screen.width - width) / 2; topPos = (screen.height - height) / 2; aspects = 'toolbar=yes,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width='+width+',height='+height+',left='+leftPos+',top='+topPos; lookupWindow = window.open( url_to_open, 'AssetLookupWindow', aspects); lookupWindow.focus(); } // Called from "asset lookup window" function insertAssetReference(id, reference, wndw) { // for Kupu we need to place the image as well var imagetool = kupu.getTool('imagetool'); imagetool.createImage(reference); // Close LookupWindow wndw.close(); }