\subsubsection{q1 (corpus-wide search)} \label{sec:searching/indexing} \paragraph This section describes the software associated with the ECHO lemmatized text search and indexing \url{} \begin{enumerate} \item xml-rpc interface to and implementations (archimedes/bin/getindex and archimedes/bin/make_indices) \item search module archimedes/code/IncPerl/Archim/Toc/Search.pm and implementation ( archimedes/web/cgi-bin/search/q1 ) \end{enumerate} \paragraph \paragraph{getindex} archimedes/bin/getindex is a perl script implementing an interface to the xml-rpc indexing service running on \paragraph{make_indices} archimedes/bin/make_indices -- a perl script which uses getindex to generate lemmatized indices for each work registered with toc.cgi. The script is designed to be run on a daily basis via crontab or a similar task scheduler. It uses a primitive tab-delimited database to ensure that works are only re-indexed when they (i.e. the text resource pointed to in info.xml) have changed \paragraph documentation further documentation is available on internal server at http://pythia.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/department1/archimedes/archimedes-echo/techdoc.xml %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "texttools" %%% End: