Kupu Configuration

Link options
Links to objects on this site created by Kupu can use unique object ids so that the links remain valid even if the target object is renamed or moved elsewhere on the site.
Warn before losing changes
Kupu can install a handler to warn before navigating away from a page where a form (even the non-Kupu fields) has been edited. Turn this off to prevent Kupu loading its own handler.
Enter a list of class names to be made available in the table drawer
Enter a list of paragraph styles to appear in the style pulldown. Format is title|tag or title|tag|className, one per line.
HTML Filter
Tags Attributes
Enter HTML tags and attributes to be removed when saving documents. (Uncheck to remove entries)
Any tag
Whole tag removed
Style Whitelist
Enter a list of style elements to be permitted (one per line)
Class Blacklist
Enter a list of classnames to be excluded (one per line)