diff DVN-web/installer/dvninstall/config/dvn_data_functions.R @ 6:1b2188262ae9

adding the installer.
author "jurzua <jurzua@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de>"
date Wed, 13 May 2015 11:50:21 +0200
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DVN-web/installer/dvninstall/config/dvn_data_functions.R	Wed May 13 11:50:21 2015 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1765 @@
+options(digits.secs = 3)
+############ parameters ########################
+univarstathdr<-c("Valid Cases", "Missing Cases(NAs)", "Total", "Mean", "Standard deviation", "Skewness", "Kurtosis", "Coefficient of variation", "Mode", "Minimum","1st Quartile","Median","3rd Quartile","Maximum","Range","Interquartile Range","Normality Test(Shapiro-Wilk Statistic)", "Normality Test(Shapiro-Wilk Statistic: p value)")
+imgprfx1<-c("<img src=\"http://")
+imgsffx1<-c("\" >\n")
+imgsffx2<-c("\" >\n")
+############# parameters #######################
+# Note: 
+#  - The parameter na.strings is set to "NA", even though in the DVN tab files Missing Values are encoded as empty strings; 
+#    this may be some sort of a legacy thing (may be older files still had "NA"s in them as this was written?). After calling
+#    this function, read.table141vdc, the DVN application classes (for ex., DvnRforeignFileConversionServiceImpl.java) make
+#    another call to reset all the empties to NA. Some functions further down in this file also do that explicitly. 
+#  - I changed the strip.white parameter to FALSE (-- L.A., 05/07/2013); having it set to TRUE was resulting in the dropping 
+#    the empty entries that were supposed to represent Missing Values, when the subset contained a single numeric column, 
+#    no matter what the na.strings= was set to. 
+read.table141vdc<-function (file, header = FALSE, sep = "\t", quote = "", dec = ".", col.names=NULL, na.strings = "NA",colClasses = NA,  colClassesx = NA, nrows = -1, skip = 0, check.names = TRUE,fill = !blank.lines.skip, strip.white = FALSE, blank.lines.skip = FALSE, comment.char = "", varFormat=list()) 
+    if (is.character(file)) {
+        file <- file(file, "r")
+        on.exit(close(file))
+    }
+    if (!inherits(file, "connection")) stop("argument 'file' must be a character string or connection")
+    if (!isOpen(file)) {
+        open(file, "r")
+        on.exit(close(file))
+    }
+    if (skip > 0) readLines(file, skip)
+    cols<- length(colClassesx)
+    if (is.null(col.names)) col.names<-paste("V", 1:cols, sep = "")
+    if(check.names) col.names <- make.names(col.names, unique = TRUE)
+    what <- rep(list(""), cols)
+    names(what) <- col.names
+    known <- colClasses %in% c("logical", "integer", "numeric", "complex", "character")
+    what[known] <- sapply(colClasses[known], do.call, list(0))
+    data <- scan(file = file, what = what, sep = sep, quote = quote, dec = dec, nmax = nrows, skip = 0, na.strings = na.strings, quiet = TRUE, fill = fill, strip.white = strip.white, blank.lines.skip = blank.lines.skip, multi.line = FALSE, comment.char = comment.char)
+    nlines <- length(data[[1]])
+    if (cols != length(data)) {
+        warning(paste("cols =", cols, " != length(data) =", length(data)))
+        cols <- length(data)
+    }
+    #cat("colClassesx:\n")
+    #cat(paste(class(colClassesx),"\n"))
+    #cat(paste(colClassesx,"\n",sep=" "))
+    #cat(paste(class(varFormat),"\n"))
+    #cat(paste(length(varFormat),"\n"))
+    #cat("varFormat:\n")
+    #cat(paste(varFormat,"\n",sep=" "))
+    saved.options <- options(digits.secs = 3)
+    for (i in 1:cols) {
+        #if (known[i]) next
+        #data[[i]] <- as(data[[i]], colClasses[i])
+	#cat(paste(class(data[[i]]),"\n"))
+	#cat(paste(mode(data[[i]]),"\n"))
+        if (colClassesx[i] == 0) {
+	     # Make sure the character values are handled as such:
+	     #data[[i]]<-I(data[[i]]);
+	     data[[i]]<-as.character(data[[i]]);
+	     # And replace empty strings with NAs:
+	     data[[i]][ data[[i]] == '' ]<-NA
+	     # And remove the double quotes we had put around the non-missing
+ 	     # string values as they were stored in the TAB files:
+	     data[[i]]<-sub("^\"", "", data[[i]])
+	     data[[i]]<-sub("\"$", "", data[[i]])
+             if (is.null(unlist(varFormat[col.names[i]]))){
+                #cat("before-s=",i, "\n")
+                data[[i]] <- as(data[[i]], "character")
+                #cat("after-s=",i, "\n")
+             } else if (!is.null(unlist(varFormat[col.names[i]]))){
+                if (varFormat[col.names[i]] == 'D'){
+                    #cat("before-d=",i, "\n")
+                    #data[[i]]<-as.Date(data[[i]], "%Y-%m-%d")
+		    data[[i]]<-as.Date(data[[i]]);
+                    #cat("after-d=",i, "\n")
+                    colClassesx[i]<-1
+                } else if (varFormat[col.names[i]] == 'T'){
+                    #cat("before-t=",i,"\n")
+                    data[[i]]<-as.POSIXct(strptime(data[[i]], "%T"))
+                    #cat("after-t=", i,"\n")
+                    colClassesx[i]<-1
+                } else if (varFormat[col.names[i]] == 'DT'){
+                    data[[i]]<-as.POSIXct(strptime(data[[i]], "%F %H:%M:%OS"))
+                    colClassesx[i]<-1
+                } else if (varFormat[col.names[i]] == 'JT'){
+                    data[[i]]<-as.POSIXct(strptime(data[[i]], "%j %H:%M:%OS"))
+                    colClassesx[i]<-1
+                }
+             }
+        } else if (colClassesx[i] == 3) {
+	# special case for Boolean/logical variables: 
+	# (these will be passed from the application as vectors of 0s and 1s)
+	# also, note that this type will be used only when the subset is 
+	# created as part of the "save-as" functionality. When it's for 
+	# analysis, the DVN "boolean" variable will be of type 1, because 
+	# they will be handled as regular integer categoricals with the labels 
+	# "TRUE" and "FALSE". -- L.A. 
+	    #print(data[[i]])
+	    for (j in 1:length(data[[i]])) {
+	       if (!is.na(data[[i]][j]) && data[[i]][j] == "") { 
+	          data[[i]][j]<-NA 
+	       }
+	    }
+	    #print(data[[i]])
+	    data[[i]]<-as.logical(as.numeric(data[[i]]))
+	    #print(data[[i]])
+        } else {
+            data[[i]]<-type.convert(data[[i]], dec = dec)
+            #cat("data[[", i, "]]:", class(data[[i]]), "\n", sep="")
+            #if ( (class(data[[i]]) == "numeric") & (colClassesx[i]==1) ) {
+            #   colClassesx[i]<-2
+            #}
+        }
+    }
+    options(saved.options)
+    class(data) <- "data.frame"
+    row.names(data) <- as.character(seq(len = nlines))
+    attr(data, "var.type")<-colClassesx
+    #cat("end of read.table141vdc\n")
+    data
+} # end of read.table141vdc
+transformrecoded <-function(x, recodedvarsindx = 2, dec = ".", col.names = NULL, colClassesx = undef, varFormat = list()){
+    #cat("inside transformrecoded\n")
+    #cat(paste(col.names,"\n",sep=""))
+    for (i in recodedvarsindx:length(x)) {
+    	#i = recodedindx[j]
+	#cat("index: ")
+	#cat(i)
+	#cat("\n")
+	#cat(paste(class(x[[i]]),"\n"))
+	#cat(paste(mode(x[[i]]),"\n"))
+	#cat(paste(varFormat[col.names[i]],"\n"))
+	#cat(paste(unlist(varFormat[col.names[i]]),"\n"))
+	testbool<-is.null(unlist(varFormat[col.names[i]]))
+	#cat(as.character(testbool))
+        if (!is.null(unlist(varFormat[col.names[i]]))){
+	     	#cat("inside the if loop.\n")
+                if (varFormat[col.names[i]] == 'D'){
+	       	    x[[i]]<-as.Date(x[[i]])
+		    #cat("x[[i]] is a Date;\n")
+		    colClassesx[i]<-1
+                } else if (varFormat[col.names[i]] == 'T'){
+                    x[[i]]<-as.POSIXct(strptime(x[[i]], "%T"))
+                    colClassesx[i]<-1
+                } else if (varFormat[col.names[i]] == 'DT'){
+                    x[[i]]<-as.POSIXct(strptime(x[[i]], "%F %H:%M:%OS"))
+                    colClassesx[i]<-1
+                } else if (varFormat[col.names[i]] == 'JT'){
+                    x[[i]]<-as.POSIXct(strptime(x[[i]], "%j %H:%M:%OS"))
+                    colClassesx[i]<-1
+                }
+        }
+    }
+    x
+createvalindex <-function(dtfrm, attrname=NULL){
+    # this version relies on the list-based approach
+    # completely new final [without old cod block]
+    if (is.null(dtfrm)) {
+        stop("dataframe is not specified\n")
+    } else if (is.null(attrname)){
+        stop("attrname is is not specified\n")
+    } else if (!exists('dtfrm')) {
+        stop("dataframe is not found\n")
+    } else if (!is.data.frame(dtfrm) ) {
+        stop("Specified object is not a data.frame\n")
+    }
+    #DBG<-TRUE
+    try ( {
+    if (attrname == 'val.index') {
+        tabletype<-'val.table'
+        valtable<-attr(dtfrm, 'val.table')
+    } else if (attrname == 'missval.index') {
+        tabletype<-'missval.table'
+        valtable<-attr(dtfrm, 'missval.table')
+    } else stop ("Specified attrname must be either val.index or missval.index\n")
+    if (DBG) {cat("\nattribute name=",attrname,"\n")}
+    if (length(valtable)) {
+        vlindex  <- list();
+        vlst  <- list();
+        lstall<-list()
+        vltbl<-list()
+        if (DBG) {
+            cat("length(",attrname,")=",length(valtable),"\n")
+            cat("varidset(",attrname,")=",names(valtable),"\n")
+        }
+        nameset<-names(valtable)
+        if (DBG) {
+            str(nameset)
+            cat("\nnameset:", paste(nameset,collapse="|"), "\n",sep="")
+        }
+        for (i in 1:(length(valtable))){
+        if (DBG) {
+            cat("var=",i,"\n", sep="")
+            cat("\tlstall:", paste(if (length(lstall)) {as.vector(lstall,mode="integer")} else {"empty"}, collapse=","), "\n",sep="")
+        }
+            nameseti<-nameset[i]
+            if (!is.null(lstall[[as.character(i)]])){next}
+            lsti<-list()
+            # set i to the new list
+            lsti[[as.character(i)]]<-i
+            lstall[[as.character(i)]]<-i
+            vlindex[[as.character(nameseti)]]<-nameset[i]
+            vltbl[[as.character(nameseti)]]<-valtable[[i]]
+            if (DBG) {cat("\tlsti:", paste(as.vector(lsti, mode="integer"),collapse=","), "\n",sep="")}
+            for (j in i:length(valtable)){
+                if (!is.null(lstall[[as.character(j)]])){next}
+                if (attrname == 'val.index') {
+                    if (  identical( names(valtable[[i]]), names(valtable[[j]])  ) & identical(valtable[[i]], valtable[[j]]) ) {
+                        if (DBG) {cat("\tVL:new duplicate (var#) to be added:", j,"\n",sep="")}
+                        lsti[[as.character(j)]]<-j
+                        vlindex[[as.character(nameset[j])]]<-nameseti
+                        lstall[[as.character(j)]]<-j
+                    }
+                } else if (attrname == 'missval.index') {
+                    if ( identical(valtable[[i]], valtable[[j]]) ) {
+                        if (DBG) {cat("\tMSVL: new duplicate (var#) to be added:", j,"\n",sep="")}
+                        lsti[[as.character(j)]]<-j
+                        vlindex[[as.character(nameset[j])]]<-nameseti
+                        lstall[[as.character(j)]]<-j
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (DBG) {cat("\tlsti to be attached to vlst:", paste(as.vector(lsti, mode="integer"),collapse=","), "\n",sep="")}
+            if (length(lsti)){
+                vlst[[nameseti]]<-nameset[as.vector(lsti, mode="integer")]
+            }
+        }
+        if (DBG) {
+            cat("\nvlst=attr(dtfrm,'val.list')  <- vlst\n")
+            str(vlst)
+            cat("\nvlindex=attr(dtfrm,'val.index') <- vlindex\n")
+            str(vlindex)
+            cat("\nvltbl=attr(dtfrm,'val.table')<- valtablex\n")
+            str(vltbl)
+            cat("\nnames(vltbl): equivalent to tmpunique\n")
+            cat("unique var IDs:", paste(names(vltbl),collapse="|"), "\n",sep="")
+        }
+        attr(dtfrm, attrname)<-vlindex
+        if (attrname == 'val.index') {
+            attr(dtfrm, 'val.list')  <- vlst
+            attr(dtfrm, 'val.table') <- vltbl
+        } else if (attrname == 'missval.index') {
+            attr(dtfrm, 'missval.list')  <- vlst
+            attr(dtfrm, 'missval.table')<-vltbl
+        }
+    } else {
+            # no value labels
+            #vlindex<-rep(NA, dim(dtfrm)[2])
+            attr(dtfrm, attrname)<-NULL
+            if (attrname == 'val.index') {
+                attr(dtfrm, 'val.list')<- NA 
+            } else if (attrname == 'missval.index') {
+                attr(dtfrm, 'missval.list')  <- NA
+            }
+    }
+    invisible(dtfrm)
+    }) # end try    
+} # end of createvalindex
+# 2 table functions that return univariate statistics
+# continuous case
+    frqtbl<-list()
+    tbl1<-table(x, useNA='ifany')
+    frqtbl[['Mode']]<-NA
+    if (length(x) > length(tbl1)) {
+        frqtbl[['Mode']]<- names(tbl1)[which.max(tbl1)]
+    }
+    frqtbl
+    frqtbl<-list()
+        # ftbl: frequency table
+        ftbl<-table(x, useNA='ifany')
+        # get the mode
+        frqtbl[['Mode']]<-NA
+        frqtbl[['freqtbl']]<-NA
+        frqtbl[['pcnttbl']]<- NA
+        if (length(x) > length(ftbl)){
+            frqtbl[['Mode']]<-names(ftbl[which.max(ftbl)])
+            if ((length(ftbl)<=50)){
+                # ptbl: percentage table
+                ptbl<-100*(ftbl/sum(ftbl))
+                # set up the return list
+                frqtbl[['freqtbl']]<- ftbl
+                frqtbl[['pcnttbl']]<- ptbl
+                if (DBG){
+                    cat("\ttable header:",paste(dimnames(ftbl)[[1]], collapse='|'), "\n")
+                    cat("\ttable frequency:",paste(ftbl, collapse='|'), "\n")
+                    cat("\tstatistical mode:", frqtbl[['Mode']], "\n")
+                    cat("\tstatistical mode(freq):", tbl1[which.max(ftbl)], "\n")
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    frqtbl
+    DBG<-TRUE
+    SW<-list()
+    SW$value <- NA
+    SW$Pvalue <- NA
+    if ((N >= 3) & (N <= 5000)) {
+        shpr <- try(shapiro.test(x))
+        if (attr(shpr, "class") == 'htest') {
+            if(DBG) {cat("sw statistics assigned\n")}
+            SW$value <- shpr[[1]][[1]]
+            SW$Pvalue <- shpr[[2]]
+        }
+        if(DBG) {cat("sw statistics end\n")}
+    }
+    SW
+    options(digits=3)
+    DBG<-TRUE
+    if(DBG) {cat("pass the point univStat(continuous)\n")}
+    N<-sum(complete.cases(varseti))
+    svnm<-summary(varseti)
+    if (N) {
+        min.value <- svnm[[1]]
+        q1.value <- svnm[[2]]
+        #median.value <- median(varseti)
+        median.value <- svnm[[3]] 
+        q3.value <- svnm[[5]]
+        max.value <- svnm[[6]]
+        range.value <- svnm[[6]]-svnm[[1]]
+        iqr.value <- svnm[[5]]-svnm[[1]]
+        mean.value <- svnm[[4]]
+    } else {
+        min.value <- NA
+        q1.value <- NA
+        median.value <- NA
+        q3.value <- NA
+        max.value <- NA
+        range.value <- NA
+        iqr.value <- NA
+        mean.value <- NA
+    }
+    stdv.value <- sd(varseti, na.rm=T)
+    z0 <- scale(varseti)
+    if (N >= 2) {cv.value <- stdv.value/svnm[[4]] } else {cv.value <- NA}
+    if (N >= 3) {skewness.value <- (N/(N-1)/(N-2))*sum((z0)^3, na.rm=T)} else {skewness.value <- NA}
+    if (N >= 4) {kurtosis.value <- ((N*(N+1)/(N-1))*sum((z0)^4, na.rm=T) - 3*(N-1)^2)/(N-2)/(N-3)} else {kurtosis.value <-NA}
+    # find the maximum frequency cell
+    # index: which.max(table(dtfrm[[i]]))
+    maxfreq<-frqtbl.ctn(x=varseti)[["Mode"]]
+    SW<-sw.stat(x=varseti,N=N)
+    statset<- list(
+        Vald = N,
+        Invald = sum(is.na(varseti)), 
+        Total = length(varseti), 
+        Mean = mean.value, 
+        Stdev = stdv.value, 
+        Skewness = skewness.value,
+        Kurtosis = kurtosis.value,
+        CV = cv.value, 
+        Mode = maxfreq,
+        Minimum = min.value, 
+        Q1 = q1.value,
+        Median = median.value, 
+        Q3 = q3.value, 
+        Maximum = max.value, 
+        Range = range.value, 
+        I.Q.R = iqr.value,
+        S.W.statistic = SW$value, 
+        S.W.P.value = SW$Pvalue
+    )
+    statset
+univarStat.dscrt<-function(varseti, ordnl=TRUE){
+    DBG<-TRUE
+    if(DBG) {cat("pass the point univStat(discrete)\n")}
+    N<-sum(complete.cases(varseti))
+    if (ordnl){
+        median.value <-NULL
+        if (N) {median.value <- median(varseti, na.rm=TRUE) }
+    }
+    tmpfrq<-frqtbl.dsc(x=varseti)
+    statset<- list(
+        Vald = N,
+        Invald = sum(is.na(varseti)), 
+        Total = length(varseti),
+        Mode = tmpfrq[["Mode"]],
+        freqtbl = tmpfrq[["freqtbl"]],
+        pcnttbl = tmpfrq[["pcnttbl"]]
+    )
+    if (ordnl){
+        statset$Median<-median.value
+    }
+    statset
+    DBG<-TRUE
+    if(DBG) {
+        cat("\n\nEntered the function univarStat\n")
+        NAMESET<-names(dtfrm)
+    }
+    STATLST<-list()
+    # create temp vars
+    VARTYPE<-attr(dtfrm, "var.type")
+    for (i in 1: dim(dtfrm)[2]) {
+        try ({
+            varseti<-dtfrm[[i]]
+            if(DBG) {cat("variable name =",NAMESET[i],"\n")}
+            N<-sum(complete.cases(varseti))
+            if (VARTYPE[i]== 2) {
+                STATLST[[as.character(i)]]<-univarStat.cntn(varseti=varseti)
+            } else if (VARTYPE[i] == 1) {
+                STATLST[[as.character(i)]]<-univarStat.dscrt(varseti=varseti)
+            } else if (VARTYPE[i] == 0) {
+                STATLST[[as.character(i)]]<-univarStat.dscrt(varseti=varseti,ordnl=FALSE)
+            } else {
+                STATLST[[as.character(i)]]<-NULL
+            }
+        }) # end of try
+    } # end of the loop
+    attr(dtfrm, "univarStat.lst")<-STATLST
+    invisible(dtfrm)
+} # end of univarStat
+univarChart<-function(dtfrm, analysisoptn=NULL, imgflprfx=NULL, standalone=T){
+    # description
+    # to print univariate charts
+    #
+    # arguments
+    # dtfrm[[i]] variable name
+    # analysisoptn Analysis option
+    # imgflprfx temporary image file prefix
+    # local variable 
+    # varlabel variable label (local variable)
+    # No return value; each image file is written in /tmp
+    # $RvlsPrfx   = "$TMPDIR/Rvls.$PRCSSID";
+    # note: value labels will be printed in html tables
+    # unvlst[[as.character(i)]]<-statset
+    # new list-based notations
+    # USL<-attr(dtfrm,"univarStat.lst")
+    # chartset[["hstbx"]]<-hstgrmfile
+    # chartset[["qqplt"]]<-qqpltfile
+    # chartset[["brchrt"]]<-barpltfile
+    # USL[[as.character(i)]][["freqtbl"]]
+    # chrtlst[[as.character(i)]]<-chartset
+    #DBG<-TRUE
+    if (is.null(analysisoptn)){
+        analysisoptn<-c(1,1,0)
+    }
+    if (is.null(imgflprfx)) {
+        PRCID<-format(Sys.time(), "R%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
+        #imgflprfx<-paste("c:/asone/R/temp/",PRCID,sep="")
+        imgflprfx<-PRCID
+        if (DBG) {cat("\nprocessID=",imgflprfx,"\n", sep="")}
+    }
+    # function defintions
+    #DBG<-TRUE
+    # variable label processing
+    if (DBG) {cat("\nEntered varlabel.chrt\n")}
+    if (nchar(lblset[["varlabel"]])>45) {
+        varlabel<- paste(substr(lblset[["varlabel"]], 1, 45), "...")
+    } else {
+        varlabel<-lblset[["varlabel"]]
+    }
+    lblset[["varlabel"]]<-paste(lblset[["varname"]], ": ", varlabel, sep="")
+    lblset
+univarChart.cntn<-function(varseti, imgflprfx, labelset) {
+    #DBG<-TRUE
+    chartset<-list()
+    if (DBG) {cat ("univarChart.cntn:varname:", labelset[["varname"]], "\n")}
+    #histgram/boxplot
+    hstgrmfile<-paste(imgflprfx, labelset[["varname"]],"hs.jpg", sep=".")
+    bitmap(hstgrmfile, type = "jpeg", height = 3.5, width = 3, res=100, pointsize=9)
+    layout(matrix(c(1,2),nrow=2,ncol=1), widths=c(1), heights=c(5,1))
+    par(mar=c(4,4,1,1), mgp=c(2, 0.5, 0), tcl=-0.25, cex.axis=0.9, cex.lab=0.9)
+    hist(varseti, main="", xlab=labelset[["varlabel"]], col="lightgrey")
+    par(mar=c(2,4,0,1))
+    boxplot(varseti, main="", xlab="", ylab="", col="lightgrey", horizontal=T)
+    dev.off()
+    #par(def.par)
+    if (!standalone){
+        tmpvsldirhs<-unlist(strsplit(hstgrmfile,"/"))
+        hstgrmfile<-paste(tmpvsldirhs[(length(tmpvsldirhs)-1):length(tmpvsldirhs)],collapse="/")
+    }
+    chartset[["hstbx"]]<-hstgrmfile
+    #qq-plot
+    qqpltfile<-paste(imgflprfx, labelset[["varname"]],"qq.jpg", sep=".")
+    bitmap(qqpltfile, type = "jpeg", height = 3, width = 3, res= 100, pointsize=8.5)
+    par(tcl=-0.25, cex.axis=0.9, cex.lab=1.0)
+    qqnorm(varseti, main="Normal Q-Q Plot", ylab=labelset[["varlabel"]], pch=15)
+    qqline(varseti)
+    dev.off()
+    #par(def.par)
+    if (!standalone){
+        tmpvsldirqq<-unlist(strsplit(qqpltfile,"/"))
+        qqpltfile<-paste(tmpvsldirqq[(length(tmpvsldirqq)-1):length(tmpvsldirqq)],collapse="/")
+    }
+    chartset[["qqplt"]]<-qqpltfile
+    chartset
+univarChart.dscrt<-function(frqtbl, imgflprfx, labelset){
+    #DBG<-TRUE
+    chartset<-list()
+    if (DBG) {cat ("univarChart.dscrt:varname:", labelset[["varname"]], "\n")}
+    barpltfile<-paste(imgflprfx, labelset[["varname"]], "bp.jpg", sep=".")
+    bitmap(barpltfile, type = "jpeg", height = 3, width = 3, res= 100, pointsize=8.5)
+    par(tcl=-0.25, cex.axis=0.9, cex.lab=1.0)
+    barplot(frqtbl, col="lightgrey", main="", xlab=labelset[["varlabel"]], ylab="Frequency")
+    dev.off()
+    #par(def.par)
+    if (!standalone){
+        tmpvsldirbp<-unlist(strsplit(barpltfile,"/"))
+        barpltfile<-paste(tmpvsldirbp[(length(tmpvsldirbp)-1):length(tmpvsldirbp)],collapse="/")
+    }
+    chartset[["brchrt"]]<-barpltfile
+    chartset
+    ############################
+    # implementation
+    varlabels<-attr(dtfrm,"var.labels")
+    varnames<-names(dtfrm)
+    vartypes<-attr(dtfrm,"var.type")
+    if (!is.null(attr(dtfrm,"univarStat.lst"))) {
+        STATLST<-attr(dtfrm,"univarStat.lst")
+    }
+    chrtlst<-list()
+    for (i in 1: dim(dtfrm)[2]){
+    try( {
+        if (DBG) {cat("univarChart:",i,"-th var\n")}
+        chrtlbl<-list(varname=varnames[i], varlabel=varlabels[i])
+        labelset<-varlabel.chrt(lblset=chrtlbl)
+        varseti<-dtfrm[[i]]
+        if (is.null(STATLST[[as.character(i)]])) {
+            tmpvald<-sum(complete.cases(varseti))
+        } else {
+            tmpvald<-STATLST[[as.character(i)]][["Vald"]]
+        }
+        if (DBG) {cat("tmpvald=",tmpvald,"\n")}
+        chartset<-list()
+        if (vartypes[i]==2) {
+            #Continuous Variable
+            if (analysisoptn[2] & tmpvald) {
+                chrtlst[[as.character(i)]]<-univarChart.cntn(varseti=varseti, imgflprfx=imgflprfx, labelset=labelset)
+            }
+        } else {
+            #Discrete Variable
+            #bar plot
+            if (analysisoptn[2] & tmpvald ) {
+                # chart option is chosen
+                if (analysisoptn[1]){
+                    # univariate statistics option is chosen -> freq table is available
+                    # note: univariate statistics option is not chosen, tmpfrqtbl is NA
+                    tmpfrqtbl<-STATLST[[as.character(i)]][["freqtbl"]]
+                } else {
+                    # calculate statistics
+                    if (vartypes[i]==1) {
+                        statlst<-univarStat.dscrt(varseti=varseti)
+                    } else {
+                        statlst<-univarStat.dscrt(varseti=varseti,ordnl=FALSE)
+                    }
+                    tmpfrqtbl<-statlst[["freqtbl"]]
+                }
+                chartset[["brchrt"]]<-NA
+                if( (length(tmpfrqtbl)<=10) & (length(tmpfrqtbl)>1) ) {
+                    chartset<-univarChart.dscrt(frqtbl=tmpfrqtbl, imgflprfx=imgflprfx, labelset=labelset)
+                } else if (class(tmpfrqtbl)=="table") {
+                    # number of categories <= 50
+                    # no chart but table
+                    if (!analysisoptn[1]){
+                        STATLST[[as.character(i)]]<-statlst
+                    }
+                } else if (is.na(tmpfrqtbl)) {
+                    # no table available
+                    if (!analysisoptn[1]){
+                        STATLST[[as.character(i)]]<-statlst
+                    }
+                }
+                chrtlst[[as.character(i)]]<-chartset
+            }
+        } # end of D case
+    }) # end of try
+    } # end of var-wise-loop
+    attr(dtfrm, "univarChart.lst")<-chrtlst
+    if (is.null(attr(dtfrm,"univarStat.lst")) ) {
+        attr(dtfrm,"univarStat.lst")<-STATLST
+    }
+    invisible(dtfrm)    
+} # end of univarChart
+univarStatHtml<-function(dtfrm, tmpimgfile, analysisoptn, tmphtmlfile, standalone=T){
+    # Description
+    # 
+    # arguments
+    # dtfrm          variable furnished with attributes
+    # tmpimgfile    temporary image file prefix: =$SRVRCGI=$SERVER$CGIDIR
+    # analysisoptn  analysis option
+    # nrows         local variable
+    # tmphtmlfile   temporary html file
+    # file          tmphtmlfile 
+    DBG<-TRUE
+    # open the connection
+    whtml<-file(tmphtmlfile, "w")
+    on.exit(close(whtml))
+    # color parameters
+    # legend: c(1:background, 2:table header, 3: table body(o), 4: table body(e))
+    # clschm <-c("#FFFFFF", "#CCFFCC","#e0ffff","#f0fff0") # green-based palette
+    # blue-based palette
+    #clschm <-c("#FFFFFF", "#e6e6fa","#ffffff","#f5f5f5")
+    clschm <-c("dvnUnvStatTbl", "dvnUnvStatTblHdr","dvnUnvStatTblRowO","dvnUnvStatTblRowE")
+    # table parameters
+    # legend: c(border, cellspacing)
+     tblprm <-c(0, 2)
+    #cat("\nEntered the function univarStatHtml\n")
+    # values for local tests
+    # set localtest 0 after local tests
+    localtest<-TRUE
+    localtest<-FALSE
+    if (localtest){
+        tmpimgfile<-c("")
+        imgprfx1<-c("<img src=\"")
+        imgprfx2<-c("")
+        univarstathdr<-c("Valid Cases", "Invalid Cases(NAs)", "Total", "Mean", "Standard deviation", "Skewness", "Kurtosis", "Coefficient of variation", "Mode", "Minimum","1st Quartile","Median","3rd Quartile","Maximum","Range","Interquartile Range","Normality Test:Shapiro-Wilk Statistic", "(Shapiro-Wilk Statistic: p value)")
+    }
+    if (standalone) {
+        imgflprfx<-paste(imgprfx1,tmpimgfile,imgprfx2,sep="")
+    } else {
+        imgflprfx<-"<img src=\""
+    }
+    # constant for rendering a table for univariate statistics(continuous vars only)
+    uslstlen<-length(univarstathdr)
+    nrows <-ceiling(uslstlen/2)
+    blnkcell<-uslstlen%%2==TRUE
+    nameset<-names(dtfrm)
+    varlabelset<-attr(dtfrm,"var.labels")
+    CHRTLST<-attr(dtfrm, "univarChart.lst")
+    STATLST<-attr(dtfrm, "univarStat.lst")
+    VARTYPE<-attr(dtfrm, "var.type")
+    VALINDEX<-attr(dtfrm, "val.index")
+    VALTABLE<-attr(dtfrm, "val.table")
+    pt.varheader<-function(namesi, varlabelsi=NA) {h3<-paste("<h3>", namesi, if (!is.na(varlabelsi)) {paste(": ", varlabelsi, sep="")}, "</h3>\n",sep="");h3}
+    ###################
+    # continuous case
+    univarStatHtml.cntn<-function(statlst, imgfllst, cmbntn, namesi, varlabelsi){
+        # statlst   STATLST[[as.character(i)]]
+        # imgfllst  imgfllst=CHRTLST[[as.character(i)]]
+        # cmbntn    analysisoptn
+        # function definition sections
+        # create the first tr tag: chart part
+        pt.tr1<-function(imgfllst, cmbntn){
+            tr1<-""
+            if (cmbntn[2]) {
+                if (cmbntn[1]) { colspan<-" colspan=\"2\"" } else { colspan<-""}
+                # both
+                if(!is.null(imgfllst[["hstbx"]])){
+                    tr1.l<-paste("<td",colspan,">\n",imgflprfx,imgfllst[["hstbx"]],imgsffx1,"</td>\n",sep="")
+                } else {
+                    tr1.l<-paste("<td",colspan,">\n<p><B><font color=red>Histogram/Boxplot Not Available</font></B></p>\n</td>\n")
+                }
+                if(!is.null(imgfllst[["qqplt"]])) {
+                    tr1.r<-paste("<td",colspan,">\n",imgflprfx,imgfllst[["qqplt"]],imgsffx1,"</td>\n",sep="")
+                } else {
+                    tr1.r<-paste("<td",colspan,">\n<p><B><font color=red>Normal Q-Q plot Not Available</font></B></p>\n</td>\n",sep="")
+                }
+                tr1<-paste("<tr>\n",tr1.l,tr1.r,"</tr>\n",sep="")
+            }
+            tr1
+        }
+        # create the 2nd and thereafter tr tags: statistics part
+        pt.tr2<-function(statlst, cmbntn){
+            tr2<-""
+            if (cmbntn[1]) {
+                # statistics on
+                # table header
+                tr2<-paste("<tr class=\"",clschm[2],"\">\n<td align=\"left\"><b>Statistic</b></td><td align=\"right\"><b>Value</b></td>\n<td align=\"left\"><b>Statistic</b></td><td align=\"right\"><b>Value</b></td>\n</tr>\n",sep="")
+                # statistical data
+                # when # of statistics is not even
+                if (blnkcell){ univarstathdr[length(statlst)+1]<-"&nbsp;"}
+                # table body
+                for (j in 1:nrows) {
+                    if (j%%2==FALSE) colorprm <- clschm[3] else colorprm <-clschm[4]
+                    tr2<-paste(tr2, 
+                    "<tr class=\"",colorprm,"\">\n",
+                    "<td align=\"left\">",univarstathdr[j],"</td>\n", 
+                    "<td align=\"right\">", prettyNum(statlst[[j]]),"</td>\n", 
+                    "<td align=\"left\">",univarstathdr[j+nrows],"</td>\n", 
+                    "<td align=\"right\">", if ( (j==nrows) & (blnkcell) ) {"&nbsp;"} else {prettyNum(statlst[[j+nrows]])},"</td>\n</tr>\n", sep="")
+                }
+            }
+            tr2
+        }
+        # create the chart/statistics table segment
+        pt.tbl<-function(statlst=statlst,cmbntn=cmbntn,imgfllst=imgfllst){
+            tr1<-pt.tr1(imgfllst=imgfllst, cmbntn=cmbntn)
+            tr2<-pt.tr2(statlst=statlst, cmbntn=cmbntn)
+            tbl<-paste("<center>\n<table border=\"",tblprm[1],"\" class=\"",clschm[1],"\" cellspacing=\"",tblprm[1],"\" >\n",tr1,tr2,"</table>\n</center>\n",sep="")
+            tbl
+        }
+        # create per variable html segment
+        pt.varunit.cntn<-function(vhdr,vcntnts){varunit<-paste(vhdr,vcntnts,"<hr/>", sep="");varunit}
+        ## end of function definitions ##
+        # implementation
+        pttbl<-pt.tbl(statlst=statlst, imgfllst=imgfllst, cmbntn=cmbntn)
+        ptvarheader<-pt.varheader(namesi=namesi, varlabelsi=varlabelsi)
+        ptvarunitc<-pt.varunit.cntn(vhdr=ptvarheader, vcntnts=pttbl)
+        ptvarunitc
+    } # end of continuous case
+    ######################
+    # discrete case
+    univarStatHtml.dscrt<-function(statlst, imgfllst, cmbntn, namesi, varlabelsi, vltbl) {
+        # statlst   STATLST[[as.character(i)]]
+        # imgfllst  imgfllst=CHRTLST[[as.character(i)]]
+        # cmbntn    analysisoptn
+        # function definition sections
+        #statlst[["freqtbl"]]
+        # mode and median even if a freq table is not available 
+        nrw<-3
+        # add one for "total" row
+        #if (!is.na(statlst$freqtbl)) {nrw<-length(statlst$freqtbl)+1+nrw}
+        if (class(statlst$freqtbl)=="table") {nrw<-length(statlst$freqtbl)+nrw}
+        # nrws: rowspan parameter value if the chart option is chosen
+        nrws<-nrw+1
+        pt.tr1<-function(imgfllst, cmbntn){
+            try({
+            # tr1.l: chart part
+            tr1.l<-""
+            sprsstr1r<-FALSE
+            if (cmbntn[2]) {
+                rowspan<-""
+                if (cmbntn[1]) { rowspan<-paste(" rowspan=\"",nrws,"\"",sep="") }
+                if(!is.na(imgfllst[["brchrt"]])){
+                    tr1.l<-paste("<td",rowspan," valign=\"top\">\n",imgflprfx,imgfllst[["brchrt"]], imgsffx1, "</td>\n", sep="")
+                } else {
+                    if (class(statlst$freqtbl)=="table"){
+                        rowspan<-paste(" rowspan=\"",nrws,"\"",sep="")
+                        tr1.l<-paste("<td",rowspan," valign=\"top\">\n<p><B><small>The number of categories is more than 10 or equal to 1.<br>Table substitutes for Bar plot</small></B></p>\n</td>\n",sep="")
+                        cmbntn[1]<-1
+                    } else {
+                        tr1.lm<-paste("<td align=\"left\" colspan=\"3\" valign=\"top\">\n<p><B><small>The number of categories is more than 50. Frequency/Percentage tables are not shown here</small></B></p>\n</td></tr>\n",sep="")
+                        tr1.lhdr<-paste("<tr><td align=\"left\" class=\"",clschm[2],"\" ><b>Value: Value Label</b></td><td align=\"right\" class=\"",clschm[2],"\" ><b>Freq</b></td><td align=\"right\" class=\"",clschm[2],"\" ><b>Percent</b></td>\n",sep="")
+                        tr1.l<-paste(tr1.lm,tr1.lhdr, sep="")
+                        sprsstr1r<-TRUE
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            # tr1.r: freq/pcnt table header part
+            tr1.r<-""
+            if (cmbntn[1]) {
+                if (class(statlst$freqtbl)=="table"){
+                    tr1.r<-paste("<td align=\"left\" class=\"",clschm[2],"\" ><b>Value: Value Label</b></td><td align=\"right\" class=\"",clschm[2],"\" ><b>Freq</b></td><td align=\"right\" class=\"",clschm[2],"\" ><b>Percent</b></td>\n",sep="")
+                } else if (!sprsstr1r){
+                    tr1.rm<-paste("<td align=\"left\" colspan=\"3\" valign=\"top\">\n<p><B><small>The number of categories is more than 50. Frequency/Percentage tables are not shown here</small></B></p>\n</td></tr>\n",sep="")
+                    tr1.rhdr<-paste("<tr><td align=\"left\" class=\"",clschm[2],"\" ><b>Value: Value Label</b></td><td align=\"right\" class=\"",clschm[2],"\" ><b>Freq</b></td><td align=\"right\" class=\"",clschm[2],"\" ><b>Percent</b></td>\n",sep="")
+                    tr1.r<-paste(tr1.rm,tr1.rhdr, sep="")
+                }
+            }
+            tr1<-paste("<tr>\n",tr1.l,tr1.r,"</tr>\n",sep="")
+            }) # end of try
+        }
+        # create the 2nd and thereafter tr tags: statistics part
+        pt.tr2<-function(statlst, cmbntn, vltbl, imgfllst){
+            try({
+            tr2<-""
+            tableon<-FALSE
+            if ( cmbntn[2]){
+                if (is.na(imgfllst[["brchrt"]])){
+                    tableon<-TRUE
+                }
+            }
+            if (cmbntn[1] | tableon) {
+                if (class(statlst$freqtbl)=="table") {tblkey<-names(statlst$freqtbl)}
+                # if freqtbl is NA, tblkey becomes NULL
+                for (j in 1:nrw) {
+                    if (j%%2==FALSE) { colorprm <- clschm[3]} else {colorprm <-clschm[4]}
+                    if (j < (nrw -2)) {
+                        catgrylbl<-""
+                        if (!is.null(vltbl)){
+                            if(!is.null(vltbl[[tblkey[j]]])) {
+                                catgrylbl<-paste("(",vltbl[[tblkey[j]]],")",sep="")
+                            }
+                        }
+                        tr2<-paste(tr2, "<tr class=\"",colorprm,"\">\n<td align=\"left\">",tblkey[j],catgrylbl,"</td>\n<td align=\"right\">",statlst$freqtbl[[j]],"</td>\n<td align=\"right\">", signif(statlst$pcnttbl[[j]],3),"</td>\n</tr>\n", sep="")
+                    } else if (j == (nrw -2)) {
+                        #cat("entering the total row\n")
+                        tr2<-paste(tr2, "<tr class=\"",colorprm,"\">\n<td align=\"left\">Total</td>\n<td align=\"right\">",statlst$Vald+statlst$Invald,"</td>\n<td align=\"right\">100</td>\n</tr>\n", sep="")
+                    } else if (j == (nrw -1)) {
+                        # median
+                        #cat("entering the median\n")
+                        median.vl<- "Not Available"
+                        median.lbl<-""
+                        if (!is.null(statlst$Median)) {
+                            median.vl<- as.character(statlst$Median)
+                            if (!is.null(vltbl) && (nrw>3)){
+                                if (!is.null(vltbl[[median.vl]])) {
+                                    median.lbl<-paste("(",vltbl[[median.vl]],")",sep="")
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        tr2<-paste(tr2,"<tr class=\"",colorprm,"\">\n<td align=\"left\">Median</td>\n<td align=\"right\">",median.vl,"</td>\n<td align=\"right\">",median.lbl,"</td>\n</tr>\n", sep="")
+                    } else if (j == nrw) {
+                        # mode
+                        #cat("entering the Mode\n")
+                        mode.vl<-"Not Available"
+                        mode.lbl<-""
+                        if (!is.null(statlst$Mode)) {
+                            mode.vl<-statlst$Mode
+                            if (!is.null(vltbl) && (nrw>3) ) {
+                                if (!is.null(vltbl[[mode.vl]])) {
+                                    mode.lbl<-paste("(",vltbl[[mode.vl]], ")", sep="")
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        tr2<-paste(tr2,"<tr class=\"",colorprm,"\">\n<td align=\"left\">Mode</td>\n<td align=\"right\">",mode.vl,"</td>\n<td align=\"right\">",mode.lbl,"</td>\n</tr>\n", sep="")
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            tr2
+            }) # end of try
+        }
+        # create the chart/statistics table segment
+        pt.tbl<-function(statlst=statlst,cmbntn=cmbntn,imgfllst=imgfllst,vltbl=vltbl){
+            try({
+            tr1<-pt.tr1(imgfllst=imgfllst, cmbntn=cmbntn)
+            tr2<-pt.tr2(statlst=statlst, cmbntn=cmbntn, vltbl=vltbl,imgfllst=imgfllst)
+            tbl<-paste("<center>\n<table border=\"",tblprm[1],"\" class=\"",clschm[1],"\" cellspacing=\"",tblprm[1],"\" >\n",tr1,tr2,"</table>\n</center>\n",sep="")
+            tbl
+            })
+        }
+        # create per variable html segment
+        pt.varunit.dscrt<-function(vhdr,vcntnts){varunit<-paste(vhdr,vcntnts,"<hr/>", sep="");varunit}
+        ## end of function definitions ##
+        # implementation
+        try({
+        #cat("enters the discrete html body function\n", sep="")
+        pttbl<-pt.tbl(statlst=statlst, imgfllst=imgfllst, cmbntn=cmbntn, vltbl=vltbl)
+        ptvarheader<-pt.varheader(namesi=namesi, varlabelsi=varlabelsi)
+        ptvarunitd<-pt.varunit.dscrt(vhdr=ptvarheader, vcntnts=pttbl)
+        ptvarunitd
+        })
+    } # end of discrete case
+    # main 
+    # implementation
+        rawVarName <- nameset
+        if (length(attr(dtfrm, "Rsafe2raw"))>0){
+            Rsafe2raw <- attr(dtfrm, "Rsafe2raw")
+            for (i in 1:length(nameset)){
+                if (!is.null(Rsafe2raw[[nameset[i]]])){
+                    rawVarName[i] <-  Rsafe2raw[[nameset[i]]];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    for (i in 1:dim(dtfrm)[2]){
+        try({
+        if (VARTYPE[i]==2) {
+            varsgmnt.c<-univarStatHtml.cntn(statlst=STATLST[[as.character(i)]], imgfllst=CHRTLST[[as.character(i)]], cmbntn=analysisoptn, namesi=rawVarName[i], varlabelsi=varlabelset[i])
+            cat(file=whtml, varsgmnt.c, sep="")
+        } else {
+            if (DBG) {cat(i,"-th var before entering the discrete html function\n", sep="")}
+            #cat("check the value table=",VALTABLE[[VALINDEX[[i]]]],"\n", sep="")
+            if (is.null(VALINDEX[[as.character(i)]])){valtable<-NULL} else {valtable<-VALTABLE[[VALINDEX[[as.character(i)]]]]}
+            varsgmnt.d<-univarStatHtml.dscrt(statlst=STATLST[[as.character(i)]], imgfllst=CHRTLST[[as.character(i)]], cmbntn=analysisoptn, namesi=rawVarName[i], varlabelsi=varlabelset[i], vltbl=valtable)
+            cat(file=whtml, varsgmnt.d, sep="")
+        }
+        }) # end of try
+    } # end of var-wise for-loop
+} #end of the function univarStatHtml
+univarDataDwnld<-function(dtfrm, dwnldoptn, dsnprfx) {
+    # dtfrm(=z1)        dataset to be downloaded
+    # dwnldoptn(=z2)    data download option
+    # dsnprfx(=z3)      dataset name prefix
+# The portion of code immediately below has been added to 
+# convert extra metadata, such as value labels, supplied in
+# the proprietary attributes (below) into standard R notations,
+# such as "comments" for variable labels and "factors" for 
+# value labels. 
+# This is still work in progress! -- L.A. 
+    NAMESET<-names(dtfrm)
+    VARLABELS<-attr(dtfrm,"var.labels")
+  attr(x,"orig.names")<-attr(dtfrm,"var.labels")
+    CHRTLST<-attr(dtfrm, "univarChart.lst")
+    STATLST<-attr(dtfrm, "univarStat.lst")
+    VARTYPE<-attr(dtfrm, "var.type")
+    VALINDEX<-attr(dtfrm, "val.index")
+    VALTABLE<-attr(dtfrm, "val.table")
+    MISSVALINDEX <- attr(x,"missval.index")
+    MISSVALTABLE <- attr(x,"missval.table")
+	recodemiss<-TRUE
+	recodefactors<-TRUE
+	dropfactorlevels<-FALSE
+	orderfactors<-TRUE
+      for (i in 1:length(x)) {
+        cat("inside the for loop\n")
+	cat("class: ")
+	cat(class(x[[i]]))
+	cat("\n")
+	# Recoding discrete, categorical variables as R factors;
+	# But, (experimental...) only if there are value labels supplied. 
+	# This means, among other things, that an ingested R character, 
+	# or integer vector would stay a vector, and not a factor, 
+	# in a saved-as-R subset.  
+	# -- L.A.
+	if (!is.null(VARTYPE) && VARTYPE[i]<2 && recodefactors) {
+	# Additionally, if we are saving as Stata, we're only
+	# recoding discrete numeric values (vartype 1), but not Strings.
+	# This is because of the nature of factors in R.
+	# TODO: add documentation for all of this!
+	# -- L.A. 
+	#if ((dwnldoptn != 'D03') || (VARTYPE[i] == 1)) {
+	if (((dwnldoptn != 'D03') || (VARTYPE[i] == 1)) && !(is.null(VALINDEX[[as.character(i)]]))) {
+	  if (is.null(VALINDEX[[as.character(i)]])) {
+	    vti <- NULL
+	  } else {
+            vti <- VALTABLE[[VALINDEX[[as.character(i)]]]]
+	    cat(paste(class(vti),"\n"))
+	    cat(paste(length(vti),"\n"))
+	    cat(paste("VTI", vti, "\n", sep=" : "))
+	  }
+          if (dropfactorlevels) {
+	    vtilevels<-NULL
+	  } else {
+	    if (is.numeric(x[[i]])) {
+	      vtilevels<-as.numeric(names(vti))
+            } else {
+	      vtilevels<-names(vti) 
+            }
+	  }
+          # save / re-attach date/time-related class name
+	  classToken <- class(x[[i]])
+          vlevsi <- as.list(sort(unique.default(c(x[[i]],vtilevels))))
+          if ((classToken[1] == "Date") || (classToken[1] == "POSIXt")) {
+	      class(vlevsi)<- classToken
+	  }
+	  names(vlevsi)<-vlevsi
+          tmatch<-na.omit(match(names(vti),names(vlevsi)))
+          if (length(tmatch)>0) {
+	      names(vlevsi)[tmatch] <- vti
+	  }
+	  mti<-integer(0);
+	  mti<-integer(0);
+	  if (recodemiss && !is.null(MISSVALINDEX[[as.character(i)]])) {
+	    mti<-MISSVALTABLE[[MISSVALINDEX[[as.character(i)]]]]
+	    tmatch<-na.omit(match(mti,vlevsi))
+	    if (length(tmatch)>0) {
+	      vlevsi[tmatch]<-NULL
+	    }
+	  }
+# TODO: Add explicit nominal/ordinal/dichotomous information to meta data, instead
+#   of assuming non-character vars are ordered
+	if ((dwnldoptn == 'D04') && !(is.null(VALORDER[[as.character(i)]]))) {
+	   cat("ordered value labels supplied")
+		x[[i]]  <-  factor(x[[i]],
+				levels=VALORDER[[as.character(i)]],
+				ordered=TRUE)
+	} else {
+	  cat("no ordered value labels supplied\n")
+	  cat(paste(VARTYPE[i],"\n",sep=""))
+	  cat(paste(length(vlevsi),"\n",sep=""))
+	  orderedfct<-(orderfactors &&
+                                      VARTYPE[i]>0 && ((length(vlevsi)-length(mti)>2)))
+          cat(paste(as.character(orderedfct),"\n", sep=""))
+	  paste("MTI", mti,"\n",sep=" : ")
+	  paste("VLEVSI", vlevsi,"\n",sep=" : ")
+		x[[i]]  <-  factor(x[[i]],
+	        		levels=vlevsi,
+			     	labels=names(vlevsi),
+			     	ordered=(orderfactors &&
+				      VARTYPE[i]>0 && ((length(vlevsi)-length(mti)>2))))
+	}
+	attr(x,"vlevsi")<-vlevsi;
+	attr(x,"namesvlevsi")<-names(vlevsi); 
+	}
+	}
+# try to add variable labels as R comments: (L.A. -- ?)
+	comment(x[[i]]) <- VARLABELS[i]
+      }
+# end of added recoding -- L.A.
+    if (dwnldoptn == 'D01') {
+        # In the future when a sample program file is attached to
+        # a text file, col.names should be set to F to avoid
+        # printing a variable list
+        write.table(dtfrm, file=dsnprfx, sep="\t", row.names=F, na=".")
+    } else if (dwnldoptn == 'D02') {
+# SPLUS: (L.A.)
+        for (i in 1:length(x)) {
+            if (class(x[[i]]) == 'AsIs'){
+                x[[i]]<-as.character(x[[i]]);
+            }
+        }
+        #attach(dtfrm)
+        dump('x', file=dsnprfx)
+        #dump(ls(dtfrm), file=dsnprfx)
+        #detach(dtfrm)
+    } else if (dwnldoptn == 'D03') {
+# STATA: (L.A.)
+	## -- replaced dtfrm with x in the following paragraph; - L.A. (?)
+        # truncate over-sized string variables
+        MaxLenStringVar <- 127
+        vt <- attr(x, 'var.type')
+        for (i in 1:length(vt)){
+            if (vt[i] == 0){
+                #cat(paste(i, "-th var is char type", sep=""), "\n")
+                maxlen <- max(unlist(lapply(x[[i]],nchar)))
+                if (maxlen > MaxLenStringVar) {
+                    #cat(paste(i, "-th var is over-sized string var", sep=""), "\n")
+                    x[[i]] <- strtrim(x[[i]], MaxLenStringVar)
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        write.dta(x, file=dsnprfx, version=7)
+    } else if (dwnldoptn == 'D04') {
+        save(x,file=dsnprfx)
+    }
+} # end of univarDataDwnld.R
+sumStatTabAll.DDI<-function(dtfrm, file="", flid=1, jobNo=0, startno=1, novars=0){
+        # sumStatTabAll.DDI(dtfrm=x,file="/tmp/mry/00001/00001.stat.1.tab", flid=1)
+        # arguments
+        # dtfrm data frame furnished with attributes
+        # file  outp file (tab-delimited)
+        # flid  file ID
+        # ordrDDI == 0 if no division of a job
+        # constants
+        entref<-c("&", "<", ">", "'", "\"")
+        nmstr<-c("&amp;","&lt;", "&gt;", "&apos;","&quot;")
+        sumStatset<-c("mean", "medn", "mode", "vald", "invd", "min", "max", "stdev")
+        DEBUG<-FALSE
+        fileid<-paste("file", flid, sep="")
+        #varIDprfx<-paste("v", flid, ".", sep="")
+        # open the connection
+        if (file!="") {
+            if (jobNo==0){
+                wxml<-file(file, "w")
+            } else if (jobNo >0) {
+                wxml<-file(file, "a")
+            }
+            on.exit(close(wxml))
+        } else {
+            stop("output file name is not specified\n")
+        }
+        # An auxiliary function that replaces the above five characters with the named entities
+        chr2xtrf<-function(lbl){
+            for (i in 1:length(entref)) {
+                lbl<-gsub(entref[i], nmstr[i], lbl, perl=T, useBytes = T)
+            }
+        }
+        # xml printing up to the section 3
+        #if (jobNo<= 1 ){
+        #   if (jobNo){novars<-"" } else {novars<-dim(dtfrm)[2]}
+        if (jobNo == 0){
+            if (novars==0){novar<-"";} else if (novars > 0) {novar <-novars}
+            cat(file=wxml, sep="",paste(dim(dtfrm)[1],novar,fileid,sep="\t"),"\n" )
+        }
+        VARTYPE<-attr(dtfrm, "var.type")
+        NAMES<-names(dtfrm)
+    for (i in 1: dim(dtfrm)[2]){
+        #   sumStatset<-c("mean", "medn", "mode", "vald", "invd", "min", "max", "stdev")
+        tmpvari<-dtfrm[[i]]
+            if(DEBUG) {cat("variable name =",NAMES[i],"\n")}
+            if (VARTYPE[i] ==0){
+                # set '' to NA   tmpvari[ tmpvari == ""]<-NA; 
+                tmpvari[ sub('^\\s+', '',tmpvari, perl = T,  useBytes=T)==''] <-NA
+            }
+            tbl1<-table(tmpvari, useNA='ifany')
+            N<-sum(complete.cases(tmpvari))
+            if (VARTYPE[i]== 2) {
+                svnm<-summary(tmpvari)
+                if (N) {
+                    min.value <- svnm[[1]]
+                    median.value <- median(tmpvari, na.rm=TRUE)
+                    max.value <- svnm[[6]]
+                    mean.value <- svnm[[4]]
+                }
+                else {
+                    min.value <- NA
+                    median.value <- NA
+                    max.value <- NA
+                    mean.value <- NA
+                }
+                stdv.value <- sd(tmpvari, na.rm=T)
+                # find the maximum frequency cell
+                # index: which.max(table(dtfrm[[i]]))
+                maxfreq<-NA
+                if (length(tmpvari) > length(tbl1)) {
+                    maxfreq<- names(tbl1)[which.max(tbl1)]
+                }
+                statset<- list(
+                    Mean = mean.value, 
+                    Median = median.value, 
+                    Mode.Value = maxfreq,
+                    Vald = N,
+                    Invald = sum(is.na(tmpvari)), 
+                    Minimum = min.value, 
+                    Maximum = max.value, 
+                    Stdev = stdv.value
+                )
+                #if (length(attr(tmpvari, 'Univariate'))==0){attr(dtfrm[[i]],"Univariate") <- statset}
+            } else if ( (VARTYPE[i] < 2) & (VARTYPE[i] >=0) ){
+                if(DEBUG) {cat("pass the point univStat(discrete)\n")}
+                statset<- list(
+                    Vald = N,
+                    Invald = (length(tmpvari) - N), 
+                    Total = length(tmpvari)
+                )
+                if (DEBUG){cat("\ttable header:",paste(dimnames(tbl1)[[1]], collapse='|'), "\n")}
+                if (DEBUG){cat("\ttable frequency:",paste(tbl1, collapse='|'), "\n")}
+            } else {
+                if(DEBUG) {cat("out-of-range value", i ,"-th var =", VARTYPE[i],"\n")}
+            }
+        # section 4
+        pt.vr.1<-paste(NAMES[i],VARTYPE[i],sep='\t')
+        pt.vr.st<-""
+            #iadj <- (i+startno-1)
+            if (VARTYPE[i] == 2) {
+                # continuous variable case
+                #pt.vr.st<- if (!is.na(statset[[1]])) {statset[[1]]} else {"."} 
+                pt.vr.st<-"8"  
+                for (j in 1:length(sumStatset)) {
+                    pt.vr.st<-paste(pt.vr.st,if (!is.na(statset[[j]])) {statset[[j]]} else {"."}, sep="\t")
+                }
+             # if: end of continuous variable part
+            } else {
+                # discrete variable case
+                # actual value table
+                if (dim(tbl1)[1] <= 100) {
+                    # integer: how many value-freq sets follw? 
+                    pt.vr.st<-dim(tbl1)[1]
+                    for (j in 1:(dim(tbl1)[1])) {
+                        # each value-freq set
+                        tmpvalue<-dimnames(tbl1)[[1]][j]
+                        #if (VARTYPE[i] == 0) {tmpvalue<-chr2xtrf(tmpvalue)}
+                        if (DEBUG) { cat("i=", i, "\tj=", j,"\ttmpvalue:", tmpvalue, "\n", sep="")}
+                        pt.vr.st<-paste(pt.vr.st,if (!is.na(tmpvalue)) {tmpvalue} else {"."}, tbl1[[j]],sep="\t")
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    # for more-than-100-category vars, print 0
+                    pt.vr.st<-0
+                }
+                # for all cases, valid, invalid and N are printed
+                for (k in 1:length(statset)){
+                    pt.vr.st<-paste(pt.vr.st,if (!is.na(statset[[k]])) {statset[[k]]} else {"."}, sep="\t")
+                }
+                if (DEBUG) {cat("\n");}
+            } # else: end of discrete case
+            u <- unf(tmpvari, version=3) 
+            uxml<-paste(as.character(u),"\n",sep="")
+            # dump this var
+            cat(file=wxml,paste(pt.vr.1,pt.vr.st,uxml,sep="\t"),sep="")
+    } # end of the variable-wise loop 
+} #end of the sumStatTabAll.DDIx.R
+    bnryVarTbl <-attr(table(binx), 'dimnames')[[1]];
+    if (length(bnryVarTbl) == 2){
+        if ((bnryVarTbl[1] == 0) && (bnryVarTbl[2]==1)){
+            #cat('this variable is already 0-1\n');
+        } else {
+            #cat('this variable needs the conversion\n');
+            #cat(paste( bnryVarTbl[1],' is recoded to 1; ', bnryVarTbl[2],' is recoded to 0;\n', sep=''));
+            binx<-as.integer(binx == bnryVarTbl[1]);
+        }
+    }
+    invisible(binx)
+univarStatHtmlBody<-function(dtfrm, whtml, analysisoptn, standalone=F){
+    # Description
+    # 
+    # arguments
+    # dtfrm          variable furnished with attributes
+    # tmpimgfile    temporary image file prefix: =$SRVRCGI=$SERVER$CGIDIR
+    # analysisoptn  analysis option
+    # nrows         local variable
+    # tmphtmlfile   temporary html file
+    # file          tmphtmlfile 
+    DBG<-TRUE
+    # open the connection
+    #whtml<-file(tmphtmlfile, "w")
+    #on.exit(close(whtml))
+    # color parameters
+    # legend: c(1:background, 2:table header, 3: table body(o), 4: table body(e))
+    # clschm <-c("#FFFFFF", "#CCFFCC","#e0ffff","#f0fff0") # green-based palette
+    # blue-based palette
+    #clschm <-c("#FFFFFF", "#e6e6fa","#ffffff","#f5f5f5")
+    clschm <-c("dvnUnvStatTbl", "dvnUnvStatTblHdr","dvnUnvStatTblRowO","dvnUnvStatTblRowE")
+    # table parameters
+    # legend: c(border, cellspacing)
+     tblprm <-c(0, 2)
+    #cat("\nEntered the function univarStatHtml\n")
+    # values for local tests
+    # set localtest 0 after local tests
+    localtest<-TRUE
+    localtest<-FALSE
+    if (localtest){
+        tmpimgfile<-c("")
+        imgprfx1<-c("<img src=\"")
+        imgprfx2<-c("")
+        univarstathdr<-c("Valid Cases", "Invalid Cases(NAs)", "Total", "Mean", "Standard deviation", "Skewness", "Kurtosis", "Coefficient of variation", "Mode", "Minimum","1st Quartile","Median","3rd Quartile","Maximum","Range","Interquartile Range","Normality Test:Shapiro-Wilk Statistic", "(Shapiro-Wilk Statistic: p value)")
+    }
+    if (standalone) {
+        imgflprfx<-paste(imgprfx1,tmpimgfile,imgprfx2,sep="")
+    } else {
+        imgflprfx<-"<img src=\""
+    }
+    # constant for rendering a table for univariate statistics(continuous vars only)
+    uslstlen<-length(univarstathdr)
+    nrows <-ceiling(uslstlen/2)
+    blnkcell<-uslstlen%%2==TRUE
+    nameset<-names(dtfrm)
+    varlabelset<-attr(dtfrm,"var.labels")
+    CHRTLST<-attr(dtfrm, "univarChart.lst")
+    STATLST<-attr(dtfrm, "univarStat.lst")
+    VARTYPE<-attr(dtfrm, "var.type")
+    VALINDEX<-attr(dtfrm, "val.index")
+    VALTABLE<-attr(dtfrm, "val.table")
+    pt.varheader<-function(namesi, varlabelsi=NA) {h3<-paste("<h3>", namesi, if (!is.na(varlabelsi)) {paste(": ", varlabelsi, sep="")}, "</h3>\n",sep="");h3}
+    ###################
+    # continuous case
+    univarStatHtml.cntn<-function(statlst, imgfllst, cmbntn, namesi, varlabelsi){
+        # statlst   STATLST[[as.character(i)]]
+        # imgfllst  imgfllst=CHRTLST[[as.character(i)]]
+        # cmbntn    analysisoptn
+        # function definition sections
+        # create the first tr tag: chart part
+        pt.tr1<-function(imgfllst, cmbntn){
+            tr1<-""
+            if (cmbntn[2]) {
+                if (cmbntn[1]) { colspan<-" colspan=\"2\"" } else { colspan<-""}
+                # both
+                if(!is.null(imgfllst[["hstbx"]])){
+                    tr1.l<-paste("<td",colspan,">\n",imgflprfx,imgfllst[["hstbx"]],imgsffx1,"</td>\n",sep="")
+                } else {
+                    tr1.l<-paste("<td",colspan,">\n<p><B><font color=red>Histogram/Boxplot Not Available</font></B></p>\n</td>\n")
+                }
+                if(!is.null(imgfllst[["qqplt"]])) {
+                    tr1.r<-paste("<td",colspan,">\n",imgflprfx,imgfllst[["qqplt"]],imgsffx1,"</td>\n",sep="")
+                } else {
+                    tr1.r<-paste("<td",colspan,">\n<p><B><font color=red>Normal Q-Q plot Not Available</font></B></p>\n</td>\n",sep="")
+                }
+                tr1<-paste("<tr>\n",tr1.l,tr1.r,"</tr>\n",sep="")
+            }
+            tr1
+        }
+        # create the 2nd and thereafter tr tags: statistics part
+        pt.tr2<-function(statlst, cmbntn){
+            tr2<-""
+            if (cmbntn[1]) {
+                # statistics on
+                # table header
+                tr2<-paste("<tr class=\"",clschm[2],"\">\n<td align=\"left\"><b>Statistic</b></td><td align=\"right\"><b>Value</b></td>\n<td align=\"left\"><b>Statistic</b></td><td align=\"right\"><b>Value</b></td>\n</tr>\n",sep="")
+                # statistical data
+                # when # of statistics is not even
+                if (blnkcell){ univarstathdr[length(statlst)+1]<-"&nbsp;"}
+                # table body
+                for (j in 1:nrows) {
+                    if (j%%2==FALSE) colorprm <- clschm[3] else colorprm <-clschm[4]
+                    tr2<-paste(tr2, 
+                    "<tr class=\"",colorprm,"\">\n",
+                    "<td align=\"left\">",univarstathdr[j],"</td>\n", 
+                    "<td align=\"right\">", prettyNum(statlst[[j]]),"</td>\n", 
+                    "<td align=\"left\">",univarstathdr[j+nrows],"</td>\n", 
+                    "<td align=\"right\">", if ( (j==nrows) & (blnkcell) ) {"&nbsp;"} else {prettyNum(statlst[[j+nrows]])},"</td>\n</tr>\n", sep="")
+                }
+            }
+            tr2
+        }
+        # create the chart/statistics table segment
+        pt.tbl<-function(statlst=statlst,cmbntn=cmbntn,imgfllst=imgfllst){
+            tr1<-pt.tr1(imgfllst=imgfllst, cmbntn=cmbntn)
+            tr2<-pt.tr2(statlst=statlst, cmbntn=cmbntn)
+            tbl<-paste("<center>\n<table border=\"",tblprm[1],"\" class=\"",clschm[1],"\" cellspacing=\"",tblprm[1],"\" >\n",tr1,tr2,"</table>\n</center>\n",sep="")
+            tbl
+        }
+        # create per variable html segment
+        pt.varunit.cntn<-function(vhdr,vcntnts){varunit<-paste(vhdr,vcntnts,"<hr/>", sep="");varunit}
+        ## end of function definitions ##
+        # implementation
+        pttbl<-pt.tbl(statlst=statlst, imgfllst=imgfllst, cmbntn=cmbntn)
+        ptvarheader<-pt.varheader(namesi=namesi, varlabelsi=varlabelsi)
+        ptvarunitc<-pt.varunit.cntn(vhdr=ptvarheader, vcntnts=pttbl)
+        ptvarunitc
+    } # end of continuous case
+    ######################
+    # discrete case
+    univarStatHtml.dscrt<-function(statlst, imgfllst, cmbntn, namesi, varlabelsi, vltbl) {
+        # statlst   STATLST[[as.character(i)]]
+        # imgfllst  imgfllst=CHRTLST[[as.character(i)]]
+        # cmbntn    analysisoptn
+        # function definition sections
+        #statlst[["freqtbl"]]
+        # mode and median even if a freq table is not available 
+        nrw<-3
+        # add one for "total" row
+        #if (!is.na(statlst$freqtbl)) {nrw<-length(statlst$freqtbl)+1+nrw}
+        if (class(statlst$freqtbl)=="table") {nrw<-length(statlst$freqtbl)+nrw}
+        # nrws: rowspan parameter value if the chart option is chosen
+        nrws<-nrw+1
+        pt.tr1<-function(imgfllst, cmbntn){
+            try({
+            # tr1.l: chart part
+            tr1.l<-""
+            sprsstr1r<-FALSE
+            if (cmbntn[2]) {
+                rowspan<-""
+                if (cmbntn[1]) { rowspan<-paste(" rowspan=\"",nrws,"\"",sep="") }
+                if(!is.na(imgfllst[["brchrt"]])){
+                    tr1.l<-paste("<td",rowspan," valign=\"top\">\n",imgflprfx,imgfllst[["brchrt"]], imgsffx1, "</td>\n", sep="")
+                } else {
+                    if (class(statlst$freqtbl)=="table"){
+                        rowspan<-paste(" rowspan=\"",nrws,"\"",sep="")
+                        tr1.l<-paste("<td",rowspan," valign=\"top\">\n<p><B><small>The number of categories is more than 10 or equal to 1.<br>Table substitutes for Bar plot</small></B></p>\n</td>\n",sep="")
+                        cmbntn[1]<-1
+                    } else {
+                        tr1.lm<-paste("<td align=\"left\" colspan=\"3\" valign=\"top\">\n<p><B><small>The number of categories is more than 50. Frequency/Percentage tables are not shown here</small></B></p>\n</td></tr>\n",sep="")
+                        tr1.lhdr<-paste("<tr><td align=\"left\" class=\"",clschm[2],"\" ><b>Value: Value Label</b></td><td align=\"right\" class=\"",clschm[2],"\" ><b>Freq</b></td><td align=\"right\" class=\"",clschm[2],"\" ><b>Percent</b></td>\n",sep="")
+                        tr1.l<-paste(tr1.lm,tr1.lhdr, sep="")
+                        sprsstr1r<-TRUE
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            # tr1.r: freq/pcnt table header part
+            tr1.r<-""
+            if (cmbntn[1]) {
+                if (class(statlst$freqtbl)=="table"){
+                    tr1.r<-paste("<td align=\"left\" class=\"",clschm[2],"\" ><b>Value: Value Label</b></td><td align=\"right\" class=\"",clschm[2],"\" ><b>Freq</b></td><td align=\"right\" class=\"",clschm[2],"\" ><b>Percent</b></td>\n",sep="")
+                } else if (!sprsstr1r){
+                    tr1.rm<-paste("<td align=\"left\" colspan=\"3\" valign=\"top\">\n<p><B><small>The number of categories is more than 50. Frequency/Percentage tables are not shown here</small></B></p>\n</td></tr>\n",sep="")
+                    tr1.rhdr<-paste("<tr><td align=\"left\" class=\"",clschm[2],"\" ><b>Value: Value Label</b></td><td align=\"right\" class=\"",clschm[2],"\" ><b>Freq</b></td><td align=\"right\" class=\"",clschm[2],"\" ><b>Percent</b></td>\n",sep="")
+                    tr1.r<-paste(tr1.rm,tr1.rhdr, sep="")
+                }
+            }
+            tr1<-paste("<tr>\n",tr1.l,tr1.r,"</tr>\n",sep="")
+            }) # end of try
+        }
+        # create the 2nd and thereafter tr tags: statistics part
+        pt.tr2<-function(statlst, cmbntn, vltbl, imgfllst){
+            try({
+            tr2<-""
+            tableon<-FALSE
+            if ( cmbntn[2]){
+                if (is.na(imgfllst[["brchrt"]])){
+                    tableon<-TRUE
+                }
+            }
+            if (cmbntn[1] | tableon) {
+                if (class(statlst$freqtbl)=="table") {tblkey<-names(statlst$freqtbl)}
+                # if freqtbl is NA, tblkey becomes NULL
+                for (j in 1:nrw) {
+                    if (j%%2==FALSE) { colorprm <- clschm[3]} else {colorprm <-clschm[4]}
+                    if (j < (nrw -2)) {
+                        catgrylbl<-""
+                        if (!is.null(vltbl)){
+                            if(!is.null(vltbl[[tblkey[j]]])) {
+                                catgrylbl<-paste("(",vltbl[[tblkey[j]]],")",sep="")
+                            }
+                        }
+                        tr2<-paste(tr2, "<tr class=\"",colorprm,"\">\n<td align=\"left\">",tblkey[j],catgrylbl,"</td>\n<td align=\"right\">",statlst$freqtbl[[j]],"</td>\n<td align=\"right\">", signif(statlst$pcnttbl[[j]],3),"</td>\n</tr>\n", sep="")
+                    } else if (j == (nrw -2)) {
+                        #cat("entering the total row\n")
+                        tr2<-paste(tr2, "<tr class=\"",colorprm,"\">\n<td align=\"left\">Total</td>\n<td align=\"right\">",statlst$Vald+statlst$Invald,"</td>\n<td align=\"right\">100</td>\n</tr>\n", sep="")
+                    } else if (j == (nrw -1)) {
+                        # median
+                        #cat("entering the median\n")
+                        median.vl<- "Not Available"
+                        median.lbl<-""
+                        if (!is.null(statlst$Median)) {
+                            median.vl<- as.character(statlst$Median)
+                            if (!is.null(vltbl) && (nrw>3)){
+                                if (!is.null(vltbl[[median.vl]])) {
+                                    median.lbl<-paste("(",vltbl[[median.vl]],")",sep="")
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        tr2<-paste(tr2,"<tr class=\"",colorprm,"\">\n<td align=\"left\">Median</td>\n<td align=\"right\">",median.vl,"</td>\n<td align=\"right\">",median.lbl,"</td>\n</tr>\n", sep="")
+                    } else if (j == nrw) {
+                        # mode
+                        #cat("entering the Mode\n")
+                        mode.vl<-"Not Available"
+                        mode.lbl<-""
+                        if (!is.null(statlst$Mode)) {
+                            mode.vl<-statlst$Mode
+                            if (!is.null(vltbl) && (nrw>3) ) {
+                                if (!is.null(vltbl[[mode.vl]])) {
+                                    mode.lbl<-paste("(",vltbl[[mode.vl]], ")", sep="")
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        tr2<-paste(tr2,"<tr class=\"",colorprm,"\">\n<td align=\"left\">Mode</td>\n<td align=\"right\">",mode.vl,"</td>\n<td align=\"right\">",mode.lbl,"</td>\n</tr>\n", sep="")
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            tr2
+            }) # end of try
+        }
+        # create the chart/statistics table segment
+        pt.tbl<-function(statlst=statlst,cmbntn=cmbntn,imgfllst=imgfllst,vltbl=vltbl){
+            try({
+            tr1<-pt.tr1(imgfllst=imgfllst, cmbntn=cmbntn)
+            tr2<-pt.tr2(statlst=statlst, cmbntn=cmbntn, vltbl=vltbl,imgfllst=imgfllst)
+            tbl<-paste("<center>\n<table border=\"",tblprm[1],"\" class=\"",clschm[1],"\" cellspacing=\"",tblprm[1],"\" >\n",tr1,tr2,"</table>\n</center>\n",sep="")
+            tbl
+            })
+        }
+        # create per variable html segment
+        pt.varunit.dscrt<-function(vhdr,vcntnts){varunit<-paste(vhdr,vcntnts,"<hr/>", sep="");varunit}
+        ## end of function definitions ##
+        # implementation
+        try({
+        #cat("enters the discrete html body function\n", sep="")
+        pttbl<-pt.tbl(statlst=statlst, imgfllst=imgfllst, cmbntn=cmbntn, vltbl=vltbl)
+        ptvarheader<-pt.varheader(namesi=namesi, varlabelsi=varlabelsi)
+        ptvarunitd<-pt.varunit.dscrt(vhdr=ptvarheader, vcntnts=pttbl)
+        ptvarunitd
+        })
+    } # end of discrete case
+    # main 
+    # implementation
+        rawVarName <- nameset
+        if (length(attr(dtfrm, "Rsafe2raw"))>0){
+            Rsafe2raw <- attr(dtfrm, "Rsafe2raw")
+            for (i in 1:length(nameset)){
+                if (!is.null(Rsafe2raw[[nameset[i]]])){
+                    rawVarName[i] <-  Rsafe2raw[[nameset[i]]];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    for (i in 1:dim(dtfrm)[2]){
+        try({
+        if (VARTYPE[i]==2) {
+            varsgmnt.c<-univarStatHtml.cntn(statlst=STATLST[[as.character(i)]], imgfllst=CHRTLST[[as.character(i)]], cmbntn=analysisoptn, namesi=rawVarName[i], varlabelsi=varlabelset[i])
+            #cat(file=whtml, varsgmnt.c, sep="")
+            HTML(file=whtml, varsgmnt.c)
+        } else {
+            if (DBG) {cat(i,"-th var before entering the discrete html function\n", sep="")}
+            #cat("check the value table=",VALTABLE[[VALINDEX[[i]]]],"\n", sep="")
+            if (is.null(VALINDEX[[as.character(i)]])){valtable<-NULL} else {valtable<-VALTABLE[[VALINDEX[[as.character(i)]]]]}
+            varsgmnt.d<-univarStatHtml.dscrt(statlst=STATLST[[as.character(i)]], imgfllst=CHRTLST[[as.character(i)]], cmbntn=analysisoptn, namesi=rawVarName[i], varlabelsi=varlabelset[i], vltbl=valtable)
+            #cat(file=whtml, varsgmnt.d, sep="")
+            HTML(file=whtml, varsgmnt.d)
+        }
+        }) # end of try
+    } # end of var-wise for-loop
+} #end of the function univarStatHtml