view doc/Architecture/UsersAndGroups.uml @ 11:08c950a22cee

new: add getAllDataverseAlias api for LGServices
author Zoe Hong <>
date Wed, 09 Sep 2015 17:13:18 +0200
parents a50cf11e5178
line wrap: on
line source


'uncomment for higher dpi 
'skinparam dpi 300

package existingCode {
  class Role< DB >
  class DvObject< DB >
  class RoleAssignment< DB >

  note as n1
    A role can be assigned
    at the DvObject where it 
    is defined, or at any of
    that DvObject's descendants
  end note

package "assignees" {

  interface RoleAssignee {
    + identifier:String
    + displayInfo() : TBD

  class User {

  class AuthenticatedUser< DB > {


  class IpGroup {
    range: IpRange[]

  class GuestUser< Singleton > {
    {static} get: GuestUser

  class ApiKey< DB > {
    + key:String
    + title: String

  interface Group {
    + name: String
    + description : String
    + data: Blob
    + provider: AuthenticationProvider
    + contains( u:User )

  class ExplicitGroup< DB > {
    # includesGuest: boolean
    + add( a:RoleAssignee )
    + remove( a:RoleAssignee )
    + list: RoleAssignee[]

  class GroupRow< DB > {
    + id:Long
    + alias:String
    + creatorId: String
    + ... common fields ...
    + data:BLOB

  class GroupManager< @Bean > {
    + registerGroup( Group )
    + getGroup( alias ): Group
    + getGroup( groupRow ): Group
    + registerGroupCreator( groupCreator )

  class AuthenticatedUsers
  class AllUsers

  class ShibGroup {
    headerMatchers: Map<String, Regex>


RoleAssignee <|-- User
RoleAssignee <|-- Group
User <|-- AuthenticatedUser
User <|-- GuestUser
Group <|-- ExplicitGroup
Group <|-- AuthenticatedUsers
Group <|-- AllUsers
Group <|-- ShibGroup
Group <|-- IpGroup

AuthenticatedUser "1" *- "0..*" ApiKey

Role -> DvObject: Defined at
RoleAssignment -up-> "1" DvObject: At
RoleAssignment -up-> "1" Role: Assigns
RoleAssignment --> "1" RoleAssignee: To

ExplicitGroup ..> RoleAssignee: "Contains"
ExplicitGroup o--> AuthenticatedUser
ExplicitGroup o--> GroupRow
ExplicitGroup "0..*" <--* "1" DvObject : Defines

package authenticationprovider {
  class AuthenticationManager<Singleton> {
    authenticationProviders: Collection<AuthenticationProvider>

    registerProvider( p:AuthenticationProvider )
    getRoleAssignee( idtf:String ) : RoleAssignee
    getRoleAssignee( req:HttpRequest ) : RoleAssignee

  interface AuthenticationProvider {
    + info : RoleAssigneeProviderInfo
    isQueryable(): Boolean
    acceptsRoleAssigneeIdentifier( idtf:String ): bool
    getRoleAssignee( idtf:String ) : RoleAssignee
    getRoleAssignee( req:HttpRequest ) : RoleAssignee

  interface GroupCreator {
    + createGroup : Group

  interface UserLister {
    + listUsers() : List<User>
    + findUsers( queryString ) : List<User>

  class AuthenticationProviderInfo {
    + name
    + description
    + icon?
    + ...

  class LocalAuthenticationProvider 
  class ShibAuthenticationProvider
  class IpAddressAuthenticationProvider
  class LdapAuthenticationProvider < future >
  class OAuthAuthenticationProvider < future >

  AuthenticationManager *-->  "1..*" AuthenticationProvider
  AuthenticationProvider <|.. OAuthAuthenticationProvider

  AuthenticationProvider <|-- UserLister   

  UserLister   <|-- LocalAuthenticationProvider
  GroupCreator <|-- LocalAuthenticationProvider
  UserLister   <|-- LdapAuthenticationProvider
  GroupCreator <|-- LdapAuthenticationProvider

  GroupCreator <|-- ShibAuthenticationProvider
  GroupCreator <|-- IpAddressAuthenticationProvider

  AuthenticationProvider *-> AuthenticationProviderInfo


Group <.. AuthenticationProvider : "Creates"
AuthenticatedUser  <.. AuthenticationProvider : "Creates/Updates"

package somewhere_else_in_dataverse {
  class AccessRequest< DB > {
    from: AuthenticatedUser
    dvo: DvObject
    metadata : TBD

  interface Command {
    issuedBy: User
    effects: DvObject[]

AccessRequest ..> AuthenticatedUser : "From"
AccessRequest ..> DvObject : "about"

Command "0..*" ..> "1" User : Issued By
Command ..> "1..*" DvObject : effects
