view pom.xml @ 11:08c950a22cee

new: add getAllDataverseAlias api for LGServices
author Zoe Hong <>
date Wed, 09 Sep 2015 17:13:18 +0200
parents a50cf11e5178
children c2e2d794847f
line wrap: on
line source

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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            <name>PrimeFaces Maven Repository</name>  
	<!-- Geo Toolkit repository is need to obtain the JAI (advanced imaging) libraries; since Oracle kind of abandoned that project, the jars seem to have disappeared from the central repository as well. -->
            <name>Geo Toolkit Maven Repository</name>  
            <name>Central Repository</name>  
            <name>Local repository for hosting jars not available from network repositories.</name>

        <!-- BEGIN Data Deposit API v1 (SWORD v2) -->
            Built from
            to return a proper SWORD error message rather than a Glassfish
            Exception per
            If the fix is merged upstream at
            we can switch back to the official SWORD library.
            <!-- required by org.swordapp.server.sword2-server -->
            <!-- required by org.swordapp.server.sword2-server -->
            <!-- required by org.swordapp.server.sword2-server -->
            <!-- required by org.swordapp.server.sword2-server -->
        <!-- zhong added -->
    	<!-- zhong end -->
        <!-- END Data Deposit API v1 (SWORD v2) -->
            <version>1.7</version> <!-- Or 1.8-SNAPSHOT -->
            <!-- required by Solr... prevents java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory -->
	<!-- fits.jar, not available from network repos, supplied in local_lib -->
	<!-- UNF v5 (buggy), (temporarily) added for testing ingest against DVN v3  - L.A. -->
	<!-- (new) UNF v6: -->
	<!-- Rosuda Rengine and Rserve, packaged by org.nuiton.thirdparty -->
	<!-- TODO: see if there's another, better maintained maven repository for Rosuda libraries? - L.A. -->
	<!-- Apache POI - used by ingest to parse MS Excel xslx files -->
	<!-- JAI (Java Advanced Imaging) jars: -->

                    <!-- for use with `mvn -DcompilerArgument=-Xlint:unchecked compile` -->
