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author Calvin Yeh <>
date Wed, 29 Mar 2017 07:04:44 +0200
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陇川宣抚司,陇川宣抚司,1660,1911,97.96249,24.36554,CHGIS,hvd_80279,,"土司 (tu si)",,,"陇川宣抚司 / 97.96249, 24.36554 / 1660-1911 /  /  / 土司 (tu si) / CHGIS"
陇西县,陇西县,1090,1911,104.63560,35.00714,CHGIS,hvd_70001,,"县 (xian)","巩州 (Gong Zhou)",hvd_115264,"陇西县 / 104.63560, 35.00714 / 1090-1911 /  / 巩州 (Gong Zhou) / 县 (xian) / CHGIS"
隴州,隴州,1820,1820,106.852959,34.891407,1820,981,陕西陇县,州,,,"隴州 / 106.852959, 34.891407 / 1820-1820 / 陕西陇县 /  / 州 / 1820"
隴州,隴州,1911,1911,106.852959,34.891407,1911,121334,陕西省陇县县治,州,,,"隴州 / 106.852959, 34.891407 / 1911-1911 / 陕西省陇县县治 /  / 州 / 1911"