view geotemco/js/Map/MapConfig.js @ 23:d864c58ae667

For avoiding ssl warning, changing the link,, from http to https
author Calvin Yeh <>
date Wed, 29 Mar 2017 07:04:44 +0200
parents 8f05c2a84bba
line wrap: on
line source

* MapConfig.js
* Copyright (c) 2012, Stefan Jänicke. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
* MA 02110-1301  USA

 * @class MapConfig
 * Map Configuration File
 * @author Stefan Jänicke (
 * @release 1.0
 * @release date: 2012-07-27
 * @version date: 2012-07-27
function MapConfig(options) {

	this.options = {
		mapWidth : false, // false or desired width css definition for the map
		mapHeight : '580px', // false or desired height css definition for the map
		mapTitle : 'GeoTemCo Map View', // title will be shown in map header
		mapIndex : 0, // index = position in location array; for multiple locations the 2nd map refers to index 1
		alternativeMap :  [
					name: 'Barrington Roman Empire',
					url: '${z}/${x}/${y}.png',
					attribution: "(c) Barrington Roman Empiry, <a href=''>Pelagios</a>"
					name: 'Maps-for-Free Relief Map',
					url: '${z}/row${y}/${z}_${x}-${y}.jpg',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''>Maps for Free</a>"
					name: 'Contemporary Map (2010)',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry2010',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''>EuroStat</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 2006',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry2006',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''>EuroStat</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 1994',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry1994',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''> ThinkQuest Team C006628</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 1945',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry1945',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''> ThinkQuest Team C006628</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 1938',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry1938',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''> ThinkQuest Team C006628</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 1920',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry1920',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''> ThinkQuest Team C006628</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 1914',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry1914',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''> ThinkQuest Team C006628</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 1880',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry1880',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''> ThinkQuest Team C006628</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 1815',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry1815',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''> ThinkQuest Team C006628</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 1783',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry1783',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''> ThinkQuest Team C006628</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 1715',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry1715',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''> ThinkQuest Team C006628</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 1650',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry1650',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''> ThinkQuest Team C006628</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 1530',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry1530',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''> ThinkQuest Team C006628</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 1492',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry1492',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''> ThinkQuest Team C006628</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 1279',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry1279',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''> ThinkQuest Team C006628</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 1000',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry1000',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''> ThinkQuest Team C006628</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 800',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry800',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''> ThinkQuest Team C006628</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 600',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry600',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''> ThinkQuest Team C006628</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 400',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry400',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''> ThinkQuest Team C006628</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 1 BC',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry1bc',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''> ThinkQuest Team C006628</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 200 BC',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry200bc',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''> ThinkQuest Team C006628</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 323 BC',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry323bc',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''> ThinkQuest Team C006628</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 500 BC',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry500bc',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''> ThinkQuest Team C006628</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 1000 BC',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry1000bc',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''> ThinkQuest Team C006628</a>"
					name: 'Historical Map of 2000 BC',
					url: '',
					layer: 'historic:cntry2000bc',
					attribution: "(c) <a href=''> ThinkQuest Team C006628</a>"
		legend : true, // if a legend at the bottom of the map should be shown or not
		mapMerge : false, // if the elements of distinct datasets should be merged into one set or not
		useGraphics : false,  // if different graphics should represent different datasets or not
		graphics : [
				shape: "circle",
				rotation: 0
				shape: "square",
				rotation: 0
				shape: "triangle",
				rotation: 0
				shape: "square",
				rotation: 45
		googleMaps : false, // enable/disable Google maps (actually, no Google Maps API key is required)
		bingMaps : false, // enable/disable Bing maps (you need to set the Bing Maps API key below)
		bingApiKey : 'none', // bing maps api key, see informations at
		osmMaps : true, // enable/disable OSM maps
		osmMapsMapQuest : true, // enable/disable OSM maps with MapQuest tiles
		baseLayer : 'Open Street Map', // initial layer to show (e.g. 'Google Streets')
		resetMap : true, // show/hide map reset button
		countrySelect : true, // show/hide map country selection control button
		polygonSelect : true, // show/hide map polygon selection control button
		circleSelect : true, // show/hide map circle selection control button
		squareSelect : true, // show/hide map square selection control button
		multiSelection : true, // true, if multiple polygons or multiple circles should be selectable
		popups : true, // enabled popups will show popup windows for circles on the map
		olNavigation : false, // show/hide OpenLayers navigation panel
		olLayerSwitcher : false, // show/hide OpenLayers layer switcher
		olMapOverview : false, // show/hide OpenLayers map overview
		olKeyboardDefaults : true, // (de)activate Openlayers keyboard defaults
		olScaleLine : false, // (de)activate Openlayers keyboard defaults
		geoLocation : true, // show/hide GeoLocation feature
		boundaries : {
			minLon : -29,
			minLat : 35,
			maxLon : 44,
			maxLat : 67
		}, // initial map boundaries or 'false' for no boundaries
		mapBackground : '#bbd0ed',
		labelGrid : true, // show label grid on hover
		maxPlaceLabels : 6, // Integer value for fixed number of place labels: 0 --> unlimited, 1 --> 1 label (won't be shown in popup, 2 --> is not possible because of others & all labels --> 3 labels, [3,...,N] --> [3,...,N] place labels)
		selectDefault : true, // true, if strongest label should be selected as default
		maxLabelIncrease : 2, // maximum increase (in em) for the font size of a label
		labelHover : false, // true, to update on label hover
		ieHighlightLabel : "color: COLOR1; background-color: COLOR0; filter:'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=80)';-ms-filter:'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=80)';", // css code for a highlighted place label in IE
		highlightLabel : "color: COLOR0; text-shadow: 0 0 0.4em black, 0 0 0.4em black, 0 0 0.4em black, 0 0 0.4em COLOR0;", // css code for a highlighted place label
		ieSelectedLabel : "color: COLOR1; font-weight: bold;", // css code for a selected place label in IE
		selectedLabel : "color: COLOR1; font-weight: bold;", // css code for a selected place label
		ieUnselectedLabel : "color: COLOR1; font-weight: normal;", // css code for an unselected place label in IE
		unselectedLabel : "color: COLOR1; font-weight: normal;", // css code for an unselected place label
		ieHoveredLabel : "color: COLOR1; font-weight: bold;", // css code for a hovered place label in IE
		hoveredLabel : "color: COLOR1; font-weight: bold;", // css code for a hovered place label
		circleGap : 0, // gap between the circles on the map (>=0)
		circleOverlap : {
			type: 'area', // 'area' or 'diameter' is possible
			overlap: 0 // the percentage of allowed overlap (0<=overlap<=1)
		}, // maximum allowed overlap in percent (if circleGap = 0, circleOverlap will be used)
		minimumRadius : 4, // minimum radius of a circle with mimimal weight (>0)
		circleOutline : 2, // false for no outline or a pixel value v with 0 < v
		circleOpacity : 'balloon', // 'balloon' for dynamic opacity of the circles or a value t with 0 <= t <= 1
		minTransparency : 0.55, // maximum transparency of a circle
		maxTransparency : 0.8, // minimum transparency of a circle
		binning : 'generic', // binning algorithm for the map, possible values are: 'generic', 'square', 'hexagonal', 'triangular' or false for 'no binning'
		noBinningRadii : 'dynamic', // for 'no binning': 'static' for only minimum radii, 'dynamic' for increasing radii for increasing weights
		circlePackings : true, // if circles of multiple result sets should be displayed in circle packs, if a binning is performed
		binCount : 10, // number of bins for x and y dimension for lowest zoom level
		showDescriptions : true, // true to show descriptions of data items (must be provided by kml/json), false if not
		mapSelection : true, // show/hide select map dropdown
		binningSelection : false, // show/hide binning algorithms dropdown
		mapSelectionTools : true, // show/hide map selector tools
		dataInformation : true, // show/hide data information
		overlayVisibility : false, // initial visibility of additional overlays
		//proxyHost : 'php/proxy.php?address=',	//required for selectCountry feature, if the requested GeoServer and GeoTemCo are NOT on the same server
		placenameTagsStyle : 'value', // the style of the placenames "surrounding" a circle on hover. 'zoom' for tags based on zoom level (old behaviour), 'value' for new value-based
		hideUnselected : false //hide unselected circles (features) on highlight/selection

	if ( typeof options != 'undefined') {
		$.extend(this.options, options);
	//if the user can change shape/color graphics have to be used
	//but this will use circles as default shape
	if (GeoTemConfig.allowUserShapeAndColorChange){
		this.options.useGraphics = true;


MapConfig.prototype.getGraphic = function(id){
	var dataset = GeoTemConfig.datasets[id];

	var graphic;
	if (typeof dataset.graphic !== "undefined"){
		graphic = dataset.graphic;
	} else{
		graphic =[id %];
	var color;
	if (typeof dataset.color !== "undefined"){
		color = dataset.color;
	} else{
		color = GeoTemConfig.getColor(id);
	return {
		shape: graphic.shape,
		rotation: graphic.rotation,
		color: color