view src/main/java/de/mpiwg/gazetteer/utils/ @ 51:cf747a960516

new: auto scroll to the last position when de/selecting rows, and add number of selected rows info, in full text search page
author Zoe Hong <>
date Fri, 29 Jan 2016 11:54:32 +0100
parents 7c2e1b14b77d
children a00efd5d9e77
line wrap: on
line source

package de.mpiwg.gazetteer.utils;

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import de.mpiwg.gazetteer.db.DBBook;
import de.mpiwg.gazetteer.db.DBContents;

public class FileManager {

	private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FileManager.class);
	private static DateFormat dfmt = new SimpleDateFormat( "" );

	private static String getRootPath() throws Exception{
		String base = PropertiesUtils.getPropValue("files_root");
			throw new Exception("Property files_root no found. The files can be stored without this property.");
			base += "/";
		}"files_root=" + base);
		return base;
	public static void saveFullTextSearchFileAsCsv(LGFullTextSearchFile file, Long userId, List<DBContents> list) throws Exception{
		// String absolutePath = PropertiesUtils.getPropValue("ftsearch_root") + "/csv/" + userId.toString() + "/";
		String absolutePath = PropertiesUtils.getPropValue("lgmap_datasets") + "/";
		String fileName = file.getUserId() + "_" + file.getFileName() + ".csv";
		File folder = new File(absolutePath);
		folder.mkdirs();"Trying to save file " + absolutePath + fileName + ".");
		PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(absolutePath + fileName);
		String text = new String();	// make it from list
		text += "Address,LEVEL1,LEVEL2,Name,DYNASTY,PERIOD,ADMIN_TYPE,TimeSpan:begin,TimeSpan:end,Longitude,Latitude,PAGE,SECTION,CONTENT,BOOK_ID,Description\n";
		for (DBContents c : list) {
			if (c.getSection() != null && !c.isRemoved()){	// only those are not removed to csv which means to LGMap
				DBBook book = c.getSection().getBook();
				String description = book.getVolume() + "/" + book.getAuthor() + "/" + book.getEdition();
				text += c.getCoordinatesBook().getPlace_name() + "," +
						book.getLevel1() + "," +
						book.getLevel2() + "," +
						book.getName() + "," +
						book.getDynasty() + "," +
						book.getPeriod() + "," +
						book.getAdmin_type() + "," +
						book.getStart_year() + "," +
						book.getEnd_year() + "," +
						c.getCoordinatesBook().getX() + "," +
						c.getCoordinatesBook().getY() + "," +
						c.getPage() + "," +
						c.getSection().getName() + "," +
						c.getContent() + "," +
						c.getBookId() + "," +
					description + "\n";
		text = text.substring(0, text.length()-2);	// cut the last 2 chars, which are "\n" here
		out.close();"The file " + fileName + " has been saved correctly.");

	private static String getLGMapUrl(LGFullTextSearchFile file) throws IOException{
		String lgmap = PropertiesUtils.getPropValue("lgmap") + "&file=" + file.getUserId().toString() + "_" + file.getFileName() + ".csv&name=" + file.getSearchTerms();
		return lgmap;
	public static void saveFullTextSearchFileAsHtml(LGFullTextSearchFile file, Long userId, List<DBContents> list) throws Exception{
		String absolutePath = PropertiesUtils.getPropValue("ftsearch_root") + "/html/" + userId.toString() + "/";
		String fileName = file.getFileName() + ".html";
		File folder = new File(absolutePath);
		folder.mkdirs();"Trying to save file " + absolutePath + fileName + ".");
		PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(absolutePath + fileName);
		String text = new String();
		String header = new String();
		text += "<html>";
		String root_server =  PropertiesUtils.getPropValue("root_server");
		header = "<head>" +
					"<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'/>" +
					"<link href='" + root_server + "/resources/css/style.css' type='text/css' rel='stylesheet'/>" +
					"<script src='" + root_server + "/resources/js/jquery.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>" +						
					"<script src='" + root_server + "/resources/js/LGSearch.js' type='text/javascript'></script>" +
		text += header;
		text += "<body>"
				+ "<div class='subTitel'>Table name: " + file.getFileName() + "<div>"
				+ "<div class='label'>" + list.size() + " row(s) in the table.</dvi>"
				+ "<div class='label'>searching by keywords: " + '"' + "<span id='searchTerm'>" + file.getSearchTerms() + "</span>" + '"' + "</div>"
				+ "<div class='label'><a href='" + getLGMapUrl(file) + "' target='_blank'>view on LGMap</a><div>"
				+ "<br>"
				+ "<table class='pageTable'>"
					+ "<tr>" 
						+ "<td class='tableTitle'>#</td>" 
						+ "<td class='tableTitle'>book id</td>" 
						+ "<td class='tableTitle'>book name</td>"
						+ "<td class='tableTitle'>level1</td>"
						+ "<td class='tableTitle'>level2</td>"
						+ "<td class='tableTitle'>dynasty</td>"
						+ "<td class='tableTitle'>period</td>"
						+ "<td class='tableTitle'>admin type</td>"
						+ "<td class='tableTitle'>section name</td>"
						+ "<td class='tableTitle'>page</td>"
						+ "<td class='tableTitle'>content</td>"
						+ "<td class='tableTitle'>content id</td>"
						+ "<td class='tableTitle'>isRemoved</td>"
		 			+ "<tr>";
		for (DBContents c : list) {			
			//if ( c.getSection() != null && !c.isRemoved()){
			if ( c.getSection() != null){
				DBBook book = c.getSection().getBook();
				text += "<tr>" +
							"<td>" + c.getInx() + "</td>" +
							"<td>" + c.getBookId() + "</td>" +
							"<td>" + book.getName() + "</td>" +
							"<td>" + book.getLevel1() + "</td>" +
							"<td>" + book.getLevel2() + "</td>" +
							"<td>" + book.getDynasty() + "</td>" +
							"<td>" + book.getPeriod() + "</td>" +
							"<td>" + book.getAdmin_type() + "</td>" +
							"<td>" + c.getSection().getName() + "</td>" +
							"<td>" + c.getPage() + "</td>" +
							"<td class='content'>" + c.getContent() + "</td>" +
							"<td>" + c.getId() + "</td>" +
							"<td>" + c.isRemoved() + "</td>" +
		text += "</table></body></html>";
		out.close();"The file " + fileName + " has been saved correctly.");

	public static String saveFile(LGBranch branch, LGFile file, Date date, Long userId) throws Exception{
		String absolutePath = getRootPath() + branch.getSectionId() + "/";
		String fileName = 
				branch.getSectionId() + "_" + 
				branch.getId() + "_"  + 
				file.getId() +  "_" + 
				dfmt.format(date) + "_" +
				userId +
		File folder = new File(absolutePath);
		folder.mkdirs();"Trying to save file " + absolutePath + fileName + ".");
		PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(absolutePath + fileName);
		out.close();"The file " + fileName + " has been saved correctly.");
		return fileName;
	public static String getFileAsText(LGFile file) throws Exception{
		LGBranch branch = DataProvider.getInstance().getBranch(file.getBranchId());
		String absolutePath = getRootPath() + branch.getSectionId() + "/" + file.getFileName();
		System.out.println("Loading: " + absolutePath);
		byte[] encoded = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(absolutePath));
		return new String(encoded, "UTF8");
	public static File getFileAsFile(LGFile file) throws Exception{
		LGBranch branch = DataProvider.getInstance().getBranch(file.getBranchId());
		String absolutePath = getRootPath() + branch.getSectionId() + "/" + file.getFileName();
		System.out.println("Loading: " + absolutePath);
		return new File(absolutePath);

	public static String getFullTextSearchHtmlFileText(LGFullTextSearchFile file) throws Exception {
		String absolutePath = PropertiesUtils.getPropValue("ftsearch_root") + "/html/"  + file.getUserId().toString() + "/" + file.getFileName() + ".html";
		System.out.println("Loading: " + absolutePath);
		byte[] encoded = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(absolutePath));
		return new String(encoded, "UTF8");