comparison sites/all/modules/custom/digitalobjects/Copy of digitalobjects-item.tpl.php @ 0:015d06b10d37 default tip

author dwinter
date Wed, 31 Jul 2013 13:49:13 +0200
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:015d06b10d37
3 <h2> Hello </h2>
5 <?php print $objid ?>
6 <h3 class="title"<?php print $title_attributes; ?>>
7 <a href="<?php print $objdata['viewerurl']; ?>"><?php print $title ?> </a>
8 </h3>
9 <a href="<?php print $objdata['viewerurl']; ?>"><img src="<?php print $objdata['thumburl']; ?>"/></a>
12 <div class="col main">
13 <!-- main content column -->
14 <div class="index-info">
15 <h2>Bibliographic information</h2>
16 <table border="0">
17 <tal:x condition="python:formattedData">
18 <!-- wenn es bibinfo in docinfo gibt -->
19 <tr tal:replace="structure python:formattedData" />
20 </tal:x>
22 <tal:x condition="not:formattedData">
23 <!-- kein template fuer die daten -->
24 <tal:block condition="exists:docinfo/bib">
25 <tal:block tal:define="bibinfo docinfo/bib" tal:repeat="bib bibinfo">
26 <tr tal:condition="python:bib[0]!='@'">
27 <td class="type" tal:content="python:bib.capitalize().replace('_',' ') + ':'" />
28 <td class="content" tal:content="python:bibinfo[bib]" />
29 </tr>
30 </tal:block>
31 </tal:block>
33 <tal:y condition="not:exists:docinfo/bib">
34 <!-- wenn es kein bibinfo gibt (archimedes-texte) -->
35 <tr>
36 <td class="type">Author:</td>
37 <td class="content" tal:content="docinfo/creator" />
38 </tr>
39 <tr>
40 <td class="type">Title:</td>
41 <td class="content" tal:content="docinfo/title" />
42 </tr>
43 <tr>
44 <td class="type">Date:</td>
45 <td class="content" tal:content="docinfo/date" />
46 </tr>
47 </tal:y>
48 </tal:x>
49 <!-- ende kein template fuer die daten -->
50 </table>
52 <tal:block tal:define="dri docinfo/DRI | nothing" tal:condition="dri">
53 <h2>Permanent URL</h2>
54 <table>
55 <tr>
56 <td class="type">Document ID:</td>
57 <td class="content" tal:content="dri" />
58 </tr>
59 <tr>
60 <td class="type">Permanent URL:</td>
61 <td class="content"><a target="_blank" tal:attributes="href string:$dri"
62 tal:content="string:$dri" /></td>
63 </tr>
64 </table>
65 </tal:block>
67 <tal:block tal:define="ctxs docinfo/presentationContext | nothing" tal:condition="ctxs">
68 <h2>Presentation context</h2>
69 <ul>
70 <li tal:repeat="ctx ctxs"><a tal:define="link ctx/link | nothing; name ctx/name | link;" tal:content="name"
71 tal:attributes="href link" target="_blank" tal:omit-tag="not:link" /></li>
72 </ul>
73 </tal:block>
75 <tal:block tal:define="attribution docinfo/attribution | nothing; copyright docinfo/copyright | nothing">
76 <h2>Copyright information</h2>
77 <table border="0" tal:condition="attribution | copyright">
78 <!-- attribution -->
79 <tr tal:condition="attribution"
80 tal:replace="structure python:here.metadataService.getAttributionFormatted('metadata_template', data=attribution)" />
81 <!-- copyright -->
82 <tr tal:condition="copyright"
83 tal:replace="structure python:here.metadataService.getCopyrightFormatted('metadata_template', data=copyright)" />
84 </table>
85 <table border="0" tal:condition="not:attribution | copyright">
86 <tr>
87 <td class="type">Copyright:</td>
88 <td class="content"><a target="_blank" href="">Max Planck Institute for the
89 History of Science</a> (unless stated otherwise)</td>
90 </tr>
91 <tr tal:define="accType python:docinfo.get('accessType', None)">
92 <td class="type">License:</td>
93 <td tal:condition="python:accType == 'free'" class="content"><a target="_blank"
94 href="">CC-BY-SA</a> (unless stated otherwise)</td>
95 <td tal:condition="python:accType != 'free'" class="content">Internal use only<span tal:condition="accType"
96 tal:content="string: ($accType)" />, please contact <a href=""></a>
97 (unless stated otherwise)
98 </td>
99 </tr>
100 </table>
101 </tal:block>
102 </div>
103 </div>
104 <!-- /main content column -->
105 </div>