diff sites/all/modules/custom/solrconnect/README.txt @ 0:015d06b10d37 default tip

author dwinter
date Wed, 31 Jul 2013 13:49:13 +0200
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sites/all/modules/custom/solrconnect/README.txt	Wed Jul 31 13:49:13 2013 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+This module integrates Drupal with the Apache Solr search platform. Solr search
+can be used as a replacement for core content search and boasts both extra
+features and better performance. Among the extra features is the ability to have
+faceted search on facets ranging from content author to taxonomy to arbitrary
+Field API fields.
+The module comes with a schema.xml, solrconfig.xml, and protwords.txt file which
+must be used in your Solr installation.
+This module depends on the search framework in core.  When used in combination
+with core search module, Apache Solr is not the default search. Access it via a
+new tab on the default search page, called "Site".  You may configure it
+to be default at ?q=admin/config/search/settings
+Updating from 6.x
+IMPORTANT: there is no upgrade path from 6.x-1.x or 6.x-2.x. If you previously
+installed those modules you must disable and uninstall them prior to
+installing 7.x-1.x.
+You will have to install the new schema.xml and solrconfig.xml files, and restart
+the Solr server (or core) and delete your index and reindex all content.
+Prerequisite: Java 5 or higher (a.k.a. 1.5.x).  PHP 5.2.4 or higher.
+Install the Apache Solr Drupal module as you would any Drupal module. Note
+that the Drupal 7.x-1.x branch does not require the SolrPhpClient to
+be installed. All necessary code is now included with this module.
+Before enabling the module, you must have a working Solr server, or be
+subscribed to a service like Acquia Search.
+The Debian/Ubuntu packages for Solr should NOT be used to install Solr.
+For example, do NOT install the solr or solr-jetty packages.
+Download the latest Solr 1.4.x or 3.x release (e.g. 1.4.1 or 3.6.1) from:
+Apache Lucene 3.1, 3.2 or 3.3, have a possible index corruption bug on
+server crash or power loss (LUCENE-3418) and have bugs that interfere
+with the Drupal admin reports. Solr 3.4 has a problem with
+SortMissingLast so Solr 3.5.0 or later is strongly preferred.
+Unpack the Solr tarball somewhere not visible to the web (not in your
+webserver docroot and not inside of your Drupal directory).
+The Solr download comes with an example application that you can use for
+testing, development, and even for smaller production sites. This
+application is found at apache-solr-1.4.1/example.
+You must use 3 Solr configuration files that come with the Drupal
+module or the integration will not work correctly.
+For Solr 1.4 use the ones found in:
+for Solr 3.5.0 or 3.6.1 use:
+While the Solr 1.4 files will work for Solr 3.5+, they are not optimal
+and you will be missing important new features.
+For example, when deploying solr 1.4:
+Move apache-solr-1.4.1/example/solr/conf/schema.xml and rename it to
+something like schema.bak. Then move the solr-conf/solr-1.4/schema.xml
+that comes with this Drupal module to take its place.
+Similarly, move apache-solr-1.4.1/example/solr/conf/solrconfig.xml and rename
+it like solrconfig.bak. Then move the solr-conf/solr-1.4/solrconfig.xml
+that comes with this module to take its place.
+Finally, move apache-solr-1.4.1/example/solr/conf/protwords.txt and rename it
+protwords.bak. Then move the solr-conf/solr-1.4/protwords.txt that comes
+with this module to take its place.
+Make sure that the conf directory includes the following files - the Solr core
+may not load if you don't have at least an empty file present:
+Now start the solr application by opening a shell, changing directory to
+apache-solr-1.4.1/example, and executing the command java -jar start.jar
+Test that your solr server is now available by visiting
+Now, you should enable the "Apache Solr framework" and "Apache Solr search"
+modules. Check that you can connect to Solr at ?q=admin/setting/apachesolr
+Now run cron on your Drupal site until your content is indexed. You
+can monitor the index at ?q=admin/settings/apachesolr/index
+The solrconfig.xml that comes with this modules defines auto-commit, so
+it may take a few minutes between running cron and when the new content
+is visible in search.
+To use facets you should download facetapi http://drupal.org/project/facetapi
+This module will allow you to define and set facets next to your search pages.
+Once this module is enabled, enable blocks for facets first at
+Administer > Site configuration > Apache Solr > Enabled filters
+then position them as you like at Administer > Site building > Blocks.
+You can override environment settings using the following syntax in your
+$conf['apachesolr_environments']['my_env_id']['url'] = 'http://localhost:8983';
+Configuration variables
+The module provides some (hidden) variables that can be used to tweak its
+ - apachesolr_luke_limit: the limit (in terms of number of documents in the
+   index) above which the module will not retrieve the number of terms per field
+   when performing LUKE queries (for performance reasons).
+ - apachesolr_tags_to_index: the list of HTML tags that the module will index
+   (see apachesolr_add_tags_to_document()).
+ - apachesolr_exclude_nodeapi_types: an array of node types each of which is
+   an array of one or more module names, such as 'comment'.  Any type listed
+   will have any listed modules' hook_node_update_index() implementation skipped
+   when indexing. This can be useful for excluding comments or taxonomy links.
+ - apachesolr_ping_timeout: the timeout (in seconds) after which the module will
+   consider the Apache Solr server unavailable.
+ - apachesolr_optimize_interval: the interval (in seconds) between automatic
+   optimizations of the Apache Solr index. Set to 0 to disable.
+ - apachesolr_cache_delay: the interval (in seconds) after an update after which
+   the module will requery the Apache Solr for the index structure. Set it to
+   your autocommit delay plus a few seconds.
+ - apachesolr_query_class: the default query class to use.
+ - apachesolr_index_comments_with_node: TRUE | FALSE. Whether to index comments
+   along with each node.
+ - apachesolr_cron_mass_limit: update or delete at most this many documents in
+   each Solr request, such as when making {apachesolr_search_node} consistent
+   with {node}.
+ - apachesolr_index_user: Define with which user you want the index process to
+   happen.
+You use http basic auth to limit access to your Solr server.
+Set the Server URL to include the username and password like
+Links to nodes appear in the search results with a different host name or
+subdomain than is preferred.  e.g. sometimes at http://example.com
+and sometimes at http://www.example.com
+Set $base_url in settings.php to insure that an identical absolute url is
+generated at all times when nodes are indexed.  Alternately, set up a re-direct
+in .htaccess to prevent site visitors from accessing the site via more than one
+site address.
+The 'Solr Index Queries' test fails with file permission errors.
+When running this test you should have your tomcat/jetty running as the same user
+as the user under which PHP runs (often the same as the webserver). This is
+important because of the on-the-fly folder creation within PHP.
+See inline docs in apachesolr_theme and apachesolr_search_theme functions
+within apachesolr.module and apachesolr_search.module.