view sites/all/modules/custom/solrconnect/tests/solr_index_and_search.test @ 0:015d06b10d37 default tip

author dwinter
date Wed, 31 Jul 2013 13:49:13 +0200
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abstract class AbstractDrupalSolrOnlineWebTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {

  protected $solr;

  protected $solr_available = FALSE; // workaround for test bot

   * Implementation of setUp().
  function setUp() {
    // Install modules needed for this test. This could have been passed in as
    // either a single array argument or a variable number of string arguments.
    $modules = func_get_args();
    if (isset($modules[0]) && is_array($modules[0])) {
      $modules = $modules[0];
    $modules[] = 'apachesolr';
    $modules[] = 'apachesolr_search';
    $modules[] = 'search';


  function setUpSolr() {
    // Load the default server.
    $env_id = apachesolr_default_environment();
    $environment = apachesolr_environment_load($env_id);
    $this->base_solr_url = $environment['url'];

    // Because we are in a clean environment, this will always be the default
    // http://localhost:8983/solr
    $this->core_admin_url = "{$this->base_solr_url}/admin/cores";

    // The core admin url will give a valid response if the
    // Solr server is running locally.
    if ($this->coreAdminAvailable()) {

      // We will use a core named after the simpletest prefix.
      $environment['url'] .= '/' . $this->databasePrefix;

      $filesdir = file_directory_temp();
      // Create our Solr core directory.
      drupal_mkdir("{$filesdir}/solr", 0777, TRUE);
      // Our temporary core is located here.
      $instancedir = realpath($filesdir . "/solr");

      // use the Solr version confs where appropriate.
      $version = $this->getSolrVersion();
      if (isset($version) && $version == 3) {
        $conf_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../solr-conf/solr-3.x/*';
      elseif (isset($version) && $version == 4) {
        $conf_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../solr-conf/solr-4.x/*';
      else {
        $conf_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../solr-conf/solr-1.4/*';

      $patterns = array(
        dirname(__FILE__) . '/conf/*',

      // Copy all files in solr-conf dir to our temporary solr core.
      drupal_mkdir("{$instancedir}/conf", 0777, TRUE);
      foreach ($patterns as $pattern) {
        foreach (glob($pattern) as $conf_file) {
          copy($conf_file, "$instancedir/conf/" . basename($conf_file));

      $contents = file_get_contents("$instancedir/conf/solrconfig.xml");

      // Change the autoCommit time down to 1 second.
      // @todo - use file for 3.x.
      file_put_contents("$instancedir/conf/solrconfig.xml", preg_replace('@<maxTime>[0-9]+</maxTime>@', '<maxTime>1000</maxTime>', $contents));

      // hard chmod -R because it seems drupal dirs are too restricted in a
      // testing environment
      system("chmod -R 777 {$instancedir}");

      $query['name'] = $this->databasePrefix;
      $query['instanceDir'] = $instancedir;
      $created = $this->coreAdmin('CREATE', $query);

      if ($created && apachesolr_server_status($environment['url'])) {
        $this->instancedir = $instancedir;
        $this->solr_url = $environment['url'];
        $this->solr = apachesolr_get_solr($env_id);
        $this->solr_available = TRUE;
    // Workaround for test bot.
    // The tests succeed but further tests will not run because $this->solr_available is FALSE.
    if (!$this->solr_available) {
      $this->pass(t('Warning : The solr instance could not be found. Please enable a multicore one on http://localhost:8983/solr'));

  protected function coreAdminAvailable() {
    $url = url($this->core_admin_url, array('query' => array('action' => 'STATUS')));
    $options['timeout'] = 2;
    $result = drupal_http_request($url, $options);
    return ($result->code == 200 && empty($result->error));

  protected function getSolrVersion() {
    $status = $this->coreAdmin('STATUS');
    foreach($status['status'] as $core_id => $core) {
      $solr = new DrupalApacheSolrService($this->base_solr_url . '/' . $core_id);
      $version = $solr->getSolrVersion();
      if (!empty($version)) {
        return $version;
      else {
        return "1";

   * Helper function to invoke core admin actions.
  protected function coreAdmin($action, $query = array()) {
    $query['action'] = $action;
    $query['wt'] = 'json';
    $url = url($this->core_admin_url, array('query' => $query));
    $options['timeout'] = 2;
    $result = drupal_http_request($url, $options);

    if ($result->code == 200) {
      return json_decode($result->data, TRUE);
    else {
      return FALSE;

   * Helper function to verify that the expected core exists.
  protected function checkCoreStatus($core_name) {
    $response = $this->coreAdmin('STATUS', array('core' => $core_name));
    $this->assertTrue(isset($response['status'][$core_name]['index']), 'Found Solr test core index status');

  function tearDown() {
    // Workaround for test bot
    if ($this->solr_available) {
      // Unload the Solr core & delete all files
      $query = array(
        'core' => $this->databasePrefix,
        'deleteIndex' => 'true',
        'deleteDataDir' => 'true',
        'deleteInstanceDir' => 'true'
      // This is currently broken due to
      $this->coreAdmin('UNLOAD', $query);


class DrupalSolrOnlineWebTestCase extends AbstractDrupalSolrOnlineWebTestCase {
   * Implementation of setUp().
  function setUp() {

class DrupalSolrMatchTestCase extends DrupalSolrOnlineWebTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Solr Index Data and test live queries',
      'description' => 'Indexes content and queries it.',
      'group' => 'ApacheSolr',

   * Test search indexing.
  function testMatching() {
    if ($this->solr_available) { // workaround for test bot
      $this->assertTrue($this->solr->ping(), "The Server could be Pinged");
      $response = $this->solr->search("*:*", array());
      $response = $response->response;
      $this->assertEqual($response->numFound, 0, "There should not be any documents in the index");
      $response = $this->solr->search("*:*", array());
      $response = $response->response;
      $this->assertEqual($response->numFound, 7, "There should be 7 documents in the index");

   * Set up a small index of items to test against.
  protected function populateIndex($count) {

    variable_set('minimum_word_size', 3);
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; ++$i) {
      $documents[] = $this->buildDocument(array('entity_id' => $i, 'content' => $this->getText($i)));

  protected function buildDocument($values = array()) {
    $document = new ApacheSolrDocument();
    if (!isset($values['entity_type'])) {
       $values['entity_type'] = 'fake.';
    $document->id = apachesolr_document_id($values['entity_id'], $values['entity_type']);
    foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
      $document->$key = $value;
    return $document;

   * Helper method for generating snippets of content.
   * Generated items to test against:
   *   1  ipsum
   *   2  dolore sit
   *   3  sit am ut
   *   4  am ut enim am
   *   5  ut enim am minim veniam
   *   6  enim am minim veniam es cillum
   *   7  am minim veniam es cillum dolore eu
  function getText($n) {
    // Start over after 7.
    $n = $n % 7;
    $words = explode(' ', "Ipsum dolore sit am. Ut enim am minim veniam. Es cillum dolore eu.");
    return implode(' ', array_slice($words, $n - 1, $n));

   * Run predefine queries looking for indexed terms.
  function _testQueries() {
      Note: OR queries that include short words in OR groups are only accepted
      if the ORed terms are ANDed with at least one long word in the rest of the query.

      e.g. enim dolore OR ut = enim (dolore OR ut) = (enim dolor) OR (enim ut) -> good
      e.g. dolore OR ut = (dolore) OR (ut) -> bad

      This is a design limitation to avoid full table scans.

      APACHESOLR NOTE: These are not all in lucene syntax... @TODO.  Still works for text searching
    $queries = array(
      // Simple AND queries.
      'ipsum' => array(1),
      'enim' => array(4, 5, 6),
      'xxxxx' => array(),
      // Mixed queries.
      '"minim am veniam es" OR "dolore sit"' => array(2),
      '"minim am veniam es" OR "sit dolore"' => array(),
      '"am minim veniam es" -eu' => array(6),
      '"am minim veniam" -"cillum dolore"' => array(5, 6),
    $broken = array(
      'enim minim' => array(5, 6),
      'enim xxxxx' => array(),
      'dolore eu' => array(7),
      'dolore xx' => array(),
      'ut minim' => array(5),
      'xx minim' => array(),
      'enim veniam am minim ut' => array(5),
      // Simple OR queries.
      'dolore OR ipsum' => array(1, 2, 7),
      'dolore OR xxxxx' => array(2, 7),
      'dolore OR ipsum OR enim' => array(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7),
      'minim dolore OR ipsum OR enim' => array(5, 6, 7),
      'xxxxx dolore OR ipsum' => array(),
      // Negative queries.
      'dolore -sit' => array(7),
      'dolore -eu' => array(2),
      'dolore -xxxxx' => array(2, 7),
      'dolore -xx' => array(2, 7),
      // Phrase queries.
      '"dolore sit"' => array(2),
      '"sit dolore"' => array(),
      '"am minim veniam es"' => array(6, 7),
      '"minim am veniam es"' => array(),
      'xxxxx "minim am veniam es" OR dolore' => array(),
      'xx "minim am veniam es" OR dolore' => array(),
      // Mixed queries.
      '"am minim veniam es" OR dolore' => array(2, 6, 7),
      '"am minim veniam" -"dolore cillum"' => array(5, 6, 7),
    foreach ($queries as $query => $results) {
      $response = $this->solr->search($query, array());
      $this->_testQueryMatching($query, $response->response->docs, $results);
      //@TODO: We might get to this later
      #$this->_testQueryScores($query, $response->responses->docs, $results);

   * Test the matching abilities of the engine.
   * Verify if a query produces the correct results.
  function _testQueryMatching($query, $set, $results) {
    // Get result IDs.
    $found = array();
    foreach ($set as $item) {
      $found[] = $item->entity_id;
    // Compare $results and $found.
    $this->assertEqual($found, $results, strtr("Query matching '$query' found: @found expected: @expected", array('@found' => implode(',', $found), '@expected' => implode(',', $results))));

   * Test the scoring abilities of the engine.
   * Verify if a query produces normalized, monotonous scores.
  function _testQueryScores($query, $set, $results) {
    // Get result scores.
    $scores = array();
    foreach ($set as $item) {
      $scores[] = $item->score;

    // Check order.
    $sorted = $scores;
    $this->assertEqual($scores, array_reverse($sorted), "Query order '$query'");

    // Check range.
    $this->assertEqual(!count($scores) || (min($scores) > 0.0 && max($scores) <= 1.0001), TRUE, "Query scoring '$query'");
