view popoto/js/app-ismi.js @ 39:88c5232f9d48 default tip

fix click on author name.
author casties
date Thu, 04 Feb 2016 18:56:48 +0100
parents fa1b4fa5b4f8
line wrap: on
line source

 * URL used to access Neo4j REST API to execute queries.
 * Update this parameter to your running server instance.
 * For more information on Neo4J REST API the documentation is available here:
 */ = "";
// = "http://localhost:7474/db/data/transaction/commit";

 * Add this authorization property if your Neo4j server uses basic HTTP authentication.
 * The value of this property must be "Basic <payload>", where "payload" is a base64 encoded string of "username:password".
 * "btoa" is a JavaScript function that can be used to encode the user and password value in base64 but it is recommended to directly use the Base64 value.
 *  For example Base64 encoding value of "neo4j:password" is "bmVvNGo6cGFzc3dvcmQ="
 */ = "Basic " + btoa("neo4j:neo5j");
// = "Basic " + btoa("neo4j:eagrussell");

 * These functions fill the predefinedConstraints array for "PERSON"
 * Called when the filter button is hit
 * Uses the text box implementation currently
    // TODO: finish textbox implementation as backup
    // have single filter button which on click sets constraints equal to"#constraintNUMBS)[0][0].value
    // for a bunch of spots in the array
    // will have to create only 1
    // the will need to know what constraints to pull from input boxes based on ids related to whether they
    // are person/codex/witness/etc attributes and put them into the corresponding arrays
    // personPredefinedConstraints codexPreDef
var personPredefinedConstraints = [];
var codexPredefinedConstraints = [];
var witnessPredefinedConstraints = [];"#filter-button").on("click", function (d) {
    var person1 ="#person-constraint")[0][0].value;
    var person2 ="#person-constraint2")[0][0].value;

    var codex1 ="#codex-constraint")[0][0].value;
    var codex2 ="#codex-constraint2")[0][0].value;

    var witness1 ="#witness-constraint")[0][0].value;
    var witness2 ="#witness-constraint2")[0][0].value;

    if (person1.substring(person1.indexOf('"')+1,person1.lastIndexOf('"'))) personPredefinedConstraints.push(person1);
    if (person2.substring(person2.indexOf('"')+1,person2.lastIndexOf('"'))) personPredefinedConstraints.push(person2);

    if (codex1.substring(codex1.indexOf('"')+1,codex1.lastIndexOf('"'))) codexPredefinedConstraints.push(codex1);
    if (codex2.substring(codex2.indexOf('"')+1,codex2.lastIndexOf('"'))) codexPredefinedConstraints.push(codex2);

    if (witness1.substring(witness1.indexOf('"')+1,witness1.lastIndexOf('"'))) witnessPredefinedConstraints.push(witness1);
    if (witness2.substring(witness2.indexOf('"')+1,witness2.lastIndexOf('"'))) witnessPredefinedConstraints.push(witness2);

    // Recreate taxonomies panel"#" + popoto.taxonomy.containerId).selectAll("ul").data([]).exit().remove();
});"#clear-button").on("click", function (d) {
    personPredefinedConstraints = [];
    codexPredefinedConstraints = [];
    witnessPredefinedConstraints = [];

    // Recreate taxonomies panel"#" + popoto.taxonomy.containerId).selectAll("ul").data([]).exit().remove();

 * Define the Label provider you need for your application.
 * This configuration is mandatory and should contain at least all the labels you could find in your graph model.
 * In this alpha version only nodes with a label are supported.
 * By default If no attributes are specified Neo4j internal ID will be used.
 * These label provider configuration can be used to customize the node display in the graph.
 * See or example for more details on available configuration options.
// TODO: add in predefined constraint functions for other nodeProviders
popoto.provider.nodeProviders = {
    "CODEX": {
        "returnAttributes": ["label", "ismi_id", "identifier"],
        "displayAttribute": "label",
        "getPredefinedConstraints": function (node) {
            return codexPredefinedConstraints;
    "WITNESS": {
        "returnAttributes": ["label", "ismi_id", "folios"],
        "displayAttribute": "label",
        "getPredefinedConstraints": function (node) {
            return witnessPredefinedConstraints;
    "TEXT": {
        "returnAttributes": ["label", "full_title", "ismi_id"],
        "displayAttribute": "label",
        //"getPredefinedConstraints": function (node) {
        //    return textPredefinedConstraints;
    "PERSON": {
        "returnAttributes": ["label", "ismi_id", "death_date_text", "url"],
        "displayAttribute": "label",
        "getPredefinedConstraints": function (node) {
            return personPredefinedConstraints;
        "returnAttributes": ["label", "ismi_id"],
        "displayAttribute": "label",
        //"getPredefinedConstraints": function (node) {
        //    return repositoryPredefinedConstraints;
    	"isSearchable": false,
        //"getPredefinedConstraints": function (node) {
        //    return floruitPredefinedConstraints;

 * Popoto label provider
 * Define the label provider used to customize the link displayed text:
// TODO: ensure these cover all the different relations. Commented out for now.
popoto.provider.linkProvider = {

    // Customize the text displayed on links:
    "getLinkTextValue": function (link) {

        // The links labels are just changed in lower case in this example.
        // But it is possible to use a localization mechanism here to replace values.
        if (link.type === {

            if (link.source.label == "PERSON") {
                switch (link.label) {
                    case "was_student_of":
                        return "was student of";
                    case "is_prime_alias_name_of":
                        return "is prime alias name of";
                    case "was_born_in":
                        return "was born in";
                    case "lived_in":
                        return "lived in";
                    case "has_role":
                        return "has role";
                    case "has_floruit_date":
                        return "has floruit date";
                    case "died_in":
                        return "died in";
                    default :
                        return ""
            if (link.source.label == "CODEX") {
                switch (link.label) {
                    case "owned_by":
                        return "owned by";
                    case "is_alias_of":
                        return "is alias of";
                    case "is_part_of":
                        return "is part of";
            if (link.source.label == "WITNESS") {
                switch (link.label) {
                    case "was_copied_in":
                        return "was copied in";
                    case "was_studied_by":
                        return "was studied by";
                    case "had_patron":
                        return "had patron";
                    case "is_part_of":
                        return "is part of";
                    case "is_exemplar_of":
                        return "is exemplar of";
                    case "has_title_written_as":
                        return "has title written as";
                    case "has_author_written_as":
                        return "as author written as";
                    case "was_copied_by":
                        return "was copied by";
            if (link.source.label == "PLACE") {
                switch (link.label) {
                    case "is_part_of":
                        return "is part of";
                    case "is_in":
                        return "is in";
        } else {
            return popoto.provider.getSemanticValue(;


 * Here a listener is used to retrieve the total results count and update the page accordingly.
 * This listener will be called on every graph modification.
popoto.result.onTotalResultCount(function (count) {
    document.getElementById("result-total-count").innerHTML = "(" + count + ")";

 * The number of results returned can be changed with the following parameter.
 * Default value is 100.
 * Note that in this current alpha version no pagination mechanism is available in displayed results
popoto.query.RESULTS_PAGE_SIZE = 1000;

 * For the alpha version, popoto.js has been generated with debug traces you can activate with the following properties:
 * The value can be one in DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, NONE.
 * With INFO level all the executed cypher query can be seen in the navigator console.
 * Default is NONE
popoto.logger.LEVEL = popoto.logger.LogLevels.INFO;

 * Start popoto.js generation.
 * The function requires the label to use as root element in the graph.

/* do not zoom with scroll wheel */
popoto.graph.WHEEL_ZOOM_ENABLED = false;

/* show source and target relations */
popoto.query.USE_RELATION_DIRECTION = true;