view war/scripts/sti/properties.js @ 32:f635bbdc6a03

local KML display (beta)
author Sebastian Kruse <>
date Fri, 30 Nov 2012 15:17:25 +0100
parents cf06b77a8bbd
line wrap: on
line source

 * color array that stores predefined colors for color coding of the different searches.
 * the colors are given in array with 3 different values for rgb.
 * (r0,g0,b0) represents the color for an item, if it is unselected.
 * (r1,g1,b1) represents the color for an item, if it is selected.
 * (rt,gt,bt) represents the color for a selected item in the table (not so deep).
 * initial values are orange, green, blue and yellow
var colors = [{
	id: 1,
    r1: 245,
    g1: 70,
    b1: 0,
    r0: 250,
    g0: 212,
    b0: 169,
    rt: 255,
    gt: 101,
    bt: 41,
	hex: '#f54600'
	id: 3,
    r1: 46,
    g1: 0,
    b1: 248,
    r0: 209,
    g0: 199,
    b0: 255,
    rt: 105,
    gt: 71,
    bt: 255,
    hex: '#2e00f8'
}, {
	id: 2,
    r1: 0,
    g1: 214,
    b1: 0,
    r0: 194,
    g0: 255,
    b0: 194,
    rt: 70,
    gt: 221,
    bt: 70,
	hex: '#00D600'
	id: 4,
    r1: 245,
    g1: 214,
    b1: 0,
    r0: 237,
    g0: 233,
    b0: 169,
    rt: 255,
    gt: 241,
    bt: 87,
	hex: '#FAE500'

 * array that stores predefined colors for the table cells: 
 * stored is rgb for background and border if an object is not selected
var cellColor = {
    r: 255,
    g: 255,
    b: 255,
    rb: 187,
    gb: 187,
    bb: 187

 * initial boundaries of the map.
 * stored in an array with minLon, maxLon, minLat and maxLat values.
 * initial values representing the boundaries of Europe.
var boundaries = {
    minLon: -29,
    minLat: 35,
    maxLon: 44,
    maxLat: 67

 * integer value for the maximum number of parellel data sets a user can handle, including individual objects
 * initial value is 4 (to handle a lower value is possible, a higher would cause complications yet).
var parallelSearches = 4;

 * a value that determines the number of elements in a point class.
 * the smaller this value is, the faster the radii of point classes grow
var classBase = 1.5;

 * a value, which defines the minimum radius of a point class that contains only one element
var minimumRadius = 4;
var maximumRadius, maximumPoints;
var circleGap = 0;

 * maximum tag cloud labels
var tagCloudLabels = 6;

 * returns the calculated cell color of an objects cell
 * @param {int} i the index of the dataset
 * @param {double} p the selection percentage value of the data object
 * @return the calculated cell color
var getCellColor = function(i,p){
	var r = cellColor.r + Math.round(p * (colors[i].rt - cellColor.r));
	var g = cellColor.g + Math.round(p * (colors[i].gt - cellColor.g));
	var b = cellColor.b + Math.round(p * (colors[i].bt - cellColor.b));				
	return "rgb("+r+","+g+","+b+")";

 * returns the border color of an objects cell
 * @param {int} i the index of the dataset
 * @param {boolean} selected if the object is selected or not
 * @return the border color of the cell
var getBorderColor = function(i,selected){
	if( selected ){
		return "rgb("+colors[i].rt+","+colors[i].gt+","+colors[i].bt+")";
	else {
		return "rgb("+cellColor.rb+","","")";

 * returns the actual mouse position
 * @param {Event} e the mouseevent
 * @return the top and left position on the screen
var getMousePosition = function(e){
	if (!e) 
    	e = window.event;
    var body = (window.document.compatMode && window.document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat") ? window.document.documentElement : window.document.body;
    return {
    	top: e.pageY ? e.pageY : e.clientY,
        left: e.pageX ? e.pageX : e.clientX

 * returns the id of the color
 * @param {int} index the index of a dataset
 * @return the id of the corresponding color
var getColorId = function(index){
	return colors[index].id;

var getRadius = function(size){
	if( size == 0 ){
		return 0;
	var aMax = Math.PI * maximumRadius * maximumRadius; 
  	var aMin = Math.PI * minimumRadius * minimumRadius;
	if( this.maxPoints == 1 ){
		return aMin;
    return Math.sqrt( ( aMin + (aMax-aMin)/(maximumPoints-1)*(size-1) * Math.sqrt(Math.log(size)) )/Math.PI );

var getDocHeight = function() {
    var D = document;
    return Math.max(
        Math.max(D.body.scrollHeight, D.documentElement.scrollHeight),
        Math.max(D.body.offsetHeight, D.documentElement.offsetHeight),
        Math.max(D.body.clientHeight, D.documentElement.clientHeight)