diff RestDbInterface.py @ 0:09361041be51

first checkin
author casties
date Fri, 11 Feb 2011 15:05:23 +0100
children 881fcea6a57d
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/RestDbInterface.py	Fri Feb 11 15:05:23 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+Created on 19.5.2010
+@author: casties
+from OFS.Folder import Folder
+from Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplateFile import PageTemplateFile
+from AccessControl import getSecurityManager, Unauthorized
+from Products.ZSQLExtend import ZSQLExtend
+import logging
+import re
+import json
+import time
+import psycopg2
+# make psycopg use unicode objects
+import psycopg2.extensions
+from zope.interface import implements
+from zope.publisher.interfaces import IPublishTraverse
+from ZPublisher.BaseRequest import DefaultPublishTraverse
+def unicodify(s,alternate='latin-1'):
+    """decode str (utf-8 or latin-1 representation) into unicode object"""
+    if not s:
+        return u""
+    if isinstance(s, str):
+        try:
+            return s.decode('utf-8')
+        except:
+            return s.decode(alternate)
+    else:
+        return s
+def utf8ify(s):
+    """encode unicode object or string into byte string in utf-8 representation.
+       assumes string objects to be utf-8"""
+    if not s:
+        return ""
+    if isinstance(s, str):
+        return s
+    else:
+        return s.encode('utf-8')
+def getTextFromNode(node):
+    """get the cdata content of a XML node"""
+    if node is None:
+        return ""
+    if isinstance(node, list):
+        nodelist = node
+    else:
+        nodelist=node.childNodes
+    rc = ""
+    for node in nodelist:
+        if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
+           rc = rc + node.data
+    return rc
+def sqlName(s,lc=True):
+    """returns restricted ASCII-only version of string"""
+    if s is None:
+        return ""
+    # all else -> "_"
+    s = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9_]','_',s)
+    if lc:
+        return s.lower()
+    return s
+class RestDbInterface(Folder):
+    """Object for RESTful database queries
+    path schema: /db/{schema}/{table}/
+    omitting table gives a list of schemas
+    omitting table and schema gives a list of schemas 
+    """
+    implements(IPublishTraverse)
+    meta_type="RESTdb"
+    manage_options=Folder.manage_options+(
+        {'label':'Config','action':'manage_editRestDbInterfaceForm'},
+        )
+    # management templates
+    manage_editRestDbInterfaceForm=PageTemplateFile('zpt/editRestDbInterface',globals())
+    # data templates
+    XML_index = PageTemplateFile('zpt/XML_index', globals())
+    XML_schema = PageTemplateFile('zpt/XML_schema', globals())
+    XML_schema_table = PageTemplateFile('zpt/XML_schema_table', globals())
+    HTML_index = PageTemplateFile('zpt/HTML_index', globals())
+    HTML_schema = PageTemplateFile('zpt/HTML_schema', globals())
+    HTML_schema_table = PageTemplateFile('zpt/HTML_schema_table', globals())
+    JSONHTML_index = PageTemplateFile('zpt/JSONHTML_index', globals())
+    JSONHTML_schema = PageTemplateFile('zpt/JSONHTML_schema', globals())
+    JSONHTML_schema_table = PageTemplateFile('zpt/JSONHTML_schema_table', globals())
+    # JSON_* templates are scripts
+    def JSON_index(self):
+        """JSON index function"""
+        self.REQUEST.RESPONSE.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
+        json.dump(self.getListOfSchemas(), self.REQUEST.RESPONSE)        
+    def JSON_schema(self,schema):
+        """JSON index function"""
+        self.REQUEST.RESPONSE.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
+        json.dump(self.getListOfTables(schema), self.REQUEST.RESPONSE)        
+    def JSON_schema_table(self,schema,table):
+        """JSON index function"""
+        self.REQUEST.RESPONSE.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
+        json.dump(self.getTable(schema, table), self.REQUEST.RESPONSE)        
+    def __init__(self, id, title, connection_id=None):
+        """init"""
+        self.id = id
+        self.title = title
+        # database connection id
+        self.connection_id = connection_id
+        # create template folder
+        self.manage_addFolder('template')
+    def getRestDbUrl(self):
+        """returns url to the RestDb instance"""
+        return self.absolute_url()
+    def getJsonString(self,object):
+        """returns a JSON formatted string from object"""
+        return json.dumps(object)
+    def getCursor(self,autocommit=True):
+        """returns fresh DB cursor"""
+        conn = getattr(self,"_v_database_connection",None)
+        if conn is None:
+            # create a new connection object
+            try:
+                if self.connection_id is None:
+                    # try to take the first existing ID
+                    connids = SQLConnectionIDs(self)
+                    if len(connids) > 0:
+                        connection_id = connids[0][0]
+                        self.connection_id = connection_id
+                        logging.debug("connection_id: %s"%repr(connection_id))
+                da = getattr(self, self.connection_id)
+                da.connect('')
+                # we copy the DAs database connection
+                conn = da._v_database_connection
+                #conn._register() # register with the Zope transaction system
+                self._v_database_connection = conn
+            except Exception, e:
+                raise IOError("No database connection! (%s)"%str(e))
+        cursor = conn.getcursor()
+        if autocommit:
+            # is there a better version to get to the connection?
+            cursor.connection.set_isolation_level(psycopg2.extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT)
+        return cursor
+    def getFieldNameMap(self,fields):
+        """returns a dict mapping field names to row indexes"""
+        map = {}
+        i = 0
+        for f in fields:
+            map[f[0]] = i
+            i += 1
+        return map
+    def executeSQL(self, query, args=None, hasResult=True, autocommit=True):
+        """execute query with args on database and return all results.
+        result format: {"fields":fields, "rows":data}"""
+        logging.debug("executeSQL query=%s args=%s"%(query,args))
+        cur = self.getCursor(autocommit=autocommit)
+        if args is not None:
+            # make sure args is a list
+            if isinstance(args,basestring):
+                args = (args,)
+        cur.execute(query, args)
+        # description of returned fields 
+        fields = cur.description
+        if hasResult:
+            # get all data in an array
+            data = cur.fetchall()
+            cur.close()
+            #logging.debug("fields: %s"%repr(fields))
+            #logging.debug("rows: %s"%repr(data))
+            return {"fields":fields, "rows":data}
+        else:
+            cur.close()
+            return None
+    def isAllowed(self,action,schema,table,user=None):
+        """returns if the requested action on the table is allowed"""
+        if user is None:
+            user = self.REQUEST.get('AUTHENTICATED_USER',None)
+        logging.debug("isAllowed action=%s schema=%s table=%s user=%s"%(action,schema,table,user))
+        # no default policy!
+        return True
+    def publishTraverse(self,request,name):
+        """change the traversal"""
+        # get stored path
+        path = request.get('restdb_path', [])
+        logging.debug("publishtraverse: name=%s restdb_path=%s"%(name,path))
+        if name in ("index_html", "PUT"):
+            # end of traversal
+            if request.get("method") == "POST" and request.get("action",None) == "PUT":
+                # fake PUT by POST with action=PUT
+                name = "PUT"
+            return getattr(self, name)
+            #TODO: should we check more?
+        else:
+            # traverse
+            if len(path) == 0:
+                # first segment
+                if name == 'db':
+                    # virtual path -- continue traversing
+                    path = [name]
+                    request['restdb_path'] = path
+                else:
+                    # try real path
+                    tr = DefaultPublishTraverse(self, request)
+                    ob = tr.publishTraverse(request, name)
+                    return ob
+            else:
+                path.append(name)
+        # continue traversing
+        return self
+    def index_html(self,REQUEST,RESPONSE):
+        """index method"""
+        # ReST path was stored in request
+        path = REQUEST.get('restdb_path',[])
+        # type and format are real parameter
+        resultFormat = REQUEST.get('format','HTML').upper()
+        queryType = REQUEST.get('type',None)
+        logging.debug("index_html path=%s resultFormat=%s queryType=%s"%(path,resultFormat,queryType))
+        if queryType is not None:
+            # non-empty queryType -- look for template
+            pt = getattr(self.template, "%s_%s"%(resultFormat,queryType), None)
+            if pt is not None:
+                return pt(format=resultFormat,type=queryType,path=path)
+        if len(path) == 1:
+            # list of schemas
+            return self.showListOfSchemas(format=resultFormat)
+        elif len(path) == 2:
+            # list of tables
+            return self.showListOfTables(format=resultFormat,schema=path[1])
+        elif len(path) == 3:
+            # table
+            if REQUEST.get("method") == "POST" and REQUEST.get("create_table_file",None) is not None:
+                # POST to table to check
+                return self.checkTable(format=resultFormat,schema=path[1],table=path[2])
+            # else show table
+            return self.showTable(format=resultFormat,schema=path[1],table=path[2])
+        # don't know what to do
+        return str(REQUEST)
+    def showTable(self,format='XML',schema='public',table=None,REQUEST=None,RESPONSE=None):
+        """returns PageTemplate with tables"""
+        logging.debug("showtable")
+        if REQUEST is None:
+            REQUEST = self.REQUEST
+        # should be cross-site accessible 
+        if RESPONSE is None:
+        RESPONSE.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
+        # everything else has its own template
+        pt = getattr(self.template, '%s_schema_table'%format, None)
+        if pt is None:
+            return "ERROR!! template %s_schema_table not found"%format
+        #data = self.getTable(schema,table)
+        return pt(schema=schema,table=table)
+    def getTable(self,schema='public',table=None,sortBy=1,username='guest'):
+        """return table data"""
+        logging.debug("gettable")
+        if sortBy:
+            data = self.executeSQL('select * from "%s"."%s" order by %s'%(schema,table,sortBy))
+        else:
+            data = self.executeSQL('select * from "%s"."%s"'%(schema,table))
+        return data
+    def hasTable(self,schema='public',table=None,username='guest'):
+        """return if table exists"""
+        logging.debug("hastable")
+        data = self.executeSQL('select 1 from information_schema.tables where table_schema=%s and table_name=%s',(schema,table))
+        ret = bool(data['rows'])
+        return ret
+    def showListOfTables(self,format='XML',schema='public',REQUEST=None,RESPONSE=None):
+        """returns PageTemplate with list of tables"""
+        logging.debug("showlistoftables")
+        # should be cross-site accessible 
+        if RESPONSE is None:
+        RESPONSE.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
+        pt = getattr(self.template, '%s_schema'%format, None)
+        if pt is None:
+            return "ERROR!! template %s_schema not found"%format
+        #data = self.getListOfTables(schema)
+        return pt(schema=schema)
+    def getListOfTables(self,schema='public',username='guest'):
+        """return list of tables"""
+        logging.debug("getlistoftables")
+        # get list of fields and types of db table
+        #qstr="""SELECT c.relname AS tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
+        #    LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
+        #    WHERE c.relkind IN ('r','') AND n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
+        #    AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) 
+        #    AND c.relname ORDER BY 1"""
+        qstr = """SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE' 
+                        AND table_schema = %s ORDER BY 1"""
+        data=self.executeSQL(qstr,(schema,))
+        return data
+    def showListOfSchemas(self,format='XML',REQUEST=None,RESPONSE=None):
+        """returns PageTemplate with list of schemas"""
+        logging.debug("showlistofschemas")
+        # should be cross-site accessible 
+        if RESPONSE is None:
+        RESPONSE.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
+        pt = getattr(self.template, '%s_index'%format, None)
+        if pt is None:
+            return "ERROR!! template %s_index not found"%format
+        #data = self.getListOfSchemas()
+        return pt()
+    def getListOfSchemas(self,username='guest'):
+        """return list of schemas"""
+        logging.debug("getlistofschemas")
+        # TODO: really look up schemas
+        data={'fields': (('schemas',),), 'rows': [('public',),]}
+        return data
+    def manage_editRestDbInterface(self, title=None, connection_id=None,
+                     REQUEST=None):
+        """Change the object"""
+        if title is not None:
+            self.title = title
+        if connection_id is not None:
+            self.connection_id = connection_id
+        #checkPermission=getSecurityManager().checkPermission
+        REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect('manage_main')
+def manage_addRestDbInterface(self, id, title='', label='', description='',
+                     createPublic=0,
+                     createUserF=0,
+                     REQUEST=None):
+        """Add a new object with id *id*."""
+        ob=RestDbInterface(str(id),title)
+        self._setObject(id, ob)
+        #checkPermission=getSecurityManager().checkPermission
+        REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect('manage_main')