view @ 5:ca30cf0e810d

fix bugs in ZDBInlineSearch.
date Tue, 15 Feb 2011 20:39:48 +0100
parents 0ade331198de
children 1b25a85a2165
line wrap: on
line source

Created on 14.2.2011

@author: casties

import logging
import psycopg2
# make psycopg use unicode objects
import psycopg2.extensions

from Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL import SQLConnectionIDs
from Shared.DC.ZRDB.Results import Results

def unicodify(s,alternate='latin-1'):
    """decode str (utf-8 or latin-1 representation) into unicode object"""
    if not s:
        return u""
    if isinstance(s, str):
            return s.decode('utf-8')
            return s.decode(alternate)
        return s

def utf8ify(s):
    """encode unicode object or string into byte string in utf-8 representation.
       assumes string objects to be utf-8"""
    if not s:
        return ""
    if isinstance(s, str):
        return s
        return s.encode('utf-8')

def getTextFromNode(node):
    """get the cdata content of a XML node"""
    if node is None:
        return ""
    if isinstance(node, list):
        nodelist = node

    rc = ""
    for node in nodelist:
        if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
           rc = rc +
    return rc

def sqlName(s, lc=True, more=''):
    """returns restricted ASCII-only version of string"""
    if s is None:
        return ""
    # all else -> "_"
    s = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9_'+more+']','_',s)
    if lc:
        return s.lower()
    return s

class DBInterface:
    """Object for database queries"""
    def __init__(self, connection_id=None):
        # database connection id
        self.connection_id = connection_id        

    def getConnectionIDs(self):
        """return list of available connection ids"""
        return SQLConnectionIDs(self)

    def getDB(self):
        """returns DB object"""
        # TODO: can we cache and reuse a DB object?
        if self.connection_id is None:
            # try to take the first existing ID
            connids = self.getConnectionIDs()
            if len(connids) > 0:
                connection_id = connids[0][1]
                self.connection_id = connection_id
                logging.debug("connection_id: %s"%repr(connection_id))

        # get Connection instance
        con = getattr(self, self.connection_id)
        # call to get db object
        db = con()
        return db
    def executeZSQL(self, query, args=None, max_rows=None):
        """execute query with args on the database and return all results as Result object."""
        logging.debug("executeZSQL query=%s args=%s"%(query,args))
        dbc = self.getDB()
        res = dbc.query(query, max_rows=max_rows, query_data=args)
        # return result set as Result object with Brains
        return Results(res)

    # Old way using cursor from DA
    def getCursor(self,autocommit=True):
        """returns fresh DB cursor"""
        conn = getattr(self,"_v_database_connection", None)
        if conn is None:
            # create a new connection object
                if self.connection_id is None:
                    # try to take the first existing ID
                    connids = self.getConnectionIDs()
                    if len(connids) > 0:
                        connection_id = connids[0][1]
                        self.connection_id = connection_id
                        logging.debug("connection_id: %s"%repr(connection_id))

                da = getattr(self, self.connection_id)
                # we copy the DAs database connection
                conn = da._v_database_connection
                #conn._register() # register with the Zope transaction system(?)
                self._v_database_connection = conn
            except Exception, e:
                raise IOError("No database connection! (%s)"%str(e))
        cursor = conn.getcursor()
        if autocommit:
            # TODO: is there a better version to get to the connection?
        return cursor

    def getFieldNameMap(self,fields):
        """returns a dict mapping field names to row indexes"""
        map = {}
        i = 0
        for f in fields:
            map[f[0]] = i
            i += 1
        return map
    def executeSQL(self, query, args=None, hasResult=True, autocommit=True):
        """execute query with args on database and return all results.
        result format: {"fields":fields, "rows":data}"""
        logging.debug("executeSQL query=%s args=%s"%(query,args))
        cur = self.getCursor(autocommit=autocommit)
        if args is not None:
            # make sure args is a list
            if isinstance(args,basestring):
                args = (args,)
        cur.execute(query, args)
        # description of returned fields 
        fields = cur.description
        if hasResult:
            # get all data in an array
            data = cur.fetchall()
            #logging.debug("fields: %s"%repr(fields))
            #logging.debug("rows: %s"%repr(data))
            return {"fields":fields, "rows":data}
            return None