view test/results/2010-10225.xml @ 10:70510ec97f4a default tip

annotate texts with results and build events with linnaeus
author jdamerow
date Mon, 19 Nov 2012 16:36:54 -0700
parents 036535fcd179
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			<p type="2">SUMMARY:</p>
			<p type="1">We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, invite the public
				to comment on the following applications to conduct certain
				activities with endangered species. With some exceptions, the
				Endangered Species Act (Act) prohibits activities with endangered
				and threatened species unless a Federal permit allows such activity.
				The Act also requires that we invite public comment before issuing
				these permits.</p>

			<p type="1">The following applicants have applied for scientific
				research permits to conduct certain activities with endangered
				species under section 10(a)(1)(A) of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et
				seq.). We seek review and comment from local, State, and Federal
				agencies and the public on the following permit requests. Before
				including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or other
				personal identifying information in your comment, you should be
				aware that your entire comment—including your personal identifying
				information—may be made publicly available at any time. While you
				can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying
				information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be
				able to do so.</p>
			<p type="2">Permit No. TE-825573</p>
			<p type="4">
				<applicant>Brian L. Cypher</applicant>
				<applicant_location woeId="2358492" type="Town"
					name="Bakersfield, CA, US">Bakersfield, California</applicant_location>
			<p type="1">
				The applicant requests a permit to remove/reduce to possession
				<species_scientific name="Opuntia treleasei">Opuntia treleasei
				(Bakersfield cactus) from Federal lands in conjunction with
				botanical surveys, voucher, and genetic research throughout the
				range of each species in
				<research_location woeId="2347563" type="State"
					name="California, US">California</research_location>
				for the purpose of enhancing its survival.
			<p type="2">Permit No. TE-097516</p>
			<p type="4">
				<applicant>Thomas P. Ryan</applicant>
				<applicant_location woeId="2468964" type="Town"
					name="Pasadena, CA, US">Pasadena, California</applicant_location>
			<p type="1">
				The applicant requests an amendment to an existing permit (March 20,
				2007, 72 FR 13121) to take (collect and remove from the wild dead
				and abandoned eggs, color band; and capture, attach/remove
				geolocators, monitor, recapture) the
				<research_location woeId="2347563" type="State"
					name="California, US">California</research_location>
				least tern (
				<species_scientific name="Sterna">Sterna
				<species_scientific name="Antillarum browni">Antillarum browni
				) in conjunction with population monitoring and research throughout
				the range of the species in
				<research_location woeId="12587688" type="County"
					name="Los Angeles, CA, US">Los Angeles County, California</research_location>
				, for the purpose of enhancing its survival.
			<p type="2">Permit No. TE-007907</p>
			<p type="4">
				<applicant>United States Geological Survey</applicant>
				<applicant_location woeId="2433280" type="Town"
					name="Klamath Falls, OR, US">Klamath Falls, Oregon</applicant_location>
			<p type="1">
				The applicant requests an amendment to an existing permit (March 25,
				1999, 64 FR 14458) to take (capture, transport, and release) the
				Lost River sucker (
				<species_scientific name="Deltistes luxatus">Deltistes luxatus
				) and the shortnose sucker (
				<species_scientific name="Chasmistes brevirostrum">Chasmistes brevirostrum
				) in conjunction with surveys, population monitoring and life
				history studies throughout the range of the species in Klamath and
				<research_location woeId="12589710" type="County"
					name="Lake, OR, US">Lake</research_location>
				<research_location woeId="12589710" type="County"
					name="Lake, OR, US">Oregon</research_location>
				, for the purpose of enhancing their survival.
			<p type="2">Permit No. TE-054011</p>
			<p type="4">
				<applicant>John F. Green</applicant>
				<applicant_location woeId="2482250" type="Town"
					name="Riverside, CA, US">Riverside, California</applicant_location>
			<p type="1">
				The applicant requests an amendment to an existing permit (December
				16, 2008, 73 FR 76375) to take (capture, collect, and kill) the
				Conservancy fairy shrimp (
				<species_scientific name="Branchinecta conservatio">Branchinecta conservatio
				), the longhorn fairy shrimp (
				<species_scientific name="Branchinecta longiantenna">Branchinecta
				), the Riverside fairy shrimp (
				<species_scientific name="Streptocephalus wootoni">Streptocephalus wootoni
				), the
				<research_location woeId="2487889" type="Town"
					name="San Diego, CA, US">San Diego</research_location>
				fairy shrimp (
				<species_scientific name="Branchinecta sandiegonensis">Branchinecta
				), and the vernal pool tadpole shrimp (
				<species_scientific name="Lepidurus packardi">Lepidurus packardi
				) in conjunction with surveys and population monitoring throughout
				the range of each species in
				<research_location woeId="2347563" type="State"
					name="California, US">California</research_location>
				for the purpose of enhancing their survival.
			<p type="2">Permit No. TE-07064A</p>
			<p type="4">
				<applicant>Wesley K. Savage</applicant>
				<applicant_location woeId="2353412" type="Town"
					name="Allentown, PA, US">Allentown, Pennsylvania</applicant_location>
			<p type="1">
				The applicant requests a permit to take (survey, capture, handle,
				measure, photograph, collect tissue, and release) the Santa Cruz
				long-toed salamander (
				<species_scientific name="Ambystoma macrodactylum croceum">Ambystoma macrodactylum
				) and
				<research_location woeId="2347563" type="State"
					name="California, US">California</research_location>
				tiger salamander (
				<species_scientific name="Ambystoma californiense">Ambystoma californiense
				); and take (survey, capture, handle, collect tissue, and release)
				the callippe silverspot butterfly (
				<species_scientific name="Speyeria callippe callippe">Speyeria callippe
				) in conjunction with surveys, population monitoring, and genetic
				research throughout the range of each species in
				<research_location woeId="2347563" type="State"
					name="California, US">California</research_location>
				for the purpose of enhancing their survival.
			<p type="2">Permit No. TE-004939</p>
			<p type="4">
				<applicant>Gordon F. Pratt</applicant>
				<applicant_location woeId="2482250" type="Town"
					name="Riverside, CA, US">Riverside, California</applicant_location>
			<p type="1">
				The applicant requests an amendment to an existing permit (January
				31, 2003, 68 FR 5037) to take (collect voucher specimens of newly
				discovered populations) the
				checkerspot butterfly (
				<species_scientific name="Euphydryas editha quino">Euphydryas editha quino
				), Palos Verdes blue butterfly (
				<species_scientific name="Glaucopsyche lygdamus palosverdesensis">Glaucopsyche lygdamus
				), lotis blue butterfly (
				<species_scientific name="Lycaeides argyrognomon lotis">Lycaeides argyrognomon
				<research_location woeId="2397975" type="Town"
					name="El Segundo, CA, US">El Segundo</research_location>
				blue (
				<species_scientific name="Euphilotes battoides allyni">Euphilotes battoides
				), and the Laguna Mountains skipper (
				<species_scientific name="Pyrgus ruralis lagunae">Pyrgus ruralis lagunae
				) in conjunction with surveys and population monitoring throughout
				the range of each species in
				<research_location woeId="2347563" type="State"
					name="California, US">California</research_location>
				for the purpose of enhancing their survival.
			<p type="2">Permit No. TE-07981A</p>
			<p type="4">
				<applicant>Bruce J. Turner</applicant>
				<applicant_location woeId="2397614" type="Town"
					name="Eggleston, VA, US">Eggleston, Virginia</applicant_location>
			<p type="1">
				The applicant requests a permit to take (survey, capture, handle,
				release, collect, and sacrifice) the Ash meadows pupfish (
				<species_scientific name="Cyprinodon nevadensis mionectes">Cyprinodon nevadensis
				) and Warm springs pupfish (
				<species_scientific name="Cyprinodon nevadensis pectoralis">Cyprinodon nevadensis
				) in conjunction with scientific research in
				<research_location woeId="12589243" type="County"
					name="Nye, NV, US">Nye County, Nevada</research_location>
				, for the purpose of enhancing their survival.
			<p type="2">Permit No. TE-166383</p>
			<p type="4">
				<applicant>Michael Westphal</applicant>
				<applicant_location woeId="2423203" type="Town"
					name="Hollister, CA, US">Hollister, California</applicant_location>
			<p type="1">
				The applicant requests an amendment to an existing permit (November
				6, 2007, 72 FR 62669) to take (survey, capture, handle, tail clip,
				and release) the blunt-nosed leopard lizard (
				<species_scientific name="Gamelia silus">Gamelia silus
				) in conjunction with surveys and genetic research throughout the
				range of the species in San Benito and Fresno Counties,
				<research_location woeId="2347563" type="State"
					name="California, US">California</research_location>
				, for the purpose of enhancing its survival.
			<p type="2">Permit No. TE-097845</p>
			<p type="4">
				<applicant>ManTech SRS Technologies Incorporated</applicant>
				<applicant_location woeId="2441271" type="Town"
					name="Lompoc, CA, US">Lompoc, California</applicant_location>
			<p type="1">
				The applicant requests an amendment to an existing permit (June 27,
				2008, 73 FR 36552), to extend the currently authorized geographic
				area and take (harass by survey, capture, handle, release, collect,
				and sacrifice) the unarmored threespine stickleback (
				<species_scientific name="Gasterosteus aculeatus williamsoni">Gasterosteus aculeatus
				) in conjunction with surveys and genetic research within
				<research_location woeId="12587711" type="County"
					name="Santa Barbara, CA, US">Santa Barbara County, California</research_location>
				, for the purpose of enhancing its survival.
			<p type="2">Permit No. TE-213726</p>
			<p type="4">
				<applicant>Joelle J. Fournier</applicant>
				<applicant_location woeId="2487889" type="Town"
					name="San Diego, CA, US">San Diego, California</applicant_location>
			<p type="1">
				The applicant requests an amendment to an existing permit (July 7,
				2009, 74 FR 32179) to take (handle, band, and remove from the wild
				dead eggs, chicks, adults, feathers and hatched membranes) the
				<research_location woeId="2347563" type="State"
					name="California, US">California</research_location>
				least tern (
				<species_scientific name="Sterna">Sterna
				<species_scientific name="Antillarum browni">Antillarum browni
				) in conjunction with population monitoring and research at Camp
				Pendleton Marine Base,
				<research_location woeId="12587706" type="County"
					name="San Diego, CA, US">San Diego County, California</research_location>
				, for the purpose of enhancing its survival.
			<p type="2">Permit No. TE-09371A</p>
			<p type="4">
				<applicant>Bureau of Land Management</applicant>
				<applicant_location woeId="2436704" type="Town"
					name="Las Vegas, NV, US">Las Vegas, Nevada</applicant_location>
			<p type="1">
				The applicant requests a permit to take (harass by survey) the
				southwestern willow flycatcher (
				<species_scientific name="Empidonax traillii extimus">Empidonax traillii
				) in conjunction with surveys throughout the range of the species in
				and Nye Counties,
				<research_location woeId="2347563" type="State"
					name="California, US">California</research_location>
				, for the purpose of enhancing its survival.
			<p type="2">Permit No. TE-09389A</p>
			<p type="4">
				<applicant>Michelle E. Giolli</applicant>
				<applicant_location woeId="2362930" type="Town"
					name="Berkeley, CA, US">Berkeley, California</applicant_location>
			<p type="1">
				The applicant requests a permit to take (capture, collect, and kill)
				the Conservancy fairy shrimp (
				<species_scientific name="Branchinecta conservatio">Branchinecta conservatio
				), the longhorn fairy shrimp (
				<species_scientific name="Branchinecta longiantenna">Branchinecta
				), the Riverside fairy shrimp (
				<species_scientific name="Streptocephalus wootoni">Streptocephalus wootoni
				), the
				<research_location woeId="2487889" type="Town"
					name="San Diego, CA, US">San Diego</research_location>
				fairy shrimp (
				<species_scientific name="Branchinecta sandiegonensis">Branchinecta
				), and the vernal pool tadpole shrimp (
				<species_scientific name="Lepidurus packardi">Lepidurus packardi
				) in conjunction with surveys and population monitoring throughout
				the range of each species in
				<research_location woeId="2347563" type="State"
					name="California, US">California</research_location>
				for the purpose of enhancing their survival.
			<p type="2">Permit No. TE-09381A</p>
			<p type="4">
				<applicant>Billy G. Williams</applicant>
				<applicant_location woeId="2488828" type="Town"
					name="Santa Barbara, CA, US">Santa Barbara, California</applicant_location>
			<p type="1">
				The applicant requests a permit to take (capture, handle, and
				release) the giant kangaroo rat (
				<species_scientific name="Dipodomys ingens">Dipodomys ingens
				) in conjunction with surveys and population monitoring studies
				throughout the range of the species in
				<research_location woeId="2347563" type="State"
					name="California, US">California</research_location>
				for the purpose of enhancing its survival.
			<p type="2">Permit No. TE-09375A</p>
			<p type="4">
				<applicant>Laura Ann Eliassen</applicant>
				<applicant_location woeId="2367875" type="Town"
					name="Bradley, CA, US">Bradley, California</applicant_location>
			<p type="1">
				The applicant requests a permit to take (capture, collect, and kill)
				the Conservancy fairy shrimp (
				<species_scientific name="Branchinecta conservatio">Branchinecta conservatio
				), the longhorn fairy shrimp (
				<species_scientific name="Branchinecta longiantenna">Branchinecta
				), the Riverside fairy shrimp (
				<species_scientific name="Streptocephalus wootoni">Streptocephalus wootoni
				), the
				<research_location woeId="2487889" type="Town"
					name="San Diego, CA, US">San Diego</research_location>
				fairy shrimp (
				<species_scientific name="Branchinecta sandiegonensis">Branchinecta
				), and the vernal pool tadpole shrimp (
				<species_scientific name="Lepidurus packardi">Lepidurus packardi
				) in conjunction with surveys and population monitoring throughout
				the range of each species in
				<research_location woeId="2347563" type="State"
					name="California, US">California</research_location>
				for the purpose of enhancing their survival.
			<p type="1">We invite public review and comment on each of these
				recovery permit applications. Comments and materials we receive will
				be available for public inspection, by appointment, during normal
				business hours at the address listed in the ADDRESSES section of
				this notice.</p>