comparison libs/commons-math-2.1/docs/userguide/random.html @ 10:5f2c5fb36e93

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149 <div class="section"><h2><a name="a2_Data_Generation"></a>2 Data Generation</h2>
150 <div class="section"><h3><a name="a2.1_Overview"></a>2.1 Overview</h3>
151 <p>
152 The Commons Math random package includes utilities for
153 <ul><li>generating random numbers</li>
154 <li>generating random strings</li>
155 <li>generating cryptographically secure sequences of random numbers or
156 strings</li>
157 <li>generating random samples and permutations</li>
158 <li>analyzing distributions of values in an input file and generating
159 values &quot;like&quot; the values in the file</li>
160 <li>generating data for grouped frequency distributions or
161 histograms</li>
162 </ul>
163 </p>
164 <p>
165 The source of random data used by the data generation utilities is
166 pluggable. By default, the JDK-supplied PseudoRandom Number Generator
167 (PRNG) is used, but alternative generators can be &quot;plugged in&quot; using an
168 adaptor framework, which provides a generic facility for replacing
169 <code>java.util.Random</code> with an alternative PRNG. Another very
170 good PRNG suitable for Monte-Carlo analysis (but <strong>not</strong>
171 for cryptography) provided by the library is the Mersenne twister from
172 Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura
173 </p>
174 <p>
175 Sections 2.2-2.6 below show how to use the commons math API to generate
176 different kinds of random data. The examples all use the default
177 JDK-supplied PRNG. PRNG pluggability is covered in 2.7. The only
178 modification required to the examples to use alternative PRNGs is to
179 replace the argumentless constructor calls with invocations including
180 a <code>RandomGenerator</code> instance as a parameter.
181 </p>
182 </div>
183 <div class="section"><h3><a name="a2.2_Random_numbers"></a>2.2 Random numbers</h3>
184 <p>
185 The <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/random/RandomData.html">
186 org.apache.commons.math.RandomData</a> interface defines methods for
187 generating random sequences of numbers. The API contracts of these methods
188 use the following concepts:
189 <dl><dt>Random sequence of numbers from a probability distribution</dt>
190 <dd>There is no such thing as a single &quot;random number.&quot; What can be
191 generated are <i>sequences</i> of numbers that appear to be random. When
192 using the built-in JDK function <code>Math.random(),</code> sequences of
193 values generated follow the
194 <a href="" class="externalLink">
195 Uniform Distribution</a>, which means that the values are evenly spread
196 over the interval between 0 and 1, with no sub-interval having a greater
197 probability of containing generated values than any other interval of the
198 same length. The mathematical concept of a
199 <a href="" class="externalLink">
200 probability distribution</a> basically amounts to asserting that different
201 ranges in the set of possible values of a random variable have
202 different probabilities of containing the value. Commons Math supports
203 generating random sequences from the following probability distributions.
204 The javadoc for the <code>nextXxx</code> methods in
205 <code>RandomDataImpl</code> describes the algorithms used to generate
206 random deviates from each of these distributions.
207 <ul><li><a href="" class="externalLink">
208 uniform distribution</a></li>
209 <li><a href="" class="externalLink">
210 exponential distribution</a></li>
211 <li><a href="" class="externalLink">
212 poisson distribution</a></li>
213 <li><a href="" class="externalLink">
214 Gaussian distribution</a></li>
215 </ul>
216 </dd>
217 <dt>Cryptographically secure random sequences</dt>
218 <dd>It is possible for a sequence of numbers to appear random, but
219 nonetheless to be predictable based on the algorithm used to generate the
220 sequence. If in addition to randomness, strong unpredictability is
221 required, it is best to use a
222 <a href="" class="externalLink">
223 secure random number generator</a> to generate values (or strings). The
224 nextSecureXxx methods in the <code>RandomDataImpl</code> implementation of
225 the <code>RandomData</code> interface use the JDK <code>SecureRandom</code>
226 PRNG to generate cryptographically secure sequences. The
227 <code>setSecureAlgorithm</code> method allows you to change the underlying
228 PRNG. These methods are <strong>much slower</strong> than the corresponding
229 &quot;non-secure&quot; versions, so they should only be used when cryptographic
230 security is required.</dd>
231 <dt>Seeding pseudo-random number generators</dt>
232 <dd>By default, the implementation provided in <code>RandomDataImpl</code>
233 uses the JDK-provided PRNG. Like most other PRNGs, the JDK generator
234 generates sequences of random numbers based on an initial &quot;seed value&quot;.
235 For the non-secure methods, starting with the same seed always produces the
236 same sequence of values. Secure sequences started with the same seeds will
237 diverge. When a new <code>RandomDataImpl</code> is created, the underlying
238 random number generators are <strong>not</strong> initialized. The first
239 call to a data generation method, or to a <code>reSeed()</code> method
240 initializes the appropriate generator. If you do not explicitly seed the
241 generator, it is by default seeded with the current time in milliseconds.
242 Therefore, to generate sequences of random data values, you should always
243 instantiate <strong>one</strong><code>RandomDataImpl</code> and use it
244 repeatedly instead of creating new instances for subsequent values in the
245 sequence. For example, the following will generate a random sequence of 50
246 long integers between 1 and 1,000,000, using the current time in
247 milliseconds as the seed for the JDK PRNG:
248 <div class="source"><pre>
249 RandomData randomData = new RandomDataImpl();
250 for (int i = 0; i &lt; 1000; i++) {
251 value = randomData.nextLong(1, 1000000);
252 }
253 </pre>
254 </div>
256 The following will not in general produce a good random sequence, since the
257 PRNG is reseeded each time through the loop with the current time in
258 milliseconds:
259 <div class="source"><pre>
260 for (int i = 0; i &lt; 1000; i++) {
261 RandomDataImpl randomData = new RandomDataImpl();
262 value = randomData.nextLong(1, 1000000);
263 }
264 </pre>
265 </div>
267 The following will produce the same random sequence each time it is
268 executed:
269 <div class="source"><pre>
270 RandomData randomData = new RandomDataImpl();
271 randomData.reSeed(1000);
272 for (int i = 0; i = 1000; i++) {
273 value = randomData.nextLong(1, 1000000);
274 }
275 </pre>
276 </div>
278 The following will produce a different random sequence each time it is
279 executed.
280 <div class="source"><pre>
281 RandomData randomData = new RandomDataImpl();
282 randomData.reSeedSecure(1000);
283 for (int i = 0; i &lt; 1000; i++) {
284 value = randomData.nextSecureLong(1, 1000000);
285 }
286 </pre>
287 </div>
288 </dd>
289 </dl>
290 </p>
291 </div>
292 <div class="section"><h3><a name="a2.3_Random_Vectors"></a>2.3 Random Vectors</h3>
293 <p>
294 Some algorithm requires random vectors instead of random scalars. When the
295 components of these vectors are uncorrelated, they may be generated simply
296 one at a time and packed together in the vector. The <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/random/UncorrelatedRandomVectorGenerator.html">
297 org.apache.commons.math.UncorrelatedRandomVectorGenerator</a> class
298 does however simplify this process by setting the mean and deviation of each
299 component once and generating complete vectors. When the components are correlated
300 however, generating them is much more difficult. The <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/random/CorrelatedRandomVectorGenerator.html">
301 org.apache.commons.math.CorrelatedRandomVectorGenerator</a> class
302 provides this service. In this case, the user must set up a complete covariance matrix
303 instead of a simple standard deviations vector. This matrix gathers both the variance
304 and the correlation information of the probability law.
305 </p>
306 <p>
307 The main use for correlated random vector generation is for Monte-Carlo
308 simulation of physical problems with several variables, for example to
309 generate error vectors to be added to a nominal vector. A particularly
310 common case is when the generated vector should be drawn from a <a href="" class="externalLink">
311 Multivariate Normal Distribution</a>.
312 </p>
313 </div>
314 <div class="section"><h3><a name="a2.4_Random_Strings"></a>2.4 Random Strings</h3>
315 <p>
316 The methods <code>nextHexString</code> and <code>nextSecureHexString</code>
317 can be used to generate random strings of hexadecimal characters. Both
318 of these methods produce sequences of strings with good dispersion
319 properties. The difference between the two methods is that the second is
320 cryptographically secure. Specifically, the implementation of
321 <code>nextHexString(n)</code> in <code>RandomDataImpl</code> uses the
322 following simple algorithm to generate a string of <code>n</code> hex digits:
323 <ol type="1"><li>n/2+1 binary bytes are generated using the underlying Random</li>
324 <li>Each binary byte is translated into 2 hex digits</li>
325 </ol>
327 The <code>RandomDataImpl</code> implementation of the &quot;secure&quot; version,
328 <code>nextSecureHexString</code> generates hex characters in 40-byte
329 &quot;chunks&quot; using a 3-step process:
330 <ol type="1"><li>20 random bytes are generated using the underlying
331 <code>SecureRandom.</code></li>
332 <li>SHA-1 hash is applied to yield a 20-byte binary digest.</li>
333 <li>Each byte of the binary digest is converted to 2 hex digits</li>
334 </ol>
336 Similarly to the secure random number generation methods,
337 <code>nextSecureHexString</code> is <strong>much slower</strong> than
338 the non-secure version. It should be used only for applications such as
339 generating unique session or transaction ids where predictability of
340 subsequent ids based on observation of previous values is a security
341 concern. If all that is needed is an even distribution of hex characters
342 in the generated strings, the non-secure method should be used.
343 </p>
344 </div>
345 <div class="section"><h3><a name="a2.5_Random_permutations_combinations_sampling"></a>2.5 Random permutations, combinations, sampling</h3>
346 <p>
347 To select a random sample of objects in a collection, you can use the
348 <code>nextSample</code> method in the <code>RandomData</code> interface.
349 Specifically, if <code>c</code> is a collection containing at least
350 <code>k</code> objects, and <code>randomData</code> is a
351 <code>RandomData</code> instance <code>randomData.nextSample(c, k)</code>
352 will return an <code>object[]</code> array of length <code>k</code>
353 consisting of elements randomly selected from the collection. If
354 <code>c</code> contains duplicate references, there may be duplicate
355 references in the returned array; otherwise returned elements will be
356 unique -- i.e., the sampling is without replacement among the object
357 references in the collection. </p>
358 <p>
359 If <code>randomData</code> is a <code>RandomData</code> instance, and
360 <code>n</code> and <code>k</code> are integers with
361 <code> k &lt;= n</code>, then
362 <code>randomData.nextPermutation(n, k)</code> returns an <code>int[]</code>
363 array of length <code>k</code> whose whose entries are selected randomly,
364 without repetition, from the integers <code>0</code> through
365 <code>n-1</code> (inclusive), i.e.,
366 <code>randomData.nextPermutation(n, k)</code> returns a random
367 permutation of <code>n</code> taken <code>k</code> at a time.
368 </p>
369 </div>
370 <div class="section"><h3><a name="a2.6_Generating_data_like_an_input_file"></a>2.6 Generating data 'like' an input file</h3>
371 <p>
372 Using the <code>ValueServer</code> class, you can generate data based on
373 the values in an input file in one of two ways:
374 <dl><dt>Replay Mode</dt>
375 <dd> The following code will read data from <code>url</code>
376 (a <code></code> instance), cycling through the values in the
377 file in sequence, reopening and starting at the beginning again when all
378 values have been read.
379 <div class="source"><pre>
380 ValueServer vs = new ValueServer();
381 vs.setValuesFileURL(url);
382 vs.setMode(ValueServer.REPLAY_MODE);
383 vs.resetReplayFile();
384 double value = vs.getNext();
385 // ...Generate and use more values...
386 vs.closeReplayFile();
387 </pre>
388 </div>
390 The values in the file are not stored in memory, so it does not matter
391 how large the file is, but you do need to explicitly close the file
392 as above. The expected file format is \n -delimited (i.e. one per line)
393 strings representing valid floating point numbers.
394 </dd>
395 <dt>Digest Mode</dt>
396 <dd>When used in Digest Mode, the ValueServer reads the entire input file
397 and estimates a probability density function based on data from the file.
398 The estimation method is essentially the
399 <a href="" class="externalLink">
400 Variable Kernel Method</a> with Gaussian smoothing. Once the density
401 has been estimated, <code>getNext()</code> returns random values whose
402 probability distribution matches the empirical distribution -- i.e., if
403 you generate a large number of such values, their distribution should
404 &quot;look like&quot; the distribution of the values in the input file. The values
405 are not stored in memory in this case either, so there is no limit to the
406 size of the input file. Here is an example:
407 <div class="source"><pre>
408 ValueServer vs = new ValueServer();
409 vs.setValuesFileURL(url);
410 vs.setMode(ValueServer.DIGEST_MODE);
411 vs.computeDistribution(500); //Read file and estimate distribution using 500 bins
412 double value = vs.getNext();
413 // ...Generate and use more values...
414 </pre>
415 </div>
417 See the javadoc for <code>ValueServer</code> and
418 <code>EmpiricalDistribution</code> for more details. Note that
419 <code>computeDistribution()</code> opens and closes the input file
420 by itself.
421 </dd>
422 </dl>
423 </p>
424 </div>
425 <div class="section"><h3><a name="a2.7_PRNG_Pluggability"></a>2.7 PRNG Pluggability</h3>
426 <p>
427 To enable alternative PRNGs to be &quot;plugged in&quot; to the commons-math data
428 generation utilities and to provide a generic means to replace
429 <code>java.util.Random</code> in applications, a random generator
430 adaptor framework has been added to commons-math. The
431 <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/random/RandomGenerator.html">
432 org.apache.commons.math.RandomGenerator</a> interface abstracts the public
433 interface of <code>java.util.Random</code> and any implementation of this
434 interface can be used as the source of random data for the commons-math
435 data generation classes. An abstract base class,
436 <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/random/AbstractRandomGenerator.html">
437 org.apache.commons.math.AbstractRandomGenerator</a> is provided to make
438 implementation easier. This class provides default implementations of
439 &quot;derived&quot; data generation methods based on the primitive,
440 <code>nextDouble().</code> To support generic replacement of
441 <code>java.util.Random</code>, the
442 <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/random/RandomAdaptor.html">
443 org.apache.commons.math.RandomAdaptor</a> class is provided, which
444 extends <code>java.util.Random</code> and wraps and delegates calls to
445 a <code>RandomGenerator</code> instance.
446 </p>
447 <p>
448 Examples:
449 <dl><dt>Create a RandomGenerator based on RngPack's Mersenne Twister</dt>
450 <dd>To create a RandomGenerator using the RngPack Mersenne Twister PRNG
451 as the source of randomness, extend <code>AbstractRandomGenerator</code>
452 overriding the derived methods that the RngPack implementation provides:
453 <div class="source"><pre>
454 import edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RanMT;
455 /**
456 * AbstractRandomGenerator based on RngPack RanMT generator.
457 */
458 public class RngPackGenerator extends AbstractRandomGenerator {
460 private RanMT random = new RanMT();
462 public void setSeed(long seed) {
463 random = new RanMT(seed);
464 }
466 public double nextDouble() {
467 return random.raw();
468 }
470 public double nextGaussian() {
471 return random.gaussian();
472 }
474 public int nextInt(int n) {
475 return random.choose(n);
476 }
478 public boolean nextBoolean() {
479 return random.coin();
480 }
481 }
482 </pre>
483 </div>
484 </dd>
485 <dt>Use the Mersenne Twister RandomGenerator in place of
486 <code>java.util.Random</code> in <code>RandomData</code></dt>
487 <dd><div class="source"><pre>
488 RandomData randomData = new RandomDataImpl(new RngPackGenerator());
489 </pre>
490 </div>
491 </dd>
492 <dt>Create an adaptor instance based on the Mersenne Twister generator
493 that can be used in place of a <code>Random</code></dt>
494 <dd><div class="source"><pre>
495 RandomGenerator generator = new RngPackGenerator();
496 Random random = RandomAdaptor.createAdaptor(generator);
497 // random can now be used in place of a Random instance, data generation
498 // calls will be delegated to the wrapped Mersenne Twister
499 </pre>
500 </div>
501 </dd>
502 </dl>
503 </p>
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