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        <div class="section"><h2><a name="a12_Optimization"></a>12 Optimization</h2>
<div class="section"><h3><a name="a12.1_Overview"></a>12.1 Overview</h3>
          The optimization package provides algorithms to optimize (i.e. either minimize
          or maximize) some objective or cost function. The package is split in several
          sub-packages dedicated to different kind of functions or algorithms.
          <ul><li>the univariate package handles univariate scalar functions,</li>
<li>the linear package handles multivariate vector linear functions
                with linear constraints,</li>
<li>the direct package handles multivariate scalar functions
            using direct search methods (i.e. not using derivatives),</li>
<li>the general package handles multivariate scalar or vector functions
            using derivatives.</li>
<li>the fitting package handles curve fitting by univariate real functions</li>
        The top level optimization package provides common interfaces for the optimization
        algorithms provided in sub-packages. The main interfaces defines defines optimizers
        and convergence checkers. The functions that are optimized by the algorithms provided
        by this package and its sub-packages are a subset of the one defined in the
        <code>analysis</code> package, namely the real and vector valued functions. These
        functions are called objective function here. When the goal is to minimize, the
        functions are often called cost function, this name is not used in this package.
        The type of goal, i.e. minimization or maximization, is defined by the enumerated
        <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/optimization/GoalType.html">
        GoalType</a> which has only two values: <code>MAXIMIZE</code> and <code>MINIMIZE</code>.
        Optimizers are the algorithms that will either minimize or maximize, the objective
        function by changing its input variables set until an optimal set is found. There
        are only four interfaces defining the common behavior of optimizers, one for each
        supported type of objective function:
        <ul><li><a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/optimization/UnivariateRealOptimizer.html">
              UnivariateRealOptimizer</a> for <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/analysis/UnivariateRealFunction.html">
              univariate real functions</a></li>
<li><a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/optimization/MultivariateRealOptimizer.html">
              MultivariateRealOptimizer</a> for <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/analysis/MultivariateRealFunction.html">
              multivariate real functions</a></li>
<li><a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/optimization/DifferentiableMultivariateRealOptimizer.html">
              DifferentiableMultivariateRealOptimizer</a> for <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/analysis/DifferentiableMultivariateRealFunction.html">
              differentiable multivariate real functions</a></li>
<li><a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/optimization/DifferentiableMultivariateVectorialOptimizer.html">
              DifferentiableMultivariateVectorialOptimizer</a> for <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/analysis/DifferentiableMultivariateVectorialFunction.html">
              differentiable multivariate vectorial functions</a></li>
        Despite there are only four types of supported optimizers, it is possible to optimize
        a transform a <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/analysis/MultivariateVectorialFunction.html">
        non-differentiable multivariate vectorial function</a> by converting it to a <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/analysis/MultivariateRealFunction.html">
        non-differentiable multivariate real function</a> thanks to the <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/optimization/LeastSquaresConverter.html">
        LeastSquaresConverter</a> helper class. The transformed function can be optimized using
        any implementation of the <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/optimization/MultivariateRealOptimizer.html">
        MultivariateRealOptimizer</a> interface.
        For each of the four types of supported optimizers, there is a special implementation
        which wraps a classical optimizer in order to add it a multi-start feature. This feature
        call the underlying optimizer several times in sequence with different starting points
        and returns the best optimum found or all optima if desired. This is a classical way to
        prevent being trapped into a local extremum when looking for a global one.
<div class="section"><h3><a name="a12.2_Univariate_Functions"></a>12.2 Univariate Functions</h3>
          A <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/optimization/UnivariateRealOptimizer.html">
          UnivariateRealOptimizer</a> is used to find the minimal values of a univariate real-valued
          function <code>f</code>.
          These algorithms usage is very similar to root-finding algorithms usage explained
          in the analysis package. The main difference is that the <code>solve</code> methods in root
          finding algorithms is replaced by <code>optimize</code> methods.
<div class="section"><h3><a name="a12.3_Linear_Programming"></a>12.3 Linear Programming</h3>
          This package provides an implementation of George Dantzig's simplex algorithm
          for solving linear optimization problems with linear equality and inequality
<div class="section"><h3><a name="a12.4_Direct_Methods"></a>12.4 Direct Methods</h3>
          Direct search methods only use cost function values, they don't
          need derivatives and don't either try to compute approximation of
          the derivatives. According to a 1996 paper by Margaret H. Wright
          (<a href="" class="externalLink">Direct
          Search Methods: Once Scorned, Now Respectable</a>), they are used
          when either the computation of the derivative is impossible (noisy
          functions, unpredictable discontinuities) or difficult (complexity,
          computation cost). In the first cases, rather than an optimum, a
          <em>not too bad</em> point is desired. In the latter cases, an
          optimum is desired but cannot be reasonably found. In all cases
          direct search methods can be useful.
          Simplex-based direct search methods are based on comparison of
          the cost function values at the vertices of a simplex (which is a
          set of n+1 points in dimension n) that is updated by the algorithms
          The instances can be built either in single-start or in
          multi-start mode. Multi-start is a traditional way to try to avoid
          being trapped in a local minimum and miss the global minimum of a
          function. It can also be used to verify the convergence of an
          algorithm. In multi-start mode, the <code>minimizes</code>method
          returns the best minimum found after all starts, and the <code>etMinima</code>
          method can be used to retrieve all minima from all starts (including the one
          already provided by the <code>minimizes</code> method).
          The <code>direct</code> package provides two solvers. The first one is the classical
          <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/optimization/direct/NelderMead.html">
          Nelder-Mead</a> method. The second one is Virginia Torczon's
          <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/optimization/direct/MultiDirectional.html">
          multi-directional</a> method.
<div class="section"><h3><a name="a12.5_General_Case"></a>12.5 General Case</h3>
          The general package deals with non-linear vectorial optimization problems when
          the partial derivatives of the objective function are available.
          One important class of estimation problems is weighted least
          squares problems. They basically consist in finding the values
          for some parameters p<sub>k</sub> such that a cost function
          J = sum(w<sub>i</sub>(mes<sub>i</sub> - mod<sub>i</sub>)<sup>2</sup>) is
          minimized. The various (target<sub>i</sub> - model<sub>i</sub>(p<sub>k</sub>))
          terms are called residuals. They represent the deviation between a set of
          target values target<sub>i</sub> and theoretical values computed from
          models model<sub>i</sub> depending on free parameters p<sub>k</sub>.
          The w<sub>i</sub> factors are weights. One classical use case is when the
          target values are experimental observations or measurements.
          Solving a least-squares problem is finding the free parameters p<sub>k</sub>
          of the theoretical models such that they are close to the target values, i.e.
          when the residual are small.
          Two optimizers are available in the general package, both devoted to least-squares
          problems. The first one is based on the <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/optimization/general/GaussNewtonOptimizer.html">
          Gauss-Newton</a> method. The second one is the <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/optimization/general/LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer.html">
          Levenberg-Marquardt</a> method.
          In order to solve a vectorial optimization problem, the user must provide it as
          an object implementing the <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/analysis/DifferentiableMultivariateVectorialFunction.html">
          DifferentiableMultivariateVectorialFunction</a> interface. The object will be provided to
          the <code>estimate</code> method of the optimizer, along with the target and weight arrays,
          thus allowing the optimizer to compute the residuals at will. The last parameter to the
          <code>estimate</code> method is the point from which the optimizer will start its
          search for the optimal point.
          In addition to least squares solving, the <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/optimization/general/NonLinearConjugateGradientOptimizer.html">
          NonLinearConjugateGradientOptimizer</a> class provides a non-linear conjugate gradient algorithm
          to optimize <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/optimization/DifferentiableMultivariateRealFunction.html">
          DifferentiableMultivariateRealFunction</a>. Both the Fletcher-Reeves and the Polak-Ribière
          search direction update methods are supported. It is also possible to set up a preconditioner
          or to change the line-search algorithm of the inner loop if desired (the default one is a Brent
<div class="section"><h3><a name="a12.6_Curve_Fitting"></a>12.6 Curve Fitting</h3>
          The fitting package deals with curve fitting for univariate real functions.
          When a univariate real function y = f(x) does depend on some unknown parameters
          p<sub>0</sub>, p<sub>1</sub> ... p<sub>n-1</sub>, curve fitting can be used to
          find these parameters. It does this by <em>fitting</em> the curve so it remains
          very close to a set of observed points (x<sub>0</sub>, y<sub>0</sub>),
          (x<sub>1</sub>, y<sub>1</sub>) ... (x<sub>k-1</sub>, y<sub>k-1</sub>). This
          fitting is done by finding the parameters values that minimizes the objective
          function sum(y<sub>i</sub>-f(x<sub>i</sub>))<sup>2</sup>. This is really a least
          squares problem.
          For all provided curve fitters, the operating principle is the same. Users must first
          create an instance of the fitter, then add the observed points and once the complete
          sample of observed points has been added they must call the <code>fit</code> method
          which will compute the parameters that best fit the sample. A weight is associated
          with each observed point, this allows to take into account uncertainty on some points
          when they come from loosy measurements for example. If no such information exist and
          all points should be treated the same, it is safe to put 1.0 as the weight for all points.
          The <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/optimization/fitting/CurveFitter.html">
          CurveFitter</a> class provides curve fitting for general curves. Users must
          provide their own implementation of the curve template as a class implementing
          the <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/optimization/fitting/ParametricRealFunction.html">
          ParametricRealFunction</a> interface and they must provide the initial guess of the
          parameters. The more specialized <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/optimization/fitting/PolynomialFitter.html">
          PolynomialFitter</a> and <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math/optimization/fitting/HarmonicFitter.html">
          HarmonicFitter</a> classes require neither an implementation of the parametric real function
          not an initial guess as they are able to compute them by themselves.
          An example of fitting a polynomial is given here:
<div class="source"><pre>PolynomialFitter fitter = new PolynomialFitter(degree, new LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer());
fitter.addObservedPoint(-1.00,  2.021170021833143);
fitter.addObservedPoint(-0.99   2.221135431136975);
fitter.addObservedPoint(-0.98   2.09985277659314);
fitter.addObservedPoint(-0.97   2.0211192647627025);
// lots of lines ommitted
fitter.addObservedPoint( 0.99, -2.4345814727089854);
PolynomialFunction fitted =;

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