1 /*
2 * DigilibConfiguration -- Holding all parameters for digilib servlet.
3 *
4 * Digital Image Library servlet components
5 *
6 * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Robert Casties (robcast@mail.berlios.de)
7 *
8 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
10 * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
11 * any later version.
12 *
13 * Please read license.txt for the full details. A copy of the GPL may be found
14 * at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html
15 *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
17 * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
18 * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
19 *
20 */
22 package digilib.servlet;
24 import java.io.File;
25 import java.util.Map;
26 import java.util.Map.Entry;
28 import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
29 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
31 import digilib.image.DocuImageImpl;
32 import digilib.io.FileOps;
33 import digilib.util.Parameter;
34 import digilib.util.XMLListLoader;
36 /**
37 * Class to hold the digilib servlet configuration parameters. The parameters
38 * can be read from the digilib-config file and be passed to other servlets or
39 * beans. <br>
40 * errorImgFileName: image file to send in case of error. <br>
41 * denyImgFileName: image file to send if access is denied. <br>
42 * baseDirs: array of base directories in order of preference (prescaled
43 * versions first). <br>
44 * useAuth: use authentication information. <br>
45 * authConfPath: authentication configuration file. <br>
46 * ... <br>
47 *
48 * @author casties
49 *
50 */
51 public class DigilibServletConfiguration extends DigilibConfiguration {
53 /**
54 * Definition of parameters and default values.
55 */
56 protected void initParams() {
57 /*
58 * Definition of parameters and default values. System parameters that
59 * are not read from config file have a type 's'.
60 */
62 // digilib servlet version
63 newParameter("servlet.version", digilib.servlet.Scaler.getVersion(),
64 null, 's');
65 // configuration file location
66 newParameter("servlet.config.file", null, null, 's');
67 // DocuDirCache instance
68 newParameter("servlet.dir.cache", null, null, 's');
69 // DocuImage class instance
70 newParameter("servlet.docuimage.class",
71 digilib.image.JAIDocuImage.class, null, 's');
72 // AuthOps instance for authentication
73 newParameter("servlet.auth.op", null, null, 's');
74 // Executor for image operations
75 newParameter("servlet.worker.imageexecutor", null, null, 's');
76 // Executor for PDF operations
77 newParameter("servlet.worker.pdfexecutor", null, null, 's');
78 // Executor for PDF-image operations
79 newParameter("servlet.worker.pdfimageexecutor", null, null, 's');
81 /*
82 * parameters that can be read from config file have a type 'f'
83 */
85 // image file to send in case of error
86 newParameter("error-image", new File("img/digilib-error.png"), null,
87 'f');
88 // image file to send if access is denied
89 newParameter("denied-image", new File("img/digilib-denied.png"), null,
90 'f');
91 // image file to send if image file not found
92 newParameter("notfound-image", new File("img/digilib-notfound.png"),
93 null, 'f');
94 // base directories in order of preference (prescaled versions last)
95 String[] bd = { "/docuserver/images", "/docuserver/scaled/small" };
96 newParameter("basedir-list", bd, null, 'f');
97 // use authentication information
98 newParameter("use-authorization", Boolean.FALSE, null, 'f');
99 // authentication configuration file
100 newParameter("auth-file", new File("digilib-auth.xml"), null, 'f');
101 // sending image files as-is allowed
102 newParameter("sendfile-allowed", Boolean.TRUE, null, 'f');
103 // Type of DocuImage instance
104 newParameter("docuimage-class", "digilib.image.JAIDocuImage", null, 'f');
105 // part of URL used to indicate authorized access
106 newParameter("auth-url-path", "authenticated/", null, 'f');
107 // degree of subsampling on image load
108 newParameter("subsample-minimum", new Float(2f), null, 'f');
109 // default scaling quality
110 newParameter("default-quality", new Integer(1), null, 'f');
111 // use mapping file to translate paths
112 newParameter("use-mapping", Boolean.FALSE, null, 'f');
113 // mapping file location
114 newParameter("mapping-file", new File("digilib-map.xml"), null, 'f');
115 // log4j config file location
116 newParameter("log-config-file", new File("log4j-config.xml"), null, 'f');
117 // maximum destination image size (0 means no limit)
118 newParameter("max-image-size", new Integer(0), null, 'f');
119 // number of working threads
120 newParameter("worker-threads", new Integer(1), null, 'f');
121 // max number of waiting threads
122 newParameter("max-waiting-threads", new Integer(20), null, 'f');
123 // number of pdf-generation threads
124 newParameter("pdf-worker-threads", new Integer(1), null, 'f');
125 // max number of waiting pdf-generation threads
126 newParameter("pdf-max-waiting-threads", new Integer(20), null, 'f');
127 // number of pdf-image generation threads
128 newParameter("pdf-image-worker-threads", new Integer(1), null, 'f');
129 // max number of waiting pdf-image generation threads
130 newParameter("pdf-image-max-waiting-threads", new Integer(10), null,
131 'f');
132 // PDF generation temp directory
133 newParameter("pdf-temp-dir", "pdf_temp", null, 'f');
134 // PDF generation cache directory
135 newParameter("pdf-cache-dir", "pdf_cache", null, 'f');
136 // allow image toolkit to use disk cache
137 newParameter("img-diskcache-allowed", Boolean.TRUE, null, 'f');
138 // default type of error message (image, text, code)
139 newParameter("default-errmsg-type", "image", null, 'f');
140 }
142 /**
143 * Constructor taking a ServletConfig. Reads the config file location from
144 * an init parameter and loads the config file. Calls
145 * <code>readConfig()</code>.
146 *
147 * @see readConfig()
148 */
149 public DigilibServletConfiguration(ServletContext c) throws Exception {
150 readConfig(c);
151 }
153 /**
154 * read parameter list from the XML file in init parameter "config-file" or
155 * file digilib-config.xml
156 */
157 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
158 public void readConfig(ServletContext c) throws Exception {
160 /*
161 * Get config file name. The file name is first looked for as an init
162 * parameter, then in a fixed location in the webapp.
163 */
164 if (c == null) {
165 // no config no file...
166 return;
167 }
168 String fn = c.getInitParameter("config-file");
169 if (fn == null) {
170 fn = ServletOps.getConfigFile("digilib-config.xml", c);
171 if (fn == null) {
172 logger.fatal("readConfig: no param config-file");
173 throw new ServletException("ERROR: no digilib config file!");
174 }
175 }
176 File f = new File(fn);
177 // setup config file list reader
178 XMLListLoader lilo = new XMLListLoader("digilib-config", "parameter",
179 "name", "value");
180 // read config file into HashMap
181 Map<String, String> confTable = lilo.loadURL(f.toURL().toString());
183 // set config file path parameter
184 setValue("servlet.config.file", f.getCanonicalPath());
186 /*
187 * read parameters
188 */
190 for (Entry<String, String> confEntry : confTable.entrySet()) {
191 Parameter p = get(confEntry.getKey());
192 if (p != null) {
193 if (p.getType() == 's') {
194 // type 's' Parameters are not overwritten.
195 continue;
196 }
197 if (!p.setValueFromString(confEntry.getValue())) {
198 /*
199 * automatic conversion failed -- try special cases
200 */
202 // basedir-list
203 if (confEntry.getKey().equals("basedir-list")) {
204 // split list into directories
205 String[] dirs = FileOps.pathToArray(confEntry.getValue());
206 for (int j = 0; j < dirs.length; j++) {
207 // make relative directory paths be inside the webapp
208 dirs[j] = ServletOps.getFile(dirs[j], c);
209 }
210 if (dirs != null) {
211 p.setValue(dirs);
212 }
213 }
214 }
215 } else {
216 // parameter unknown -- just add
217 newParameter(confEntry.getKey(), null, confEntry.getValue(),
218 'f');
219 }
220 }
221 // initialise static DocuImage class instance
222 DigilibServletConfiguration.docuImageClass = (Class<DocuImageImpl>) Class
223 .forName(getAsString("docuimage-class"));
224 }
226 }