diff xul/content/annota_ohne_annota.js @ 203:bf945fcf9105

restarting with version control of xul sidebar/toolbar
author luginbue
date Fri, 27 Feb 2004 11:24:53 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/xul/content/annota_ohne_annota.js	Fri Feb 27 11:24:53 2004 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+include ('chrome://jslib/content/io/dir.js');
+include ('chrome://jslib/content/io/file.js');
+include ('chrome://jslib/content/io/rdfBase.js');
+include ('chrome://jslib/content/io/rdfResource.js');
+include ('chrome://jslib/content/io/rdfContainer.js');
+include ('chrome://jslib/content/io/rdf.js');
+include ('chrome://jslib/content/io/rdfFile.js');
+include ('chrome://jslib/content/io/fileUtils.js');
+var slash='/';
+if (navigator.platform=="Win32"){
+   slash='\\';
+var directory=slash;
+var digilib_path=slash;
+function makePathCompatible(path){
+  if (navigator.platform=="Win32"){
+    // slash durch backslash ersetzten
+    path=path.replace(/\//g,"\\");
+    // nur 2 backslashs am anfang
+    path=path.replace(/^\\{3}/,"\\\\");
+    // vor Laufwerkbuchstaben kein Backslash
+    if (path.indexOf(":")>0){
+      path=path.replace(/^\\/g,"");
+    }
+    // nur ein Slash gibt Absturz
+    path=path.replace(/^\\$/,"c:\\");
+    //alert(path);
+  }
+  return path;
+function file_open(){
+  var nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
+  var fp = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"]
+        .createInstance(nsIFilePicker);
+  fp.init(window, "Select a Directory", nsIFilePicker.modeGetFolder);
+  // set default direcotry
+  var aLocalFile = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
+  directory=makePathCompatible(directory);
+  aLocalFile.initWithPath(directory);
+  fp.displayDirectory=aLocalFile;
+  var res=fp.show();
+  if (res==nsIFilePicker.returnOK){
+    directory=fp.fileURL.path;
+    directory=makePathCompatible(directory);
+    setTreeDirectory();
+  }
+function setTreeDirectory(){
+    var t=document.getElementById("file_tree");
+    t.setAttribute("ref","file://"+directory);
+function refreshTree(){
+   var t=document.getElementById("file_tree");
+   t.builder.rebuild(); 
+function file_save(){
+  // get Digilib-Parameter form Browser
+  // alert(window.content.location.href);
+ var documentpath='';
+   try{
+      documentpath=window.content.getParameter('fn'); 
+   }catch (e){
+      documentpath='';
+   }
+   if (documentpath != ''){
+     var docPath='urn:echo:'+documentpath;
+      var rdfString='<?xml version="1.0"?>' +
+                  '<RDF:RDF xmlns:NS1="http://echo.unibe.ch/digilib/rdf#"' +
+                  '         xmlns:RDF="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"' +
+                  '         xmlns:d="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.0/"' +
+                  '         xmlns:a="http://www.w3.org/2000/10/annotation-ns#">' +
+                  '         <RDF:Seq RDF:about="urn:echo">' +
+                  '         <RDF:li RDF:resource="'+docPath+'"/>' +
+                  '         </RDF:Seq>' +   
+                  '         <RDF:Description RDF:about="'+docPath+'" NS1:page=0"/>'+
+                  '</RDF:RDF>';
+     var ds=new RDFDataSource();
+     ds.parseFromString(rdfString,"http://echo.unibe.ch/digilib/rdf/digilib.rdf");
+     var node=ds.getNode(docPath);
+     var arrayParams=window.content.listParameters();
+     for (i=0; i< arrayParams.length; i++){
+        var value=window.content.getParameter(arrayParams[i]);
+        //alert(arrayParams[i]+":"+value);
+        node.addTarget("http://echo.unibe.ch/digilib/rdf#"+arrayParams[i],value);
+     }
+     node.addTarget("http://echo.unibe.ch/digilib/rdf#lv","1");
+     //alert(ds.serializeToString());
+     var nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
+     var fp = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"]
+           .createInstance(nsIFilePicker);
+     fp.init(window, "Select a File", nsIFilePicker.modeSave);
+     // set default direcotry
+     var aLocalFile = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
+     directory=makePathCompatible(directory);
+     aLocalFile.initWithPath(directory);
+     fp.displayDirectory=aLocalFile;     
+     fp.appendFilter("Annotations","*.rdf; *.RDF");
+     var res=fp.show();
+     if (res==nsIFilePicker.returnOK){
+       var thefile=fp.file;
+       // --- do something with the file here ---
+       //alert(fp.file);
+       //alert(fp.fileURL.path);
+       var strFilePath=fp.file.path;
+       strFilePath=strFilePath.toLowerCase();
+       if (strFilePath.indexOf('.rdf')<0){
+          strFilePath=fp.fileURL.path+".rdf";
+       }else{
+          strFilePath=fp.fileURL.path;
+       }
+       strFilePath=makePathCompatible(strFilePath);
+       var f=new File(strFilePath);
+       //var boolFileExists=f.exists();
+       //alert(boolFileExists);
+       f.create();
+       f.open('w');
+       f.write(ds.serializeToString());
+       f.close();
+       refreshTree();
+     }
+  }else{
+     alert("Error: no alcatraz component. can't create an annotation.");
+  }
+function file_local(){
+  // noch nicht programmiert
+function file_annotaDB(){
+  alert("At the moment it is not possible to use the annota DB! This feature is not yet programmed.");
+  var menu_item=document.getElementById('local');
+  menu_item.setAttribute('checked','true');
+function tree_click(){
+   var t=document.getElementById("file_tree");    //tree element
+   var l=t.view.getItemAtIndex(t.currentIndex);   //aus baum treeitem herausholen mit dem selected index (currentIndex)   
+                                                  //l.firstChild ist treeitem
+   var d=l.firstChild.firstChild;                 //treecell
+   var firstLabel=d.getAttribute("label"); 
+   var cols=document.getElementById("cols");
+   var col=cols.childNodes;
+   var nodes=l.firstChild.childNodes;
+   var rdf_file="";
+   for (var i=0;i<nodes.length;i++){
+      if (col[i].getAttribute("label")=="URL"){
+         rdf_file=nodes[i].getAttribute("label");
+      }
+   }
+   if (rdf_file!=""){
+     send_annotation(rdf_file);
+   }
+   return rdf_file;  
+* Diese Funktion wird gebraucht um im Dialog den Pfad zu digilib zu setzen
+function setDigilibPath(digilibPathValue){
+   digilib_path=digilibPathValue;
+* Dialog tools momentan kann man nur den Pfad zu digilib setzen
+function show_dialog(dialog){
+  if (dialog=="tool path"){
+    window.openDialog("tools_dialog.xul","funny dialog",
+                  "chrome",digilib_path,setDigilibPath);
+  }
+* Gibt den Inhalt eines Files als String zurueck
+function readFile(str_Filename){
+  var f=new File(str_Filename);
+  var str="";
+  if (f.isFile()){
+    f.open();
+    str=f.read();
+    f.close();
+  }
+  return str;
+function send_annotation(rdf_file){
+   rdf_file=rdf_file.replace(/^file:\/\//,"");
+   rdf_file=makePathCompatible(rdf_file);
+   strRdfFile=readFile(rdf_file);
+   if (strRdfFile!=""){
+     var formid='mainform';   
+     var form = createForm(formid, digilib_path+"/digilib.jsp", "post", "_content");
+     //var form = createForm(formid, "http://sophia.unibe.ch:8080/examples/servlet/RequestRDF", "post", "_content");
+     //var form = createForm(formid, "http://hera.unibe.ch:8080/examples/servlet/RequestRDF", "post", "_content");
+     setFormData(form, formid, strRdfFile);
+     form.submit();
+   }
+function createForm(formid, action, method, target)
+     var form = document.getElementById(formid);
+     if(form != null)
+     document.documentElement.removeChild(form);
+     var form = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "form");
+     form.setAttribute("id", formid);
+     form.setAttribute("action", action);
+     form.setAttribute("method", method);
+     form.setAttribute("target", target);
+     document.documentElement.appendChild(form);
+     return form;
+function setFormData(form, formid, rdf)
+     var val1 = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "input");
+     val1.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
+     val1.setAttribute('name', 'rdf');
+     val1.setAttribute('value', rdf);
+     form.appendChild(val1); 
+function getProfileDirectory(){
+ // First get the directory service and query interface it to
+   // nsIProperties
+   var dirService = Components.
+       classes['@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1'].
+       getService(Components.interfaces.nsIProperties);
+   // Next get the "ProfD" property of type nsIFile from the directory
+   // service, FYI this constant is defined in
+   // mozilla/xpcom/io/nsAppDirectoryServiceDefs.h
+   const NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR = "ProfD";
+   profileDir = dirService.get(NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR,
+        Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
+   // Now that we have it we can show it's path. See nsIFile for the
+   // other things you that can be done with profileDir
+   //alert(profileDir.path);
+   return profileDir.path;
+function getProfile(){
+   var strProfile=readFile(getProfileDirectory()+slash+"annota.dat");
+   if (strProfile==""){
+      directory=slash;
+      digilib_path="http://hera.unibe.ch:8080/alcatraz";
+      setProfile();
+   }else{
+      var params=strProfile.split("\n");
+      for (var i=0;i<params.length;i++){
+         var key_value=params[i].split("|");
+	 if (key_value[0]=='directory'){
+	    directory=key_value[1];
+         }
+	 if (key_value[0]=='tool path'){
+	    digilib_path=key_value[1];
+         }
+      }
+   }
+function setProfile(){
+   var f=new File(getProfileDirectory()+slash+'annota.dat');
+   f.create();
+   f.open('w');
+   f.write('directory|'+directory+'\n'+'tool path|'+digilib_path+'\n');
+   f.close();
+function traverse(node){
+   if (node.hasChildNodes){   
+      var arr_nodes=node.childNodes;  
+      for (var i=0;i<arr_nodes.length;i++){
+	 if (arr_nodes[i].getAttribute("open")){
+            //alert(arr_nodes[i].getAttribute("open"));
+            if (arr_nodes[i].hasChildNodes && arr_nodes[i].firstChild.hasChildNodes){
+               alert(arr_nodes[i].firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute("label"));
+            }
+         }         
+         traverse(arr_nodes[i]);  
+      }
+   }
+function traverseTree(){
+    var t=document.getElementById("file_tree");
+    traverse(t);