diff client/digitallibrary/greyskin/fixed.js @ 481:e45de6ca9b9c

added script that adds css "fixed" attribute for IE
author hertzhaft
date Fri, 04 May 2007 18:55:26 +0200
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/client/digitallibrary/greyskin/fixed.js	Fri May 04 18:55:26 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+// fixed.js: fix fixed positioning and fixed backgrounds in IE/Win
+// version 1.8, 08-Aug-2003
+// written by Andrew Clover <and@doxdesk.com>, use freely
+@if (@_win32 && @_jscript_version>4)
+var fixed_positions= new Array();
+var fixed_backgrounds= new Array();
+var fixed_viewport;
+// Initialisation. Called when the <body> tag arrives. Set up viewport so the
+// rest of the script knows we're going, and add a measurer div, used to detect
+// font size changes and measure image sizes for backgrounds later   
+function fixed_init() {
+  fixed_viewport= (document.compatMode=='CSS1Compat') ?
+    document.documentElement : document.body;
+  var el= document.createElement('div');
+  el.setAttribute('id', 'fixed-measure');
+  el.style.position= 'absolute';
+  el.style.top= '0'; el.style.left= '0';
+  el.style.overflow= 'hidden'; el.style.visibility= 'hidden';
+  el.style.fontSize= 'xx-large'; el.style.height= '5em';
+  el.style.setExpression('width', 'fixed_measureFont()');
+  document.body.insertBefore(el, document.body.firstChild);
+// Binding. Called every time an element is added to the document, check it
+// for fixed features, if found add to our lists and set initial props   
+function fixed_bind(el) {
+  var needLayout= false;
+  var tag= el.tagName.toLowerCase();
+  var st= el.style;
+  var cst= el.currentStyle;
+  var anc;
+  // find fixed-position elements
+  if (cst.position=='fixed') {
+    needLayout= true;
+    fixed_positions[fixed_positions.length]= el;
+    // store original positioning as we'll overwrite it
+    st.position= 'absolute';
+    st.fixedPLeft=   cst.left;
+    st.fixedPTop=    cst.top;
+    st.fixedPRight=  cst.right;
+    st.fixedPBottom= cst.bottom;
+    st.fixedPWidth=  fixed_parseLength(cst.width);
+    st.fixedPHeight= fixed_parseLength(cst.height);
+    // find element that will act as containing box, for convenience later
+    st.fixedCB= null;
+    for (anc= el; (anc= anc.parentElement).parentElement;) {
+      if (anc.currentStyle.position!='static') {
+        st.fixedCB= anc;
+        break;
+    } }
+    // detect nested fixed positioning (only ancestor need move)
+    st.fixedNest= false;
+    for (anc= el; anc= anc.parentElement;) {
+      if (anc.style.fixedNest!=null)
+        st.fixedNest= true;
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  // find fixed-background elements (not body/html which IE already gets right)
+  if (cst.backgroundAttachment=='fixed' && tag!='body' && tag!='html') {
+    needLayout= true;
+    fixed_backgrounds[fixed_backgrounds.length]= el;
+    // get background offset, converting from keyword if necessary
+    st.fixedBLeft= fixed_parseLength(cst.backgroundPositionX);
+    st.fixedBTop=  fixed_parseLength(cst.backgroundPositionY);
+    // if it's a non-zero %age, need to know size of image for layout
+    if (st.fixedBLeft[1]=='%' || st.fixedBTop[1]=='%') {
+      st.fixedBWidth= 0; st.fixedBHeight= 0;
+      fixed_measureBack(el);
+    }
+  }
+  if (needLayout) fixed_layout();
+// Layout. On every window or font size change, recalculate positioning   
+// Request re-layout at next free moment
+var fixed_delaying= false;
+function fixed_delayout() {
+  if (fixed_delaying) return;
+  fixed_delaying= true;
+  window.setTimeout(fixed_layout, 0);
+var fixed_ARBITRARY= 200;
+function fixed_layout() {
+  fixed_delaying= false;
+  if (!fixed_viewport) return;
+  var i, el, st, j, pr, tmp, A= 'auto';
+  var cb, cbLeft, cbTop, cbRight, cbBottom, oLeft, oTop, oRight, oBottom;
+  var vpWidth=fixed_viewport.clientWidth, vpHeight=fixed_viewport.clientHeight;
+  // calculate initial position for fixed-position elements [black magic]
+  for (i= fixed_positions.length; i-->0;) {
+    el= fixed_positions[i]; st= el.style;
+    // find positioning of containing block
+    cb= st.fixedCB; if (!cb) cb= fixed_viewport;
+    cbLeft= fixed_pageLeft(cb); cbTop= fixed_pageTop(cb);
+    if (cb!=fixed_viewport) { cbLeft+= cb.clientLeft; cbTop+= cb.clientTop; }
+    cbRight= fixed_viewport.clientWidth-cbLeft-cb.clientWidth;
+    cbBottom= fixed_viewport.clientHeight-cbTop-cb.clientHeight;
+    // if size is in %, must recalculate relative to viewport
+    if (st.fixedPWidth[1]=='%')
+      st.width= Math.round(vpWidth*st.fixedPWidth[0]/100)+'px';
+    if (st.fixedPHeight[1]=='%')
+      st.height= Math.round(vpHeight*st.fixedPHeight[0]/100)+'px';
+    // find out offset values at max size, to account for margins
+    st.left= A; st.right= '0'; st.top= A; st.bottom= '0';
+    oRight= el.offsetLeft+el.offsetWidth; oBottom= el.offsetTop+el.offsetHeight;
+    st.left= '0'; st.right= A; st.top= '0'; st.bottom= A;
+    oLeft= el.offsetLeft; oTop= el.offsetTop;
+    // use this to convert all edges to pixels
+    st.left= A; st.right= st.fixedPRight;
+    st.top= A; st.bottom= st.fixedPBottom;
+    oRight-= el.offsetLeft+el.offsetWidth;
+    oBottom-= el.offsetTop+el.offsetHeight;
+    st.left= st.fixedPLeft; st.top= st.fixedPTop;
+    oLeft= el.offsetLeft-oLeft; oTop= el.offsetTop-oTop;
+    // edge positioning fix
+    if (st.fixedPWidth[1]==A && st.fixedPLeft!=A && st.fixedPRight!=A) {
+      tmp= el.offsetLeft; st.left= A; st.width= fixed_ARBITRARY+'px';
+      tmp= fixed_ARBITRARY+el.offsetLeft-tmp+cbLeft+cbRight;
+      st.left= st.fixedPLeft; st.width= ((tmp<1)?1:tmp)+'px';
+    }
+    if (st.fixedPHeight[1]==A && st.fixedPTop!=A && st.fixedPBottom!=A) {
+      tmp= el.offsetTop; st.top= A; st.height= fixed_ARBITRARY+'px';
+      tmp= fixed_ARBITRARY+el.offsetTop-tmp+cbTop+cbBottom;
+      st.top= st.fixedPTop; st.height= ((tmp<1)?1:tmp)+'px';
+    }
+    // move all non-auto edges relative to the viewport
+    st.fixedCLeft= (st.fixedPLeft=='auto') ? oLeft : oLeft-cbLeft;
+    st.fixedCTop= (st.fixedPTop=='auto') ? oTop : oTop-cbTop;
+    st.fixedCRight= (st.fixedPRight=='auto') ? oRight : oRight-cbRight;
+    st.fixedCBottom= (st.fixedPBottom=='auto') ? oBottom : oBottom-cbBottom;
+    // remove left-positioning of right-positioned elements
+    if (st.fixedPLeft=='auto' && st.fixedPRight!='auto') st.fixedCLeft= 'auto';
+    if (st.fixedPTop=='auto' && st.fixedPBottom!='auto') st.fixedCTop= 'auto';
+  }
+  // calculate initial positioning of fixed backgrounds
+  for (i= fixed_backgrounds.length; i-->0;) {
+    el= fixed_backgrounds[i]; st= el.style;
+    tmp= st.fixedBImage;
+    if (tmp) {
+      if (tmp.readyState!='uninitialized') {
+        st.fixedBWidth= tmp.offsetWidth;
+        st.fixedBHeight= tmp.offsetHeight;
+        st.fixedBImage= window.undefined;
+      }
+    }
+    st.fixedBX= fixed_length(el, st.fixedBLeft, vpWidth-st.fixedBWidth);
+    st.fixedBY= fixed_length(el, st.fixedBTop, vpHeight-st.fixedBHeight);
+  }
+  // now call scroll() to set the positions from the values just calculated
+  fixed_scroll();
+// Scrolling. Offset fixed elements relative to viewport scrollness
+var fixed_lastX, fixed_lastY;
+var fixed_PATCHDELAY= 300;
+var fixed_patching= false;
+// callback function after a scroll, because incorrect scroll position is
+// often reported first go!
+function fixed_patch() {
+  fixed_patching= false;
+  var scrollX= fixed_viewport.scrollLeft, scrollY= fixed_viewport.scrollTop;
+  if (scrollX!=fixed_lastX && scrollY!=fixed_lastY) fixed_scroll();
+function fixed_scroll() {
+  if (!fixed_viewport) return;
+  var i, el, st, viewportX, viewportY;
+  var scrollX= fixed_viewport.scrollLeft, scrollY= fixed_viewport.scrollTop;
+  fixed_lastX= scrollX; fixed_lastY= scrollY;
+  // move non-nested fixed-position elements
+  for (i= fixed_positions.length; i-->0;) {
+    st= fixed_positions[i].style;
+    viewportX= (st.fixedNest) ? 0 : scrollX;
+    viewportY= (st.fixedNest) ? 0 : scrollY;
+    if (st.fixedCLeft!='auto') st.left= (st.fixedCLeft+viewportX)+'px';
+    if (st.fixedCTop!='auto') st.top= (st.fixedCTop+viewportY)+'px';
+    viewportX= (st.fixedCB==null || st.fixedCB==fixed_viewport) ? 0 : viewportX;
+    viewportY= (st.fixedCB==null || st.fixedCB==fixed_viewport) ? 0 : viewportY;
+    st.right= (st.fixedCRight-viewportX+1)+'px'; st.right= (st.fixedCRight-viewportX)+'px';
+    st.bottom= (st.fixedCBottom-viewportY+1)+'px'; st.bottom= (st.fixedCBottom-viewportY)+'px';
+  }
+  // align fixed backgrounds to viewport
+  for (i= fixed_backgrounds.length; i-->0;) {
+    el= fixed_backgrounds[i]; st= el.style;
+    viewportX= scrollX;
+    viewportY= scrollY;
+    while (el.offsetParent) {
+      viewportX-= el.offsetLeft+el.clientLeft;
+      viewportY-= el.offsetTop +el.clientTop;
+      el= el.offsetParent;
+    }
+    st.backgroundPositionX= (st.fixedBX+viewportX)+'px';
+    st.backgroundPositionY= (st.fixedBY+viewportY)+'px';
+  }
+  // call back again in a tic
+  if (!fixed_patching) {
+    fixed_patching= true;
+    window.setTimeout(fixed_patch, fixed_PATCHDELAY);
+  }
+// Measurement. Load bg-image into an invisible element on the page, when
+// loaded write the width/height to an element's style for layout use; detect
+// when font size changes
+function fixed_measureBack(el) {
+  var measure= document.getElementById('fixed-measure');
+  var img= document.createElement('img');
+  img.setAttribute('src', fixed_parseURL(el.currentStyle.backgroundImage));
+  measure.appendChild(img);
+  el.style.fixedBImage= img;
+  if (img.readyState=='uninitialized')
+    img.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', fixed_measureBackImage_ready);
+function fixed_measureBackImage_ready() {
+  var img= event.srcElement;
+  if (img && img.readyState!='uninitialized') {
+    img.detachEvent('onreadystatechange', fixed_measureBackImage_ready);
+    fixed_layout();
+  }
+var fixed_fontsize= 0;
+function fixed_measureFont() {
+  var fs= document.getElementById('fixed-measure').offsetHeight;
+  if (fixed_fontsize!=fs && fixed_fontsize!=0)
+    fixed_delayout();
+  fixed_fontsize= fs;
+  return '5em';
+// Utility. General-purpose functions
+// parse url() to get value inside
+function fixed_parseURL(v) {
+  v= v.substring(4, v.length-1);
+  if (v.charAt(0)=='"' && v.charAt(v.length-1)=='"' ||
+      v.charAt(0)=="'" && v.charAt(v.length-1)=="'")
+    return v.substring(1, v.length-1);
+  else return v;
+// parse length or auto or background-position keyword into number and unit
+var fixed_numberChars= '+-0123456789.';
+var fixed_ZERO= new Array(0, 'px');
+var fixed_50PC= new Array(50, '%');
+var fixed_100PC= new Array(100, '%');
+var fixed_AUTO= new Array(0, 'auto');
+function fixed_parseLength(v) {
+  var num, i;
+  if (v=='left'  || v=='top')    return fixed_ZERO;
+  if (v=='right' || v=='bottom') return fixed_100PC;
+  if (v=='center') return fixed_50PC;
+  if (v=='auto')   return fixed_AUTO;
+  i= 0;
+  while (i<v.length && fixed_numberChars.indexOf(v.charAt(i))!=-1)
+    i++;
+  num= parseFloat(v.substring(0, i));
+  if (num==0) return fixed_ZERO;
+  else return new Array(num, v.substring(i));
+// convert parsed (number, unit) into a number of pixels
+function fixed_length(el, l, full) {
+  var tmp, x;
+  if (l[1]=='px') return l[0];
+  if (l[1]=='%')  return Math.round(full*l[0]/100);
+  // other units - measure by setting position; this is rather inefficient
+  // but then these units are used for background-position so seldom...
+  tmp= el.currentStyle.left;
+  el.style.left= '0';
+  x= el.offsetLeft;
+  el.style.left= l[0]+l[1];
+  x= el.offsetLeft-x;
+  el.style.left= tmp;
+  return x;
+// convert stupid IE offsetLeft/Top to page-relative values
+function fixed_pageLeft(el) {
+  var v= 0;
+  while (el.offsetParent) {
+    v+= el.offsetLeft;
+    el= el.offsetParent;
+  }
+  return v;
+function fixed_pageTop(el) {
+  var v= 0;
+  while (el.offsetParent) {
+    v+= el.offsetTop;
+    el= el.offsetParent;
+  }
+  return v;
+// Scanning. Check document every so often until it has finished loading. Do
+// nothing until <body> arrives, then call main init. Pass any new elements
+// found on each scan to be bound   
+var fixed_SCANDELAY= 500;
+function fixed_scan() {
+  if (!document.body) return;
+  if (!fixed_viewport) fixed_init();
+  var el;
+  for (var i= 0; i<document.all.length; i++) {
+    el= document.all[i];
+    if (!el.fixed_bound) {
+      el.fixed_bound= true;
+      fixed_bind(el);
+  } }
+var fixed_scanner;
+function fixed_stop() {
+  window.clearInterval(fixed_scanner);
+  fixed_scan();
+fixed_scanner= window.setInterval(fixed_scan, fixed_SCANDELAY);
+window.attachEvent('onload', fixed_stop);
+window.attachEvent('onresize', fixed_delayout);
+window.attachEvent('onscroll', fixed_scroll);
+@end @*/