view common/src/main/java/digilib/image/ @ 964:0b5fa035af30

fixed old versions in poms.
author casties
date Wed, 25 Jan 2012 16:41:43 +0100
parents 28d007673346
line wrap: on
line source

package digilib.image;

import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import digilib.image.DocuImage.ColorOp;
import digilib.servlet.DigilibConfiguration;
import digilib.util.ImageSize;
import digilib.util.OptionsSet;
import digilib.util.Parameter;
import digilib.util.ParameterMap;

 * A class for storing the set of parameters necessary for scaling images 
 * with an ImageWorker.
 * This contains the functionality formerly found in Scaler.processRequest(),
 * only factorized.
 * @author cmielack, casties

public class ImageJobDescription extends ParameterMap {
	DigilibConfiguration dlConfig = null;
	protected static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("digilib.servlet");

	ImageInput input = null;
	ImageSet imageSet = null;
	DocuDirectory fileDir = null;
	DocuImage docuImage = null;
	String filePath = null;
	ImageSize expectedSourceSize = null;
	Float scaleXY = null;
	Rectangle2D userImgArea = null;
	Rectangle2D outerUserImgArea = null;
	Boolean imageSendable = null;
	String mimeType = null;
	Integer paramDW = null;
	Integer paramDH = null;

	/** create empty ImageJobDescription.
	 * @param dlcfg
	public ImageJobDescription(DigilibConfiguration dlcfg) {
		dlConfig = dlcfg;

	/** set up Parameters
	 * @see digilib.util.ParameterMap#initParams()
	protected void initParams() {
		// url of the page/document (second part)
		newParameter("fn", "", null, 's');
		// page number
		newParameter("pn", new Integer(1), null, 's');
		// width of client in pixels
		newParameter("dw", new Integer(0), null, 's');
		// height of client in pixels
		newParameter("dh", new Integer(0), null, 's');
		// left edge of image (float from 0 to 1)
		newParameter("wx", new Float(0), null, 's');
		// top edge in image (float from 0 to 1)
		newParameter("wy", new Float(0), null, 's');
		// width of image (float from 0 to 1)
		newParameter("ww", new Float(1), null, 's');
		// height of image (float from 0 to 1)
		newParameter("wh", new Float(1), null, 's');
		// scale factor
		newParameter("ws", new Float(1), null, 's');
		// special options like 'fit' for gifs
		newParameter("mo", this.options, null, 's');
		// rotation angle (degree)
		newParameter("rot", new Float(0), null, 's');
		// contrast enhancement factor
		newParameter("cont", new Float(0), null, 's');
		// brightness enhancement factor
		newParameter("brgt", new Float(0), null, 's');
		// color multiplicative factors
		newParameter("rgbm", "0/0/0", null, 's');
		// color additive factors
		newParameter("rgba", "0/0/0", null, 's');
		// display dpi resolution (total)
		newParameter("ddpi", new Float(0), null, 's');
		// display dpi X resolution
		newParameter("ddpix", new Float(0), null, 's');
		// display dpi Y resolution
		newParameter("ddpiy", new Float(0), null, 's');
		// scale factor for mo=ascale
		newParameter("scale", new Float(1), null, 's');
		// color conversion operation
		newParameter("colop", "", null, 's');

	/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see digilib.servlet.ParameterMap#initOptions()
	protected void initOptions() {
		String s = this.getAsString("mo");
		options = new OptionsSet(s);

	/** Creates new ImageJobDescription by merging Parameters from another ParameterMap.
	 * @param pm
	 * @param dlcfg
	 * @return
	public static ImageJobDescription getInstance(ParameterMap pm, DigilibConfiguration dlcfg) {
		ImageJobDescription newMap = new ImageJobDescription(dlcfg);
		// add all params to this map
		return newMap;

	/** Returns the mime-type (of the input). 
	 * @return
	 * @throws IOException
	public String getMimeType() throws IOException {
		if (mimeType == null) {
			input = getInput();
			mimeType = input.getMimetype();
		return mimeType;
     * @param input the input to set
    public void setInput(ImageInput input) {
        this.input = input;

    /** Returns the ImageInput to use.
	 * @return
	 * @throws IOException
	public ImageInput getInput() throws IOException {
		if(input == null){
			imageSet = getImageSet();
			/* select a resolution */
			if (isHiresOnly()) {
				// get first element (= highest resolution)
				input = imageSet.getBiggest();
			} else if (isLoresOnly()) {
				// enforced lores uses next smaller resolution
				input = imageSet.getNextSmaller(getExpectedSourceSize());
				if (input == null) {
					// this is the smallest we have
					input = imageSet.getSmallest();
			} else {
				// autores: use next higher resolution
				input = imageSet.getNextBigger(getExpectedSourceSize());
				if (input == null) {
					// this is the highest we have
					input = imageSet.getBiggest();
			if (input == null || input.getMimetype() == null) {
			    throw new FileOpException("Unable to load "+input);
  "Planning to load: " + input);
		return input;
	/** Returns the DocuDirectory for the input (file). 
	 * @return
	 * @throws FileOpException
	public DocuDirectory getFileDirectory() throws FileOpException {
		if(fileDir == null){
			DocuDirCache dirCache = (DocuDirCache) dlConfig.getValue("servlet.dir.cache");
			String fp = getFilePath();
			fileDir = dirCache.getDirectory(fp);
			if (fileDir == null) {
				throw new FileOpException("Directory " + getFilePath() + " not found.");
		return fileDir;
    /** Returns the ImageSet to load.
     * @return
     * @throws FileOpException
    public ImageSet getImageSet() throws FileOpException {
            DocuDirCache dirCache = (DocuDirCache) dlConfig.getValue("servlet.dir.cache");
            imageSet = (ImageSet) dirCache.getFile(getFilePath(), getAsInt("pn"), FileClass.IMAGE);
            if (imageSet == null) {
                throw new FileOpException("File " + getFilePath() + "("
                        + getAsInt("pn") + ") not found.");
        return imageSet;
	/** Returns the file path name from the request.
	 * @return
	public String getFilePath() {
		if(filePath == null){
			String s = this.getAsString("request.path");
			s += this.getAsString("fn");
			filePath = FileOps.normalName(s);
		return filePath;

	public boolean isHiresOnly(){
		return hasOption("clip") || hasOption("hires");
	public boolean isLoresOnly(){
		return hasOption("lores");

	public boolean isScaleToFit() {
		return !(hasOption("clip") || hasOption("osize") || hasOption("ascale"));

	public boolean isAbsoluteScale(){
		return hasOption("osize") || hasOption("ascale");
	/** Returns the minimum size the source image should have for scaling.
	 * @return
	 * @throws IOException
	public ImageSize getExpectedSourceSize() throws IOException {
		if (expectedSourceSize == null){
			expectedSourceSize = new ImageSize();
			if (isScaleToFit()) {
				// scale to fit -- calculate minimum source size
				float scale = (1 / Math.min(getAsFloat("ww"), getAsFloat("wh"))) * getAsFloat("ws");
				expectedSourceSize.setSize((int) (getDw() * scale),
						(int) (getDh() * scale));
			} else if (isAbsoluteScale() && hasOption("ascale")) {
				// absolute scale -- apply scale to hires size
				expectedSourceSize = getHiresSize().getScaled(getAsFloat("scale"));
			} else {
				// clip to fit -- source = destination size
				expectedSourceSize.setSize((int) (getDw() * getAsFloat("ws")),
						(int) (getDh() * getAsFloat("ws")));
		return expectedSourceSize;
	/** Returns the size of the highest resolution image.
	 * @return
	 * @throws IOException
	public ImageSize getHiresSize() throws IOException {

		ImageSize hiresSize = null;
		ImageSet fileset = getImageSet();
		if (isAbsoluteScale()) {
			ImageInput hiresFile = fileset.getBiggest();
			hiresSize = hiresFile.getSize();
		return hiresSize;
	/** Returns image scaling factor.
	 * Uses image size and user parameters.
	 * Modifies scaleXY, userImgArea. 
	 * @return
	 * @throws IOException
	 * @throws ImageOpException
	public float getScaleXY() throws IOException, ImageOpException {
		if(scaleXY == null){
			// coordinates and scaling
			float areaWidth;
			float areaHeight;
			float ws = getAsFloat("ws");
			ImageSize imgSize = getInput().getSize();
			// user window area in [0,1] coordinates
			Rectangle2D relUserArea = new Rectangle2D.Float(getAsFloat("wx"), getAsFloat("wy"),
					getAsFloat("ww"), getAsFloat("wh"));
			// transform from relative [0,1] to image coordinates.
			AffineTransform imgTrafo = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(imgSize
					.getWidth(), imgSize.getHeight());
			// transform user coordinate area to image coordinate area
			userImgArea = imgTrafo.createTransformedShape(
			if (isScaleToFit()) {
				// calculate scaling factors based on inner user area
				areaWidth = (float) userImgArea.getWidth();
				areaHeight = (float) userImgArea.getHeight();
				float scaleX = getDw() / areaWidth * ws;
				float scaleY = getDh() / areaHeight * ws;
				scaleXY = (scaleX > scaleY) ? scaleY : scaleX;
			} else if (isAbsoluteScale()) {
				// absolute scaling factor
				if (hasOption("osize")) {
					// get original resolution from metadata
					float origResX = imageSet.getResX();
					float origResY = imageSet.getResY();
					if ((origResX == 0) || (origResY == 0)) {
						throw new ImageOpException("Missing image DPI information!");
					float ddpix = getAsFloat("ddpix");
                    float ddpiy = getAsFloat("ddpiy");
					if (ddpix == 0 || ddpiy == 0) {
					    float ddpi = getAsFloat("ddpi");
					    if (ddpi == 0) {
					        throw new ImageOpException("Missing display DPI information!");
					    } else {
					        ddpix = ddpi;
					        ddpiy = ddpi;
					// calculate absolute scale factor
					float sx = ddpix / origResX;
					float sy = ddpiy / origResY;
					// currently only same scale -- mean value
					scaleXY = (sx + sy) / 2f;
				} else {
					scaleXY = getAsFloat("scale");
				// we need to correct the factor if we use a pre-scaled image
				ImageSize hiresSize = getHiresSize();
				if (imgSize.getWidth() != hiresSize.getWidth()) {
					scaleXY *= (float)hiresSize.getWidth() / (float)imgSize.getWidth();
				areaWidth = getDw() / scaleXY * ws;
				areaHeight = getDh() / scaleXY * ws;
				// reset user area size
				userImgArea.setRect(userImgArea.getX(), userImgArea.getY(),
						areaWidth, areaHeight);
			} else {
				// crop to fit -- don't scale
				areaWidth = getDw() * ws;
				areaHeight = getDh() * ws;
				// reset user area size
				userImgArea.setRect(userImgArea.getX(), userImgArea.getY(),
						areaWidth, areaHeight);
				scaleXY = 1f;
		return (float) scaleXY;
	/** Returns the width of the destination image.
	 * Uses dh parameter and aspect ratio if dw parameter is empty. 
	 * @return
	 * @throws IOException
	public int getDw() throws IOException {
		if (paramDW == null) {

			paramDW = getAsInt("dw");
			paramDH = getAsInt("dh");

			float imgAspect = getInput().getAspect();
			if (paramDW == 0) {
				// calculate dw
				paramDW = Math.round(paramDH * imgAspect);
				setValue("dw", paramDW);
			} else if (paramDH == 0) {
				// calculate dh
				paramDH = Math.round(paramDW / imgAspect);
				setValue("dh", paramDH);
		return paramDW;
	/** Returns the height of the destination image.
	 * Uses dw parameter and aspect ratio if dh parameter is empty. 
	 * @return
	 * @throws IOException
	public int getDh() throws IOException {
		if (paramDH == null) {
			paramDW = getAsInt("dw");
			paramDH = getAsInt("dh");

			float imgAspect = getInput().getAspect();
			if (paramDW == 0) {
				// calculate dw
				paramDW = Math.round(paramDH * imgAspect);
				setValue("dw", paramDW);
			} else if (paramDH == 0) {
				// calculate dh
				paramDH = Math.round(paramDW / imgAspect);
				setValue("dh", paramDH);
		return paramDH;
	/** Returns image quality as an integer.
	 * @return
	public int getScaleQual(){
		int qual = dlConfig.getAsInt("default-quality");
			qual = 0;
		else if(hasOption("q1"))
			qual = 1;
		else if(hasOption("q2"))
			qual = 2;
		return qual;

	public ColorOp getColOp() {
		String op = getAsString("colop");
		if (op == null || op.length() == 0) {
			return null;
		try {
			return ColorOp.valueOf(op.toUpperCase());
		} catch (Exception e) {
			logger.error("Invalid color op: " + op);
		return null;
	 * Returns the area of the source image that will be transformed into the
	 * destination image.
	 * @return
	 * @throws IOException
	 * @throws ImageOpException
	public Rectangle2D getUserImgArea() throws IOException, ImageOpException{
		if(userImgArea == null) {
			// getScaleXY sets userImgArea
		return userImgArea;		
	/** Returns the maximal area of the source image that will be used.
	 * @return
	 * @throws IOException
	 * @throws ImageOpException
	public Rectangle2D getOuterUserImgArea() throws IOException, ImageOpException {
		if(outerUserImgArea == null){
			outerUserImgArea = getUserImgArea();
			// image size in pixels
			ImageSize imgSize = getInput().getSize();
			Rectangle2D imgBounds = new Rectangle2D.Float(0, 0, imgSize.getWidth(), 
			// clip area at the image border
			outerUserImgArea = outerUserImgArea.createIntersection(imgBounds);
			// check image parameters sanity
			scaleXY = getScaleXY();
			logger.debug("outerUserImgArea.getWidth()=" + outerUserImgArea.getWidth());
			logger.debug("get_scaleXY() * outerUserImgArea.getWidth() = " + (scaleXY * outerUserImgArea.getWidth()));
			if ((outerUserImgArea.getWidth() < 1)
					|| (outerUserImgArea.getHeight() < 1)
					|| (scaleXY * outerUserImgArea.getWidth() < 2)
					|| (scaleXY * outerUserImgArea.getHeight() < 2)) {
				logger.error("ERROR: invalid scale parameter set!");
				throw new ImageOpException("Invalid scale parameter set!");
		return outerUserImgArea;
	public float[] getRGBM(){
		float[] paramRGBM = null;//{0f,0f,0f};
		Parameter p = params.get("rgbm");
		if (p.hasValue() && (!p.getAsString().equals("0/0/0"))) {
			return p.parseAsFloatArray("/");
		return paramRGBM;
	public float[] getRGBA(){
		float[] paramRGBA =  null;//{0f,0f,0f};
		Parameter p = params.get("rgba");
		if (p.hasValue() && (!p.getAsString().equals("0/0/0"))) {
			paramRGBA = p.parseAsFloatArray("/");
		return paramRGBA;
	/** Has send-as-file been requested?
	 * @return
	public boolean getSendAsFile(){
		return hasOption("file")
		|| hasOption("rawfile");
     * Returns if the image can be sent without processing. Takes image type and
     * additional image operations into account. Does not check requested size
     * transformation.
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    public boolean isImageSendable() throws IOException {
        if (imageSendable == null) {
            String mimeType = getMimeType();
            imageSendable = (mimeType != null
                    && (mimeType.equals("image/jpeg") || mimeType.equals("image/png") 
                            || mimeType.equals("image/gif"))
                    && !(hasOption("hmir")
                    || hasOption("vmir") || (getAsFloat("rot") != 0.0)
                    || (getRGBM() != null) || (getRGBA() != null)
                    || (getAsFloat("cont") != 0.0) || (getAsFloat("brgt") != 0.0)));
        return imageSendable;
	 * Returns if any transformation of the source image (image manipulation or
	 * format conversion) is required.
	 * @return
	 * @throws IOException
	public boolean isTransformRequired() throws IOException {
		ImageSize is = getInput().getSize();
		ImageSize ess = getExpectedSourceSize();
		// nt = no transform required
		boolean nt = isImageSendable() && (
			// lores: send if smaller
			(isLoresOnly() && is.isSmallerThan(ess))
			// else send if it fits
			|| (!(isLoresOnly() || isHiresOnly()) && is.fitsIn(ess)));
		return ! nt;

     * @return the docuImage
    public DocuImage getDocuImage() {
        return docuImage;

     * @param docuImage the docuImage to set
    public void setDocuImage(DocuImage docuImage) {
        this.docuImage = docuImage;