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view client/digitallibrary/jquery/dlGeometry.js @ 783:97e87ee78f11 jquery
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author | robcast |
date | Tue, 15 Feb 2011 09:52:04 +0100 |
parents | ee620bcf4ab0 |
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/* digilib geometry classes * should be integrated into jquery.digilib.js */ var dlGeometry = function() { /* * Size class */ var size = function(w, h) { var that; if (typeof w === "object") { // assume its size that = { width : w.width, height : w.height }; } else { that = { width : parseFloat(w), height : parseFloat(h) }; } that.equals = function(other) { return (this.width === other.width && this.height === other.height); }; that.toString = function() { return (this.width + "x" + this.height); }; return that; }; /* * Position class */ var position = function(x, y) { var that; if (typeof x === "object") { if (x instanceof jQuery) { // jQuery object var pos = x.offset(); that = { x : pos.left, y : }; } else { if (x.x != null) { // position object that = { x : x.x, y : x.y }; } if (x.pageX != null) { // event object that = { x : x.pageX, y : x.pageY }; } } } else { that = { x : parseFloat(x), y : parseFloat(y) }; } that.equals = function(other) { return (this.x === other.x && this.y === other.y); }; // add position other to this that.add = function(other) { this.x += other.x; this.y += other.y; return this; }; // returns negative position that.neg = function() { return position({ x : -this.x, y : -this.y }); }; // returns new position that is the difference between this and other = function(other) { return position({ x : other.x - this.x, y : other.y - this.y }); }; // adjusts position $elem to this position that.adjustDiv = function($elem) { $elem.offset({ left : this.x, top : this.y }); }; // returns distance of this position to pos (length if pos == null) that.distance = function(pos) { if (pos == null) { pos = { x : 0, y : 0 }; } var dx = pos.x - this.x; var dy = pos.y - this.y; return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); }; that.toString = function() { return (this.x + "," + this.y); }; return that; }; /* * Rectangle class */ var rectangle = function(x, y, w, h) { var that = {}; if (typeof x === "object") { if (x instanceof jQuery) { // jQuery object var pos = x.offset(); that = { x : pos.left, y :, width : x.width(), height : x.height() }; } else if (y == null) { // assume x is rectangle that = { x : x.x, y : x.y, width : x.width, height : x.height }; } else { // assume x and y are Position that = { x : Math.min(x.x, y.x), y : Math.min(x.y, y.y), width : Math.abs(y.x - x.x), height : Math.abs(y.y - x.y) }; } } else { that = { x : parseFloat(x), y : parseFloat(y), width : parseFloat(w), height : parseFloat(h) }; } // returns a copy of this Rectangle that.copy = function() { return rectangle(this); }; // returns the position of this Rectangle that.getPosition = function() { return position(this); }; // returns the size of this Rectangle that.getSize = function() { return size(this); }; // returns the upper left corner position that.getPt1 = that.getPosition; // returns the lower right corner position of this Rectangle that.getPt2 = function() { return position({ x : this.x + this.width, y : this.y + this.height }); }; // sets the upper left corner position to pos that.setPosition = function(pos) { this.x = pos.x; this.y = pos.y; return this; }; that.setPt1 = that.setPosition; // TODO: not really the same // adds pos to the position that.addPosition = function(pos) { this.x += pos.x; this.y += pos.y; return this; }; // sets the lower right corner to position pos that.setPt2 = function(pos) { this.width = pos.x - this.x; this.height = pos.y - this.y; return this; }; // returns the center position of this Rectangle that.getCenter = function() { return position({ x : this.x + this.width / 2, y : this.y + this.height / 2 }); }; // moves this Rectangle's center to position pos that.setCenter = function(pos) { this.x = pos.x - this.width / 2; this.y = pos.y - this.height / 2; return this; }; that.equals = function(other) { // equal props var eq = (this.x === other.x && this.y === other.y && this.width === other.width); return eq; }; // returns the area of this Rectangle that.getArea = function() { return (this.width * this.height); }; // eliminates negative width and height that.normalize = function() { var p = this.getPt2(); this.x = Math.min(this.x, p.x); this.y = Math.min(this.y, p.y); this.width = Math.abs(this.width); this.height = Math.abs(this.height); return this; }; // returns if Position "pos" lies inside of this rectangle that.containsPosition = function(pos) { var ct = ((pos.x >= this.x) && (pos.y >= this.y) && (pos.x <= this.x + this.width) && (pos.y <= this.y + this.height)); return ct; }; // returns if rectangle "rect" is contained in this rectangle that.containsRect = function(rect) { return (this.containsPosition(rect.getPt1()) && this .containsPosition(rect.getPt2())); }; // changes this rectangle's x/y values so it stays inside of rectangle // rect // keeping the proportions that.stayInside = function(rect) { if (this.x < rect.x) { this.x = rect.x; } if (this.y < rect.y) { this.y = rect.y; } if (this.x + this.width > rect.x + rect.width) { this.x = rect.x + rect.width - this.width; } if (this.y + this.height > rect.y + rect.height) { this.y = rect.y + rect.height - this.height; } return this; }; // clips this rectangle so it stays inside of rectangle rect that.clipTo = function(rect) { var p1 = rect.getPt1(); var p2 = rect.getPt2(); var this2 = this.getPt2(); this.setPosition(position(Math.max(this.x, p1.x), Math.max(this.y, p1.y))); this.setPt2(position(Math.min(this2.x, p2.x), Math.min(this2.y, p2.y))); return this; }; // returns the intersection of the given Rectangle and this one that.intersect = function(rect) { // FIX ME: not really, it should return null if there is no overlap var sec = rect.copy(); if (sec.x < this.x) { sec.width = sec.width - (this.x - sec.x); sec.x = this.x; } if (sec.y < this.y) { sec.height = sec.height - (this.y - sec.y); sec.y = this.y; } if (sec.x + sec.width > this.x + this.width) { sec.width = (this.x + this.width) - sec.x; } if (sec.y + sec.height > this.y + this.height) { sec.height = (this.y + this.height) - sec.y; } return sec; }; // returns a Rectangle that fits into this one (by moving first) = function(rect) { var sec = rect.copy(); sec.x = Math.max(sec.x, this.x); sec.y = Math.max(sec.y, this.x); if (sec.x + sec.width > this.x + this.width) { sec.x = this.x + this.width - sec.width; } if (sec.y + sec.height > this.y + this.height) { sec.y = this.y + this.height - sec.height; } return sec.intersect(this); }; // adjusts position and size of $elem to this rectangle that.adjustDiv = function($elem) { $elem.offset({ left : this.x, top : this.y }); $elem.width(this.width).height(this.height); }; // returns size and position in css-compatible format that.getAsCss = function() { return { left : this.x, top : this.y, width : this.width, height : this.height }; }; that.toString = function() { return this.width + "x" + this.height + "@" + this.x + "," + this.y; }; return that; }; /* * Transform class * * defines a class of affine transformations */ var transform = function(spec) { var that = { m00 : 1.0, m01 : 0.0, m02 : 0.0, m10 : 0.0, m11 : 1.0, m12 : 0.0, m20 : 0.0, m21 : 0.0, m22 : 1.0 }; if (spec) { jQuery.extend(that, spec); } ; that.concat = function(trafA) { // add Transform trafA to this Transform (i.e. this = trafC = trafA // * this) var trafC = {}; for ( var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for ( var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { var c = 0.0; for ( var k = 0; k < 3; k++) { c += trafA["m" + i + k] * this["m" + k + j]; } trafC["m" + i + j] = c; } } jQuery.extend(this, trafC); return this; }; that.transform = function(rect) { // returns transformed Rectangle or Position with this Transform // applied var x = this.m00 * rect.x + this.m01 * rect.y + this.m02; var y = this.m10 * rect.x + this.m11 * rect.y + this.m12; var pt = position(x, y); if (rect.width) { // transform the other corner point var pt2 = this.transform(rect.getPt2()); return rectangle(pt, pt2); } return pt; }; that.invtransform = function(rect) { // returns transformed Rectangle or Position with the inverse of // this Transform applied var det = this.m00 * this.m11 - this.m01 * this.m10; var x = (this.m11 * rect.x - this.m01 * rect.y - this.m11 * this.m02 + this.m01 * this.m12) / det; var y = (-this.m10 * rect.x + this.m00 * rect.y + this.m10 * this.m02 - this.m00 * this.m12) / det; var pt = position(x, y); if (rect.width) { // transform the other corner point var pt2 = this.invtransform(rect.getPt2()); return rectangle(pt, pt2); } return pt; }; that.toString = function(pretty) { var s = '['; if (pretty) s += '\n'; for ( var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { s += '['; for ( var j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { if (j) s += ','; s += this['m' + i + j]; } s += ']'; if (pretty) s += '\n'; } s += ']'; if (pretty) s += '\n'; return s; }; // add class methods to instance that.getRotation = transform.getRotation; that.getRotationAround = transform.getRotationAround; that.getTranslation = transform.getTranslation; that.getMirror = transform.getMirror; that.getScale = transform.getScale; return that; }; transform.getRotation = function(angle) { // returns a Transform that is a rotation by angle degrees around [0,0] if (angle !== 0) { var t = Math.PI * parseFloat(angle) / 180.0; var cost = Math.cos(t); var sint = Math.sin(t); var traf = { m00 : cost, m01 : -sint, m10 : sint, m11 : cost }; return transform(traf); } return transform(); }; transform.getRotationAround = function(angle, pos) { // returns a Transform that is a rotation by angle degrees around pos var traf = transform.getTranslation(pos.neg()); traf.concat(transform.getRotation(angle)); traf.concat(transform.getTranslation(pos)); return traf; }; transform.getTranslation = function(pos) { // returns a Transform that is a translation by [pos.x, pos,y] var traf = { m02 : pos.x, m12 : pos.y }; return transform(traf); }; transform.getMirror = function(type) { // returns a Transform that is a mirror about the axis type if (type === 'x') { var traf = { m00 : 1, m11 : -1 }; } else { var traf = { m00 : -1, m11 : 1 }; } return transform(traf); }; transform.getScale = function(size) { // returns a Transform that is a scale by [size.width, size.height] var traf = { m00 : size.width, m11 : size.height }; return transform(traf); }; // export functions var that = { size : size, position : position, rectangle : rectangle, transform : transform }; return that; };