view client/digitallibrary/digicat.jsp @ 17:a256239970f8 vendor

First import of client module
author robcast
date Thu, 17 Jan 2002 15:29:52 +0100
parents 270e1127c65f
children 36505ac4a334 85126da2ae21
line wrap: on
line source


<jsp:useBean id="DB" scope="page" class="digilib.servlet.DocumentBean" />

// set servlet init-parameter
// check if authentication is needed and redirect if necessary
DB.doAuthentication(request, response);

<script language="JavaScript">

//alert('DIR: <%= DB.getDocuPath(request) %> PAGES: <%= DB.getNumPages(request) %>');

// the document's query string (minus "?")
var query =;

// first page number
var firstPage = <%= DB.getFirstPage(request) %>;

// number of pages of the document
var numPages = <%= DB.getNumPages(request) %>;

    // browser version test to include the corresponding navigation-file
    if ((navigator.appName.toLowerCase() == "netscape") && (parseFloat(navigator.appVersion) < 5.0)) {
        top.document.write('<script src="navcat_n4.js"><\/script>');
    } else if (navigator.appName.toLowerCase() == "netscape") {
        top.document.write('<script src="navcat_n6.js"><\/script>');
    } else if ((navigator.appName.toLowerCase() == "microsoft internet explorer") && (parseFloat(navigator.appVersion) >= 4.0)) {
    	top.document.write('<script src="navcat_ie.js"><\/script>');
    } else {
        alert('Your browser is not directly supported by this client right now.\n\nLoading now the optimised version for Netscape 6, that sticks the most to the w3c specifications.');
        top.document.write('<script src="navcat_n6.js"><\/script>');



<frameset cols="*,90" boder="no" border="0" onLoad="whichFrame = parent.mainFrame; initPicture(query); loadThumbTable(); initScripts();">
  <frame name="mainFrame" src="about:blank">
  <frame name="rightFrame" src="navcat.html" scrolling="no" noresize>
