view client/digitallibrary/greyskin/dllib.js @ 643:c108607e1bc0 jquery

zoomin and -out works now gotopage resets (some) parameters reload takes changed parameters (to put in url) getParamString omits parameters with default values (for shorter urls)
author robcast
date Wed, 19 Jan 2011 20:03:44 +0100
parents 688620e8c015
line wrap: on
line source

/* Copyright (C) 2003,2004 IT-Group MPIWG, WTWG Uni Bern and others
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA
  Christian Luginbuehl, 01.05.2003 (first version)
  DW 24.03.2004 (Changed for digiLib in Zope)
  Robert Casties, 8.11.2005
  Martin Raspe <>, 12.12.2005
  Robert Casties, 4.9.2009
  ! Requires baselib.js !
digilibVersion = "Digilib NG";
dllibVersion = "2.042";

function identify() {
        // used for identifying a digilib instance
        // Relato uses that function - lugi
        return digilibVersion;

function createMarkDiv(index) {
    var div = document.createElement("div");
    div.className = "mark"; = "mark" + index;
    div.innerHTML = index + 1;
    return div;

function bestPicSize(elem, inset) {
    // returns a Size with the best image size for the given element
    if (! defined(inset)) {
        inset = 0; 
        // original value was 25 
        // digilib seems to use the available space better without inset
    var ws = getWinSize();
    var es = getElementPosition(elem);
    if (es) {
        ws.width = ws.width - es.x - inset;
        ws.height = ws.height - es.y - inset;
    return ws;

 * digilib specific classes (must be defined first)
 * Marks class
function Marks() {
	return this;
// Marks inherits from Array
Marks.prototype = new Array();
Marks.prototype.parse = function(query) {
	this.length = 0;
    if (query.indexOf(";") >= 0) {
        var pa = query.split(";");    // old format with ";"
    } else {
        var pa = query.split(",");    // new format
    for (var i = 0; i < pa.length ; i++) {
        var pos = pa[i].split("/");
        if (pos.length > 1) this.push(new Position(pos[0], pos[1]));
Marks.prototype.getAll = function() {
    var ma = new Array();
    for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
        ma.push(cropFloat(this[i].x) + "/" + cropFloat(this[i].y));
    return ma.join(",");
Marks.prototype.addEvent = function(evt, digilib) {
    // add a mark from a screen event
    if (!digilib) digilib = dl;
    var pos = digilib.trafo.invtransform(evtPosition(evt));

 * DLParameters -- digilib parameter class
function DLParameters() {
	// flags for parameter sets
	this.PARAM_FILE = 1;
	this.PARAM_MODE = 2;
	this.PARAM_DIM = 4;
	this.PARAM_IMAGE = 8;
	this.PARAM_DPI = 16;
	this.PARAM_SIZE = 32;
	this.PARAM_MARK = 64;
	this.PARAM_PAGES = 128;
	this.PARAM_CLIENT = 256;
	/* request parameters */
	with (this) {
	// file
	    define('fn', '',    PARAM_FILE);
	    define('pn', '1',   PARAM_FILE);
	// mode
	    define('mo', '',    PARAM_MODE);
	// relative dimensions of zoomed image
	    define('wx', '0.0', PARAM_DIM);
	    define('wy', '0.0', PARAM_DIM);
	    define('ww', '1.0', PARAM_DIM);
	    define('wh', '1.0', PARAM_DIM);
	// image manipulation
	    define('brgt', '0.0', PARAM_IMAGE);
	    define('cont', '0.0', PARAM_IMAGE);
	    define('rot',  '0.0', PARAM_IMAGE);
	    define('rgba', '',    PARAM_IMAGE);
	    define('rgbm', '',    PARAM_IMAGE);
	// resolution
	    define('ddpi',  '', PARAM_DPI);
	    define('ddpix', '', PARAM_DPI);
	    define('ddpiy', '', PARAM_DPI);
	// marks
	    define('mk', '', PARAM_MARK);
	// pages total
	    define('pt', '0', PARAM_PAGES);
	// size
	    define('ws', '1.0', PARAM_SIZE);
	    // client side options
	    define('clop', '', PARAM_CLIENT);
	return this;
DLParameters.prototype = new Parameters();
// move the inherited getAll because we need it later
DLParameters.prototype._getAll = Parameters.prototype.getAll;
DLParameters.prototype.getAll = function(paDetail, moDetail, digilib) {
	if (!digilib) digilib = dl;
	// get Flags and Marks first
    var mo = digilib.flags.getAll(moDetail);
    this.set("mo", mo);
    var clop = digilib.opts.getAll();
    this.set("clop", clop);
    var mk = digilib.marks.getAll();
    this.set("mk", mk);
    var ret = this._getAll(paDetail);
	return ret;

 * DLModes -- digilib flags class
function DLFlags() {
    // flags for mode sets
    this.MODE_QUAL = 1;
    this.MODE_SIZE = 2;
    this.MODE_MIR = 4;
    this.MODE_OTHER = 128;
    this.MODE_ALL = 255;
    /* mode flags */
    with (this) {
        define('q0', MODE_QUAL);
        define('q1', MODE_QUAL);
        define('q2', MODE_QUAL);
        define('fit',   MODE_SIZE);
        define('clip',  MODE_SIZE);
        define('osize', MODE_SIZE);
        define('vmir', MODE_MIR);
        define('hmir', MODE_MIR);
    return this;
// inherits from Flags
DLFlags.prototype = new Flags();

 * Digilib -- digilib base class
function Digilib() {
    if (!baseLibVersion) alert("ERROR: baselib.js not loaded!");
    /* constants */
    this.MAX_AREA = new Rectangle(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
    // default inset (for scalerImg relativ to scalerDiv 
    this.INSET = 40; // because of scrollbars of main window and scaler [Firefox bug?]
    // mouse drag area that counts as one click 
    this.MIN_AREA_SIZE = 3 * 3 + 1;
    // standard zoom factor
    this.ZOOMFACTOR = Math.sqrt(2);
    // bird's eye view dimensions
    this.BIRD_MAXX = 200;
    this.BIRD_MAXY = 200;
    // witdh of arrow bars
    this.ARROW_WIDTH = 32;
    // width of calibration bar
    this.CALIBRATION_WIDTH = 64;
    /* variables */
    this.fitOnlyWidth = false;
    this.fitOnlyHeight = false;
    this.trafo = null;
    // page elements
    this.scalerDiv = null;
    this.scalerImg = null;
    this.buttons1Div = null;
    this.buttons2Div = null;
    /* parse parameters */
    this.params = new DLParameters();
    // put the query parameters (sans "?") in the parameters array
    // treat special parameters
    this.area = this.parseArea();
    this.marks = new Marks();
    this.flags = new DLFlags();
    this.opts = new Flags();
    return this;
Digilib.prototype.setDLParam = function(e, s, relative) {
    // sets parameter based on HTML event
    var nam;
    var val;
    if (s.type && (s.type == "select-one")) {
        nam =;
        val = s.options[s.selectedIndex].value;
    } else if ( && s.value) {
        nam =;
        val = s.value;
    if (nam && val) {
        dl.params.set(nam, val, relative);
    } else {
        alert("ERROR: unable to process event!");
    return true;
Digilib.prototype.parseArea = function() {
    // returns area Rectangle from current parameters
    return new Rectangle(
Digilib.prototype.setParamFromArea = function(rect) {
    // sets digilib wx etc. from rect
    this.params.set("wx", cropFloat(rect.x));
    this.params.set("wy", cropFloat(rect.y));
    this.params.set("ww", cropFloat(rect.width));
    this.params.set("wh", cropFloat(rect.height));
    return true;

Digilib.prototype.parseTrafo = function(elem) {
    // returns Transform from current dlArea and picsize
    var picsize = getElementRect(elem);
    var trafo = new Transform();
    // subtract area offset and size
    trafo.concat(trafo.getTranslation(new Position(-this.area.x, -this.area.y)));
    trafo.concat(trafo.getScale(new Size(1/this.area.width, 1/this.area.height)));
    // scale to screen size
    // FIX ME: Robert, kannst Du mal nachsehen, ob das folgende tut, was es soll?
    // oder gibt es dafuer neuen Code? -- ROC: Bisher funktioniert es nicht!
    // rotate
    //var rot = getRotation(- dl.params.get("rot"), new Position(0.5*picsize.width, 0.5*picsize.height));
    // mirror
    //if (hasFlag("hmir")) trafo.m00 = - trafo.m00; // ??
    //if (hasFlag("vmir")) trafo.m11 = - trafo.m11; // ??
    return trafo;

Digilib.prototype.onLoad = function() {
    // initialize digilib; called by body.onload
    this.scalerDiv = getElement("scaler", true);
    this.scalerImg = getElement("pic", true);
    this.buttons1Div = getElement("buttons", true);
    this.buttons2Div = getElement("options", true);
     * if (this.scalerImg == null && this.scalerDiv) { // in N4 pic is in the
     * scaler layer this.scalerImg = this.scalerDiv.document.images[0]; }
    if ((!this.scalerImg)||(!this.scalerDiv)) {
        alert("Sorry, digilib doesn't work here!");
        return false;
    // fix fixed menus
    var ms1 = getElementSize(this.buttons1Div);
    var ms2 = getElementSize(this.buttons2Div);
    var maxh = (ms1.height > ms2.height) ? ms1.height : ms2.height;
    var wins = getWinSize();
    if ((wins.height <= maxh) || (browserType.isIE && (browserType.versIE < 7))) {
        // unlock fixed menus to absolute if window is too small or IE = "absolute"; = "absolute";
    this.setScalerImage();	// setzt auch onImgLoad
    this.setBirdImage();	// laedt das Bird's Eye Bild

Digilib.prototype.setScalerImage = function() {
    // set the scaler image source (needs the browser size)
    var picsize = bestPicSize(this.scalerDiv);
    var menusize = getElementSize(this.buttons1Div);
    // subtract menu width
    picsize.width -= menusize.width;
    picsize.height -= this.INSET;
    // compose Scaler URL
    var src = "../servlet/Scaler?" 
        + this.params.getAll(this.params.PARAM_ALL & ~(this.params.PARAM_MARK | this.params.PARAM_PAGES));
    if (this.opts.get('fitwidth')) {
        src += "&dw=" + picsize.width;
    } else if (this.opts.get('fitheight')) {
        src += "&dh=" + picsize.height;
    } else {
        src += "&dw=" + picsize.width + "&dh=" + picsize.height;
    // debug(src);
    this.scalerImg.onload = onImgLoad;
    this.scalerImg.src = src;

    var digilib = this;
    // this is a local callback function that can use the current scope

    function onImgLoad() {
        if (! digilib)
        // make sure the image is loaded so we know its size
        /* this test seems to have problems sometimes :-(
	    if (defined(digilib.scalerImg.complete) && !digilib.scalerImg.complete) {
			alert("ERROR: the image seems not to be complete in onImgLoad!?");
		} */
        digilib.trafo = digilib.parseTrafo(digilib.scalerImg);
        // display marks
        digilib.showArrows();		// show arrow overlays for zoom navigation
        //digilib.moveCenter(true);	// click to move point to center
        // new Slider("sizes", 1, 5, 2);
        //Drag Image (8.9.2009)
        if (!digilib.isFullArea())
            registerEvent("mousedown", digilib.scalerDiv, dragImage);


Digilib.prototype.renderMarks = function() {
    // make sure the image is loaded so we know its size
    if (!this.trafo) {
        alert("ERROR: trafo missing, cannot render marks!");
    // debugProps(dlArea, "dlArea");
    for (var i = 0; i < this.marks.length; i++) {
        var div = getElement("mark" + i, true) || createMarkDiv(i);
        var mark = this.marks[i];
        // debugProps(mark, "mark");
        if (this.area.containsPosition(mark)) {
            var mpos = this.trafo.transform(mark);
            // debugProps(mark, "mpos");
            // better not hide the marked spot (MR)
            // suboptimal to place -5 pixels and not half size of mark-image
            // mpos.x = mpos.x -5;
            // mpos.y = mpos.y -5;
            moveElement(div, mpos);
            showElement(div, true);
        } else {
            // hide the other marks
            showElement(div, false);

Digilib.prototype.display = function(detail, moDetail) {
    // redisplay the page
    var queryString = this.params.getAll(detail, moDetail);
        = location.protocol + "//"
    	    + location.pathname
        + "?" + queryString;

/* **********************************************
 *     interactive digilib functions
 * ******************************************** */

Digilib.prototype.setMark = function() {
    // add a mark where clicked
    // start event capturing
    registerEvent("mousedown", this.scalerDiv, markEvent);

    // our own reference to this for the local function
    var digilib = this;
    function markEvent(evt) {
    // event handler adding a new mark
        unregisterEvent("mousedown", digilib.scalerDiv, markEvent);
        return stopEvent(evt);

Digilib.prototype.removeMark = function() {
    // remove the last mark

Digilib.prototype.resetImage = function() {
    // reset the image to its original state
    this.display(this.params.PARAM_FILE); // keep only fn/pn

Digilib.prototype.dragImage = function(evt) {
    // drag the image and load a new detail on mouse up
    // makes sense only when zoomed
    if (this.isFullArea())
    if(evt.preventDefault) evt.preventDefault(); // no Firefox drag and drop
	var digilib = this; // our own reference to this for the local function
    var startPos = evtPosition(evt);
    var pic = this.scalerImg;
    var picRect = getElementRect(pic);
     // fit the grey div to the scaler image
    var div = getElement("bg");
    var dx = 0;
    var dy = 0;
    moveElement(div, picRect);
    // hide the scaler image, show it as background of div instead
    showElement(pic, false); 
    showElement(div, true); = "url(" + pic.src + ")"; = "move";
    // start event capturing
    registerEvent("mousemove", document, moveDragEvent);
    registerEvent("mouseup", document, moveEndEvent);

	function moveDragEvent(evt) {
    // mousemove handler: drag
        var pos = evtPosition(evt);
        // don't use Firefox Drag and Drop feature 
        if(evt.preventDefault) evt.preventDefault();
        dx = pos.x - startPos.x;
        dy = pos.y - startPos.y;
        // move the background image to the new position = dx + "px " + dy + "px";
        return stopEvent(evt);

	function moveEndEvent(evt) {
    // mouseup handler: reload digilib = "default";
        unregisterEvent("mousemove", document, moveDragEvent);
        unregisterEvent("mouseup", document, moveEndEvent);
        // calculate relative offset
        var x = -dx / pic.width;
        var y = -dy / pic.height;
        if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
            return // no movement
        // reload with scaler image showing the new ausschnitt
        return digilib.moveBy(x, y);

Digilib.prototype.zoomArea = function() {
    var pt1, pt2;
    var zoomdiv = getElement("zoom");
    var overlay = getElement("overlay");
    // use overlay div to avoid <img> mousemove problems
    var picRect = getElementRect(this.scalerImg);
    // FIX ME: is there a way to query the border width from CSS info?
    // rect.x -= 2; // account for overlay borders
    // rect.y -= 2;
    moveElement(overlay, picRect);
    showElement(overlay, true);
    // start event capturing
    registerEvent("mousedown", overlay, zoomStart);
    registerEvent("mousedown", this.scalerImg, zoomStart);

    // our own reference to "this" for the local functions
    var digilib = this;
    // mousedown handler: start moving
    function zoomStart(evt) {
        pt1 = evtPosition(evt);
        unregisterEvent("mousedown", overlay, zoomStart);
        unregisterEvent("mousedown", digilib.scalerImg, zoomStart);
        // setup and show zoom div
        moveElement(zoomdiv, Rectangle(pt1.x, pt1.y, 0, 0));
        showElement(zoomdiv, true);
        // register events
        registerEvent("mousemove", document, zoomMove);
        registerEvent("mouseup", document, zoomEnd);
        return stopEvent(evt);
    // mouseup handler: end moving
    function zoomEnd(evt) {
        pt2 = evtPosition(evt);
        // assume a click if the area is too small (up to 3 x 3 pixel)
        var clickRect = new Rectangle(pt1, pt2);
        if (clickRect.getArea() <= digilib.MIN_AREA_SIZE) {
            return stopEvent(evt);
        // hide zoom div
        showElement(zoomdiv, false);
        showElement(overlay, false);
        // unregister events
        unregisterEvent("mousemove", document, zoomMove);
        unregisterEvent("mouseup", document, zoomEnd);
        // clip and transform
        var area = digilib.trafo.invtransform(clickRect);
        // zoomed is always fit
        digilib.params.set("ws", 1);
        return stopEvent(evt);
    // mouse move handler
    function zoomMove(evt) {
        pt2 = evtPosition(evt);
        var rect = new Rectangle(pt1, pt2);
        // update zoom div
        moveElement(zoomdiv, rect);
        return stopEvent(evt);

Digilib.prototype.zoomBy = function(factor) {
    // zooms by the given factor
    var newarea = this.area.copy();
    newarea.width /= factor;
    newarea.height /= factor;
    newarea.x -= 0.5 * (newarea.width - this.area.width);
    newarea.y -= 0.5 * (newarea.height - this.area.height);
    newarea =;

Digilib.prototype.zoomFullpage = function(fit) {
    // zooms out to show the whole image
    this.params.set("wx", 0.0);
    this.params.set("wy", 0.0);
    this.params.set("ww", 1.0);
    this.params.set("wh", 1.0);
    if (fit == "width") {
    	} else if (fit == "height") {
    	} else {

Digilib.prototype.moveCenter = function(on) {
    // move visible area so that it's centered around the clicked point
    if (this.isFullArea()) return; // nothing to do
    // starting event capture
    if (on) registerEvent("mousedown", this.scalerImg, moveCenterEvent);
    else  unregisterEvent("mousedown", this.scalerImg, moveCenterEvent);
	// our own reference to this for the local function
	var digilib = this;

	function moveCenterEvent(evt) {
	    // move to handler
	    var pt = digilib.trafo.invtransform(evtPosition(evt));
	    var newarea = digilib.area.copy();
	    // newarea =;
	    // debugProps(newarea, "newarea");
	    // debugProps(dlArea, "dlArea");
	    if (newarea.equals(digilib.area)) return; // keep event handler
	    unregisterEvent("mousedown", digilib.scalerImg, moveCenterEvent);
	    // set parameters

Digilib.prototype.isFullArea = function(area) {
    if (!area) area = this.area;
    return (area.width == 1.0) && (area.height == 1.0);

Digilib.prototype.canMove = function(movx, movy) {
    if (this.isFullArea()) return false;
    var x2 = this.area.x + this.area.width;
    var y2 = this.area.y + this.area.height;
    // debugProps(dlArea);
    return ((movx < 0) && (this.area.x > 0))
    	|| ((movx > 0) && (x2 < 1.0))
	|| ((movy < 0) && (this.area.y > 0))
    	|| ((movy > 0) && (y2 < 1.0))

Digilib.prototype.moveBy = function(movx, movy) {
    // move visible area by movx and movy (in units of ww, wh)
    if (!this.canMove(movx, movy)) return; // nothing to do
    var newarea = this.area.copy();
    newarea.x += parseFloat(movx)*this.area.width;
    newarea.y += parseFloat(movy)*this.area.height;
    newarea =;
    // set parameters

Digilib.prototype.getRef = function(baseUrl) {
    // returns a reference to the current digilib set
    if (!baseUrl) baseUrl 
        = location.protocol
        + "//" 
        + location.pathname;
    var hyperlinkRef = baseUrl;
    with (this.params) {
    		// all without ddpi, pt
    		var ps = getAll(PARAM_ALL & ~(PARAM_DPI | PARAM_PAGES | PARAM_CLIENT)); 
    if (ps.length > 0) hyperlinkRef += "?" + ps;
    return hyperlinkRef;

Digilib.prototype.getRefWin = function(type, msg) {
    // shows an alert with a reference to the current digilib set
    if (! msg) msg = "URL reference to the current view";
    prompt(msg, this.getRef());

Digilib.prototype.getQuality = function() {
    // returns the current q setting
    for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        if (this.flags.get("q"+i)) return i;
    return 1

Digilib.prototype.setQuality = function(qual) {
    // set the image quality
    if ((qual < 0)||(qual > 2)) return alert("Quality setting not supported");
    for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) this.flags.reset("q" + i);
    this.flags.set("q" + qual);

Digilib.prototype.setQualityWin = function(msg) {
    // dialog for setting quality
    if (! msg) msg = "Quality (0..2)";
    var q = this.getQuality();
    var newq = window.prompt(msg, q);
    if (newq) this.setQuality(newq);

Digilib.prototype.mirror = function(dir) {
    // mirror the image horizontally or vertically
    if (dir == "h") {
    	} else {

Digilib.prototype.gotoPage = function(gopage, keep) {
    // goto given page nr (+/-: relative)
    var oldpn = parseInt(this.params.get("pn"));
    // set with relative=true uses the sign
    this.params.set("pn", gopage, true);
    // now check the outcome
    var pn = parseInt(this.params.get("pn"));
    if (pn < 1) {
        alert("No such page! (Page number too low)");
        this.params.set("pn", oldpn);
    if (this.params.isSet("pt")) {
        pt = parseInt(this.params.get("pt"))
        if (pn > pt) {
            alert("No such page! (Page number too high)");
            this.params.set("pn", oldpn);
    if (keep) {
        this.display(this.params.PARAM_ALL & ~this.params.PARAM_MARK); // all, no mark
    } else {
        this.display(this.params.PARAM_FILE | this.params.PARAM_MODE | this.params.PARAM_PAGES, this.params.MODE_QUAL | this.params.MODE_OTHER); // fn, pn, ws, mo + pt

Digilib.prototype.gotoPageWin = function() {
    // dialog to ask for new page nr
    var pn = this.params.get("pn");
    var gopage = window.prompt("Go to page", pn);
    if (gopage) this.gotoPage(gopage);

Digilib.prototype.setParamWin = function(param, text, relative) {
    // dialog to ask for new parameter value
    var val = this.params.get(param);
    var newval = window.prompt(text, val);
    if (newval) {
        this.params.set(param, newval, relative);

Digilib.prototype.showOptions = function(show) {
    // show or hide option div
    var elem = getElement("dloptions");
    showElement(elem, show);
    // FIX ME: get rid of the dotted line around the buttons when focused

Digilib.prototype.showAboutDiv = function(show) {
    // show or hide "about" div
    var elem = getElement("about");
    if (elem == null) {
        if (show) alert("About Digilib - dialog missing in HTML code!"
            + "\nDigilib Version: " + digilibVersion
            + "\JSP Version: " + jspVersion
            + "\ndlLib Version: " + dllibVersion
            + "\nbaseLib Version: " + baseLibVersion);
    if (show) {
        getElement("digilib-version").innerHTML = "Digilib Version: " + digilibVersion;
        getElement("jsp-version").innerHTML = "JSP Version: " + jspVersion;
        getElement("baselib-version").innerHTML = "baseLib Version: " + baseLibVersion;
        getElement("dllib-version").innerHTML = "dlLib Version: " + dllibVersion;
        var aboutRect = getElementRect(elem);
        moveElement(elem, aboutRect);
    showElement(elem, show);
Digilib.prototype.setBirdImage = function() {
    var img = getElement("bird-image");
    var src = "../servlet/Scaler?" 
        + this.params.getAll(this.params.PARAM_FILE)
        + "&dw=" + this.BIRD_MAXX 
        + "&dh=" + this.BIRD_MAXY;
    img.src = src;
Digilib.prototype.showBirdDiv = function(show) {
    // show or hide "bird's eye" div
    var startPos; // anchor for dragging
    var newRect;  // position after drag
    var birdImg = getElement("bird-image");
    var birdArea = getElement("bird-area");
    var overlay = getElement("bird-overlay");
    showElement(birdImg, show);
    // dont show selector if area has full size
    if (!show || this.isFullArea()) {
        // hide area
        showElement(birdArea, false);
        showElement(overlay, false);
    var birdImgRect = getElementRect(birdImg);
    var area = this.area;
    if (this.flags.get("osize") || this.flags.get("clip")) {
    		// in original-size and pixel-by-pixel mode the area size is not valid
    		var birdAreaRect = new Rectangle(
        		birdImgRect.x + birdImgRect.width  * area.x,
        		birdImgRect.y + birdImgRect.height * area.y, 
    } else {
    		// scale area down to img size
    		var birdAreaRect = new Rectangle(
        		// what about borders ??
        		birdImgRect.x + birdImgRect.width  * area.x,
	        birdImgRect.y + birdImgRect.height * area.y,
	        birdImgRect.width  * area.width,
	        birdImgRect.height * area.height);
    moveElement(birdArea, birdAreaRect);
    showElement(birdArea, true);
    moveElement(overlay, birdImgRect);
    showElement(overlay, true);
    registerEvent("mousedown", overlay, birdAreaStartDrag);
    registerEvent("mousedown", birdImg, birdAreaStartDrag);

	// our own reference to this for local functions
	var digilib = this;

    function birdAreaStartDrag(evt) {
    // mousedown handler: start drag
        startPos = evtPosition(evt);
        unregisterEvent("mousedown", overlay, birdAreaStartDrag);
        unregisterEvent("mousedown", birdImg, birdAreaStartDrag);
        registerEvent("mousemove", document, birdAreaMove);
        registerEvent("mouseup",   document, birdAreaEndDrag);
        // debugProps(getElementRect(bird))
        return stopEvent(evt);

    function birdAreaMove(evt) {
    // mousemove handler: drag
        var pos = evtPosition(evt);
        var dx = pos.x - startPos.x;
        var dy = pos.y - startPos.y;
        // move birdArea div, keeping size
        newRect = new Rectangle(
            birdAreaRect.x + dx,
            birdAreaRect.y + dy,
        // stay within image
        moveElement(birdArea, newRect);
        showElement(birdArea, true);
        return stopEvent(evt);

    function birdAreaEndDrag(evt) {
    // mouseup handler: reload page
        unregisterEvent("mousemove", document, birdAreaMove);
        unregisterEvent("mouseup",   document, birdAreaEndDrag);
        showElement(overlay, false);
        if (newRect == null) { // no movement happened
            startPos = birdAreaRect.getCenter();
            birdAreaMove(evt); // set center to click position
        digilib.params.set("wx", cropFloat((newRect.x - birdImgRect.x) / birdImgRect.width));
        digilib.params.set("wy", cropFloat((newRect.y - birdImgRect.y) / birdImgRect.height));
        // zoomed is always fit
        digilib.params.set("ws", 1);
        return stopEvent(evt);

Digilib.prototype.showArrow = function(name, rect, show) {
    var arrow = getElement(name);
    moveElement(arrow, rect);
    showElement(arrow, show);
Digilib.prototype.showArrows = function() {
    // show the 4 arrow bars on top of scaler img according to current dlArea
    var r = getElementRect(this.scalerImg);
        new Rectangle(r.x, r.y, r.width, this.ARROW_WIDTH), 
        this.canMove(0, -1)
        new Rectangle(r.x, r.y + r.height - this.ARROW_WIDTH, r.width, this.ARROW_WIDTH),
        this.canMove(0, 1)
        new Rectangle(r.x, r.y, this.ARROW_WIDTH, r.height),
        this.canMove(-1, 0)
        new Rectangle(r.x + r.width - this.ARROW_WIDTH, r.y, this.ARROW_WIDTH, r.height),
        this.canMove(1, 0)

Digilib.prototype.calibrate = function() {
    // calibrate screen resolution
    var calDiv = getElement("calibration");
    var calRect = getElementRect(calDiv);
    var wins = getWinSize();
    calRect.setCenter(new Position(wins.width / 2, wins.height / 2));
    moveElement(calDiv, calRect);
    showElement(calDiv, true);
    var cm = window.prompt("The length of the scale on your screen in centimeter:");
    if (cm) {
    		var dpi = calRect.width / parseFloat(cm) * 2.54;
    		this.params.set("ddpi", cropFloat(dpi));
    	showElement(calDiv, false);

Digilib.prototype.setScale = function(scale) {
	// sets original-size, pixel-by-pixel or fit-to-screen scale type
	if (scale == "pixel") {
		// pixel by pixel
	} else if (scale == "original") {
		// original size -- needs calibrated screen
        if (!this.params.isSet("ddpi")) {
        		var dpi = cookie.get("ddpi");
	        if (dpi == null) {
    		        alert("Your screen has not yet been calibrated - using default value of 72 dpi");
            		dpi = 72;
        		this.params.set("ddpi", dpi);
    } else {
    		// scale to screen size (default)

Digilib.prototype.getScale = function() {
	// returns scale type
	if (this.flags.get("clip")) {
		return "pixel";
	} else if (this.flags.get("osize")) {
		return "original";
	} else {
		return "fit";

Digilib.prototype.pageWidth = function() {

Digilib.prototype.setSize = function(factor) {
    this.params.set("ws", factor);

Digilib.prototype.showMenu = function(menuId, buttonId, show) {
    var menu = getElement(menuId);
    if (show) {
        // align right side of menu with button
        var buttonPos = getElementPosition(getElement(buttonId));
        var menusize = getElementSize(menu);
        moveElement(menu, new Position(buttonPos.x - menusize.width - 3, buttonPos.y));
    showElement(menu, show);

 * global variables

var dl = new Digilib();

/* old parameter function compatibility stuff */
function newParameter(a,b,c) {return dl.params.define(a,b,c)};
function resetParameter(a) {return dl.params.reset(a)};
function deleteParameter(a) {return dl.params.remove(a)};
function getParameter(a) {return dl.params.get(a)};
function setParameter(a,b,c) {return dl.params.set(a,b,c)};
function hasParameter(a) {return dl.params.isSet(a)};
function getAllParameters(a) {return dl.params.getAll(a)};
getQueryString = getAllParameters;
function parseParameters(a) {return dl.params.parse(a)};
function getAllMarks() {return dl.marks.getAll()};
getMarksQueryString = getAllMarks;
function addMark(evt) {return dl.marks.addEvent(evt)};
function deleteMark() {return dl.marks.pop()};
function deleteAllMarks() {return dl.marks = new Marks()};
function hasFlag(mode) {return dl.flags.get(mode)};
function addFlag(mode) {return dl.flags.set(mode)};
function removeFlag(mode) {return dl.flags.reset(mode)};
function toggleFlag(mode) {return dl.flags.toggle(mode)};
function getAllFlags() {return dl.flags.getAll()};
/* old digilib function compatibility */
function setDLParam(e, s, relative) {dl.setDLParam(e, s, relative)};
function display(detail, moDetail) {dl.display(detail, moDetail)};
function setMark(reload) {dl.setMark(reload)};
function removeMark(reload) {dl.removeMark(reload)};
function resetImage() {dl.resetImage()};
function dragImage(evt) {dl.dragImage(evt)};
function zoomArea() {dl.zoomArea()};
function zoomBy(factor) {dl.zoomBy(factor)};
function zoomFullpage(a) {dl.zoomFullpage(a)};
function moveCenter(on) {dl.moveCenter(on)};
function isFullArea(area) {dl.isFullArea(area)};
function canMove(movx, movy) {dl.canMove(movx, movy)};
function moveBy(movx, movy) {dl.moveBy(movx, movy)};
function getRef(baseURL) {dl.getRef(baseURL)};
function getRefWin(type, msg) {dl.getRefWin(type, msg)};
function getQuality() {dl.getQuality()};
function setQuality(qual) {dl.setQuality(qual)};
function setQualityWin(msg) {dl.setQualityWin(msg)};
function mirror(dir) {dl.mirror(dir)};
function gotoPage(gopage, keep) {dl.gotoPage(gopage, keep)};
function gotoPageWin() {dl.gotoPageWin()};
function setParamWin(param, text, relative) {dl.setParamWin(param, text, relative)};
function showOptions(show) {dl.showOptions(show)};
function showBirdDiv(show) {dl.showBirdDiv(show)};
function showAboutDiv(show) {dl.showAboutDiv(show)};
function calibrate(direction) {dl.calibrate(direction)};
function setScale(a) {dl.setScale(a)};
function getScale(a) {dl.getScale(a)};
function originalSize(on) {dl.originalSize(on)};
function pixelByPixel(on) {dl.pixelByPixel(on)};
function pageWidth() {dl.pageWidth()};
function setSize(factor) {dl.setSize(factor)};
function showMenu(a,b,c) {dl.showMenu(a,b,c)};

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