view client/digitallibrary/navigation_o6.js @ 74:c64e9ae9c788

New servlet version 1.5b. Mostly cleanup. Global parameters for digilib now in DigilibConfiguration, per request parameters are now all in DigilibRequest. The DocuImage implementation can be selected by the configuration docuimage-class. Pixel-by-pixel view implemented with "mo=clip".
author robcast
date Fri, 24 Jan 2003 21:54:49 +0100
parents 866e798e2bef
line wrap: on
line source

// this global variable has to be initialised before the frist use of the functions below
// to fill in the attributes you can use the function init provided below
// - array with all attributes
var att = new Array();

// fill in the values of the "att"-array
function init(fn, pn, ws, mo, mk, wx, wy, ww, wh) {

	// debug window to check the parameters passed
	//alert ("DEBUG message (parameters in init):\n\npu = " + pu + "\npn = " + pn + "\nws = " + ws + "\nmo = " + mo + "\nmk = " + mk + "\nwx = " + wx + "\nwy = " + wy + "\nww = " + ww + "\nwh = " + wh);

	// attaching the values to the att-array
	att[0] = fn;
	att[1] = parseInt(pn);
	att[2] = parseFloat(ws);
	att[3] = mo;
	att[4] = mk;
	att[5] = parseFloat(wx);
	att[6] = parseFloat(wy);
	att[7] = parseFloat(ww);
	att[8] = parseFloat(wh);
	// compatablility issue
	if (att[3].indexOf("f") > -1) {
		att[3] = "fit";

	// converts the old mark format (0-1000) to new format(0.0 - 1.0)
	// could even be useless now
	if (att[4] != "0/0") {
		var tmp = att[4].split(";");
		att[4] = "";
		for (i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) {
			tmp[i] = tmp[i].split("/");

			if (tmp[i][0] > 1 && tmp[i][1] > 1) {
				tmp[i][0] /= 1000;
				tmp[i][1] /= 1000;
			att[4] += tmp[i][0] + "/" + tmp[i][1] + ";";
		att[4] = att[4].slice(0, -1);

	// initialisation stuff
	// ====================

	this.document.onkeypress = parseKeypress;
	// give a name to the window containing digilib - this way one can test if there is already a
	// digilib-window open and replace the contents of it (ex. digicat) = "digilib";

// function that launches the ScaleServlet
// the different detailGrades:
// 		0 -> back, next, page
//		1 -> zoomout
//		2 -> zoomarea, zoompoint, moveto, scaledef

function loadPicture(detailGrade, keepArea) {

	var newQuery = "fn=" + att[0] + "&pn=" + att[1] + "&ws=" + att[2] + "&mo=" + att[3];

	if (detailGrade == 0) {
		att[4] = "0/0";

	if ((detailGrade == 1) || (detailGrade == 0 && !keepArea)) {
		att[5] = 0;
		att[6] = 0;
		att[7] = 1;
		att[8] = 1;

	newQuery += "&mk=" + att[4] + "&wx=" + att[5] + "&wy=" + att[6] + "&ww=" + att[7] + "&wh=" + att[8];
	newQuery += "&dw=" + (innerWidth-30) + "&dh=" + (innerHeight-30);
	// debug window - checking the parameters passed to the next image
	//alert ("DEBUG MESSAGE (query-string in loadPicture):\n\n" + newQuery);

	location.href = location.pathname + "?" + newQuery;

// constructor holding different values of a point
function Point(event) {

	this.pageX = parseInt(event.clientX);
	this.pageY = parseInt(event.clientY);
	this.x = this.pageX-parseInt(document.getElementById("lay1").style.left);
	this.y = this.pageY-parseInt(document.getElementById("lay1");
	this.relX = cropFloat(att[5]+(att[7]*this.x/document.pic.offsetWidth));
	this.relY = cropFloat(att[6]+(att[8]*this.y/document.pic.offsetHeight));

//	alert ("page:\t" + this.pageX + "\t" + this.pageY + "\npic:\t" + this.x + "\t" + this.y + "\nrel:\t" + this.relX + "\t" + this.relY);

	return this;

function backPage(keepArea) {

    att[1] = parseInt(att[1]) - 1;

    if (att[1] > 0) {
        loadPicture(0, keepArea);
    } else {
	    att[1] = parseInt(att[1]) + 1;
        alert("You are already on the first page!");

function nextPage(keepArea) {

    att[1] = parseInt(att[1]) + 1;

	loadPicture(0, keepArea);

function page(keepArea) {

	do {
    	page = prompt("Goto Page:", 1);
	} while ((page != null) && (page < 1));

   	if (page != null && page != att[1]) {
		att[1] = page;
		loadPicture(0, keepArea);

function digicat() {
	var url = "digicat.html?" + att[0] + "+" + att[1];
	win =, "digicat");

function ref(refselect) {

	var hyperlinkRef = baseUrl + "digilib.jsp?";
	hyperlinkRef += att[0] + "+" + att[1] + "+" + att[2] + "+" + att[3] + "+" + att[4];
	if ((att[5] != 0) || (att[6] != 0) || (att[7] != 1) || (att[8] != 1)) {
		hyperlinkRef += "+" + att[5] + "+" + att[6] + "+" + att[7] + "+" + att[8];

	if (refselect == 1) {
		prompt("Link for HTML--documents", hyperlinkRef);
	} else {
		prompt("Link for LaTeX--documents", "\\href{" + hyperlinkRef + "}{TEXT}");

function mark() {

	if (att[4].split(";").length > 7) {
		alert("Only 8 marks are possible at the moment!");

	function markEvent(event) {
	    var point = new Point(event);

		if ((att[4] != "") && (att[4] != "0/0")) {
			att[4] += ";";
		} else {
			att[4] = "";
		att[4] += point.relX + "/" + point.relY;

		document.getElementById("lay1").onmousedown = false;

	document.getElementById("lay1").onmousedown = markEvent;		

function zoomArea() {
	var state = 0;
	var pt1, pt2;

	function click(event) {

		if (state == 0) {
			state = 1;
			pt1 = new Point(event);
			pt2 = pt1;
			document.getElementById("eck1").style.left = pt1.pageX;
			document.getElementById("eck1") = pt1.pageY;
			document.getElementById("eck2").style.left = pt2.pageX-12;
			document.getElementById("eck2") = pt1.pageY;
			document.getElementById("eck3").style.left = pt1.pageX;
			document.getElementById("eck3") = pt2.pageY-12;
			document.getElementById("eck4").style.left = pt2.pageX-12;
			document.getElementById("eck4") = pt2.pageY-12;

			document.getElementById("lay1").onmousemove = move;		
			document.getElementById("eck4").onmousemove = move;		

		} else {

			pt2 = new Point(event);
			document.getElementById("lay1").onmousedown = false;
			document.getElementById("eck4").onmousedown = false;


			att[5] = Math.min(pt1.relX, pt2.relX);
			att[6] = Math.min(pt1.relY, pt2.relY);

			att[7] = Math.abs(pt1.relX-pt2.relX);
			att[8] = Math.abs(pt1.relY-pt2.relY);

			if (att[7] != 0 && att[8] != 0) {

	function move(event) {

		pt2 = new Point(event);

		document.getElementById("eck1").style.left = ((pt1.pageX < pt2.pageX) ? pt1.pageX : pt2.pageX);
		document.getElementById("eck1") = ((pt1.pageY < pt2.pageY) ? pt1.pageY : pt2.pageY);
		document.getElementById("eck2").style.left = ((pt1.pageX < pt2.pageX) ? pt2.pageX : pt1.pageX)-12;
		document.getElementById("eck2") = ((pt1.pageY < pt2.pageY) ? pt1.pageY : pt2.pageY);
		document.getElementById("eck3").style.left = ((pt1.pageX < pt2.pageX) ? pt1.pageX : pt2.pageX);
		document.getElementById("eck3") = ((pt1.pageY < pt2.pageY) ? pt2.pageY : pt1.pageY)-12;
		document.getElementById("eck4").style.left = ((pt1.pageX < pt2.pageX) ? pt2.pageX : pt1.pageX)-12;
		document.getElementById("eck4") = ((pt1.pageY < pt2.pageY) ? pt2.pageY : pt1.pageY)-12;

	document.getElementById("lay1").onmousedown = click;		
	document.getElementById("eck4").onmousedown = click;

function zoomPoint() {

	function zoomPointEvent(event) {
	    var point = new Point(event);

		att[5] = cropFloat(point.relX-0.5*att[7]*0.7);
		att[6] = cropFloat(point.relY-0.5*att[8]*0.7);

		att[7] = cropFloat(att[7]*0.7);
		att[8] = cropFloat(att[8]*0.7);

		if (att[5] < 0) {
			att[5] = 0;
		if (att[6] < 0) {
			att[6] = 0;
		if (att[5]+att[7] > 1) {
			att[5] = 1-att[7];
		if (att[6]+att[8] > 1) {
			att[6] = 1-att[8];

		document.getElementById("lay1").onmousedown = false;

	document.getElementById("lay1").onmousedown = zoomPointEvent;

function zoomOut() {


function moveTo() {

	function moveToEvent(event) {

	    var point = new Point(event);

		att[5] = cropFloat(point.relX-0.5*att[7]);
		att[6] = cropFloat(point.relY-0.5*att[8]);

		if (att[5] < 0) {
			att[5] = 0;
		if (att[6] < 0) {
			att[6] = 0;
		if (att[5]+att[7] > 1) {
			att[5] = 1-att[7];
		if (att[6]+att[8] > 1) {
			att[6] = 1-att[8];

		document.getElementById("lay1").onmousedown = false;

	document.getElementById("lay1").onmousedown = moveToEvent;

function scale(scaledef) {

	att[2] = scaledef;

function setMarks() {

	if (att[4] != "" && att[4] != "0/0") {
		var mark = att[4].split(";");

		var countMarks = mark.length;
		// maximum of marks is 8
		// we do not report this error because this is already done in func. "Mark"
		if (countMarks > 8) countMarks = 8;

		var picWidth = document.pic.offsetWidth;
		var picHeight = document.pic.offsetHeight;

		// catch the cases where the picture had not been loaded already and
		// make a timeout so that the coordinates are calculated with the real dimensions
		if (document.pic.complete) {
			var xoffset = parseInt(document.getElementById("lay1").style.left);
			var yoffset = parseInt(document.getElementById("lay1");

			for (var i = 0; i < countMarks; i++) {
				mark[i] = mark[i].split("/");

				if ((mark[i][0] > att[5]) && (mark[i][1] > att[6]) && (mark[i][0] < (att[5]+att[7])) && (mark[i][1] < (att[6]+att[8]))) {

					mark[i][0] = parseInt(xoffset+picWidth*(mark[i][0]-att[5])/att[7]);
					mark[i][1] = parseInt(yoffset+picHeight*(mark[i][1]-att[6])/att[8]);

					document.getElementById("dot" + i).style.left = mark[i][0]-5;
					document.getElementById("dot" + i) = mark[i][1]-5;
					document.getElementById("dot" + i).style.visibility = "visible";
		} else {
			setTimeout("setMarks()", 100);

// capturing keypresses for next and previous page
// ascii-values of n = 110, b = 98
function parseKeypress (event) {

	if (String.fromCharCode(event.which) == "n") {
	// does not work currently, because Opera catches this key on it's own
	// have to change the key or find another way - luginbuehl
	if (String.fromCharCode(event.which) == "b") {

// auxiliary function to crop senseless precicsion
function cropFloat(tmp) {
	return parseInt(10000*tmp)/10000;