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view xul/content/annota.js @ 327:c9b2938861cf
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author | robcast |
date | Tue, 02 Nov 2004 14:31:58 +0100 |
parents | 0e841edf6c39 |
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include ('chrome://jslib/content/io/dir.js'); include ('chrome://jslib/content/io/file.js'); /*include ('chrome://jslib/content/io/rdfBase.js'); include ('chrome://jslib/content/io/rdfResource.js'); include ('chrome://jslib/content/io/rdfContainer.js');*/ include ('chrome://jslib/content/io/rdf.js');/* include ('chrome://jslib/content/io/rdfFile.js');*/ include ('chrome://jslib/content/io/fileUtils.js'); /* Konstanten */ var BEGIN_OF_URI = 'urn:echo'; var TREE_ID = 'annotation_tree'; var ECHO = ''; var HEADER_URI = 'urn:header:'; var slash='/'; if (navigator.platform=="Win32"){ slash='\\'; } var directory=slash; var digilib_path=slash; var creator = 'unknown'; var rdfTree; getProfile(); getAnnotations(); /** * Opens a Dialog to make a text annotation. */ function dialog_annotate() { if(this.getAttributeOfSelectedNode('url') != '') { window.openDialog("chrome://alcatraz/content/dialog_annotate.xul", "dialog_annotate", "chrome,dialog,resizable=no", ""); } else { alert('No Annotation is selected!'); } } function makePathCompatible(path){ if (navigator.platform=="Win32"){ // slash durch backslash ersetzten path=path.replace(/\//g,"\\"); // nur 2 backslashs am anfang path=path.replace(/^\\{3}/,"\\\\"); // vor Laufwerkbuchstaben kein Backslash if (path.indexOf(":")>0){ path=path.replace(/^\\/g,""); } // nur ein Slash gibt Absturz path=path.replace(/^\\$/,"c:\\"); //alert(path); } return path; } function file_open(){ var nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker; var fp = Components.classes[";1"] .createInstance(nsIFilePicker); fp.init(window, "Select a Directory", nsIFilePicker.modeGetFolder); // set default directory var aLocalFile = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile); directory=makePathCompatible(directory); aLocalFile.initWithPath(directory); fp.displayDirectory=aLocalFile; var; if (res==nsIFilePicker.returnOK){ directory=fp.fileURL.path; directory=makePathCompatible(directory); this.setTreeDirectory(); } } function setTreeDirectory(){ this.rdfTree = new RDFTree(this.TREE_ID); this.rdfTree.addDataSource('file://'+this.getProfileDirectory()+slash+'annotations.rdf'); } function setCreatorName() { } function refreshTree(){ this.rdfTree = new RDFTree(this.TREE_ID); this.rdfTree.doSort('name'); this.rdfTree.rebuild(); } function getAttributeOfSelectedNode(attribute) { this.rdfTree = new RDFTree(this.TREE_ID); var tree = this.rdfTree.tree; try { return tree.view.getCellText(tree.currentIndex,attribute); } catch(e) { return ''; } } function getURIOfSelectedNode() { var url = this.getAttributeOfSelectedNode('url'); if(url != '') { return id = this.BEGIN_OF_URI + ':' + url + '|' + this.getAttributeOfSelectedNode('pagenumber') + '|' + this.getAttributeOfSelectedNode('name'); } return ''; } /** * Deletes the selected Annotation */ function deleteAnnotation() { var name = this.getAttributeOfSelectedNode('name'); if(name != '') { var isSure = window.confirm('Do you really want to delete the Annotations "' + name + '?'); if(isSure) { var dataSource = new RDFDataSource('file://'+this.getProfileDirectory()+slash+'annotations.rdf'); containerNode = dataSource.getNode(this.BEGIN_OF_URI); var uri = this.getURIOfSelectedNode(); containerNode.removeChild(dataSource.getNode(uri)); // alert(this.HEADER_URI+this.getURIOfSelectedNode()); //alert(uri); dataSource.deleteRecursive(this.HEADER_URI+uri); // Delete the Header dataSource.deleteRecursive(uri); this.refreshTree();; } } } /** * Adds a Textannotation to an existing annotation. */ function addTextAnnotation(text) { var id = this.getURIOfSelectedNode(); dataSource = new RDFDataSource('file://'+this.getProfileDirectory()+slash+'annotations.rdf'); var node = dataSource.getNode(id); if(node.propertyExists('')) { /** Do something */ } else { // Should never be reached alert('AddTextAnnotation: No Annotation is selected!'); } //alert(text); } function getCurrentDate() { var now = new Date(); return date = ((now.getYear() < 999) ? (now.getYear()+1900) : now.getYear()) + '-' +now.getDate() + '-' + now.getDay() + ', ' +now.getHours() + ':' + now.getMinutes() + ':' + now.getSeconds() + ' ' +(now.getTimezoneOffset()/60) + ':00 GMT'; } /** * Creates A Complex RDF entry and adds it to the base Container. * @params String The urn of the new node without(!) title (so far). * @todo isn't complex yet... */ function createComplexRDFEntry(inCompleteURN) { var title = window.prompt("Please enter a title for this Annotation" ,this.getAttributeOfSelectedNode('name')); if(title != null) { var completeURN = inCompleteURN+title; var echoContainer = dataSource.getNode(BEGIN_OF_URI); echoContainer.makeSeq(); echoContainer.addChild(completeURN); /* var node = dataSource.getNode(completeURN); node.addTarget(ECHO + 'template','text_digilib'); node.addTarget(ECHO + 'echo','basic'); node.addTarget(ECHO + 'lv","1"); node.addTarget("",title); node.addTarget("",""); node.addTarget("",""); node.addTarget("",""); node.addTarget("",'Annotation'); var arrayParams=window.content.listParameters(); var s = ''; for (i=0; i< arrayParams.length; i++){ s += arrayParams[i] + ' ' + window.content.getParameter(arrayParams[i]) + '\n'; //var value=window.content.getParameter(arrayParams[i]); //alert(arrayParams[i]+":"+value); //node.addTarget(ECHO + '+arrayParams[i],value); } alert(s); node.addTarget(ECHO + 'lv',"1"); node.addTarget("",title); node.addTarget("",""); node.addTarget("",""); node.addTarget("",""); //node.addTarget("","targetof"); //var node2 = dataSource.getNode("targetof"); //node2.addTarget(ECHO + 'lv',"1"); */ var date = this.getCurrentDate(); var node = dataSource.getNode(this.HEADER_URI + completeURN); var created = ''; /** @Todo Doesn't work correctly, if the selected one isn't the overwritten one! */ if(!node.propertyExists('')) { created = date; } else { created = this.getAttributeOfSelectedNode('created'); } var fn = window.content.getParameter('fn'); var pn = window.content.getParameter('pn'); var ws = window.content.getParameter('ws'); var mk = window.content.getParameter('mk'); var wx = window.content.getParameter('wx'); var wy = window.content.getParameter('wy'); var ww = window.content.getParameter('ww'); var wh = window.content.getParameter('wh'); var pt = window.content.getParameter('pt'); var brgt = window.content.getParameter('brgt'); var cont = window.content.getParameter('cont'); var rot = window.content.getParameter('rot'); var rgba = window.content.getParameter('rgba'); var rgbm = window.content.getParameter('rgbm'); var ddpix = window.content.getParameter('ddpix'); var ddpiy = window.content.getParameter('ddpiy'); var lv = 1; /** @todo get the parameter right */ var rdfHeader = '<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n' +'<RDF:RDF xmlns:RDF=""\n' +' xmlns:echo="' + ECHO + '"\n' +' xmlns:a=""\n' +' xmlns:d="">\n\n' var rdfFooter = '</RDF:RDF>\n'; var rdf = rdfHeader; if(true) { // annotation is basic rdf += ' <RDF:Description RDF:about="' + completeURN + '">\n' + ' <!-- Annotations Type -->\n' + ' <RDF:type rdf:resource=""/>\n' + ' <echo:type rdf:resource="' + ECHO + 'Digilib"/>\n' //echo -> RDF + ' <!-- Echo Digilib Parameters -->\n' + ' <echo:fn>' + fn + '</echo:fn>\n' + ' <echo:pn>' + pn + '</echo:pn>\n' + ' <echo:ws>' + ws + '</echo:ws>\n' + ' <echo:mk>' + mk + '</echo:mk>\n' // As there isn't a textmark yet, I only set mk + ' <echo:wx>' + wx + '</echo:wx>\n' + ' <echo:wy>' + wy + '</echo:wy>\n' + ' <echo:ww>' + ww + '</echo:ww>\n' + ' <echo:wh>' + wh + '</echo:wh>\n' + ' <echo:pt>' + pt + '</echo:pt>\n' + ' <echo:brgt>' + brgt + '</echo:brgt>\n' + ' <echo:cont>' + cont + '</echo:cont>\n' + ' <echo:rot>' + rot + '</echo:rot>\n' + ' <echo:rgba>' + rgba + '</echo:rgba>\n' + ' <echo:rgbm>' + rgbm + '</echo:rgbm>\n' + ' <echo:ddpix>' + ddpix + '</echo:ddpix>\n' + ' <echo:ddpiy>' + ddpiy + '</echo:ddpiy>\n' + ' <echo:lv>' + lv + '</echo:lv>\n' + ' <!-- Dublin Core -->\n' + ' <d:title>' + title + '</d:title>\n' + ' <d:creator>' + creator + '</d:creator>\n' + ' <d:date>' + date + '</d:date>\n' + ' <!-- Annotations -->\n' + ' <a:created>' + created + '</a:created>\n' + ' </RDF:Description>\n'; } else { // annotation is complex /** @Todo The other components aren't correct yet*/ rdf +=' <RDF:Description RDF:about="' + this.HEADER_URI + completeURN + '">\n' + ' <RDF:type rdf:resource=""/>\n' + ' <echo:template>text_digilib</echo:template>\n' // are there other templates? + ' <!-- Dublin Core -->\n' + ' <d:title>' + title + '</d:title>\n' + ' <d:creator>' + creator + '</d:creator>\n' + ' <d:date>' + date + '</d:date>\n' + ' <!-- Annotations -->\n' + ' <a:created>' + created + '</a:created>\n'; rdf +=' <echo:type rdf:resource="' + ECHO + 'complex"/>\n'; //echo -> RDF + ' <echo:annotation RDF:resource="' + completeURN +'"/>\n' + ' </RDF:Description>\n\n'; } rdf += rdfFooter; //alert(rdf); var ds = new RDFDataSource(); //Remove the original to add the new one dataSource.deleteRecursive(this.HEADER_URI+completeURN); ds.parseFromString(rdf,'file://'+this.getProfileDirectory()+slash+'annotations.rdf'); ds.copyAllToDataSource(dataSource); /******************************************************* var rdf ='<?xml version="1.0" ?>' +'<RDF:RDF xmlns:RDF=""' +' xmlns:echo="' + ECHO + '"' +' xmlns:a=""' +' xmlns:d="">' +' <RDF:Description rdf:about="'+completeURN+'">' +' <echo:template>text_digilib</echo:template>' +' <echo:type rdf:resource="' + ECHO + 'complex"/>' //echo -> RDF +' <RDF:type rdf:resource=""/>' +' <echo:annotation>' +' <RDF:Description>' +' <!-- Annotations Type -->' +' <RDF:type rdf:resource=""/>' +' <echo:type rdf:resource="' + ECHO + 'Digilib"/>' //echo -> RDF +' <!-- Echo Digilib Parameters -->' +' <echo:fn>histbot/botany</echo:fn>' +' <echo:pn>1</echo:pn>' +' <echo:ws>1.0</echo:ws>' +' <echo:text_mark echo:mk="0.6021/0.8411">' +' <RDF:Description>' +' <!-- Annotations Type -->' +' <RDF:type rdf:resource="" />' +' <echo:type rdf:resource="' + ECHO + 'Text" />'//echo -> RDF +' <!-- Alcatraz Text -->' +' <echo:txt>Mark 1 shows the root of the Anthoxanthum odoratum <br /> there is a lot of textand textt and text and text and text</echo:txt>' +' <!-- Dublin Core -->' +' <d:title>Text Annotation of Mark1</d:title>' +' <d:creator></d:creator>' +' <d:date>2003-07-11T19:13:52+01:00</d:date>' +' <!-- Annotations -->' +' <a:created>2003-07-11T19:13:16+01:00</a:created>' +' </RDF:Description>' +' </echo:text_mark>' +' <echo:wx>0.2626</echo:wx>' +' <echo:wy>0.8123</echo:wy>' +' <echo:ww>0.4747</echo:ww>' +' <echo:wh>0.1484</echo:wh>' +' <echo:pt>249</echo:pt>' +' <echo:lv>1</echo:lv>' +' <!-- Dublin Core -->' +' <d:title>Ruchgras</d:title>' +' <d:creator></d:creator>' +' <d:date>2003-05-11T16:42:52+01:00</d:date>' +' <!-- Annotations -->' +' <a:created>2003-05-11T16:34:16+01:00</a:created>' +' </RDF:Description>' +' </echo:annotation>' // rdf:resource="echo00765"/>' +' <d:title>Complex Annotation Digilib and Text</d:title>' +' <d:creator></d:creator>' +' <d:date>2003-01-13T19:13:52+01:00</d:date>' +' <!-- Annotations -->' +' <a:created>2003-01-13T19:13:16+01:00</a:created>' +' </RDF:Description>' +'</RDF:RDF>'; ds = new RDFDataSource(); ds.parseFromString(rdf,""); //alert('Beispiel einer komplexen Annotation:\n\n'+ds.serializeToString()); ***************************************************************/ } } /** * Saves the open echo-site in the annotation.rdf-file without asking. * @todo The <code>about</code> has to be modified if the URN's are changing! */ function quickSave() { var about=''; try { var identify; try { identify = (typeof(window.content.identify()) != 'undefined') ? window.content.identify() : false; } catch(e) { identify = false; } about = window.content.getParameter('fn'); about += '|' + window.content.getParameter('pn') + '|'; } catch (e){ about = ''; } if (about != ''){ //alert('Creator: '+this.creator); while(this.creator == 'unknown' || this.creator == '') { this.creator = window.prompt("Please enter a username:",this.creator); } this.setProfile(); //URN isn't complete yet! var urn = BEGIN_OF_URI + ':' + about; //alert('Documentpath: '+documentpath); dataSource = new RDFDataSource('file://'+this.getProfileDirectory()+slash+'annotations.rdf'); this.createComplexRDFEntry(urn);; refreshTree(); } else{ alert("Error: no alcatraz component. can't create an annotation."); } } /** @todo Allow the users to save their RDF-Files anywhere. function saveAs(){ // get Digilib-Parameter form Browser //alert(window.content.location.href); var documentpath=''; try{ documentpath=window.content.getParameter('fn'); documentpath=documentpath.replace(':',';'); }catch (e){ documentpath=''; } if (documentpath != ''){ //documentpath=documentpath.replace(slash,':'); //alert(documentpath); var docPath = BEGIN_OF_URI + ':' + documentpath; var t=document.getElementById("file_tree"); dataSource = new RDFDataSource(); this.createComplexRDFEntry(docPath); //; //refreshTree(); var nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker; var fp = Components.classes[";1"] .createInstance(nsIFilePicker); fp.init(window, "Select a File", nsIFilePicker.modeSave); // set default direcotry var aLocalFile = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile); directory=makePathCompatible(directory); aLocalFile.initWithPath(directory); fp.displayDirectory=aLocalFile; fp.appendFilter("Annotations","*.rdf; *.RDF"); var; if (res==nsIFilePicker.returnOK){ var thefile=fp.file; // --- do something with the file here --- //alert(fp.file); //alert(fp.fileURL.path); var strFilePath=fp.file.path; strFilePath=strFilePath.toLowerCase(); if (strFilePath.indexOf('.rdf')<0){ strFilePath=fp.fileURL.path+".rdf"; }else{ strFilePath=fp.fileURL.path; } strFilePath=makePathCompatible(strFilePath); var f=new File(strFilePath); //var boolFileExists=f.exists(); //alert(boolFileExists); f.create();'w'); f.write(dataSource.serializeToString()); f.close(); refreshTree(); } } else{ alert("Error: no alcatraz component. can't create an annotation."); } } //*/ function file_local(){ // noch nicht programmiert } function file_annotaDB(){ alert("At the moment it is not possible to use the annota DB! This feature is not yet programmed."); var menu_item=document.getElementById('local'); menu_item.setAttribute('checked','true'); } function tree_click(){ var rdfFile = this.getURIOfSelectedNode(); if (rdfFile!=''){ //alert('New identifier: '+ rdfFile); this.send_annotation(rdfFile); } } /*** * Diese Funktion wird gebraucht um im Dialog den Pfad zu digilib zu setzen * ***/ function setDigilibPath(digilibPathValue){ digilib_path=digilibPathValue; } /*** * Dialog tools momentan kann man nur den Pfad zu digilib setzen * ***/ function show_dialog(dialog){ if (dialog=="tool path"){ window.openDialog("tools_dialog.xul","funny dialog", "chrome",digilib_path,setDigilibPath); } if (dialog == 'creator') { var creatorName = window.prompt('Enter the name of the creator of the annotations:' ,this.creator); if(creatorName != '') { this.creator = creatorName; } } } /*** * Gibt den Inhalt eines Files als String zurueck * ***/ function readFile(fileName){ var file = new File(fileName); var string = ''; if (file.isFile()){;; file.close(); } return string; } /** * @todo digilib.jsp sollte hier nicht auf die urn schauen, sondern auf den fn parameter! */ function getContentOfRdfDescription(id) { dataSource = new RDFDataSource('file://'+this.getProfileDirectory()+slash+'annotations.rdf'); var inMemoryDataSource = new RDFDataSource(); var node = dataSource.getNode(id); var properties = node.getProperties(); var urn = this.getAttributeOfSelectedNode('url'); urn = urn.replace(/^file:\/\//,""); urn = this.makePathCompatible(urn); var inMemoryNode = inMemoryDataSource.getNode(this.BEGIN_OF_URI+':'+urn); while(properties.hasMoreElements()) { var property = properties.getNext(); var target = node.getTarget(property); inMemoryNode.addTarget(property,target); } return inMemoryDataSource.serializeToString(); } /** * @todo check if it is platform independant */ function send_annotation(rdfFilePath){ //digilib_path = ''; strRdfFile = this.getContentOfRdfDescription(rdfFilePath); //alert(strRdfFile); if (strRdfFile!=''){ var formid = 'mainform'; var form = this.createForm(formid, digilib_path+"/digilib.jsp", "post", "_content"); this.setFormData(form, formid, strRdfFile); form.submit(); } } function createForm(formid, action, method, target) { var form = document.getElementById(formid); if(form != null) document.documentElement.removeChild(form); var form = document.createElementNS("", "form"); form.setAttribute("id", formid); form.setAttribute("action", action); form.setAttribute("method", method); form.setAttribute("target", target); document.documentElement.appendChild(form); return form; } function setFormData(form, formid, rdf) { var val1 = document.createElementNS("", "input"); val1.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); val1.setAttribute('name', 'rdf'); val1.setAttribute('value', rdf); form.appendChild(val1); } function getProfileDirectory(){ // First get the directory service and query interface it to // nsIProperties var dirService = Components. classes[';1']. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIProperties); // Next get the "ProfD" property of type nsIFile from the directory // service, FYI this constant is defined in // mozilla/xpcom/io/nsAppDirectoryServiceDefs.h const NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR = "ProfD"; profileDir = dirService.get(NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR, Components.interfaces.nsIFile); // Now that we have it we can show it's path. See nsIFile for the // other things you that can be done with profileDir //alert(profileDir.path); return profileDir.path; } function getProfile(){ var strProfile=readFile(getProfileDirectory()+slash+"annota.dat"); if (strProfile==""){ directory=slash; digilib_path=""; creator = 'unknown' setProfile(); } else { var params=strProfile.split("\n"); for (var i=0;i<params.length;i++){ var key_value=params[i].split("|"); if (key_value[0]=='directory'){ directory=key_value[1]; } if (key_value[0]=='tool path'){ digilib_path=key_value[1]; } if(key_value[0] == 'creator') { creator = key_value[1]; } } } } /** * @todo Menuentry where the user can set the creator name. */ function setProfile(){ var file = new File(getProfileDirectory()+slash+'annota.dat'); file.create();'w'); file.write('directory|'+directory+'\n' +'tool path|'+digilib_path+'\n' +'creator|'+this.creator+'\n'); file.close(); } function getAnnotations() { var annotations = this.readFile(this.getProfileDirectory()+slash+'annotations.rdf'); if(annotations=='') { this.setAnnotations(); } } function setAnnotations() { var file = new File(this.getProfileDirectory()+slash+'annotations.rdf'); //alert(this.getProfileDirectory()+slash+'annotations.rdf'); file.create();'w'); file.write('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n' +'<RDF:RDF xmlns:ECHO="' + ECHO + '"\n' +' xmlns:ANNOTATION=\""' +' xmlns:DC=\""' +' xmlns:RDF=\"">' +'</RDF:RDF>\n'); file.close(); } function traverse(node){ if (node.hasChildNodes){ var arr_nodes=node.childNodes; for (var i=0;i<arr_nodes.length;i++){ if (arr_nodes[i].getAttribute("open")){ //alert(arr_nodes[i].getAttribute("open")); if (arr_nodes[i].hasChildNodes && arr_nodes[i].firstChild.hasChildNodes){ alert(arr_nodes[i].firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute("label")); } } traverse(arr_nodes[i]); } } } function traverseTree(){ var t=document.getElementById("file_tree"); traverse(t); }