changeset 202:7501034e54e1

restart xul version control - first delete everything
author luginbue
date Fri, 27 Feb 2004 11:12:44 +0100 (2004-02-27)
parents 73ef1b15f392
children bf945fcf9105
files xul/annota/annota.js xul/annota/annota.xul xul/annota/rdfds.js xul/annota/tools_dialog.xul xul/install_sidebar.jsp xul/menu.js
diffstat 6 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 1456 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/xul/annota/annota.js	Fri Feb 27 11:06:54 2004 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-include ('chrome://jslib/content/io/dir.js');
-include ('chrome://jslib/content/io/file.js');
-include ('chrome://jslib/content/io/rdfBase.js');
-include ('chrome://jslib/content/io/rdfResource.js');
-include ('chrome://jslib/content/io/rdfContainer.js');
-include ('chrome://jslib/content/io/rdf.js');
-include ('chrome://jslib/content/io/rdfFile.js');
-var slash='/';
-if (navigator.platform=="Win32"){
-   slash='\\';
-var directory=slash;
-var digilib_path=slash;
-function makePathCompatible(path){
-  if (navigator.platform=="Win32"){
-    // slash durch backslash ersetzten
-    path=path.replace(/\//g,"\\");
-    // nur 2 backslashs am anfang
-    path=path.replace(/^\\{3}/,"\\\\");
-    // vor Laufwerkbuchstaben kein Backslash
-    if (path.indexOf(":")>0){
-      path=path.replace(/^\\/g,"");
-    }
-    // nur ein Slash gibt Absturz
-    path=path.replace(/^\\$/,"c:\\");
-    //alert(path);
-  }
-  return path;
-function file_open(){
-  var nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
-  var fp = Components.classes[";1"]
-        .createInstance(nsIFilePicker);
-  fp.init(window, "Select a Directory", nsIFilePicker.modeGetFolder);
-  // set default direcotry
-  var aLocalFile = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
-  directory=makePathCompatible(directory);
-  aLocalFile.initWithPath(directory);
-  fp.displayDirectory=aLocalFile;
-  var;
-  if (res==nsIFilePicker.returnOK){
-    directory=fp.fileURL.path;
-    directory=makePathCompatible(directory);
-    setTreeDirectory();
-  }
-function setTreeDirectory(){
-    var t=document.getElementById("file_tree");
-    t.setAttribute("ref","file://"+directory);
-function refreshTree(){
-   var t=document.getElementById("file_tree");
-   t.builder.rebuild(); 
-function file_save(){
-  // get Digilib-Parameter form Browser
-  // alert(window.content.location.href);
- var documentpath='';
-   try{
-      documentpath=window.content.getParameter('fn'); 
-   }catch (e){
-      documentpath='';
-   }
-   if (documentpath != ''){
-     var docPath='urn:echo:'+documentpath;
-      var rdfString='<?xml version="1.0"?>' +
-                  '<RDF:RDF xmlns:NS1=""' +
-                  '         xmlns:RDF=""' +
-                  '         xmlns:d=""' +
-                  '         xmlns:a="">' +
-                  '         <RDF:Seq RDF:about="urn:echo">' +
-                  '         <RDF:li RDF:resource="'+docPath+'"/>' +
-                  '         </RDF:Seq>' +   
-                  '         <RDF:Description RDF:about="'+docPath+'" NS1:page=0"/>'+
-                  '</RDF:RDF>';
-     var ds=new RDFDataSource();
-     ds.parseFromString(rdfString,"");
-     var node=ds.getNode(docPath);
-     var arrayParams=window.content.listParameters();
-     for (i=0; i< arrayParams.length; i++){
-        var value=window.content.getParameter(arrayParams[i]);
-        //alert(arrayParams[i]+":"+value);
-        node.addTarget(""+arrayParams[i],value);
-     }
-     node.addTarget("","1");
-     //alert(ds.serializeToString());
-     var nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
-     var fp = Components.classes[";1"]
-           .createInstance(nsIFilePicker);
-     fp.init(window, "Select a File", nsIFilePicker.modeSave);
-     // set default direcotry
-     var aLocalFile = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
-     directory=makePathCompatible(directory);
-     aLocalFile.initWithPath(directory);
-     fp.displayDirectory=aLocalFile;     
-     fp.appendFilter("Annotations","*.rdf; *.RDF");
-     var;
-     if (res==nsIFilePicker.returnOK){
-       var thefile=fp.file;
-       // --- do something with the file here ---
-       //alert(fp.file);
-       //alert(fp.fileURL.path);
-       var strFilePath=fp.file.path;
-       strFilePath=strFilePath.toLowerCase();
-       if (strFilePath.indexOf('.rdf')<0){
-          strFilePath=fp.fileURL.path+".rdf";
-       }else{
-          strFilePath=fp.fileURL.path;
-       }
-       strFilePath=makePathCompatible(strFilePath);
-       var f=new File(strFilePath);
-       //var boolFileExists=f.exists();
-       //alert(boolFileExists);
-       f.create();
-       f.write(ds.serializeToString());
-       f.close();
-       refreshTree();
-     }
-  }else{
-     alert("Error: no alcatraz component. can't create an annotation.");
-  }
-function file_local(){
-  // noch nicht programmiert
-function file_annotaDB(){
-  alert("At the moment it is not possible to use the annota DB! This feature is not yet programmed.");
-  var menu_item=document.getElementById('local');
-  menu_item.setAttribute('checked','true');
-function tree_click(){
-   var t=document.getElementById("file_tree");    //tree element
-   var l=t.view.getItemAtIndex(t.currentIndex);   //aus baum treeitem herausholen mit dem selected index (currentIndex)   
-                                                  //l.firstChild ist treeitem
-   var d=l.firstChild.firstChild;                 //treecell
-   var firstLabel=d.getAttribute("label"); 
-   var cols=document.getElementById("cols");
-   var col=cols.childNodes;
-   var nodes=l.firstChild.childNodes;
-   var rdf_file="";
-   for (var i=0;i<nodes.length;i++){
-      if (col[i].getAttribute("label")=="URL"){
-         rdf_file=nodes[i].getAttribute("label");
-      }
-   }
-   if (rdf_file!=""){
-     send_annotation(rdf_file);
-   }
-   return rdf_file;  
-* Diese Funktion wird gebraucht um im Dialog den Pfad zu digilib zu setzen
-function setDigilibPath(digilibPathValue){
-   digilib_path=digilibPathValue;
-* Dialog tools momentan kann man nur den Pfad zu digilib setzen
-function show_dialog(dialog){
-  if (dialog=="tool path"){
-    window.openDialog("tools_dialog.xul","funny dialog",
-                  "chrome",digilib_path,setDigilibPath);
-  }
-* Gibt den Inhalt eines Files als String zurueck
-function readFile(str_Filename){
-  var f=new File(str_Filename);
-  var str="";
-  if (f.isFile()){
-    f.close();
-  }
-  return str;
-function send_annotation(rdf_file){
-   rdf_file=rdf_file.replace(/^file:\/\//,"");
-   rdf_file=makePathCompatible(rdf_file);
-   strRdfFile=readFile(rdf_file);
-   if (strRdfFile!=""){
-     var formid='mainform';   
-     var form = createForm(formid, digilib_path+"/digilib.jsp", "post", "_content");
-     //var form = createForm(formid, "", "post", "_content");
-     //var form = createForm(formid, "", "post", "_content");
-     setFormData(form, formid, strRdfFile);
-     form.submit();
-   }
-function createForm(formid, action, method, target)
-     var form = document.getElementById(formid);
-     if(form != null)
-     document.documentElement.removeChild(form);
-     var form = document.createElementNS("", "form");
-     form.setAttribute("id", formid);
-     form.setAttribute("action", action);
-     form.setAttribute("method", method);
-     form.setAttribute("target", target);
-     document.documentElement.appendChild(form);
-     return form;
-function setFormData(form, formid, rdf)
-     var val1 = document.createElementNS("", "input");
-     val1.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
-     val1.setAttribute('name', 'rdf');
-     val1.setAttribute('value', rdf);
-     form.appendChild(val1); 
-function getProfileDirectory(){
- // First get the directory service and query interface it to
-   // nsIProperties
-   var dirService = Components.
-       classes[';1'].
-       getService(Components.interfaces.nsIProperties);
-   // Next get the "ProfD" property of type nsIFile from the directory
-   // service, FYI this constant is defined in
-   // mozilla/xpcom/io/nsAppDirectoryServiceDefs.h
-   const NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR = "ProfD";
-   profileDir = dirService.get(NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR,
-        Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
-   // Now that we have it we can show it's path. See nsIFile for the
-   // other things you that can be done with profileDir
-   //alert(profileDir.path);
-   return profileDir.path;
-function getProfile(){
-   var strProfile=readFile(getProfileDirectory()+slash+"annota.dat");
-   if (strProfile==""){
-      directory=slash;
-      digilib_path="";
-      setProfile();
-   }else{
-      var params=strProfile.split("\n");
-      for (var i=0;i<params.length;i++){
-         var key_value=params[i].split("|");
-	 if (key_value[0]=='directory'){
-	    directory=key_value[1];
-         }
-	 if (key_value[0]=='tool path'){
-	    digilib_path=key_value[1];
-         }
-      }
-   }
-function setProfile(){
-   var f=new File(getProfileDirectory()+slash+'annota.dat');
-   f.create();
-   f.write('directory|'+directory+'\n'+'tool path|'+digilib_path+'\n');
-   f.close();
-function traverse(node){
-   if (node.hasChildNodes){   
-      var arr_nodes=node.childNodes;  
-      for (var i=0;i<arr_nodes.length;i++){
-	 if (arr_nodes[i].getAttribute("open")){
-            //alert(arr_nodes[i].getAttribute("open"));
-            if (arr_nodes[i].hasChildNodes && arr_nodes[i].firstChild.hasChildNodes){
-               alert(arr_nodes[i].firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute("label"));
-            }
-         }         
-         traverse(arr_nodes[i]);  
-      }
-   }
-function traverseTree(){
-    var t=document.getElementById("file_tree");
-    traverse(t);
--- a/xul/annota/annota.xul	Fri Feb 27 11:06:54 2004 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>
-<window id="example-window" title="Example 5.1.1"
-        xmlns:html=""
-        xmlns=""
-        onload="setTreeDirectory()">
-<toolbox flex="1">
-  <script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://jslib/content/jslib.js" />
-  <script language="JavaScript" src="annota.js"/>
-  <script language="JavaScript" src="rdfds.js"/>
-  <menubar id="sample-menubar">
-    <menu id="file-menu" label="File">
-      <menupopup id="file-popup">
-        <menuitem label="Save" onclick="file_save()" />
-      </menupopup>
-    </menu>
-    <menu id="edit-menu" label="Options">
-      <menupopup id="edit-popup">
-        <menuitem id="local" label="Local" type="radio" name="location" checked="true" onclick="file_local()" />
-        <menuitem id="annotaDB" label="Annota DB" type="radio" name="location" onclick="file_annotaDB()" />        
-        <menuseparator/>
-        <menuitem id="tool_path" label="Tool URL" onclick="show_dialog('tool path')" />  
-        <menuitem id="annotations_path" label="Path to annotations" onclick="file_open()" />       
-        <menuseparator/>
-        <menuitem id="save_options" label="Save Options" onclick="setProfile()" />   
-      </menupopup>
-    </menu>
-  </menubar>
-<vbox flex="100">
-  <tree id="file_tree" flex="1" datasources="rdf:files" ref="file:///" ondblclick="tree_click()">
-    <treecols id="cols">
-      <treecol id="name" label="Name" primary="true" flex="1"/>
-      <treecol id="url" label="URL" hidden="true" flex="1"/>
-    </treecols>
-    <template>
-      <rule>
-        <treechildren flex="1" >
-         <treeitem uri="rdf:*" persist="open">
-           <treerow>
-             <treecell label="rdf:"/>
-             <treecell label="rdf:"/>
-           </treerow>
-         </treeitem>
-        </treechildren>
-      </rule>
-    </template>
-  </tree>
--- a/xul/annota/rdfds.js	Fri Feb 27 11:06:54 2004 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,760 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
- * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- * rights and limitations under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is rdfds
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Neil Deakin
- * Portions created by Neil Deakin are Copyright (C) 2002 Neil Deakin.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- */
-/* This is a library for easier access to RDF datasources and resources.
- * It contains four objects, RDFDataSource, RDFNode, RDFLiteral. and
- * RDFEnumerator.
- *
- * An RDF DataSource is a graph of nodes and literals. The constructor
- * for RDFDataSource takes one argument, a URI of an RDF file to use.
- * If the URI exists, the contents of the RDF file are loaded. If it
- * does not exist, resources can be added to it and then written using
- * this save method. If the URL argument is null, a blank datasource
- * is created.
- *
- * This library is designed for convenience not for efficiency.
- *
- * The API is documented at:
- *
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * var ds=new RDFDataSource("file:///main/mozilla/mimtest.rdf");
- * var node=ds.getNode("urn:xpimaker:packlist");
- * var child=ds.getNode("urn:xpimaker:packlist:appinfo");
- * child=node.addChild(child);
- * child.addTarget("","Find Files");
- *;
- *
- */
-var RDFService = ";1";
-RDFService = Components.classes[RDFService].getService();
-RDFService = RDFService.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService);
-var RDFContainerUtilsService = ";1";
-RDFContainerUtilsService = Components.classes[RDFContainerUtilsService].getService();
-RDFContainerUtilsService = RDFContainerUtilsService.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainerUtils);
-/* RDFLoadObserver
- *   this object is necessary to listen to RDF files being loaded. The Init
- *   function should be called to initialize the callback when the RDF file is
- *   loaded.
- */
-function RDFLoadObserver(){}
-RDFLoadObserver.prototype =
-  callback: null,
-  callbackDataSource: null,
-  Init: function(c,cDS){
-    this.callback=c;
-    this.callbackDataSource=cDS;
-  },
-  QueryInterface: function(iid){
-    if (iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFXMLSinkObserver)) return this;
-    else throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
-  },
-  onBeginLoad : function(sink){},
-  onInterrupt : function(sink){},
-  onResume : function(sink){},
-  onError : function(sink,status,msg){},
-  onEndLoad : function(sink){
-    if (this.callback!=null) this.callback(this.callbackDataSource);
-  }
-function RDFDataSource(uri,callbackFn)
-  if (uri==null) this.datasource=null;
-  else this.load(uri,callbackFn);
-  function(uri,callbackFn)
-  if (uri.indexOf(":") == -1){
-    var docurl=document.location.href;
-    if (document.location.pathname == null) uri=docurl+"/"+uri;
-    else uri=docurl.substring(0,docurl.lastIndexOf("/")+1)+uri;
-  }
-  if (callbackFn == null){
-    this.datasource=RDFService.GetDataSourceBlocking(uri);
-  }
-  else {
-    this.datasource=RDFService.GetDataSource(uri);
-    var ds;
-    try {
-      var ds=this.datasource.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource);
-    }
-    catch (ex){
-      callbackFn(this);
-      return;
-    }
-    if (ds.loaded){
-      callbackFn(this);
-      return;
-    }
-    var packObserver=new RDFLoadObserver();
-    packObserver.Init(callbackFn,this);
-    var rawsource=this.datasource;
-    rawsource=rawsource.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFXMLSink);
-    rawsource.addXMLSinkObserver(packObserver);
-  }
-  function (dsource)
-  this.datasource=dsource;
-  function (str,baseUri)
-  if (this.datasource==null) this.makeemptyds();
-  var ios=Components.classes[";1"]
-                    .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
-  baseUri=ios.newURI(baseUri,null,null);
-  var xmlParser=Components.classes[";1"]
-                          .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFXMLParser);
-  xmlParser.parseString(this.datasource,baseUri,str);
-  function ()
-  var outputStream = {
-    data: "",
-    close : function(){},
-    flush : function(){},
-    write : function (buffer,count){
- += buffer;
-      return count;
-    },
-    writeFrom : function (stream,count){},
-    isNonBlocking: false
-  }
-  this.serializeToStream(outputStream);
-  return;
-  function (outputStream)
-  var ser=Components.classes[";1"]
-                    .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFXMLSerializer);
-  ser.init(this.datasource);
-  ser.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFXMLSource).Serialize(outputStream);
-  function (uri)
-  this.datasource=Components.classes[";1?name=in-memory-datasource"]
-                            .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource);
-  function ()
-  if (this.datasource==null) return null;
-  return new RDFEnumerator(this.datasource.GetAllResources(),this.datasource);
-  function ()
-  if (this.datasource==null) this.makeemptyds();
-  return this.datasource;
-  function (uri)
-  if (this.datasource==null) this.makeemptyds();
-  var node=new RDFNode(uri,this);
-  return node;
-  function ()
-  if (this.datasource==null) this.makeemptyds();
-  var anon=RDFService.GetAnonymousResource();
-  var node=new RDFNode();
-  node.Init(anon,this.datasource);
-  return node;
-  function (uri)
-  if (this.datasource==null) this.makeemptyds();
-  return new RDFLiteral(uri,this);
-  function (sync)
-  try {
-    var ds=this.datasource.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource);
-    ds.Refresh(sync);
-    return true;
-  }
-  catch (ex){
-    return false;
-  }
-  function ()
-  try {
-    var ds=this.datasource.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource);
-    ds.Flush();
-    return true;
-  }
-  catch (ex){
-    return false;
-  }
-  function (dsource2)
-  if (this.datasource==null) this.makeemptyds();
-  if (dsource2.datasource==null) dsource2.makeemptyds();
-  var dsource1=this.datasource;
-  dsource2=dsource2.datasource;
-  var sourcelist=dsource1.GetAllResources();
-  while(sourcelist.hasMoreElements()){
-    var source=sourcelist.getNext();
-    var props=dsource1.ArcLabelsOut(source);
-    while(props.hasMoreElements()){
-      var prop=props.getNext();
-      prop=prop.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
-      var target=dsource1.GetTarget(source,prop,true);
-      if (target!=null) dsource2.Assert(source,prop,target,true);
-    }
-  }
-  function (val)
-  var node;
-  var dsource=this.datasource;
-  if (dsource==null) return;
-  if (typeof val == "string") node=RDFService.GetResource(val);
-  else node=val.source;
-  this.deleteRecursiveH(dsource,node); // remove descendants
-  // remove the node itself
-  var props=dsource.ArcLabelsIn(node);
-  while(props.hasMoreElements()){
-    var prop=props.getNext();
-    var source=dsource.GetSource(prop,node,true);
-    dsource.Unassert(source,prop,node);
-  }
-  function (dsource,node)
-  var props=dsource.ArcLabelsOut(node);
-  while(props.hasMoreElements()){
-    var prop=props.getNext();
-    var target=dsource.GetTarget(node,prop,true);
-    try {
-      target=target.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
-      this.deleteRecursiveH(dsource,target);
-    }
-    catch (e){}
-    dsource.Unassert(node,prop,target)
-  }
-function RDFNode(uri,dsource)
-  if (uri==null) this.source=null;
-  else this.source=RDFService.GetResource(uri);
-  if (dsource==null) this.datasource=null;
-  else this.datasource=dsource.datasource;
-  this.container=null;
-  function (source,dsource)
-  this.source=source;
-  this.datasource=dsource;
-  this.container=null;
-  function ()
-  return this.source.Value;
-  function (val)
-  var res=null;
-  if (val!=null){
-    try {
-      val=val.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
-      res=new RDFNode();
-      res.Init(val,this.datasource);
-    }
-    catch (ex){
-      try {
-        val=val.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
-        res=new RDFLiteral();
-        res.Init(val,this.datasource);
-      }
-      catch (ex2){
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return res;
-  function (val)
-  if (typeof val == "string") return RDFService.GetResource(val);
-  else return val.source;
-  function (val)
-  if (typeof val == "string") return RDFService.GetLiteral(val);
-  else return val.source;
-  function ()
-  if (this.container!=null) return true;
-  var RDFContainer = ';1';
-  RDFContainer = Components.classes[RDFContainer].createInstance();
-  RDFContainer = RDFContainer.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainer);
-  try {
-    RDFContainer.Init(this.datasource,this.source);
-    this.container=RDFContainer;
-    return true;
-  }
-  catch (ex){
-    return false;
-  }
-  function (prop,target)
-  prop=this.makeres(prop);
-  target=this.makelit(target);
-  this.datasource.Assert(this.source,prop,target,true);
-  function (prop,target)
-  prop=this.makeres(prop);
-  target=this.makelit(target);
-  var oldtarget=this.datasource.GetTarget(this.source,prop,true);
-  if (oldtarget!=null){
-    this.datasource.Change(this.source,prop,oldtarget,target);
-  }
-  else {
-    this.datasource.Assert(this.source,prop,target,true);
-  }
-  function (prop,oldtarget,newtarget)
-  prop=this.makeres(prop);
-  oldtarget=this.makelit(oldtarget);
-  newtarget=this.makelit(newtarget);
-  this.datasource.Change(this.source,prop,oldtarget,newtarget);
-  function (prop,oldsource,newsource)
-  prop=this.makeres(prop);
-  oldsource=this.makeres(oldsource);
-  newsource=this.makeres(newsource);
-  this.datasource.Move(oldsource,newsource,prop,this.source);
-  function (prop,target)
-  prop=this.makeres(prop);
-  target=this.makelit(target);
-  return this.datasource.HasAssertion(this.source,prop,target,true);
-  function (prop,target)
-  prop=this.makeres(prop);
-  target=this.makelit(target);
-  this.datasource.Unassert(this.source,prop,target);
-  function ()
-  return new RDFEnumerator(this.datasource.ArcLabelsOut(this.source),this.datasource);
-  function ()
-  return new RDFEnumerator(this.datasource.ArcLabelsIn(this.source),this.datasource);
-  function (prop)
-  prop=this.makeres(prop);
-  return this.datasource.hasArcOut(this.source,prop);
-  function (prop)
-  prop=this.makeres(prop);
-  return this.datasource.hasArcIn(this.source,prop);
-  function (prop)
-  prop=this.makeres(prop);
-  return this.rlify(this.datasource.GetTarget(this.source,prop,true));
-  function (prop)
-  prop=this.makeres(prop);
-  var src=this.datasource.GetSource(prop,this.source,true);
-  if (src==null) return null;
-  var res=new RDFNode();
-  res.Init(src,this.datasource);
-  return res;
-  function (prop)
-  prop=this.makeres(prop);
-  return new RDFEnumerator(
-    this.datasource.GetTargets(this.source,prop,true),this.datasource);
-  function (prop)
-  prop=this.makeres(prop);
-  return new RDFEnumerator(
-    this.datasource.GetSources(prop,this.source,true),this.datasource);
-  function ()
-  this.container=RDFContainerUtilsService.MakeBag(this.datasource,this.source);
-  function ()
-  this.container=RDFContainerUtilsService.MakeSeq(this.datasource,this.source);
-  function ()
-  this.container=RDFContainerUtilsService.MakeAlt(this.datasource,this.source);
-  function ()
-  return RDFContainerUtilsService.isBag(this.datasource,this.source);
-  function ()
-  return RDFContainerUtilsService.isSeq(this.datasource,this.source);
-  function ()
-  return RDFContainerUtilsService.isAlt(dsource,this.source);
-  function ()
-  return RDFContainerUtilsService.IsContainer(this.datasource,this.source);
-  function ()
-  if (this.makecontain()){
-    return this.container.GetCount();
-  }
-  return -1;
-  function ()
-  if (this.makecontain()){
-    return new RDFEnumerator(this.container.GetElements(),this.datasource);
-  }
-  else return null;
-  function (child,exists)
-  if (this.makecontain()){
-    var childres=null;
-    if (typeof child == "string"){
-      childres=RDFService.GetResource(child);
-      child=new RDFNode();
-      child.Init(childres,this.datasource);
-    }
-    else childres=child.source;
-    if (!exists && this.container.IndexOf(childres)>=0) return child;
-    this.container.AppendElement(childres);
-    return child;
-  }
-  else return null;
-  function (child,idx)
-  if (this.makecontain()){
-    var childres=null;
-    if (typeof child == "string"){
-      childres=RDFService.GetResource(child);
-      child=new RDFNode();
-      child.Init(childres,this.datasource);
-    }
-    else childres=child.source;
-    this.container.InsertElementAt(childres,idx,true);
-    return child;
-  }
-  else return null;
-  function (child)
-  if (this.makecontain()){
-    var childres=null;
-    if (typeof child == "string"){
-      childres=RDFService.GetResource(child);
-      child=new RDFNode();
-      child.Init(childres,this.datasource);
-    }
-    else childres=child.source;
-    this.container.RemoveElement(childres,true);
-    return child;
-  }
-  else return null;
-  function (idx)
-  if (this.makecontain()){
-    var childres=this.container.RemoveElementAt(idx,true);
-    return this.rlify(childres);
-  }
-  else return null;
-  function (child)
-  if (this.makecontain()){
-    return this.container.IndexOf(child.source);
-  }
-  else return -1;
-function RDFLiteral(val,dsource)
-  if (val==null) this.source=null;
-  else this.source=RDFService.GetLiteral(val);
-  if (dsource==null) this.datasource=null;
-  else this.datasource=dsource.datasource;
-  function (source,dsource)
-  this.source=source;
-  this.datasource=dsource;
-  function ()
-  return this.source.Value;
-  function (val)
-  if (typeof val == "string") return RDFService.GetResource(val);
-  else return val.source;
-  function (val)
-  if (typeof val == "string") return RDFService.GetLiteral(val);
-  else return val.source;
-  function (prop,oldsource,newsource)
-  prop=this.makeres(prop);
-  oldsource=this.makeres(oldsource);
-  newsource=this.makeres(newsource);
-  this.datasource.Move(oldsource,newsource,prop,this.source);
-  function (prop)
-  return new RDFEnumerator(this.datasource.ArcLabelsIn(this.source),this.datasource);
-  function (prop)
-  prop=this.makeres(prop);
-  return this.datasource.hasArcIn(this.source,prop);
-  function (prop)
-  prop=this.makeres(prop);
-  var src=this.datasource.GetSource(prop,this.source,true);
-  if (src==null) return null;
-  var res=new RDFNode();
-  res.Init(src,this.datasource);
-  return res;
-  function (prop)
-  prop=this.makeres(prop);
-  return new RDFEnumerator(
-    this.datasource.GetSources(prop,this.source,true),this.datasource);
-function RDFEnumerator(enumeration,dsource)
-  this.enumeration=enumeration;
-  this.datasource=dsource;
-  function ()
-  return this.enumeration.hasMoreElements();
-  function ()
-  var res=null;
-  var val=this.enumeration.getNext();
-  if (val!=null){
-    try {
-      val=val.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
-      res=new RDFNode();
-      res.Init(val,this.datasource);
-    }
-    catch (ex){
-      try {
-        val=val.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
-        res=new RDFLiteral();
-        res.Init(val,this.datasource);
-      }
-      catch (ex2){
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return res;
--- a/xul/annota/tools_dialog.xul	Fri Feb 27 11:06:54 2004 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/global.css" type="text/css"?>
-<dialog id="donothing" title="tool path"
-        xmlns=""
-        buttons="accept,cancel"
-        ondialogaccept="return doOK();"
-        ondialogcancel="return doCancel();">
-<label control="digilib_path" value="tool path (where you can find digilib.jsp)"/>
-<textbox id="digilib_path"/>
-function doOK()
-  window.arguments[1](document.getElementById('digilib_path').value);
-  return true;
-function doCancel()
-  return true;
--- a/xul/install_sidebar.jsp	Fri Feb 27 11:06:54 2004 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-<%@page contentType="text/html" import="java.util.*"%>  
-    String serverName = request.getServerName();
-    int serverPort = request.getServerPort();
-    String serverPATH = request.getRequestURI();
-    int lastSlash = serverPATH.lastIndexOf("/");
-    serverPATH=serverPATH.substring(0, lastSlash);
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<script language="JavaScript">
-<!-- simple one-line side-bar-installer , addPanel("title in sidebar","url","url to customize tab. is optional")
-// deluxe sidebar installer with browser testing 
- function addSidebarPanel(name, url) {
- 	if ((typeof window.sidebar == "object") && (typeof window.sidebar.addPanel == "function")) 
-	{ 
-		window.sidebar.addPanel (name,url,""); 
-	} 
-	else 
-	{ 
-		alert ("To use this functionality a Netscape 6+ or Mozilla browser is needed !"); 
-	}
- } 
-<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
-<div align=center>
-<br> <br>
-<!-- installing tab into sidebar with javascript inside form-->
-  Digilib-Buttons im Sidebar
-  <br>
-  <input type="submit" name="Abschicken" value="Install Button-List into Sidebar!" onClick="javascript:sidebar.addPanel('DIGILIB-Buttons', 'http://<%=serverName%>:<%=serverPort%><%=serverPATH%>/buttons.xul','');">
-  <br><br>
--- a/xul/menu.js	Fri Feb 27 11:06:54 2004 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2003 WTWG, Uni Bern
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA
-Author: Christian Luginbuehl, 01.05.2003 , Version Alcatraz 0.3
-function rotate() {
-  value = prompt("Enter absolute rotation angle in degrees (clockwise orientation) :");
-  if (value) {
-    window.content.rotation(value);
-  }
-function color_add() {
-  value = prompt("Enter the values you like to add to the red, green and blue color channel.\n\nFormat is R/G/B, where R,G,B are floating numbers between -255 and +255.");
-  if (value) {
-    values = value.split("/");
-    if (values.length != 3) alert("Illegal format");
-    else if ((values[0] < -255) || (values[0] > 255)) alert("Illegal value for red");
-    else if ((values[1] < -255) || (values[1] > 255)) alert("Illegal value for green");
-    else if ((values[2] < -255) || (values[2] > 255)) alert("Illegal value for blue");
-    else window.content.rgba(value);
-  }
-function color_multiply() {
-  value = prompt("Enter the values you like to multiply with the different color channels.\n\nFormat is R/G/B, where R,G,B are floating numbers bigger than 0.");
-  if (value) {
-    values = value.split("/");
-    if (values.length != 3) alert("Illegal format");
-    else if (values[0] < 0) alert("Illegal value for red");
-    else if (values[1] < 0) alert("Illegal value for green");
-    else if (values[2] < 0) alert("Illegal value for blue");
-    else window.content.rgbm(value);
-  }
-function showMetadata(myurl){
-   var arrUrl=myurl.split("?");
-   var strDigilib=arrUrl[0];
-   var strParams=arrUrl[1];
-   var strArguments=strParams.split("&");
-   var strDocDir="";
-   for (i=0;i<strArguments.length;i++){
-      var strArg=strArguments[i];
-      var intPos=strArg.indexOf("fn=");
-      if (intPos>=0){
-         strDocDir=strArg.substr(intPos+3);
-      }
-   }
-   if (strDocDir == ""){
-      alert("no metadata available");
-   }else{
-"showMetadata.jsp?docdir="+strDocDir,"Metadata "+strDocDir,"menubar=no scrollbars=yes height=400 width=600");
-   }
-function checkBrowser() {
-    = navigator.userAgent;
-	this.ver   = navigator.appVersion;
-	this.dom   = ( document.getElementById );
-	this.opera = ( this.dom ) && ("opera") > -1 );
-	this.ie4   = ( document.all ) && ( !this.dom );
-	this.ie5   = ( this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 5") > -1 ) && ( this.dom );
-	this.ie6   = ( this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 6") > -1 ) && ( this.dom );
-	this.ns4   = ( document.layers ) && ( !this.dom );
-	this.ns6   = ( this.dom ) && ( parseInt(this.ver) >= 5 ) && ( !this.opera );
-	this.ns    = this.ns4 || this.ns6;
-    = this.ie4 || this.ie5 || this.ie6;
-	return this;
-browser = new checkBrowser();
-function overButton(n) {
-  if (showHelp) contextHelp(n);
-// just to be sure, that no buffer overflow can arrive
-var semaphor = true;
-function contextHelp(n) {
-  if (helpWindow.closed) {
-    changeHelp();
-    return;
-  }
-  if ((navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Macintosh") < 0) && semaphor) {
-    semaphor = false;
-    var tmpHelp = helpText[n];
-    tmpHelp = tmpHelp.replace(/\(br\)/,"<br>");
-    var help = tmpHelp.split("|");
-    helpWindow.focus();
-    helpWindow.document.write('<html><head><title>Context Help</title>');
-    helpWindow.document.write('<style type="text/css">');
-    helpWindow.document.write('.title {font-family: Verdana, sans-serif, Arial; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #FFFFFF}');
-    helpWindow.document.write('.text {font-family: Verdana, sans-serif, Arial; font-size: 10px; color: #000000}');
-    helpWindow.document.write('</style></head><body bgcolor="#CCCCCC" leftmargin="7" topmargin="7" marginwidth="7" marginheight="7" onload="opener.semaphor = true;">');
-    helpWindow.document.write('<table width="99%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"><tr><td bgcolor="#666666" class="title">');
-    helpWindow.document.write(help[0] + '</tr><tr><td class="text">');
-    helpWindow.document.write(help[1] + '</tr></td></table></body></html>');
-    helpWindow.document.close();
-    // stupid workaround because of netscape 6, that doesen't know the opener property
-    // this workaround is still ok because netscape 6 has eventbuffer checks so no overflow
-    if (browser.ns6) {
-      semaphor = true;
-    }
-		// next stupid workaround because of opera 6, that somehow don't start the 'onLoad'-
-		// attribute in the body tag (the helpwindow does not finish loading)
-		if (browser.opera) {
-		  setTimeout("semaphor = true;", 50);
-		}
-  }
-function openContextHelp() {
-  if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Macintosh") > -1) {
-    openContextHelpMac();
-    return;
-  }
-  semaphor = false;
-  var winWidth = 270;
-  var winHeight = 130;
-  var xScreen = 0.9*(screen.width-winWidth);
-  var yScreen = 0.8*(screen.height-winHeight);
-  helpWindow ="", "ContextHelp", "width=" + winWidth + ",height=" + winHeight + ",screenX=" + xScreen + ",screenY=" + yScreen + ",left=" + xScreen + ",top=" + yScreen);
-  helpWindow.focus();
-  helpWindow.document.write('<html><head><title>Context Help</title>');
-  helpWindow.document.write('<style type="text/css">');
-  helpWindow.document.write('.title {font-family: Verdana, sans-serif, Arial; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #FFFFFF}');
-  helpWindow.document.write('.text {font-family: Verdana, sans-serif, Arial; font-size: 10px; color: #000000}');
-  helpWindow.document.write('</style></head><body bgcolor="#CCCCCC" leftmargin="7" topmargin="7" marginwidth="7" marginheight="7">');
-  helpWindow.document.write('<table width="99%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"><tr><td bgcolor="#666666" class="title">');
-  helpWindow.document.write('Context Help</tr><tr><td class="text">');
-  helpWindow.document.write('Move over any button to get some more information about its function</tr></td></table></body></html>');
-  helpWindow.document.close();
-  // for some safety reason help-requests have to be blocked while opening the window
-  setTimeout("semaphor = true;", 200);
-// because macs have a strange window focus behaviour we have to go a special
-// way for them - just opening a window that contains all button-descriptions
-function openContextHelpMac() {
-  var winWidth = 270;
-  var winHeight = 600;
-  var xScreen = 0.9*(screen.width-winWidth);
-  var yScreen = 0.8*(screen.height-winHeight);
-  helpWindow ="", "ContextHelp", "width=" + winWidth + ",height=" + winHeight + ",screenX=" + xScreen + ",screenY=" + yScreen + ",left=" + xScreen + ",top=" + yScreen + ",scrollbars");
-  helpWindow.focus();
-  helpWindow.document.write('<html><head><title>Context Help Macintosh</title>');
-  helpWindow.document.write('<style type="text/css">');
-  helpWindow.document.write('.title {font-family: Verdana, sans-serif, Arial; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #FFFFFF}');
-  helpWindow.document.write('.text {font-family: Verdana, sans-serif, Arial; font-size: 10px; color: #000000}');
-  helpWindow.document.write('</style></head><body bgcolor="#CCCCCC" leftmargin="7" topmargin="7" marginwidth="7" marginheight="7">');
-  helpWindow.document.write('<table width="99%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">');
-  for (n = 0; n < helpText.length; n++) {
-    help = helpText[n].split("|");
-    helpWindow.document.write('<tr><td bgcolor="#666666" class="title">');
-    helpWindow.document.write(help[0] + '</tr><tr><td class="text">');
-    helpWindow.document.write('<p>' + help[1] + '<br>&nbsp;</p></tr></td>');
-  }
-  helpWindow.document.write('</table></body></html>');
-  helpWindow.document.close();
-function closeContextHelp() {
-  if (helpWindow != '' && !helpWindow.closed) {
-    helpWindow.close();
-  }
-  helpWindow = '';
-function changeHelp() {
-  showHelp = !showHelp;
-  showHelp ? openContextHelp() : closeContextHelp();
-// variable containing the contextwindow
-var helpWindow = '';
\ No newline at end of file