
age author description
2010-01-07 robcast updating to itext-5.0 digilibPDF
2010-01-07 robcast trying to get rid of project file digilibPDF
2009-10-29 robcast digilib now treats all relative paths in digilib-config (also basedir-list) as relative to the webapp.
2009-09-17 hertzhaft popup-menu divs were causing unnecessary scrollbar on body element
2009-09-08 hertzhaft drag zoomed image to new position
2009-09-08 hertzhaft forgot reset button images
2009-09-08 hertzhaft Reset-Button und Funktion
2009-09-07 robcast zeroth version of new js skin jquery
2009-09-07 robcast cleanup of unused classs
2009-09-04 robcast fixes for zoom when birds-eye view open Root_jquery
2009-09-03 robcast fixed datestamp issue
2009-09-03 robcast zoom and pan marks in red
2009-09-03 robcast zoom and pan marks in red
2009-09-03 robcast fixed bug with double-zoom (Transform was broken for Rectangles)
2009-09-03 robcast cleaned pdf-related stuff (now in branch only)
2009-03-27 cmielack documentation and comments added/cleaned up digilibPDF
2009-03-13 cmielack jdom is needed for reading the info.xml digilibPDF
2009-03-13 cmielack *** empty log message *** digilibPDF
2009-03-13 cmielack *** empty log message *** digilibPDF
2009-03-13 cmielack added pdf logo parameter digilibPDF
2009-03-13 cmielack added file location parameters for the PDFCache digilibPDF
2009-03-06 cmielack *** empty log message *** digilibPDF
2009-03-06 cmielack added JSPs for PDF services digilibPDF
2009-03-02 cmielack first functional version of PDFCache after restructuring the code digilibPDF
2009-02-23 cmielack readded support for direct sending of image files digilibPDF
2009-02-23 cmielack added auth ops support digilibPDF
2009-02-23 cmielack completely restructured the scaler digilibPDF
2009-02-13 cmielack changed generation of documentID in PDFCache Root_digilibPDF
2009-02-11 cmielack added a sendRedirect after the creation of a PDF so that the user that requested the document gets to download it upon completion
2009-02-11 cmielack changed download filename
2009-02-11 cmielack Added getImage method to ImageLoaderDocuImage;
2009-02-11 cmielack Added getImage method to ImageLoaderDocuImage;
2009-02-11 cmielack Added getImage method to ImageLoaderDocuImage;
2008-01-22 robcast fixed problem with getwindowsize for safari 3.0.4+
2007-08-02 robcast new servlet version 1.7.0b
2007-08-02 robcast new servlet version 1.7.0b
2007-08-02 robcast new servlet version 1.7.0b
2007-05-28 robcast try to fix small problem with version number display
2007-05-28 robcast try to fix small problem with version number display
2007-05-12 robcast Servlet version 1.16.1
2007-05-12 robcast Servlet version 1.16.1
2007-05-11 hertzhaft Fixed a bug when the clicked zoom area was too small
2007-05-11 hertzhaft Fixed a bug when the clicked zoom area was too small
2007-05-04 hertzhaft fixed a JS error when going forward/backward between pages
2007-05-04 hertzhaft added script that adds css "fixed" attribute for IE
2007-05-04 hertzhaft added script that adds css "fixed" attribute for IE
2007-02-09 robcast new ant build file for digilib (Servlet and Webapp)
2006-11-20 robcast servlet version 1.6.0 ver_1_6
2006-11-20 robcast servlet version 1.6.0
2006-11-20 robcast servlet version 1.6.0
2006-04-13 hertzhaft new Version number
2006-04-12 hertzhaft modified DocuDirent.compareTo instead of ImageFileset.compareTo
2006-04-12 hertzhaft modified DocuDirent.compareTo instead of ImageFileset.compareTo
2006-04-12 hertzhaft modified DocuDirent.compareTo instead of ImageFileset.compareTo
2006-04-07 hertzhaft Bugfix for images not found in dir: added sorting for ArrayLists of ImageFilesets
2006-02-14 robcast Improved performance of JAIDocuImage for large images